Surgery, 27 times radiation and 16 cycles of chemo failed. Oncologist shrugged and said, “Do more chemo. Try but at same time, just pray.”

More chemo and pray

LW is a 63-year-old lady from Indonesia. This is her sad story.

LW went for a Pap smear every year. Everything seemed okay. In 2014, she was told there was an infection but she need not have to worry!

Not satisfied LW consulted another doctor. She was told she had cancer of the cervix. Immediately she underwent an operation but refused follow-up chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

One year later, a check-up showed that the cancer was still there — meaning the operation did not cure her.

In early 2015, LW came to a private hospital in Penang and underwent 5 cycles of chemotherapy. She also had 25 sessions of radiotherapy and two times of brachytherapy (internal radiation).

In June 2016, examination showed LW still had cancer. She underwent another 6 cycles of chemotherapy. This time radiotherapy was not indicated.

After completion of the treatment, a PET scan on March 2017 showed the cancer did not go away. Again LW underwent another 6 cycles of chemotherapy. The treatment was completed in mid-December 2017.

A PET-CT scan on 9 January 2018 showed the following:

  • Metabolic active lymph nodes in both hila, subcarinal and middle mediastinum — slight decreased in size, measuring 1.6 cm.
  • Metabolic active lymph nodes at para-aortic and para-caval region and bilateral common iliac region — slight increase in size.
  • Metabolic active left cervical lymph node at level 2 — measuring 1.2 cm.
  • Metabolic active left cervical lymph node at level 4 — measuring 1.8 cm.

In simple language, the chemotherapy and radiation treatments thus far did not cure LW.

Chris: Did you ask your oncologist why he cannot cure you?

The oncologist shrugged and could not answer. He only suggested that LW undergo more chemo! Kita berusha saja sambil berdoa (we try and at the same pray!).



What can cancer patients learn from this case — i.e. if you want to learn!

  • Ken Murray is a Family Medicine doctor. He said, Poor knowledge and misguided expections lead to a lot of bad decision. 

Kathleen Phalen in her book, Integrative Medicine, she wrote, We’ve been misguided into thinking that our doctors … are deities capable of performing the greatest of miracles. 

Dr.Edward Creagan (in How NOT to be my patient) said, The doctor does not always know the best … some (patients) still believe that the doctor knows best. We don’t … You can guard against being an innocent victim.

In simple language I would say, Read, educate and empower yourself. It is you and you alone who suffer the consequences of whatever treatments you undergo. Here again, I must say straight and blunt, Cancer patients do not read! They prefer to be led by the nose.

  • Three rounds of chemotherapy (in addition to surgery and radiotherapy) did not cure her cancer, yet LW was asked to more of the same. Is that logical? When will you stop putting poison into your body?

Remember what Albert Einstein said, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • Think back, when chemo after chemo failed, did your doctor ever admit that what he was doing for you is wrong? No? And did he try to find a scapegoat? And why are you so dumb and “insane”?

An Indonesian lady had surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and Tamoxifen. After five years she was told by her oncologist that she was cured! One year later a bone scan showed extensive metastasis to the bones. The oncologist told her it was no fault of anyone, “it is just your luck.” Ho, ho, bad karma? 

Another Indonesian lady had similar treatment for her breast cancer. She had chemos after chemos for almost three years, yet the cancer did go away. Doc., why am I not cured? The oncologist said, Ibu, ini tidak bisa sembuh (Mama, this cannot be cured). This “confession” came after 3 years of chemo and the patient having to sell a piece of land to pay for the RM300,000-treatment. The question to ask, Why is the truth not told at the very beginning, and not after all treatments had failed? 

A young Malaysia lady had breast cancer and her husband brought her to a very famous oncologist. The oncologist told the husband and the patient, No problem the lump is small, Stage 2. I can cure her. Do chemotherapy right away — this afternoon.

The husband trusted this oncologist so much that in his heart he felt God had sent him to this “great” doctor and this doctor is the one who is going to cure his wife — not God. 

This young lady had chemo after chemo — and after spending RM500,000 — she was not cured. Within a year, the cancer spread to her brain. The husband asked the oncologist why? His reply, I am not Jesus. How do I know it will recur.

George Lundberg was fired after 17 years being the editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Reflect seriously what he wrote in his book, Severed Trust, Physicians’ ego is enormous. The god image has been around for ages. They don’t like to make mistake. It’s even hard for them to acknowledge that they are capable of making mistakes. 

In his book, Second Opinions, Jerome Groopman, professor at Harvard Medical School wrote, Physicians are not used to admitting when they are wrong and plainly stating to the patients and family that an error was made … or an incorrect drug prescribed.

Harold Kushner is a Jewish rabbi who I have great respect for. In one of his books he wrote, Many people use God like an aspirin and some use God as antibiotics! 

  • There is no cure for cancer! I have been helping cancer patients for 20 plus years. I have come to the conclusion that there is no cure for cancer! It will come back — 5, 10,or even 20 years later, even after an “apparent” cure!

Let us not fool anyone. So when patients come to CA Care, the first information dished out to you is, If you come to us hoping to find a magic bullet to cure your cancer, then this is the wrong place. We don’t have any magic bullet. We want be honest and truthful from the very beginning.

No cure does not mean you are going to die soon. Far from it. We shall try our best to help you. I have patients who come to us after their doctors said they only 3 to 6 months to live! The reality is some of these patients are still alive after 3 to 10 years! What more do you want?

In this video, this is exactly what I told LW. Everyone has to die one day — it does not matter if you get cancer or not. For each day that you are alive, learn to be grateful to God for being able to see another day. Unfortunately not many patients have this sense of gratitude.

Yes, I believe in the power of prayer. I believe God heals you — not my herbs. I want to be careful not to use God as an aspirin or antibiotic. At CA Care we want you to learn to trust your God — whatever God you believe in, that’s okay with me (even though I am a Christian).

When you pray, ask God to give you the wisdom to do what is right. Ask Him to guide you and show you the correct path to good health. Don’t only ask, you need to WALK that path! Do something positive for yourself.

I think the key to any healing is to realize that good health is your responsibility. You decide whether you want to get sick or to be healthy. God is fair. Don’t blame God for your sickness or failures.






Follow your heart not your head when it comes to deciding whether you should go for chemo /radiation or not

TT is 56-year-old Indonesia lady. She presented as a easy going, cheerful lady who takes care of her health rather seriously. One late morning we got a phone call from her requesting to see us immediately. Her urgency was rather understandable since she was to start her radiotherapy on Monday. We waited for her to come, even though our centre was about to be closed for the day!

This is her story.

In 2013, TT had her routine pap smear. According to her doctor, there was nothing, except some kind of fungus infection. She was given antibiotics. She was okay for 6 months. A checkup 9 months later showed fungal infection again. She was on antibiotics again and was better. But her problem persisted after that. TT was not happy and wanted to solve her problem. She was referred to another doctor. She was found to be positive for HPV (human papilloma virus — a virus associated with cervical cancer).

TT was referred to an oncologist who recommended surgery. TT came to a private hospital in Penang and  underwent a radical hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (that is the removal of the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes (salpingo), and ovaries (oophor) and  omentectomy. Histopathology indicated squamous cell carcinoma, Stage 2B with pelvic involvement.

The operation cost about RM 25,000.

TT was asked to undergo follow up chemotherapy. She met up with 2 oncologists in the hospital. One oncologist suggested 6 cycles of chemo and 30 times radiation. Another oncologist offered 4 cycles of chemo and 20 times radiation plus 2 times of brachytherapy, also known as internal radiotherapy. Obviously, TT was drawn to the second oncologist because of less severe treatment.

During our conservation, we asked TT: Did you ask the oncologist if he could cure you with that treatment? She replied: 60 to 70 % chance of cure. When she asked the oncologist if there was any other option, the answer was: No, no other way. Must do chemo and radiotherapy as soon as possible. It you don’t do quickly the cancer is going to spread and will be more serious.

TT agreed to undergo the recommended treatments. She was scheduled to start treatment on 15 June but unfortunately the oncologist was on leave and her treatment was brought forward to 23 June 2015.

TT came back to Penang in mid June. However, TT said she was not satisfied and felt heavy in her heart. She was not sure if these treatments would be good for her or not. She was in a dilemma and went to see the oncologist again. The oncologist said these to her:

  • Don’t listen to what other people say.
  • The dosage you are going to get is only small dosage.
  • Your hair don’t drop.

TT had no choice. She paid RM 13,000 as an advanced payment for the radiation treatment. Then she drove to a cancer hospital to have her “marked.” TT said as she drove to that hospital she felt she was led to the “slaughter house.” When the young technicians removed her clothing to make markings on her body she felt she was being “processed” for a death. But again, she had no other choice.

Then she went back to the hospital where she was supposed to undergo chemotherapy. She met someone who told her: Let us sit down and pray together. After the prayer this someone said: Why don’t you go back and see the oncologist again and ask him again if you can skip chemotherapy. But for radiotherapy, you have already paid for it.

For the third time, TT went to see the oncologist and express her reservation about chemotherapy. The oncologist told her again:

  • Don’t worry I guarantee that you would not loose even 1 kg after the treatment.
  • If you have no appetite, I shall give something to help you with that.
  • If your blood count is low I will give injections to help avoid infection.

TT was not convinced with the above assurance because staying in the same boarding house was a patient who was undergoing chemotherapy. He was once a very strong man but with the treatment he lost 16 kg and lost his appetite and could not eat. He told TT, if I know I have to go through this, I would rather die.

The next day (i.e. Thursday) after meeting the oncologist, TT decided to go shopping — a way to take pressure off her. On Friday morning, while she was preparing food in her boarding house one person told her this:

  • Who is sick? You are not sick. Don’t go for chemo. It would be a disaster.
  • Before you proceed further with your treatment, go and see this Chris Teo first and talk to him.

So, that Friday, late morning we got a call from TT requesting to see us urgently.

At CA Care, we spent almost an hour talking to TT and her husband.

Knowing that TT was under so much stress and jittery about what she was going into, it would not be fair or ethical to put more pressure on her. In situation like this, we know patients are generally vulnerable and we don’t intend be become “vultures” taking advantage of such desperate patients.  So basically our advice to TT and her husband were as follows:

  • Relax and take it easy. Go home and talk to your God. It’s Friday and you still have until Monday morning to listen to what God has to say. God will not shout out loud to answer you but I believe He will touch your heart in one way or another. Listen to your heart.
  • We tell everyone who comes to us, God will answer your prayer if you sincerely ask Him for guidance. And if He does not answer you, in time of desperate need like this, then there is no reason why you should worship Him day in and day out.
  • Go home first and don’t make any decision yet, not until you have done your part. Read these two comic books: Knowing The Truth May Save Your Life And Money and The Treacherous Journey. At least before you ask God to help you, you need to help yourself first. Go home and read. At most you need only 1 or 2 hours to understand the messages in these books.
  • Come and see us again if you decide you don’t want to follow up with your oncologist. But if you decide you want to go ahead with your chemo /radiotherapy, then go ahead.
  • Nobody should decide for you what you should do.
  • Follow what your heart says for that is where God speaks to you.
  • For now, there is no need to take any herbs — why the rush? You do not get cancer only yesterday!
  • There is no need to pay any consultation fee. God bless you and guide you.

TT and her husband understood our message and their facial expressions showed they felt very happy indeed. There was no compulsion, no threat, no sales talk! This has always been our way — to help those who need our help as honestly as we know how.

Monday — TT and her husband came back to see us again. The first word that out of her husband was, God has spoken to us. The husband read the books aloud while TT relaxed and listened. The story of Ella inspired her a lot, No chemo you live only three months, with chemo two and a half years! 

Tuesday — We chatted with TT and her husband to know more of what had happened. Watch this video (in Bahasa Indonesia) to get more details.

TT was determined that she was not going for chemotherapy or radiotherapy as recommended by her oncologist. By reading and knowing more she and her husband felt that there is another option — not radiation or chemo. We make it clear to them that this important (life and death) decision has to be TT’s decision. She had made her choice and she should be prepared to enjoy or suffer the consequences of that decision. TT said, I felt very much relief. Peace! The heavy load in my heart has been lifted away.

You have already paid RM 15,000 as a deposit for your radiotherapy. What has happened to that money? That’s another story to follow.




Cervical Cancer: Look Up To God For Guidance

Part 1: Cervical Cancer: Oncologist said 70 percent cure if you do chemo and radiotherapy.

WD, 39-year-old, was diagnosed with Stage 2A cervical cancer. She declined chemotherapy and radiotherapy as offered by her oncologist. She came to seek our help instead. Yes, I was ready to help her through this ordeal but at the same time, this case bothered me very much. In an earlier article, I have discussed why there is no right or wrong answer for cervical cancer. WD did not want to undergo further medical treatment and she came with full hope that we at CA Care would be able to offer her an alternative method of healing.

The following are excerpts of our conversation that day:

Chris: I understand. And it is difficult for me to tell you to go or not to go for medical treatment. What can happen if you don’t go for medical treatment? It is indeed difficult for me to answer that. This is because I know that there is no cure for cancer. Of course, if you go for surgery the doctor can remove the “rotten tissue” away. But as it is the doctor did not think it was the right thing to do for you. In such a situation, I suggest that you be patient and pray. To whom do you pray?

WD: I pray to Buddha.

C: Ask Buddha what you need to do now.

WD: I have already done that. And Buddha told me to let go of my problems. Don’t harbour negative thoughts, be positive in my thinking. I would be healed.

C: Did you ask Buddha specifically if you should go for chemo and radiotherapy?

WD: Yes, I did ask that question. Buddha asked me to come and see you. I told Buddha I have 2 options – chemo or herbal therapy. Buddha told me to go for herbal therapy.

Husband: We presented the medium with two name cards – the oncologist’s name card and your CA Care name card.

WD: After meditation on the name cards, the medium said I should go to CA Care. This is because you (Dr. Teo) is my guardian angel.

C: Did you know if the medium knows about CA Care before?

WD: No, no. The medium does not know about CA Care.

Husband: We were confused and did not know what to do next. That was why we went to pray to Buddha (in Medan) and asked for his guidance. After chanting and mediation for some time the medium gave us the answer.

WD: The medium picked up your card and asked us to see you.

C: Where did you get our name card?

WD: A taxi driver gave us your card. We were waiting for the bus after coming out of the hospital. We were not going to take any taxi but somehow we met a taxi driver by the roadside and he started to talk to us. He suggested the we go to CA Care if we wanted to look for another alternative instead of chemo or radiotherapy. He then searched his taxi and found your card and gave it to us.


In life, I have always respected Spirituality. Although I am a Christian I also have high respect for other religions. So, all those who come and see us, I have this to say: Go and seek the help of your God if you need guidance. There is only that much any human being can do to help you with your cancer. At the end of it all, it is just our hands but God who really heals you.

Along the way in life, I also learned that things happen for a reason. God answers prayers, but the answer given may not be what you want to hear or understand. Over the years, I have seen patients being healed for reasons that I cannot explain. And I say – you DON’T need an explanation. What matters is it happened and that is enough. Let us turn to Spirituality for guidance.

In the case of WD. I felt I have a heavy burden on my shoulder. She was so full of hope and trust when she came to us. As much as I feel she has a fighting chance to heal herself, I cannot be sure that she will be healed because no mortal can decide that. This then becomes my nightmare. What if I mislead her? Either way, the path does not seem to be right. In the earlier article I have related some messed up cases of medical treatment for cervical cancer. I don’t want WD to end up like those unfortunate patients. Even if WD were to do nothing, I believe, based on my experience she would not be any worse than those messed-up medical cases which I have come across (see Part 1: Cervical Cancer: Oncologist said 70 percent cure if you do chemo and radiotherapy). .

I reflect on some of the cervical cases I have helped. I am glad that we could help these people. With much respect  I pray that Buddha had given WD the correct guidance when she was told to come and seek our help.

Let me share with you some of our success stories.

1.    Cervical Cancer Stage 2A –Survived Five Years With Herbs Only, Refused Radiotherapy

This was a 70-year-old lady. She was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix, Stage 2A, in May 2000. She declined medical treatments and came to seek our help. She was on herbs. Unfortunately, in November of 2004, this patient had to take care of her grandchild, was under a lot of stress and decided  not to take her herbs that kept her alive all these years. Then she started to take all the “bad food.” About two months later, she suffered a relapse. Later we learned that she died.

2. You Can Give Me Anything But Not Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy

Yin was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix in 1999. This was followed by an operation. Since everything was clean, no further treatment was indicated. Barely four years later, in August 2003,Yin suffered severe pains in her backbone. The CT scan indicated a small right thyroid nodule and bilateral pleural effusion (fluid in both lungs).

Yin was 67 years old when she suffered this recurrence. Consultation with three oncologists in Kuala Lumpur yielded the same opinion – Go for chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  However, the treatment would be only palliative. It would not cure her. At best it was only to promote her quality of life. The prognosis by these cancer experts was six months to live! Yin said she would rather die than undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She had seen how two of her brothers suffered and died while undergoing these treatments.

Yin’s son decided to bring his mother to see us on 23 September 2003. Yin was started on Capsule A, Cervical Tea, Utero-ovary Tea, Bone Tea, Lung Tea and C-Tea. Within six months after taking these herbs, Yin’s life was restored to normalcy and she was free of pains.

Yin died in 2011 because of a heart attack, not because of her cancer.  She had been taking the herbs for EIGHT years.

3. Melisa Abandoned Medical Treatments, After Much Damage Being Done

Melisa as discussed in Part 1 of this article had a hysterectomy for her Stage 1b cervical cancer. This was followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. She ended up having to go in and out of the hospital due to pains, fevers and temperatures due to pus in her abdomen. The cancer had spread to the lungs and liver.  She went to Singapore for more chemotherapy. After the third shot of chemo she “preferred to die rather than complete the treatments.” Melisa came to seek our help and regained her health and lived for a few more years without any pain, etc. She suffered a relapse after her husband left her for another woman. She died soon after that.

4.  Cervical Cancer Stage 3B: Health Restored After Taking Herbs and Giving Up Chemo-radiation Treatments

The Ai Hoa (TAH) is a 78 year old lady from Indonesia. In May 2008 she had chocolate-coloured vaginal discharge. She consulted a gynaecologist and was told there was nothing wrong. In February 2009, the discharge recurred. She consulted another gynaecologist and was again told the same thing – nothing was wrong. (Reflect, this is the same story like WD!) Later in Singapore TAH was diagnosed with cervical cancer. She underwent concurrent chemo-radiation. TAH received 28 times of radiation treatment and 3 times of brachytherapy (internal).  Each chemo treatment was repeated weekly. The drugs used were cisplatin and 5-FU. After four doses of chemo (to receive a total of 8) TAH developed significant myelosuppression (lowering of white and red blood cells).  Chemotherapy was suspended temporarily.Her daughter read our book, Kanker: Mengapa Mereka Hidup (the Indonesian version of Cancer: Why They Live).  This led her to CA Care. After four weeks on the herbs TAH felt better.  Her facial expression improved. She could sit in her daughter’s bread shop for one whole morning. Previously she could not do so even for half an hour and had to go upstairs and lie down. TAH regained her health and decided to give up chemo and radiotherapy.


                                                    Here is The Ai Hoa – 11 January 2014.                                 She has been taking CA Care’s herbs for almost 5 years now after giving up chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Cervical Cancer: Oncologist said 70 percent cure if you do chemo and radiotherapy

Part 2: Cervical Cancer: Look Up To God For Guidance

WD (S-536) is a 39-year-old lady from Indonesia. Sometime in May 2013, she had a routine Pap smear and was told that everything was alright. Three months later, she had bleeding after sex. In November 2013, she did another Pap smear. Again WD was told there was nothing wrong! Unfortunately, the bleeding did not go away.

In February 2014, WD came to a private hospital in Penang for further check up. The gynaecologist did a biopsy and the result indicated an invasive non-keratinising moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, large cell variety. It was a Stage 2A cervical cancer.

A CT done on 14 February 2014 (below) indicated cervical carcinoma with no evidence of local infiltration or distant metastasis.


According to the gynaecologist, surgery was not indicated and there was nothing he could offer her. WD was then referred to an oncologist. WD was told she had to undergo 25 to 28 times of radiation treatment and 5 cycles of chemotherapy.  Chemotherapy would cost RM 2,500 per cycle while the total cost for radiotherapy would be RM7,500.

WD came to seek our help on 20 February 2014. The following are excerpts of our conversation that day.

Chris: You have been asked to go for chemo and radiation. Did you ask if these treatments are going to cure you?

WD: Seventy percent cure. The oncologist said, “if you want 100 percent then go to God.” (Pointing up) ha, ha.

C: Did you ask about the side effects?

WD: I shall have menopause. Apart from that there would be no other problems. I would be given “good” medicine that does not cause vomiting or hair loss.

C: It looks like the treatment is not going to cause you any problem then.

WD: Yes, but yesterday after talking to the oncologist, I saw patients in the waiting room. Some of them had difficulties and had to be fed. So I told my  husband I do not want to be like that.

C: You were told you would be okay, but what you saw in the waiting room was a different picture!

WD: There is another reason why I did not want to go for chemo. Before they did the CT scan for me, they gave me an injection (contrast agent). Look at my hand now – blue black and it has been like this for already a week.


I was not able to eat for 2 days after the CT scan. I had non-stop diarrhoea.

My friend had breast cancer and she went for chemo in Singapore. After 2 years the cancer spread to all over her body. She just died a few months ago.


WD is a sweet, upbeat lady with a positive attitude. It is indeed sad that she ended up with cancer at 39. When she came to ask for help, I was dumbfounded – wanting to offer her another option but not knowing what the outcome could be. Either way, there is no right or wrong answer. Let me explain my dilemma.

Sweet Statistics:

I started to read Chapter 3 – Invasive Cervical Cancer of the book, Clinical Gynecologic Oncology by Philip Disaia and William Creasman.

  • The cause of cervical cancer is unknown but its development seems related to multiple insults and injuries sustained by the cervix. Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix is virtually nonexistent in a celibate population.
  • Currently, greater attention is being paid to the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection of the cervix as a link to etiology.
  • Some 85 to 90 percent of cervical cancers are squamous cell and the majority of the remaining 10 percent are adenocarcinomas.
  • The earlier tumors are detected and treated, the better the chances of cure.

How best to treat the patient?

  • The choice of treatment demands clinical judgment …the choice lies between surgery and radiotherapy.
  • In most institutions the initial method of treatment for locally advanced disease is radiotherapy, both intracavitary (cesium or radium) and external x-ray therapy.
  • Of 2,000 patients treated with radiotherapy at MD Anderson Hospital. Fletcher reports the following 5-year cure rates:

Stage 1    –  91.5%

Stage 2a  –  83.5%

Sage 2b   –  66.5%

Stage 3a  –  45.0%

Stage 3b  –  36.0%

Stage 4    –   14.0%

  • Currie reported the results of 552 radical operations for cancer of the cervix.

Stage 1    –  86.3%

Stage 2a  –  75.0%

Sage 2b   –  58.9%

Other stages – 34.1%

  • In general, in early stages, comparable survival rates result from both treatment techniques – surgery or radiation.
  • Among the disadvantages of radiation therapy:

One must consider the permanent injury to the tissues of the normal organ bed of the neoplasm and the possibility of second malignancies developing in this bed.

Many  lesions were not radiosensitive and some patients had metastatic disease in regional lymph nodes that were alleged to  be radioresistant.

  • Among the disadvantages of radical surgery:

Postoperative bladder dysfunction.

Formation of ureteral fistulae and lymphocysts, pelvic infection and hemorrhage.

  • Chemotherapy:

Various regimens have been used. Most of the regimens have been platinum-based combinations, often including bleomycin and vincristine.

Dramatic reductions in the size of the neoplasm have been documented after as little as 3 courses or 3 weeks of therapy.


The oncologist told WD she has a 70 percent chance of cure if she was to go for chemo and radiation therapy. What is said is consistent with medical literature … for Stage 2A the 5-year cure rate is 75 to 83 percent. Very impressive statistics indeed except that these figures are based on the results of what others did in other parts of the world. What about the results in Penang hospitals? What is this oncologist’s personal experience? Is it the same? Many cases has he treated and at what success rate?

The oncologist also said that if you want a 100 percent cure rate, you have to turn to God! Oncologist can only cure 70 percent! The oncologist did not tell WD what happened to the 30 percent who did not make it. And more relevant still, is which group WB belongs to … the 70 percent success or 30 percent failed group? Nobody can answer that.  WD may  just belong to the failed group like these cases below.

I started to wonder about the stand taken by the gynaecologist. After the biopsy he sent WD to the oncologist. This is just a Stage 2A cancer yet he did NOT consider surgery beneficial? Why? Medical literature says surgery is as effective as radiotherapy for early stage cervical cancer. Why did he not suggest surgery? Is it because he knows from experience that surgery does not work? My guess is not a “wild guess.” Melissa had only Stage 1B cervical cancer and had surgery at this very same hospital. She followed up with chemo and radiotherapy and it turned out to be a great disaster.

As I am writing this story, there is another case of cervical cancer.  This is a 62-year-old lady. She was diagnosed with Stage 1B cervical cancer and had undergone a radical surgery. Unfortunately the pathology report after surgery showed the cancer had spread to her pelvic nodes, right ovary, myometrium and endometrium.   Ask this question: in this case, is this RM15,000-surgery really beneficial for the patient. It does not appear to be so — perhaps just a futile effort. The daughter asked the doctor, “Can surgery cure her?” The answer given was, “Not sure but it is better to have it removed.” Based on the above statistics, surgery for Stage 1 cervical cancer had a 86 percent chance of cure. Do you believe that?

Let me share with you some of the cases I came across over the years.

1. Cervical Cancer: Eighty-nine Percent Chance of Cure Vanished With the Collapse of Her Right Lung Four Months After Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy

BH underwent radiotherapy. She was told that there was a eighty-nine percent chance that she would be cured. BH had 25 sessions of external beam radiation and 3 sessions of brachytherapy (i.e. internal radiation).  In addition BH received 2 cycles of chemotherapy. BH said she was well after the treatment.  She came back for a check up on 25 November 2011 and was told everything was alright. She “believed” she was cured. However, barely four months later, 15 February 2012, a CT scan showed the cancer had spread to the lymph nodes and lungs.

2. Cervical Cancer, Stage 2B Gone Wild Within Six Months – Why?

Amy (not real name) was a 39 year old lady from Indonesia.  Amy came to a private hospital in Penang for further investigation. Physical examination showed presence of a huge mass arising from the.  The doctor indicated it was a cervical adenocarcinoma, Stage 2B. Amy underwent 25 sessions of radiotherapy and at the same time received 5 cycles of chemotherapy. The drug used was cisplatin given at weekly interval.  Amy   also underwent 2 sessions of brachytherapy (internal radiotherapy). The treatment did not cure her at all – within 6 months the cancer had gone wild!

3.  Cervical Cancer Stage 2A – After Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, She Died Within 1 year 8 months

Mother, an Indonesian, was 64 years old. She was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix, Stage 2A in December 2000. She underwent 26 times of radiation and 6 cycles of chemotherapy. The cancer recurred after a year. She had radiotherapy again for 11 times. Her health deteriorated and she was in severe pain. Mother died 1 year and 8 months after being diagnosed with cervical cancer.

4. Melisa Abandoned Medical Treatments, After Much Damage Being Done

Melisa was a 44-year old female.  She underwent a hysterectomy for her cancer of the cervix, Stage 1b.  After the operation, she underwent 25 times of radiation treatments and one time of brachytherapy (internal therapy). Melisa ended up having to go in and out of the hospital due to pains, fevers and temperatures. Later, a scan showed there was pus in her abdomen and the cancer had spread to the lungs and liver.  Melisa ended up in a hospital in Singapore – in search for a cure. The doctor at first suggested that she undergo surgery to remove the infected parts. Melisa questioned how surgery could help her when her entire liver and lungs were infected with cancer? She declined surgery but went ahead with chemotherapy. The first shot of chemotherapy was tolerable but the second and third shots were real bad. She preferred to die rather than complete the treatments.

5. The Biggest Mistake I Have Ever Made

Jonathan Chamberlain’s wife, Bernadette, was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1993. She had surgery, radiation and chemotherapy and was dead exactly a year later. There is no doubt that she died as much from the treatment as from the cancer itself. Looking back, Chamberlain feels that the biggest mistake they have ever made was to do what the doctors advised because Bernadette could not have died sooner if they had done nothing.

In his book: Cancer Recovery Guide, pg. 28, Jonathan Chamberlain wrote: When my wife Bernadette learned that despite all the surgery, radiation and chemotherapy her tumour had returned, she was informed that she had three months to live. She was told this on 17 January. She died on 16 April. Three months  exactly.

In our conversation (Jonathan-Chris, in Penang), Jonathan said: From my own experience with my wife, we were in awe of the doctors …. We were in awe of our ignorance. We assumed that the doctors were best … I realized that was the biggest mistake I have ever made – to do what the doctors advise. You learn the hard way. She (wife) suffered from chemotherapy and it killed her. She died not just from cancer. She died from cancer plus chemotherapy. She died within one year because she did everything that the doctor advised her. 

Based on the above experience, it is hard for me to “encourage” anyone to do what their oncologists want them to do. To all patients I have this to say: Do what you think is right for you. But to WD, I told her: Turn to your God for guidance (read our next article).

Let me end by quoting Professor B.M. Hegde, an internationally recognised cardiologist (in his book, What Doctors Don’t Get to Study in Medical School):

  • Doctors start believing in all that they are told and what they get to read. Most of what comes out in the plethora of biomedical journals is fake and doctored, but it is difficult to convince the readers about it (pg.3).
  • Most of what come out in medical literature is not the truth. Medical literature is doctored, tutored and “sexed up” by the powers-that-be before being allowed to be published (pg.274).

Cervical Cancer: A Miraculous Healing

Patient is a 56 year-old-female from Medan, Indonesia. Sometime in March-April 2012, she had abdominal pains followed by bleeding. She had nausea with bloating of her abdomen. The doctor in Medan diagnosed it as cervical cancer. Patient came to a private hospital in Penang because she was unable to pass urine. She was told that this was due to the swelling of her kidney. A catheter was installed. She was then referred to a gynaecologist who told her that her cancer had spread to her bladder.

CT report dated 27 April 2012 indicated: Multiple simple renal cortical cysts seen bilaterally. Moderate right hydronephrosis and hydroureter as well as mild left hydronephrosis and hydroureter seen. Grossly distended urinary bladder. Fuzzy, irregular cervical edges noted. Impression: 1. Grossly distended urinary bladder with bilateral urinary tracts ? back pressure. 2. Fuzzy, irregular cervical edges. Suggest gynaecological assessment.

A biopsy was done and the histopathology report dated 28 April 2012 indicated: Poorly differentiated non keratinising squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix infiltrating the cervical stroma.

Patient was then referred her to an oncologist. The oncologist suggested radiotherapy. Patient and her family refused the treatment and returned to Medan. Patient was told to return of Penang again after three months. However, after a month and a week at home, she was unable to urinate again. The problem was resolved after the previously installed catheter was replaced. Nevertheless, patient suffered pains, nausea and vomiting. She was unable to move her bowels for the past five days and then her urination was blocked again. An attending doctor had to change a catheter to resolve her problems.

1.    Found CA Care

Her children surfed the net for help and found CA Care. They wrote (translated from Bahasa Indonesia):

9 June 2012: Dear Sirs,

On this occasion I beg Dr. Chris K.H. Teo to help treat my mother. I have attached a form that contains information and some problems experienced by my mother. I really hope Dr. Chris K.H. Teo can immediately notify me what to do to help my mother. My family and I always pray for the healing of our mother, and I am very grateful to have been able to know Dr. Chris KH Teo. For giving me your attention I thank you. Sincerely, Az.

Reply: From North Sumatra? Come and see me in Penang. Bring all the medical reports / scans. And also please read: 

13 June 2012: Dr. Chris K.H. Teo.

Through this email I wish to inform you about my mother’s condition. She is so weak that she cannot go to Penang to meet with Dr. Chris. However, our family shall send my father to see Dr. Chris in Penang. Our family plead that Dr. Chris help our mother. For your kind attention, I thank you. Sincerely, Az.

Reply:  Meet me at 10.30 a.m. Friday morning.

15 June 2012: Patient’s husband – Darwin – came to our center and presented this story.

We prescribed her the following herbs: Capsule A, Cervical 1 and Cervical 2 teas, Constipation tea, Bladder tea and Stomach Function tea.

June 19, 2012: Dr. Chris K.H. Teo,

Greetings. Through this email I wish to inform you that after taking the herbal teas from 17 June to 19 June – two days – my mother suffered the following:

a) Sometimes she had fevers (hot-cold) and even chills and shivered.

b) She had no strength to stand up. Today she fell.

c) She passed out blood-red urine with tiny clots – could be blood clots.

d) A part of her stomach felt hot.

e) Her whole body ached.

We request information from Dr. Chris about this development. I would like to know if my mother can take vitamin to improve her stamina. If possible, tell us what is good according to Dr. Chris? We hope for the response from Dr. Chris. Thank you for your attention. Yours truly, Az.

Reply: Only two days on herbs, don’t expect cure that soon!

June 24, 2012: Dr. Dear Chris,

I want to give a report about my mother:

Since taking herbs from 17 June to 21 June 2012 my mother’s condition are as follows:

a)      Hot in the stomach area.

b)      She feels chills.

c)       Whole body with tingling pains in the bones.  She needs help to sit up, stand or walk.

d)      Urination is smooth and she passed out many small, moss-like clumps.

e)      Bowel movements are good.

From 22 June 2012 to today, 24 June, my mother:

a)      Is able to sit and walk by herself because no more pains in the bones.

b)      Heat in the stomach and feeling of chills and shivering have all gone.

c)       However, she has twisting feelings in the abdomen (below the navel).

d)      The pains in the hip come and go. She also has nausea and vomiting.

We pray for your guidance and advice.

13 July 2012: The patient’s husband, Darwin, came to CA Care and reported that his wife’s health has started to improve further from 28 June onwards, i.e., twelve days after taking our herbs.

Darwin is indeed an amazing man. He did all the chores of brewing his wife’s herbs and took full control of caring for her. He produced a diary where he wrote what had happened to his wife each day (see below).

Since this is indeed an amazing healing story, I asked Darwin if I need to cover his face in our video presentation. His replied: No, no need to cover! He would like to share his wife’s healing story with all of us.

Transcription of our conversation on 13 July 2012

2.  The Healing Crisis

Husband: I have been keeping a record of what happened every day since she started to take the herbs.

Chris: You came here in June (15 June 2012) and this is now July (13 July 2012) and she has been taking the herbs for about a month now? Your wife did not come, right? You came on her behalf?

H: That’s right.

C: After taking the herbs for a week – did she suffer?

H: Yes – exactly! These are the details.

  • She had high temperatures – fevers.
  • She felt dizzy.
  • Her abdomen was heaty.
  • Sometimes she trembled or shivered.

C: Before the herbs, did she suffer such problems?

H: No, not at all.

C: After taking the herbs, she had all these problems? For how long?

H. The problem started three days after taking the herbs.  Her abdomen had twisting pains, her whole body ached, her abdomen itched. The problem persisted for about ten days.

C: What happened after the ten days?

H: Her condition stablised. Her appetite improved. By the 12th day her condition returned to normal. On the 16th day she had difficulty urinating. I brought her to the hospital and the doctor replaced her urinary catheter (a urinary catheter is a latex, polyurethane or silicone tube that is inserted into a patient’s bladder via the urethra. This allows the urine to drain freely from the bladder for collection). With the new catheter she was able to pass urine again.

C: Was this done in the hospital?

H: Yes, she was in the hospital for seven days. As the urine flowed out, it also allowed the waste to come out. She started to discharge pus, pieces of rotten tissues – sometimes string-like – with strong foul smell.

C: What? Things like these come out through the tube with her urine?

H: Yes, pieces of rotten flesh and very smelly. Some looked like plastic strings. Sometimes there was blood and pus. Finally the tube got blocked by the debris. A new catheter has to be installed.  To help with the flow, I had to press the tube to break up the debris.

C: Okay, let’s see if I get it right. All these discharge – the rotten tissues, pus, etc – happened before you brought her to the hospital?

H: Yes, before going to the hospital.

C: It means that after taking the herbs, she had all the sufferings you mentioned and on top of it, rotten tissues and pus were discharged through the catheter. Is that right?

H: Yes.

C: It also means that your wife already had a catheter before she started to take the herbs? This was to help her discharge her urine. And after she took the herbs, all these rotten tissues and pus were discharged through the catheter until the device was clogged.

H: Yes, because of that I had to bring her to the hospital and a new catheter was fitted. And she stayed in the hospital for seven days.

C: While in the hospital, did the doctor give her any medication for her cancer?

H: No, only medication to help with her urination.

C: What happened after she came out of the hospital?

H: She became well! But she still continued to discharge these “waste.”

C: And the rotten tissues still came out?

H:  No, no. No more tissues but only pus but only a little – not as much as before.

C: Before you took the herbs, did such thing ever happen?

H: No, no, nothing like that!

Similar Thing Happened in the Philippines

C: Amazing, amazing! I now remember of a similar case. There was a patient from the Philippines. He had Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. The doctor could not do anything except to insert a tube into his abdomen.  After taking the herbs rotten-minced-meat-like tissues flowed out through the tube. It was very smelly. The colour was very dark brown. This rotten tissue kept flowing out of the tube for a few weeks. After two months on the herbs he regained his health. Later an ultrasound showed no more growth in his pancreas.  (For more on this patient:

3.   Health Restored After Herbs


H:  From my thinking, my wife had to undergo a cleansing process. There are too much “germs” inside her and these have to come out. Because of that even the catheter get clogged up. I brought her to the hospital. I told the doctor that she (my wife) is taking herbs for her cancer.

C: What did the doctor say about that?

H: The doctor had no objection with the herbs. It is okay.

C: Amazing! Some doctors get angry if you take herbs. But your doctor is agreeable. That’s the kind of doctor who can help us and co-operate with us. Good, I am happy to hear that.

H: When I met the doctor I asked him to only help drain her urine from the bladder. That was all that I wanted him to do. Even if he prescribed medications, my wife did not take them. The only medications I allowed my wife to take were painkiller and the drip they gave her to help with the urine flow.

Herbs Certainly Helped Her

C: This is really amazing. Do you think that the herbs had helped your wife?

H: Yes, of course. You see doc., after the herbs she had fevers, nausea, vomiting, etc.

C: Okay, when she was in such a condition, what was in your mind?

H: I encouraged my wife to continue with the herbs. Healing was taking place – a cleansing was happening. The cleansing process started from the top and by the 8th day it went down to her lower abdomen and she had so much pain. All her joints and bones all over the body were painful. When she had fevers she trembled.

C: Were you not afraid and wanted to give up?

H: No, she continued to take the herbs. I was giving her all the encouragement.

C: But it was only you who were “pushing” her. What about other people in the family?

H: I was the main person taking care of her. I boiled her herbs. I didn’t trust others to do this chore.

C: Did it not cross your mind that after a week on the herbs – and she had all these problems – you wanted to give up?

H: Sometimes, I did think of that! But your wife and also you doc., did warn me about this healing crisis when I was here for the first time. So I was even more encouraged to proceed. So I persisted. So this month, I did not sleep much having to take care of my wife!

Suffering Before Healing

C: Okay, this is the kind of patient I really want and admire – patient who has such belief and “fighting spirit.” Many patients will write to me after taking herbs for two or three days. They have pains here and there and wanted me to explain why this and that happened. But how am I to know? I am here in Penang and they are there – somewhere so far away in Indonesia, Singapore or Australia. How do you expect me to know and explain everything? But what I know is this – patients would suffer healing crisis after taking the herbs. If you are not prepared to go through this “hump” you will not succeed. This is what I consider the “law of healing.” But many patients will “chicken out” with the slightest discomfort. But good for you that you did not give up and continued taking the herbs.

She Recovered After Twenty-six Days on Herbs

H: Two or three days before I left home to come here today, my wife had recovered. There were no more pains.

C: If you look at her – does she look healthy?

H: Yes, healthy. She can now walk around the house even with her catheter. She could even talk on the phone and laughed. To me she looked healthy.

C: Before the herbs, what were her conditions?

H: She was lethargic and lacked energy.  She had difficulty talking to me over the phone. Her voice was weak and she had pains in her lower abdomen. It was on the 26th day after taking the herbs that I could see her coming to life again and well.

No Poisons for Her

C: What you did for her was correct. We still need the doctors to help us. But what we don’t want is to put poisons into her body.

H: Antibiotics? No, no. We refused that. What we accepted from the doctors were vitamins – okay; painkiller, okay But antibiotics, No!

C: This is a great story. It is patient like this that I really admire.

 4. Beware. The Cancer Can Strike Back

C: You must be aware that her healing journey has just begun. It is not over yet – she is still in the healing process.

H: Yes, exactly.

C: Many patients – after they feel well and don’t feel like dying anymore – they would want to eat this and that.

H: No, no (waving his hands violently). That is not right!

C: So you must be very careful.

H: I am aware of that!

C: Let me warn you again to be careful with what she eats. When she was sick, you took care of her very well and she recovered. Don’t ever change her diet now. After she gets wells, you can slowly introduce one “new” type of food at a time. If that “new food” does not give any problem – you can then introduce another “new” food and see what happens. I can anticipate what your next problem is going to be – it is all about food. So be careful.

Healed Pancreatic Cancer That Turned Rotten

C: Take the case of the patient from the Philippines who had pancreatic cancer I told you earlier. The doctor said he had only three to six months to live. He took herbs and after two months became well. He lived for one and half years! He was able to back to his job –  repairing air-con and fridge. Later, the doctor told him that he was “cured” – no more tumour. He stopped taking the herbs and went back to his “bad” diet. He suffered a relapse and died.

Remember, if your wife suffered a relapse, I am not going to be able to help her again. There is nothing much more that I can do for her.

Don’t Ever Go Back to Your Former “Bad” Diet

C: So this is my reminder again. Now that she has recovered. Remember don’t ever go back to her “bad” diet again. Apart from this diet problem, I do not see any other problem. This is because I have given her enough herbs for her problems. And I am not going to change any of these herbs for now. The only thing is her diet – this is the greatest mistake all cancer patients committed after they get well.

Her Current Problems

C: What are her problems now?

H: Only the urination.

C: Be patient. And did she still discharge those rotten tissues?

H: No more rotten tissues but there is still pus. No blood. No more nausea and vomiting. Even the bloating of her abdomen was resolved.

C: Okay, no need to take that Stomach Function tea for her stomach wind anymore.

H: Yesterday my brother-in-law had a bloated stomach. I gave him the Stomach Function tea. After one night and two days his stomach was flat and he was alright! The herbal tea was effective! (There is no need to cover my face in our video conversation. I would like to share my experience with others).

Cervical Cancer Stage 3B: Health Restored After Taking Herbs and Giving Up Chemo-radiation Treatments

The Ai Hoa (TAH) is a 78 year old lady from Indonesia. In May 2008 she had chocolate-coloured vaginal discharge. She consulted a gynaecologist and was told there was nothing wrong. In February 2009, the discharge recurred. She consulted another gynaecologist and was again told the same story – nothing was wrong.

Her daughter brought TAH to Singapore for further consultation. A PAP smear done on 16 March 2009 indicated high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) / CIN 3.

A biopsy of the cervical tissue was performed and indicated microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma.

A PET-CT scan on 23 March 2009 indicated a hypermetabolic FDG avid cervical mass with diffusely increased uterine avidity which was inseparable from the uterus and the upper part of the vagina. There was multiple FDG avid left iliac, aortocaval, recto-caval and bilateral paraaortic lymph nodes consistent with metastasis. There was no evidence of peritoneal or liver metastases.

Blood test results on 24 March 2009 showed normal hemogram with an ESR of 25 mm/hr. The renal and liver function tests were normal but LDH was 210 (normal <190). Her CEA was 6.9 (n<5) and CA 125 was 124 (n<35). HBsAg was reactive.

TAH was referred to another doctor for evaluation of her elevated CEA and HBsAg. She underwent endoscopy of her GI tract on 26 Match 2009. The result showed normal oesophagus but antral gastritis was noted. She was tested positive for Helicobacter pylori. Colonoscopy showed numerous small sessile polyps in the rectum. On biopsy it showed hyperplasic / metplastic polyps.  She was started on Baraclude (entecavir) for her hepatitis B (carrier).

Bone scan on 28 April 2009 showed increased tracer uptake in the midline of the upper sacrum as well as the left sacral ala, most probably due to degenerative changes, unlikely due to bony metastasis.

On 25 March 2009, TAH underwent concurrent chemo-radiation. TAH received 28 times of radiation treatment and 3 times of brachytherapy (internal).  Each chemo treatment was repeated weekly. The drugs used were cisplatin and 5-FU. After four doses of chemo (to receive a total of 8) TAH developed significant myelosuppression (lowering of white and red blood cells).  Chemotherapy was suspended temporarily.

Cost of Treatment

Not counting other costs, TAH had to pay a total of at least S$ 24,700 for her treatments in Singapore. The breakdown is as follows:

Radiation                                              S$17, 000

Brachytherapy (internal radiation)         S$  4,500

Chemotherapy                                      S$  3,200

Health Worsened After Treatments in Singapore

Chris: When did she complete all her treatments in Singapore?

Daughter:  16 May 2009 and we went home to Indonesia.

With the treatment, was she getting better? Better than before?

No. She felt nauseous and tired. She was not able to sit up for long and had pains in her back.

Before the treatment in Singapore how was mom’s condition? Good or bad?

She was healthy.

Before her treatment and after her treatment – was there any difference?

Yes, different. She was worse off after her treatment in Singapore.

You spent all the money and what happened then?

She was more tired.

What’s the whole meaning then?

Mom did not want to continue with the treatment any more. But the doctor said, “No, no, you cannot stop. You need to add more blood.” So we were confused.

Did you think mother would die if she was to continue with the treatment?

Most probably!

What happened during the chemo? Did she suffer?

It was difficult. She felt nauseous, she had difficulty eating. She had no strength to talk.

She was already 75 years old. I would not do that if she was my mother.

The radiologist in Singapore told us, “If she was my mother I would also give her the radiation.”

Oh yes, of course. If you go to a barber he will definitely tell you to cut your hair!

I did tell the radiologist that mom was already old but he kept insisting that if mom was his mother, he would do the same. Because he is a doctor, we believed him. But when I went home, I started to look for alternatives. That was when I found your book. In fact, the radiologist said that when we return to continue with the chemo, most probably mom would need to undergo another 20 times of radiation if the lymph nodes were still swollen. No, mom did not want to return to Singapore for treatment anymore.

Every half-hour Juice Therapy – almost fainted

On her return to Indonesia, TAH went on a 21-day-JuiceTherapy offered by an alternative practitioner. She had to drink all kinds of juices every half an hour. She almost fainted while on the therapy and gave this up.

Found CA Care

Her daughter read our book, Kanker: Mengapa Mereka Hidup (the Indonesian version of Cancer: Why They Live).  This led her to CA Care. She obtained herbs from Pak Teddy in Jakarta. After four weeks on the herbs TAH felt better.  Her facial expression improved, frequency of her urination lessen. She could sit in her daughter’s bread shop for one whole morning. Previously she could not do so even for half an hour and had to go upstairs and lie down.

Her daughter flew to see us in Penang on 19 July 2009. Below is the video recording on that day.


4 April 2010 – TAH and her daughter came to Penang

After taking the herbs for about ten months, TAH came to visit us for the first time, accompanied by her daughter.  She presented with the following problems:

  1. She felt “heaty” inside her abdomen.
  2. Her urination was very frequent – 7 to 8 times per night and this disturbed her sleep.
  3. She had incontinence.
  4. She had cramps in her legs if standing for too long.
  5. The soles of her feet felt “thick”.
  6. She had pains in the joints of her fingers.
  7. Her stomach felt bloated and this caused discomforts.

Mama, how did you feel after taking the herbs?

D: Most people who saw her were saying she looked better.

TAH: I felt my backbone was better after taking the Bone Tea. I took care of my diet – I do not take fish, any meat or chicken. Do I have to keep to this diet until I die?

I am not sick but I also take care of my diet. I don’t want to wait until I get sick before I start to take care of my diet.

D: But she is not putting on weight?

Do you want to put on weight? Many Indonesians who come here are like that – complaining about not being able to grow fatter! But I tell them – You are not a pig or a cow. If you need to sell yourself by the kilos then go ahead and become fat. What is important to you is that you are healthy – with no problem. If you can eat, can sleep, can walk or move around and have no pains – what else do you want? You will put on weight later but it takes time. Be patient. You are already 76 years old now and you look good. Take it easy.

TAH: You have helped so many people!

Now, let me ask. There is this patient in the same place that you come from. Many patients came to see me because of her – she is doing well. She has a bread shop or something like that.

D: Yes, that is us – we have a bread shop. After our treatment in Singapore, mama always felt nauseous and tired. She had to sleep upstairs. Now, she is able to help take care of the shop.


Let me ask you to reflect seriously on the following:

  1. With all the modern technology of medical science – PAP smear, biopsy, CT scan, PET scan, bone scan, endoscopy, colonoscopy, radiotherapy, brachytherapy and chemotherapy – how did TAH ended up?  Indeed these procedures may or may not be necessary, but do you ever wonder if all these are the answers to her problem? Well, she even ended up being prescribed Baraclude for hepatitis! What does that tell you?
  2. TAH was already 75 years old – if she was your mother and if you were an expert in radiotherapy and chemotherapy – would you subject her to such treatments? The Singapore radiologist said yes! Do you buy that?

3.  Before undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy do you want to know what the side effects of these treatments are?  If you want to know – why don’t you ask the doctors? But whatever they say must always be counter checked with the information found in the internet. After having gone through the list of side effects then use your commonsense and ask this question – Do these treatments make sense to you?

What are the side effects of radiation (external) and brachytherapy (internal radiation)?

In the cancer forum, many ladies wrote about their experiences. Here are some examples:

  • My mom had 2 brachytherapy treatments. A couple of weeks after the treatments she was complaining of some discomfort in her back.
  • I had 3 brachytherapy sessions and the side effects I had were – some bleeding for a few days after each session, lack of energy and needing to sleep more than usual.
  • Despite being told of the possible side effects of my radiation treatment, I found I wasn’t truly prepared. I was told I would experience issues with my bowels. I did and still do, one and one-half years later. I first experienced “loose” bowels about four weeks into treatment. For months after radiation I had lower back and leg aches. No one could truly offer an explanation for it, but I sense that much of what I felt was nerve and tissue damage. Bending or squatting down was especially painful.
  • I also had three days of internal radiation and that contributed to what is called ‘stenosis’ or vaginal scarring.
  • I found my tummy was upset in the beginning. About eight months after treatment, I had rectal bleeding and feeling of ‘blockage’ that turned out to be chronic inflammation due to radiation.
  • During the last two weeks of my external radiation treatments, I experienced diarrhea, loss of appetite, and fatigue. I had occasional vaginal itchiness. I have developed a problem with stress incontinence (urinary leakage when sneezing, coughing etc). My radiation oncologist told me the radiation has damaged the sphincter.
  • I feel that the side-effects were definitely minimized, almost to the point of lying. I can understand that they don’t wish to scare you with all sorts of rare complications, but I would rather have been “given the straight goods”, so to speak, on the more likely ones. I was told that the internal radiation treatments would probably cause some temporary and mild bladder and bowel problems. I started experiencing minor bladder irritation immediately after the first radiation treatment, and also had mild diarrhea. Five years after the treatments, I still have “funny” bowels – when I have to go, I usually have to go *NOW*, sometimes several times a day, and “normal” seems to be everything from loose to constipated. I didn’t realize this was after-effects from radiation until I found other women on the internet who’d also had radiation and were having the same symptoms. I felt tired and “draggy” for a couple of months after my treatments. I also underwent menopause, at age thirty-four. Symptoms of menopause, especially hot flashes, inability to concentrate, and moodiness, increased in intensity for several months until I finally realized what was going on. The radiation also caused some scarring in my vagina.

Side Effects of Brachytherapy

  • Nausea
  • Digestive disorders like loose stools, stomach upset.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Dryness in the vaginal canal, vaginal soreness and bleeding etc.
  • There are also many side effects that can cause permanent damage to the reproductive organs such as the vaginal canal becomes very narrow because of the radiation treatment. The length of the vaginal cavity is also shortened due to the procedure, rendering sex very painful and uncomfortable.
  • Menopause too is sometimes accelerated as a result of brachytherapy.
  • Another important side effect of brachytherapy is loss of bone density. 

Side Effects of Cisplatin

  • Increased risk of getting an infection from a drop in white blood cells.
  • Tiredness and breathlessness due to a drop in red blood cells.
  • Bruising more easily due to a drop in platelets.
  • Fatigue during and after treatment and feeling or being sick.
  • Cisplatin can cause kidney damage.
  • Hearing loss, especially with high-pitched sounds.
  • Ringing in the ears.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Loss of taste or a metallic taste.
  • Numbness or tingling in the fingers and toes resulting in difficulty with fiddly things.
  • Allergic reactions such as skin rashes, itching, feeling hot, shivering, redness of the face, feeling dizzy, headache, shortness of breath, anxiety or a sudden need to pass urine.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Fast heartbeat (during or shortly after a dose)
  • Lower back or side pain accompanied by fever or chills
  • Joint pain
  • Blurred vision

Side Effects of 5-FU

•  Sore mouth.
•  Taste changes.
•  Diarrhoea.
•  Eye problems.
•  Skin changes.
•  Risk of infection, bruising and bleeding due to low blood counts.
•  Tiredness or fatigue.
•  Feeling sick or nausea and vomiting.
•  Hair loss.
•  Nail changes.
•  Sun sensitivity.
•  Soreness and redness of palms of hand and soles of feet.
•  Chest pains and tightening across the centre of chest.

Reflect on the quotations below:

We wish to thank TAH and her family for giving us the permission to tell her story and use the videos above. And this is Ai Hoa at age 78! At this time she is doing well indeed – and her health is reflected in these pictures. She has been almost three years on CA Care’s herbs.

Cervical Cancer: Eighty-nine Percent Chance of Cure Vanished With the Collapse of Her Right Lung Four Months After Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy

BH (S108) is a 65-year-old lady from Indonesia.  An ultrasound of her pelvis showed her cervix was enlarged with a focal bulge over the posterior part. This bulge or mass measures about 23 x 12 mm.

A chest X-ray on 13 July 2011 showed no significant abnormality see in the lungs and heart.

A biopsy was performed on 14 July 2011 and confirmed malignant cells infiltrating deep into the cervical parenchyma.  BH was referred to a cancer hospital for further management.

A CT scan was done on 18 July 2011. It showed a bulky uterine cervix measuring 4.9 x 3.7 cm with a hypodense lesion seen within.  This is in keeping with carcinoma of the cervix. No metastatic disease is evident in the abdomen.

BH underwent radiotherapy. She was told that there was a eighty-nine percent chance that she would be cured. BH had 25 sessions of external beam radiation and 3 sessions of brachytherapy (i.e. internal radiation).  In addition BH received 2 cycles of chemotherapy. All treatments were completed by 12 October 2011.

BH said she was well after the treatment.  She came back for a check up on 25 November 2011 and was told everything was alright. She “believed” she was cured.

However, barely four months later, 15 February 2012, a CT scan showed:

  • Uterine cervix was unremarkable.
  • Presence of retrocrural, hilar and mediastinal adenopathy in keeping with nodal disease.
  • Collapse of her right upper lung, with a heterogeneous ill-defined mass lesion at the right pulmonary hilum approximately 4.6 cm, compressing the ascending bronchus and pulmonary artery.
  • A 2.4 cm, irregular soft tissue lesion present in the superior lingual left lung, likely indicating metastasis.

BH was asked to undergo more chemotherapy – 6 cycles and in addition 5 sessions of radiotherapy. She declined further medical treatment. She came to seek our help on 17 February 2012.


Did you ask if this additional treatment is going to cure you?

No guarantee to cure but the treatment might shrink the tumour.

In July 2011, when you had your first treatment – radiotherapy and chemotherapy – did you ask if the treatment could cure you?

For the first treatment, the doctor said there was 89 percent chance of cure. And she was “cured” after the treatment.

How could you say she was cured when barely four months later the cancer had spread to her lungs?

But the doctor said she was well after the first treatment!

It was not a cure! My aunty’s cervical cancer recurred in her lungs 13 years after an apparent “successful” treatment.

Did you suffer from your first chemo treatment?

It was difficult. My head was pounding (bursting), my vision was blurred, I vomited (the night after the chemo). I don’t want any more chemo.


  1. Many patients went to see their oncologists and were given impressive statistics of success. Patients felt reassured (never mind if the promise did not turn out to be true). In this case BH was told that she had eighty-nine percent chance of cure after chemotherapy and radiotherapy. But the reality was, barely four months later the cancer struck back and went to her lungs.
  2. Do you ever wonder why the cancer had spread so fast? Before the treatment in July 2011 her lungs were clear – no sign of cancer at all. The message is simple – in cancer, nothing is certain. The only thing that is the uncertainty of  the nature of cancer. It is unpredictable and anyone who promises you something good may not be able to keep that promise.
  3. When someone tells you — Your have 89 percent chance of cure – Do you really understand what he means? In this video the patient and his family believed that she was cured. She was alright for four months. Surely being well for four months does not mean cure at all.
  4. This case reminded me of another case of a lady from Kuantan. She came to CA Care on behalf of her 88-year old mother who had inoperable colon cancer (meaning the tumour was still in her colon). Her mother took herbs for just a  month. Her CEA decreased from 19.9 to 17.3, CA 125 decreased from 37.4 to 20.9 but her CA 19.9 increased from 51.6 to 313.5. The daughter, (a bank manager) wrote: I just trusted the wrong DR quack.  Another relative (brother?) wrote: How irresponsible a “doctor” you claimed to be. When patients come to CA Care we never promise anyone a cure at all – what if we were to say you have 89 percent chance of cure? What would you call such a person then?

Cervical Dysplasia Regressed After Two Months on Herbs

Lan is a 48-year-old lady. About a year ago she bled when having sex. In addition, for the past 5 to 6 years she had  white (and sometimes yellow) discharge. She had regular Pap smear in Singapore. But on 13 September 2011, the result showed she had low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, encompassing mild dysplasia (CIN 1).  The cellular changes presented were consistent with Human Papilloma Virus. The doctor suggested that Lan perform a biopsy. She refused.

Lan came to seek our help on 25 November 2011. She was prescribed herbal teas – Cervical 1 and Cervical 2; GY3 – Leuko for her white discharge and Yellow Discharge tea. She was asked to take the herbal concoction every day.

On 9 March 2012, we received an e-mail from Lan.

Kepada Yth: Dr. Chris,

Bersama dengan email ini saya lampirkan hasil pap smear saya kepada Dr. Chris. Saya melakukan pap smear pada tgl 14 February 2012 di Singapore. Hasil pap smear mengatakan bahwa semuanya normal. Berarti CIN1 saya telah sembuh. Terima kasih kepada Tuhan Yesus dan juga kepada dr. Chris. Saat ini sudah tidak ada pendarahan semasa seks. Keputihan juga sudah tidak ada. Sekian dan terima kasih. God Bless You.

(Translation:  With this email I am sending the Pap smear results to Dr. Chris. I did my Pap smear on 14 February 2012 in Singapore. The result was “normal”, meaning my CIN 1 has been cured. Thank you Lord Jesus and also to Dr. Chris. Also, I do not bleed anymore during sex. My white discharge has also resolved. Thank you and God bless you.)

Pap Smear Report 15 February 2012 – Parkway Laboratory Services Ltd.

Cervical smear: Benign cellular changes. Fungal organisms morphologically consistent with Candida species. Cellular changes present consistent with inflammatory effects. Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy.

Information from the Internet


Women are asked to go for regular Pap Smear. One of the worrying result from this exercise is dysplasia, which means abnormal cell growth (dys means abnormal, plasia means growth).  A diagnosis of cervical dysplasia does NOT mean you necessarily have cancer. This condition is generally regarded as precancerous or “moving towards” cancer when it occurs in the female reproductive system. So dysplasia is/can be a precursor to cervical cancer.

There are two different systems for classifying dysplasia.

1.  The Bethesda or SIL (squamous intraepithelial lesion) System. There are four degree of cell abnormality:

a)      ASCUS – atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance.

b)      AGUS or AGCUS – atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance.

c)       LSIL – low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.

d)      HSIL – high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.


2.  CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) System.

a)      CIN I – corresponds to mild dysplasia or LSIL.

b)      CIN 2 – corresponds to moderate to marked dysplasia or HSIL.

c)       CIN 3 – corresponds to severe dysplasia, sometimes also referred to as carcinoma in situ (CIS).


Between 250,000 and 1 million American women between ages 25 to 35 are diagnosed with CIN annually. CIN can start in any of the three stage, and can either progress, or regress.  About 70 percent of CIN-1 will regress within one year, and 90% within two years even when left untreated. About 50% of CIN 2 will regress within 2 years without treatment. Progression to cancer typically takes 3 to 40 years (average of 15 years).


The treatment depends on the degree of dysplasia. If you suffer from dysplasia, you may only need careful observation by your doctor with repeat Pap smears every 3 – 6 months. Hopefully it goes away. But if this does not go away or get worse, treatment is necessary. Treatment for higher grade CIN involves removal or destruction of the neoplastic cervical cells by cryocauteryelectrocauterylaser cauteryloop electrical excision procedure(LEEP),or cervical conization.

It’s Not Cancer, Why Treat it?

While dysplasia is not cancer, it can develop into cancer of the cervix.  Mild cervical dysplasia (CIN I) sometimes goes away without treatment, but most doctors will still treat it at this very early stage to prevent it from progressing to a more advanced form of dysplasia.  We simply do not know nor do we have a way of predicting CIN I cells will become normal again and which ones will progress to CIN II and eventually cervical Cancer.

Do I Need Tests After Treatment?

Yes, because dysplasia can recur, It is therefore essential to have regular follow-up Pap Smears every three months for the first year and then every six months thereafter.


Lan benefited from the herbs in three ways:

  1. She did not have to undergo any biopsy. She would not know what could have happened after a biopsy.
  2. Her dysplasia problem disappeared after taking the herbs.
  3. Her problem of white (or yellow) discharge was also resolved.

Over the years even women with CIN III and cervical cancer benefited by taking our herbs. And Lan’s is not unique or exceptional at all. We expect that to happen.


Cervical Cancer, Stage 2B Gone Wild Within Six Months – Why?

Amy (not real name) is a 39 year old lady from Indonesia. She came to seek our help on 13 January 2012. She had severe discomforts – her stomach was bloated, very tired and afraid of the cold – even unable to withstand the air-conditioning in our centre.  The first words to me were, “Please help me get rid of the wind in my stomach. I was not able to pass out any gas. And I did not have my bowel movements for the past few days.”

Generally for such a case, I would advise the patient to go back to their doctors. Let their doctors help them. At CA Care we want to heal the whole person – and we don’t know how to “repair your problem” through piece meal effort.  So I told her, “Before I try to help you, please tell me what have you been doing? Only then I can understand what have gone wrong.”

This is her tragic story.

1. In May 2011, Amy had vaginal bleeding once and then there was watery discharge.  A biopsy was done at a hospital in Indonesia. It was confirmed carcinoma of the cervix.

2. Amy came to a private hospital in Penang for further investigation. Physical examination showed presence of a huge mass arising from the cervix involving the left parametrium.  The doctor indicated it was a cervical adenocarcinoma, Stage 2B.

3. She also had a 1.9 x 1.5 x 2.0 cm mass in her left breast. A lumpectomy was performed for her breast. She was started on Tamoxifen.

4. Amy was referred to a cancer hospital for radiotherapy of her cervical cancer. She underwent 25 sessions of radiotherapy and at the same time received 5 cycles of chemotherapy. The drug used was cisplatin given at weekly interval.

5. Amy   also underwent 2 sessions of brachytherapy (internal radiotherapy). This second treatment was done on 2 August 2011. Amy refused a third session of brachytherapy.

6. Her medical report on 9 November 2011 stated,

  • “ There was suboptimal response during brachytherapy which patient was aware of.
  • ”“She was psychologically frail towards end of treatment.”
  • “She still has persistent vaginal mucoid discharge.”

7.  After radiotherapy in Penang, Amy still had vaginal bleeding. She went to a specialist centre in PJ, Selangor for second opinion. The oncologist said, “She came to see me on 24 August 2011 for profuse vaginal bleeding. There was an area of ulceration in the right vaginal vault. I managed to stop the bleeding after using vaginal tampon. Then I referred her to another professor in Kuala Lumpur.”

8. Amy returned to Penang and underwent an operation – TAHBSO (Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy) on 14 November 2011. “The histopathology report showed well differentiated endocervical adenocarcinoma of the cervix. There is metastasis to both ovaries. There is no tumour response to chemo-radiation therapy.”

9. Back in Indonesia, Amy suffered abdominal pains in mid December 2011. This was what her doctor in a Indonesia hospital wrote, “A recent CT scan was done which showed:

  • Pulmonary metastases – i.e., the cancer has spread to both her lungs.
  • Bilateral hydronephrosis – i.e., swelling of both kidneys due to build-up of urine. This was later found to be due to blockage of the urinary tract.
  • Mass in pelvis with suspected infiltration to bladder and rectum, peritoneum and omentum with ascites.”

The doctor in Indonesia prescribed pain killers and antibiotics.

10. In January 2012, Amy went back to a university hospital in Kuala Lumpur. A CT scan on 4 January 2011 indicated “recurrence of CA cervix with widespread metastasis with IVC (inferior vena cava) thrombous.” AMY remained in the university for 10 days and underwent two surgical procedures;

  • Installation of two stents to relieve the blockage of her urinary tubes.
  • Installation of IVC filter – an “umbrella” structure to reduce the incidence of arterial blockage caused by a blood clot. The device is made from very thin wires, having a mesh-like structure which resembles an umbrella.

In spite of all the above “treatment” and “rescue” procedures, Amy  did not get well.

On 13 January 2012 Amy and her husband came to seek our help – complaining of gas accumulation in her abdomen and not being able to move her bowels for the past few days.


Let me ask you to reflect on these questions.

  1. What do you think are the causes of all these problems? Is it the cancer or the treatments?
  2. What would happen if she just did nothing? Would she be in trouble within six months like she is in now?
  3. Is this the first “tragic case” that such a thing happened?
  4. The surgeon wrote a significant comment after the surgery – There is no tumour response to chemo-radiation therapy.” Think hard – is this the first time someone had realized that chemotherapy and radiotherapy were not effective? If they were not effective, why was the patient subjected to such treatments?  Think again – besides being  ineffective, don’t they do more harm? 

At CA Care we often come across such cases. Take time to reflect on the following cases.

They Died Soon Afterwards – After Radio-Chemotherapy

1. Cervical Cancer Stage 2A – After Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, She Died Within 1 year 8 months

Mother was 64 years old and was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix, Stage 2A in December 2000. She underwent 26 times of radiation and 6 cycles of chemotherapy. The cancer recurred after a year. She had radiotherapy again for 11 times. Her health deteriorated and she was in severe pain. Mother died 1 year and 8 months after being diagnosed with cervical cancer.

What had gone wrong? Was it the treatment or the cancer that killed her?

Listen to what the daughter said.



2.    The Biggest Mistake I Have Ever Made

In his book: Cancer Recovery Guide, pg. 28, Jonathan Chamberlain wrote:

When my wife Bernadette learned that despite all the surgery, radiation and chemotherapy her tumour had returned, she was informed that she had three months to live. She was told this on 17 January. She died on 16 April. Three months  exactly.

In our conversation that evening, Jonathan said:

  • From my own experience with my wife, we were in awe of the doctors …. We were in awe of our ignorance. We assumed that the doctors were best … I realized that was the biggest mistake I have ever made – to do what the doctors advise. You learn the hard way. 
  • She (wife) suffered from chemotherapy and it killed her. She died not just from cancer. She died from cancer plus chemotherapy. She died within one year because she did everything that doctor advised her. 



Melisa Abandoned Medical Treatments, After Much Damage Being Done

Melisa-A61, was a 44-year old female.  She underwent a hysterectomy for her cancer of the cervix, Stage 1b (take note – early stage).  After the operation, she underwent 25 times of radiation treatments and one time of brachytherapy (internal therapy). Melisa ended up having to go in and out of the hospital due to pains, fevers and temperatures. Later, a scan showed that there was pus in her abdomen. A scan revealed that the cancer had spread to the lungs and liver.  Melisa ended up in a hospital in Singapore – in search for a cure. The doctor at first suggested that she undergo surgery to remove the infected parts. Melisa reasoned out how surgery could have helped her when the entire liver and lungs were infected with cancer? She declined surgery but went ahead with chemotherapy. The first shot of chemotherapy was tolerable but the second and third shots were real bad. She preferred to die rather than complete the treatments.

Listen to what she said in the following videos:




What if the patients forgo medical treatments?

1.    Cervical Cancer Stage 2A –Survived Five Years With Herbs Only, Refused Radiotherapy

This was a 70-year-old lady. She was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix, Stage 2A, in May 2000. She declined medical treatments and came to seek our help. She was on herbs. Watch the video clips below – they were recorded on 9 November 2001, 6 September 2002, 9 January 2005 and 3 February 2005. Patient had survived about five years – she did not die like the above lady who had the same type and stage of cancer and died 1 year 8 months after undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Unfortunately, in November of 2004, this patient had to take care of her grandchild, was under a lot of stress, decided  not to take her herbs that kept her alive all these years. Then she started to take all the “bad food.” About two months later, she suffered a relapse. Later we learned that she died.



2.  You Can Give Me Anything But Not Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy

Yin was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix in 1999. This was followed by an operation. Since everything was clean, no further treatment was indicated. Barely four years later, in August 2003,Yin suffered severe pains in her backbone. The CT scan indicated a small right thyroid nodule and bilateral pleural effusion (fluid in both lungs).

Yin was 67 years old when she suffered this recurrence. Consultation with three oncologists in Kuala Lumpur yielded the same opinion – Go for chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  However, the treatment would be only palliative. It would not cure her. At best it was only to promote her quality of life. The prognosis by these cancer experts was six months to live! Yin said she would rather die than undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She had seen how two of her brothers suffered and died while undergoing these treatments.

Yin’s son decided to bring her mother to see us on 23 September 2003. Yin was started on Capsule A, Cervical Tea, Utero-ovary Tea, Bone Tea, Lung Tea and C-Tea. Within six months after taking these herbs, Yin’s life was restored to normalcy and she was free of pains.

Yin died in 2011 because of a heart attack,  not because of her cancer.  She had been taking the herbs for EIGHT years.



What the Experts Said


Cervical Cancer Stage 2A –Survived Five Years With Herbs Only, Refused Radiotherapy

GK was a 70-year-old lady. In May 2000 she had vaginal bleeding. The doctor’s examination showed a large cauliflower growth involving the anterior lip of the cervix and also the vault at the vagina. A biopsy of the cervical growth was done and confirmed a moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, Stage 2A.

GK was asked to undergo radiotherapy. She declined. She started to change her diet. She came to seek our help on 10 August 2001, and presented with the following:

  • Pains in the back when walking.
  • Unable to sleep.
  • Constipation and sometimes with blood.
  • Watery discharge.

She was started on herbs – Capsule A, Utero-ovary, Cervical and C-teas. After a week on the herbs she reported some improvements. There was less blood in her stools. She slept better. She was more energetic. She was not constipated anymore. She felt hungry most of the time. She sweat  a lot.

After another week on the herbs, there were more improvements. She could sleep well. She had good appetite, more energy and there was no more sweating. The discharge was much less.

She was on the road to recovery. And over the years she had no more pains No more blood in her stools and no more discharge. After this we did not get to see much of GK anymore.

In early 2005, her son came and told us GK had problems – the cancer had recurred.


Watch the video clips above – they were recorded on 9 November 2001, 6 September 2002 – when GK was doing so well. Then on 9 January 2005 and 3 February 2005 her son told us about his mother’s misadventure.

  • Sometime in November 2004, GK had the responsibility of taking care of her grandchild. This caused a lot of stress and gave her a lot of problems. She started to have headaches due to lack of sleep. She lost her appetite. She started to let go of her herbs. Then she went back to her previous “bad” diet and started to eat meat, etc.
  • In January 2005 – i.e., about two months after her “misbehavior,” she started to have bleeding again. She had difficulty or could not urinate and move her bowels.
  • Things got worse. She had vaginal discharge every hour and her pampers had to be changed often.
  • She started to take the herbs again – but that was a half-hearted effort. She used only 4 tablespoon instead of the usual six.
  • We lost contact with the patient and her son after this. We suspected she must have died some months later.


GK had survived about five years after her diagnosis. She did not die like the other patients who had the same type and stage of cancer who died sooner after undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Every cancer story invariably end sadly. We come to learn that with cancer we can only loose, never win (depending on how you look at it). But in this case, I felt it was rather a sad and tragic ending. There was a choice – an early demise could have been avoided. Take away the stress of being the “nanny” to the grandchildren and sticking onto the path that she had been travelling over the past four years – GK could have lived longer.

In our Oriental culture, parents like to have many children. This is because they hope that one day when they grow old their children will be able to take care of them. This is true with the “old” Chinese custom. Today, the trend is reversed. The children are busy earning money, so they “make use” of their parents to run errand for them – take the kids to school, baby sit the children, clean the house, etc. This is understandable since each of us has to earn to make a living. But it is a little “incomprehensible” if one has to exchange a mother’s life for “convenience”. There could be a better arrangement than that.

The good side of this story is that GK did not have to suffer even if she had cancer. And she managed to live for about five years in spite of not following what the doctor wanted her to do. Just imagine what could have happened if she were to undergo radiotherapy as suggested.  Read what happened to patients who had chemotherapy and /or radiotherapy for this kind of cancer. They suffered and some of them died sooner.


Cervical Cancer: You Can Give Me Anything Except Chemo or Radiotherapy


Yin was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix in 1999. This was followed by an operation. Since everything was clean, no further treatment was indicated. Barely four years later, in August 2003,Yin suffered severe pains in her backbone. A bone scan indicated metastasis, involving the left scapula and T10 vertebra. An MRI of the spine indicated compression fracture of T8 and T9 and mild bulges of L3/4, L4/5 and L5/S1 discs.  The CT scan indicated a small right thyroid nodule and bilateral pleural effusion (fluid in both lungs).

Yin was 67 years old when she suffered this recurrence. Consultation with three oncologists in Kuala Lumpur yielded the same opinion – Go for chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  However, the treatment would be only palliative. It would not cure her. At best it was only to promote her quality of life. The prognosis by these cancer experts was six months to live! Yin said she would rather die than undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She had seen how two of her brothers suffered and died while undergoing these treatments.

Yin’s son decided to bring her mother to see us on 23 September 2003. Yin was started on Capsule A, Cervical Tea, Utero-ovary Tea, Bone Tea, Lung Tea and C-Tea. Within six months after taking these herbs, Yin’s life was restored to normalcy and she was free of pains.

On 28 November 2006, i.e., more than three years after her visit to us, we had the opportunity to talk with Yin. She presented as a happy, pleasant and simple-minded lady. She had since put on weight and looked very healthy.

Q: Aunty, how are you now? We met before in Penang!

A: Yes. It’s been a long time since I saw you. Nowadays, I am quite busy looking after my grandchildren. I am very well – no difficulties.  I can do normal things and have no problems.   Once in a while I have a little headache or a low fever, but they are nothing much.  I can eat well. I eat rice and noodles.  I do not eat outside food.  Whenever I am free, I play mahjong. After I send my grandchildren to school, I would go walking around and do some exercises.

Q:  How were you before you started on the herbs?

A:  I had backache. I couldn’t walk, eat or sleep. I couldn’t get up or stand up.  Whenever I lie down, I couldn’t get up by myself.  I needed someone to help me get up.  When I went to Penang, I had to have someone to hold and guide me along. It was a really difficult time for me.  But after taking the herbs, all my difficulties disappeared.

Q: Can you tell us what happened from the beginning?

Son:  In 1999, she was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix. She had an operation but no chemotherapy or radiotherapy. She was not given any drugs either.  She was given a clean bill by the surgeon who operated on her.  But four years later, in 2003 – she had back pains.  The pains persisted even after her seeing two or three GPs. Then I sent her back to see the surgeon who did a thorough check-up on her. At the nuclear centre, they did a bone scan and found growth at the 8th and 9th vertebrae.  Her left shoulder and her lung were also affected.  Then I went to see the oncologists, one after another. All the three top oncologists in Kuala Lumpur recommended the same thing. The first oncologist wanted to do radiotherapy and chemotherapy. I went for a second opinion – the second oncologist also said the same thing after seeing the report – chemotherapy and radiotherapy! The third oncologist, my old friend, also said the same thing – radiation and chemotherapy.  I went home and told my mother about this. She replied: No, I will take anything except radiation and chemotherapy.

Q: Why did you refuse to go for chemotherapy and radiotherapy? 

A:  I was afraid.  I have seen people losing their hair.  My elder brother and my second brother had liver cancer.  They went for radiotherapy and chemotherapy.  They could not walk nor eat.  Then their hair started to drop until they were bald.  Despite the treatment, they also suffered and were in pain. They died later. So, when my son told me I had to go for chemotherapy and radiatherapy, I said I did not want the treatments.

Son:  So the only person I could think of was you, Dr. Teo.

Q: (To son) If she had agreed to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, would you have allowed that?

Son: All three oncologists talked the same language.  The treatment of this disease, they told me, was about preserving quality of life – to reduce suffering and pain. The oncologist said: Her bones and lungs are affected – and her ovary too. In the treatment of cancer, we talk about quality of life, to reduce the suffering. My mother was then 67 years old.  These doctors thought she could go through all these treatments. They said what choice have I got?  They never use the word cure. I told the oncologist: Thank you very much. One of the oncologists was my friend.  Although I was expected to spend about RM100,000 or so, I would not know whether she would have any chance of a cure or not.

Q: They just talked about six months of quality life?

Son: Yeah, six months or a year.  Nobody knew.

Q: What did you think of the oncologists’ opinion?

Son:  No difference between them. From what they told me, I felt that basically, that was the end of my mother’s time already.

Q: (To the son) When you brought your mother to see us, what other choice did you have?

Son:  No choice, actually.  Let me tell you one incident. Sometime in 2005, she fell sick.  I asked my brother and sister to bring her to a specialist who had operated on her earlier.  I suspected she had a viral infection.  I was having a meeting in the office when I got a phone call from my brother who said that the doctor had scolded them: Your mother is sick you know.  How is it that since 1999 until now you have not brought her here for treatment? He scolded them.  I called him and said,Doc, give me ten minutes and I will be there. Ten minutes later, I was there in his office.  I explained what had happened since 1999, the recurrence that occurred in 2003 and what the three oncologists had said to me, etc.  After all these, I told him: I went to see Prof. Chris Teo. I told him again that my mother had not gone for radiotherapy or chemotherapy and that she was taking herbs from CA Care, and today, she is still alive.  She is still here.  Immediately he said: Okay, I understand! 

Q:  (To son) You came here and she was started on the herbs?

A:  On Thursday (September 2003) I drove my mother to see you in Penang. During the journey, I had to stop every half an hour on the road because she was in pain. She needed to change her sitting position. 

Q: Aunty, how was it for you after you started taking the herbs?

A:  After I took the herbs for about one month, I could get up slowly and sit by myself. Before that, I could not sit up at all. I needed to recline all he time, supported by a pillow.  The pain also slowly reduced after I took the herbs. I became more alert, bit by bit.  After about three months, I became quite well. I could walk around and bathe myself. Before that my daughter or daughter-in-law had to bathe me.  I could not even stand up. By the third month, I could do all these things by myself.  I could get up myself.  Before that, someone had to prop me up.  And I would walk very, very slowly. At the time when I went to Penang to see you I was in great pain.  It was very difficult for me even to sit.

Q: At that time, were you on any medication?

Son: Bonefos and pain killers.  And worse come to the worse, we had to give her the morphine tablets.  And at the same time the doctors recommended radiation and chemotherapy.

A:  When I took the doctor’s medicine, the pain lessened.  But after a while, the pain came back again.  After starting on the herbs, the pain slowly lessened. I continued with the pain tea for about five to six months and the pains disappeared completely.  And since then, there is no more pain. Now I can sleep on my bed – lie flat on my back.  Before that I had to sleep on a deck chair (lazy chair) for months.  Now, I can sleep straight and in any position I like.  With your herbs, I have no more problems.

Q: Aunty, when you were in pain, what were your thoughts?  Were you afraid?

A: Yes, I was afraid.  It was so painful, I wished I were dead.  If I die, there would be no more pain. I preferred to die.  It was really painful.

Q:  Was the pain there all the time? Or was there pain only when you moved?

A:  Day and night – there was pain whether or not I lay down. It was a pulling kind of pain. And there was so much pain that I could not stand it anymore.  I preferred to die.

Update: It is with sadness to know that Yin died in 2011 because of a heart attack and not because of her cancer.  She had been taking the herbs for EIGHT years.

Cervical Cancer, Stage 1B spread to her lungs and liver. She was given three to six months to live

Melisa (a61) was a 44-year old lady.

1997. Melisa’s problem started when she had severe pains in the shoulder muscles. At night she had muscle cramps in the legs. She went to see a doctor who told her that nothing was wrong and that she had been working too hard. She should take a holiday and relax. Some months later she did her annual pap smear. Her doctor said everything was alright.

A few months later, she suffered severe, heavy bleeding. The blood discharge had clots and it flowed out rather suddenly and wet the entire floor of the bathroom.

October 1998.  She went to see a gynaecologist at a private hospital. A biopsy confirmed she had cancer. She underwent a hysterectomy. The pathology report dated 2 October 1998 stated the following:

Hysterectomy specimen: uterus and cervix including short vaginal cuff and parametrium together with both appendages weighing in toto 160 grams. 

The cervix showed a whitish fleshy friable tumour invading almost the entire length and thickness of its wall measuring 5 x 2 x 1.5 cm. The ectocervix and lower uterine segment were also found to be invaded. The vaginal cuff and parametrium were grossly free from any tumour invasion. 

Interpretation: 1. Adenosquamous cell carcinoma of cervix with micrcoscopic  invasion of parametrium but vaginal cuff was clear. Figo Stage 1b.  2. Metastatic involvement of one left internal iliac node.

Remark: altogether twelve right pelvic node and eight left pelvic nodes were received. 

After the operation, she underwent radiation treatments in a hospital in Penang. She suffered badly from the radiotherapy. Barely two months afterwards, Melisa ended up having to go in and out of the hospital due to pains, fevers and high temperatures. Later, a scan showed that there was pus in her abdomen. The doctor extracted out the pus. She was well for a while. Then, a scan revealed that the cancer had spread to her lungs and liver.

Melisa ended up in a hospital in Singapore – in search for a cure. The doctor at first suggested that she underwent a liver surgery to remove the infected parts. Melisa reasoned out how surgery could have helped her when the entire liver and lungs were infected with cancer? She declined surgery but went ahead with chemotherapy. The first shot of chemotherapy was tolerable but the second and third cycles were really bad. She preferred to die rather than complete the entire regimen.

One of her employee told Melisa to seek the help of a Dr.Teo. On 19 March 2000, Melisa came to see us.  At that time she could hardly walk.

We requested to have an interview with Melisa so that we can share her healing experience with others. She agreed. On 14 June 2001 at 4 p.m. a video-taped interview was conducted. Let Melisa herself tell you of her healing experience.

Tell us about your experience of radiotherapy that you had in Penang.

I underwent 25 times of radiation treatment and one session of “internal treatment”. For this internal treatment, three long probes were inserted into me and I had to lie on the bed for 72 hours in a special room – immobilised. During that treatment the doctor visited me once. This was an experience that I would not wish to go through again.

I suffered badly from the radiation treatments. I had sore mouth, was constipated and the anus bled. Sometimes I had diarrhoea. I felt like having a fire inside me. I could not eat or sleep. I vomited. Every morning when I woke up, I dread the thought of having to go through the radiation treatment again.

After the radiotherapy, were you cured or did you feel better?

No. Barely two months past, I spent time in and out of the hospital. I had pains, fevers and high temperatures. The doctor did not know exactly what was wrong with me. Then later, another doctor in the same hospital took a scan and detected that I had pus in my abdomen. I was hospitalised for eight days and the doctor extracted out some 600 ml of pus from my abdomen. He did it three times. Then I was alright.  A few months later, during a follow-up visit, a scan showed that the cancer had spread to both my liver and the lungs. 

What did the doctor say about the cancer that had spread? How serious was it?

The doctor told me that both these organs had numerous dots and at least thirty spots were visible. They were the sizes of five, ten and twenty cents coins.

There was nothing the gynaecologist could do for me. I went to consult a doctor at the cancer hospital. He told me that I could do chemotherapy as a palliative measure but in my case there was no hope for a cure. This was the last stage cancer. I was told to go and make out my will.  My gynaecologist was a nice person – he tried to find doctors elsewhere for me to proceed further with my treatments. At last, I landed in Singapore.

Tell us about your treatment in Singapore.

The oncologist at first suggested that I had surgery to remove those infected parts. On consultation with my Penang doctor, I asked the oncologist how surgery could remove all those spots in the liver. The oncologist replied: Who is the cancer doctor, I or your doctor in Penang? I refused to have the surgery but agreed to go along with chemotherapy.

Before doing the chemotherapy, were you told what this treatment is all about? The side effects and benefits.

No. I had all along believed that the treatment was to kill and get rid of the cancer cells. I was not told that the treatments would be difficult and I had to suffer such side effects. The doctor did not carry out any further test or diagnosis. The appointment was fixed and chemotherapy started the next day “otherwise the cancer cells would spread more” (that was what the doctor told me). I was scheduled to do six cycles divided into 12 shots, i.e. 2 injections represent one cycle. I did not know what drugs were used on me.

(It is indeed most regrettable that Melisa was not able to produce the scan of her metastatic condition. Her Singapore oncologist kept the medical report and scan films. She requested that these be returned to her. Unfortunately, the oncologist refused telling Melisa that she had not completed her chemo-treatments and that he would not be able to return those films and report. This same oncologist also did not disclose the chemo-drugs used on her (many patients also told similar things about this same doctor. This was not an isolated case experienced by Melisa alone). 

Point to ponder: The report and films rightly belong to Melisa. She brought them along to Singapore. How could it become the property of the oncologist? Why did the doctor want to keep her record? We wonder if such conduct is humane/ethical or what? Informed consent means that the doctor is supposed to explain the consequences of the treatment plan to their patients – telling them of both the good and the bad). 

Tell us what was it like to be on chemotherapy?

 It is very difficult to put in words the sufferings I had to endure.

The first chemo-short was tolerable. I felt sleepy, tired and groggy. I did not vomit but I could not sleep.

The second and third shots were really bad. Everything seemed not right. Sitting down was also not right, standing up was also not right. I could not sleep. In whatever position I was in, I just did not feel right. I could not eat. I felt something was blocked in the chest. The stomach felt bloated and there was wind trying to push out. Sometime I vomited.  It was difficult to breathe. My hair dropped off every time I bathe and it blocked the drainage hole of the bathroom. When I stood up I felt like falling down. I could not get into the car – felt giddy and the world spinning around me.

Under such a situation I felt I would rather die. Remaining alive had no meaning any more.

Having got to go through that agony, what did the doctor say about the chances of your cure?

He said it all depends on me. He did not know what my chance was. He said I should be lucky if I could live for three to six months. If I survive then he would give me more chemos. I came to understand that I was given chemo to prolong my life for three to six months. The doctor also told me that if I die I would not die in pain if I had chemotherapy.

(Point to ponder:  Chemotherapy was given to Melisa  just to prolong her life for three to six months? And when she dies, she is NOT supposed to die in pain, if she had chemotherapy. Right? Is that logical? What about the sufferings she had to endure while on chemotherapy? Also, if she survived – she would need to have more chemos? Where is the cure? When is the chemotherapy going to stop – when she dies?) 

How much did it cost you to get your treatment?

One shot of chemotherapy (given over two times) cost me S$6000, i.e. RM 12,000. In addition I have to pay for other costs – like blood test, hospital, hotel, travel etc. So, all in all, each visit to the hospital cost me about RM 15,000 to 20,000.

After all these sufferings and expenses, did your health improved?

No. I was not better at all. I felt miserable. I could not work. I could not do what I like. I had to stay home. I could not even walk out to the gate of my house for lack of strength.  I could not sleep and I could not stand up for long. I felt heaty inside. When I put on the air-con full blast, my head felt cold. When I put off the air-cond, I felt I was on fire. In the middle of the night I stood or sat by the window looking out into the darkness and felt the cool air. I wondered if life is worth living. Life has no more meaning – to be alive like this. I knew I was dying.

Did you gave up chemotherapy?

No. Not yet. Then, one nice worker of mine, who worked in the factory came and told me about CA Care which is right in Penang and which I did not even know about.  Since I have NO other avenues  – To do chemo also die, not to do chemo also die  – I then decided to come and see you.

What happened after you came to see us and took the herbs? This is what happened after I took the herbs that you prescribed.

The first day, nothing spectacular happened. I only started to urinate a lot and felt a bit better. The urine was smelly. Before the herbs the urine was always heaty.

The second day on the herbs, I vomited. Anyway, I kept telling myself. This was to get rid of something in me. I still urinated a lot.

The third day was great. I felt the muscle in the neck had loosened up. I was able to put on my dress and went to my office. Before the herbs I was not able to go to my office. Also I was not able to sit in the car. Now I could do all these. Even my office worker was surprised and asked me if I was already well. I felt elated and confidence grew within me. I knew I was on the right path to healing.  From that day on I felt better and better.

Then, did you continue with your chemotherapy?

I felt better with the herbs. I was in a dilemma – not sure if I should continue with the chemotherapy or not. I asked your opinion but you (Dr. Teo) were non-committal. I went to consult my gynaecologist and seek for more information. It was then that I learnt that chemo-drugs are actually poisons. They not only kill the cancer cells, but also kill the good cells and may destroy the vital organs in my body. All along I thought that chemo-drugs kill only the cancer cells and they would cure me. If this was what it is, I reasoned that all these treatments would damage the organs in my body. How could my body recover from the cancer? I could NOT sleep the whole night and was unsure of what to do. My husband also told me that I had to make up my own mind and decide for myself. At last, I came to the decision NOT to continue with the chemotherapy.

When you decided to stop the chemotherapy – were you under pressure to change this decision? Yes. Many people said many things to me. The problem is that all these comments came from people who NEVER experience the sufferings – they did not know what it was like to suffer from those chemo-drugs. Then the nurse from the Singapore oncologist called me THREE times asking me to come back and complete my treatments. In addition, the oncologist personally talked to me TWICE over the phone telling me to come and complete the treatment. They told me that it would be dangerous if I did not complete the treatment. However, I was firm in my decision. In the last conversation with the oncologist, I told him that I have NO MORE MONEY to pay for the treatments. With that, no more calls came from his office. My ploy to get him off my back worked!

After you gave up chemotherapy and were on the herbs – did you take any other herbs as well?

No. I was firm with this. There were many kind-hearted and well meaning people who came and told me about who is good or what is good for me. I listened to them but I was firm on taking your herbs only. Some people commented that I have been taking the herbs for so long and I should change them for something else. There is no reason to. The herbs helped me and l kept taking them.

Now, Melisa – you have been on the herbs for about 1 year 3 months now. Did you at any one time experience any difficulty?

No. I felt better with each day. Before I had cancer I was very active – running around like a horse. Then when I was sick I could not do anything – could not even walk to the toilet. Now, I am back to almost normal like I was before – running around again like the same horse before. I drove by myself to Johor Baru, Kelantan, Trengganu, etc. I flew to Hong Kong. I drove my four-wheel drive into the hills. I visited my durian plantation. I played golf and carried my own golf bag. I worked in my factory and office from morning till night. I felt normal and I did not worry about my illness at all. I know I am alright now.

Did you go back to see your doctor for any check up?

 No. I used to meet my doctor and he asked me to go back to the hospital and do a scan every six months. He also called me in the office. I said, yes, yes and smiled. Once, I asked my doctor: what would you do if the scan shows that I have a tumour inside me? He said, well go for chemotherapy. No, another chemotherapy is not the answer for me.

Melisa, tell us what do you think is the secret of your healing success?

I believe three factors had contributed to my healing. One – 30 percent was due to my full confidence and faith in the healer. If I have difficulty and if it concerned medical procedures, I went to see my gynaecologist and if I have problems related to my cancer I come to see you (Dr.Teo).

Two – 50 percent, was due to the herbs. They helped me from day one of my taking them. I felt the effects almost immediately. From day three I was able to go to my office. From then on I knew that the herbs were good and right for me. I have no doubt about that.

Three – 20 percent was due to my mental attitude. After I came and see you I knew that I have found my way to healing. I was happy and I did not worry any more. I took life positively. I became well. I look forward to living another 20 years and more. For now, I am hoping to build up my company – bigger and bigger. And I shall continue to take the herbs without fail. In fact, I need to tell you this. I took the capsules A and B five times a day instead of three. I kept the herbs in the office, in the car and by my bed. I took the teas using ten spoonfuls instead of six spoonfuls as you told me to take. I took MORE herbs and never less. Some friends said that the herbs were smelly, tasted so awful and I should look out for better alternatives. I must say I should thank the herbs for helping me. In fact, I figured that I hope to be able to take the herbs for the next twenty years or more. I have my hope.  I have my vision and my dreams. I know where I am going.

Melisa related to us two interesting episodes.    

A nurse in the gynaecologist’s office called Melisa’s office one day. She discretely asked the operator if Melisa was still alive. Her staff replied that her boss was still around and had gone to Hong Kong. The nurse asked if she went to Hong Kong for medical treatment. No, no….on business.

Melisa told us that many of her friends never believed that she had cancer in the first place! On day, one medical doctor came into her office and asked her husband if there was a lady in his office who had cancer and was supposed to die but had recovered instead. Her husband said it was his wife. At the time Melisa walked into the office and the doctor burst out: Who said that people who had cancer need to die? 


We rejoice in this healing. We pray that God will show Melisa His grace and blessing for many more years to come.

It was with sadness that about two years later, Melisa’s urinary track failed and she had stents installed. She was told that this was caused by her earlier radiation treatment.  Then her husband found another woman and this led to a divorce. Melisa died soon afterwards.





Cervical Cancer: My wife died

Jonathan Chamberlain’s wife, Bernadette, was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1993. She underwent surgical investigation, radiation and chemotherapy and was dead exactly a year later. There is no doubt that she died as much from the treatment as from the cancer itself. Looking back, Chamberlain feels that the biggest mistake they made was to do what the doctors advised because Bernadette could not have died sooner if they had done nothing.

In his book: Cancer Recovery Guide, pg. 28, Jonathan Chamberlain wrote:

When my wife Bernadette learned that despite all the surgery, radiation and chemotherapy her tumour had returned, she was informed that she had three months to live. She was told this on 17 January. She died on 16 April. Three months exactly.

I had a chance to talk with Jonathan when he visited CA Care in 2009. In our conversation one evening by the beach, Jonathan said:

  • From my own experience with my wife, we were in awe of the doctors …. We were in awe of our ignorance. We assumed that the doctors were best … I realized that was the biggest mistake I have ever made – to do what the doctors advise. You learn the hard way. 
  • She (wife) suffered from chemotherapy and it killed her. She died not just from cancer. She died from cancer plus chemotherapy. She died within one year because she did everything that doctor advised her.


Link to Jonathan’s website:

Cervical Cancer, Stage 2: Died 1 year and 8 months after her diagnosis

RAM was a 64-year-old lady from Indonesia. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer in December 2000. According to her daughter, the tumour was only the size of a green pea and was visible. RAM was referred to the cancer hospital for treatment. In January 2001, she was started on radiotherapy. Altogether she had 26 radiation treatments and this was followed by HDR brachytherapy (i.e., internal radiotherapy). She also underwent chemotherapy at the same time.

After the medical treatments, RAM was alright for a while. In March 2002, RAM started to have pains in the backbone and the abdomen. A CT scan done on 13 March 2002 showed the presence of at least three hypodense foci in segment 6 of right lobe of her liver suspicious of either cysts or metastatic deposits. Her uterus was distended with fluid within the endometrial cavity. There was mild thickening of the uterine cervix, post radiotherapy. Multiple sclerotic foci scattered in the lumbar vertebral bodies, iliac bones and right head of femur. These were suggestive of sclerotic bony metastasis.

RAM went back to the same cancer hospital. She again underwent 11 times of radiotherapy. After the treatment, RAM’s health started to deteriorate. Disappointed, she went to another private hospital in Penang. The medical report dated 22 June 2002 stated, “She consulted me for the first time on 17 June 2002 with complaints of severe pain in the back and right side of the face. X-rays confirmed secondary sclerotic lesions in the ribs, clavicles, scapulae, skull vault, upper cervical spine and lumbosacral spine suggestive of metastases”. This meant the cancer had spread extensive to her bones. The doctor  prescribed RAM a three-month supply of artificial saliva, amitriptylline, morphine sulphate and maxolon.

RAM stopped coming to Penang for treatment. She stayed home. Her entire right side of the body was in pain. She was not able to eat. She breathed with difficulty. Her daughter came to see us on 30 August 2002.


A small pea-sized tumour in the cervix had created havoc within a year. Are we made to believe that this is a natural course of event in cervical cancer – a pea-sized monster suddenly becoming ferocious and invaded the liver, ribs, skull and bones all over the body?

How could that be? Think carefully and calmly. Could it be due the chemo-drugs or the deadly radiation? If RAM was to take it easy – if she were to do NOTHING, would she be in her current situation? Would NO treatment at all make her worse off? What could have been  worse than the current situation?

Her daughter told us that RAM was a healthy lady and weighed 65 kg when she started with medical treatments. After the treatment she became a vegetable. In June 2002, the doctor told her family that RAM had only THREE months to live. RAM eventually died, 1 year and 8 months after her diagnosis.

Surgery and Radiotherapy Did Not Cure Cervical Cancer: Recurrence After Twelve Years

Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers that affect the female reproductive organs. It occurs at the cervix – the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. About 11,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year and nearly 4,000 (or 36.4%) die from it. Worldwide it is estimated that there are 473,000 cases of cervical cancer each year and 253,500 women (or 53.6%) die from the disease.  This makes cervical cancer the number-one cause of cancer-related deaths among women in the developing countries of the world.

In order to detect this type of cancer early, women are asked to take a Pap test regularly. The rationale is that cervical cancer can often be cured if found and treated at its early stage. How true is this statement?

An Tee (not real name) was fifty-five years old when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. This was in 1996. Fortunately for her, the cancer was at its early stage. Her doctor felt surgery and radiotherapy were adequate to deal with her problem. An Tee underwent to remove the cancer and this was followed by twelve external-radiation treatments. In addition, she received internal-radiation treatment. The latter involved an exposure of radiation-tube implanted in the vagina. An Tee was kept isolated in the hospital for two days while receiving this treatment.

An Tee was asked to visit her doctor every six months for routine check up. Everything was alright. And life went on as usual. Ten years after this “apparent cure” An Tee started to cough since 2005 (i.e., about three years before this relapse). However, her doctor did not consider anything amiss and she was told everything was alright.

In August 2006, i.e., twelve years after her diagnosis, An Tee was told that her kidney was not functioning well. A MAG-3 Lasix Renogram was performed. The results showed that An Tee’s left kidney had normal function but her right kidney was hydronephrotic with reduced size and function and was significantly obstructed. Essentially there was only minimal (ten percent) right renal function.

A CT scan of the chest indicated both lungs were studded with numerous nodular lesions of varying sizes measuring 5 mm to 25 mm. A dominant 3 cm nodule was seen in the right lower lobe. There were also multiple small mediastinal lymphadenopathies in the aorto-pulmonary window and pre-aortic region. In short, the CT scan revealed An Tee had extensive lung nodules in both her lungs that had also spread to the adjacent lymph nodes.

A biopsy was performed resulting in bleeding and An Tee’s stay in the hospital had to be extended. The histology results showed the lung parenchyma was infiltrated by malignant cells. The pathologist concluded that it was a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma – representing perhaps a metastasis or TB.

An Tee was asked to undergo chemotherapy. She and her entire family refused and opted for herbs instead.


  1. From the internet, I learned that lung metastasis due to cervical cancer occur in less than five percent of patients at presentation, 20 to 30 percent at autopsy. This metastatic cancer is staged as 4B – a serious condition indeed.
  2. It is also said that women who survive cervical cancer face a higher risk for developing other cancers in the days ahead. This is even more so in survivors who had been treated with radiotherapy. In this case, besides serious lung metastasis, An Tee’s  right kidney had failed – a side effect of radiotherapy done many years ago.
  3. This case once again demonstrated what we at CA Care have been telling patients: Don’t be complacent. Cancer may recur anytime. Always be on the watch. Listen carefully to what your body is telling you.
  4. In this case, An Tee had been having chronic coughs for the past three years before a CT scan was done.   In spite of consulting her doctors every now and then, none of her doctors ever had the “fore sight” to examine her chest! Perhaps many around her were “blinded”, believing that since she had survived five years, she was “cured” of her cancer. There is no scientific basis for this erred perception. The number “five” is an arbitrary figure. So being able to live past five years does not mean the cancer is gone forever. Patients must not be misled by this untruth.
  5. Dr. David Johnson, deputy director of Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center thinks that: “The five-year benchmark becomes a balm for doctors or patients who find the unpredictability of their situation intolerable. Physicians are reluctant to say cancer might recur, so they would rather us these terms like – OK, in five years you’ll be cure.”
  6. This case highlighted another inadequacy of cancer medical treatment, as articulated by Dr. Barry Boyd, director of Integrative Oncology program, Greenwich Hospital, Yale Cancer Center:“Many doctors don’t bother to counsel their patients after treatment. Once cancer treatment is completed, most patients are left on their own to cope with the rest of their lives. This is what I call falling off the cliff. Patients are left in free fall.” Dr. Boyd went on to say that: “In addition to the best medical care possible, nutrition, exercise and stress reductions are absolutely necessary to make your cancer treatment more effective and prevent cancer’s return.”
  7. An Tee had been on the herbs for the past 9 months. Then at about 7.30 a.m., 15 June 2009, our phone rang. We were told An Tee had just expired. The only daughter in my grandfather’s family was lost to cancer. In spite of this loss, we were glad that at the end, An Tee did not suffer any pains. At the later stage of her illness, An Tee became breathless and she had to use oxygen mask to help her breathe better. That was about the only discomfort she had.
  8. I flew home to be with An Tee’s family during this time of grief. Her face looked sweet and natural. This image remained imprinted in my mind. Above all, everyone in the family remained grateful that she died without any pain or suffering, that is so typical of many cancer deaths.  When her time came, she took two deep intake of air that morning and she passed off.