Liver Cancer Part 2: After chemoembolization and Radiofrequency Failed, He Turned to Herbs and e-Therapy

TD (S21), 67-year-old Indonesian male had a 7.8 x 6.5 x 8.4 cm mass in his liver. He underwent He underwent six cycles of chemoembolization (TACE) and one radiofrequency ablation procedure. In addition, he received six monthly injection of Zometa. About six months after the completion of the treatments, new growths were found in his liver, around the right and left adrenal glands and T12 of his backbone.

TS decided to give up further medical treatments and came to seek our help on 14 August 2011. He was prescribed Capsule A and B, Liver 1 and Liver 2 tea, Bone Tea and Pain Tea. For his pain, TG underwent the e-Therapy.  Since he has four stents in the arteries of his heart, he was started on Ray therapy, followed by Detox 2 program the next day. Since there was no side effect, TD continued with the e-therapy from 17 to 21 August to 2011. He was happy with what he was doing.

Listen to his conversation.

Gist of our conversation.

TD had lower back pain and was not sleeping well. Otherwise he had no other symptoms.

  1. Since TD has four stents in his heart arteries, we had to be careful. We initially used the Ray e-Therapy using the Ray #29 – Lumbago program. As a result of this treatment, he had 20 percent less pain.
  2. On the second day, TD received e-Therapy using the hand paddle. The program used was Detox #2. As a result of this treatment, there was 50 percent less pain.
  3. On the third day, TD received Detox # 3. His pains and discomforts were reduced by 70 percent.
  4. On the fourth day, TD received Detox #3 and Lumbago # 98 programs. His pains and discomforts were further reduced by 90 percent.
  5. Five days on herbs and e-Therapy TD has less pain, felt better, could sleep well and bowel movements were good. It was time for TD and his wife to go home to Jakarta.
  6. TD was reminded to take care of his diet, take the herbs as prescribed, do the e-Therapy, be happy and think of best possible things that can happen and pray!

We also reminded TD that he is welcome to go to his doctors for more chemotherapy or radiotherapy if he wishes. The decision has to be entirely his.


No one cure can cure liver cancer – that is what we believe after seeing so many tragic cases that come to see us. Coming to CA Care does not mean we can offer a cure either. And patients are told this fact clearly. But what we can do is to offer relief and perhaps an ability to live a normal life. And for how long? No one can tell.

Read full medical history:  Liver Cancer Part 1: Tumour shrunk after chemoembolization (TACE) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) but new growths after six months.

Author: CA Care

In obedience to God's will and counting on His mercies and blessings, and driven by the desire to care for one another, we seek to provide help, direction and relief to those who suffer from cancer.

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