Even in the United States, lung cancer remains incurable!

This is an email I just received today.

Dear Dr. Teo,

My name is Daniel (not his real name). One of your patients from Indonesia referred me to you to get information on your successful study on lung cancer treatment.

In March 2017 I was hospitalized for a week and was subsequently diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. I underwent treatment by an oncologist from the City of Hope Cancer Treatment and Research Center. They started the treatment with TARCEVA, one pill a day. And by the grace of God my cancer were gone in about 4 months.

Unfortunately, a new lung cancer developed in early 2018 and they replaced Tarceva with a new pill TAGRISSO. Tagrisso worked well for about a year only.

Since there is no more new medication available, then I went for chemotherapy using Keytruda and Alimta. This was done every 3 weeks for 6 times in 2019. But the effectiveness of the chemo only lasted for few months.

In May 2019, the doctor detected a new cancer that was growing in my right lung. He was reluctant to give me another chemotherapy treatment this time.

I am now back on Tagrisso pill pending further decision. In other word, we just let the cancer cell to grow and hopefully slowly at this time.

Since you have a great success in combating this decease, I am seeking your help or information on any treatment or herbal that you use to treat your patients. I believe this might be the answer to my prayer.

Thank you for your help and I am looking forward to hear from you soon.

What can we learn from this sad story.

  1. When the lung cancer is tested positive for EGFR receptor, the doctor generally ask you to take Iressa pill, that is if you are an Asian. Iressa is not allowed in the Western countries — but the Asian countries, okay! So perhaps that is the reason why Daniel was given Traceva instead of Iressa.
  2. The medical people call this “chemo-drug” the smart bomb or targeted therapy. In Malaysia Tarceva or Iressa costs something like RM8,000 per month. And there seems to be a promotion, buy one free one. Or buy 10 months and you get the medication free for life! Think hard, what does that imply?

Read more: https://cancercaremalaysia.com/2017/04/08/lung-cancer-spend-rm80000-and-you-get-free-tarceva-for-life/


  1. For Daniel Tarceva worked like magic. Within 4 months, the tumour was gone (?). Yes, this happened in Malaysia too! But lowering of CEA or disappearance of the tumour does not mean the cancer is gone forever. The sad truth is that, within a year, the cancer recurred.
  2. From Tarceva Daniel was told to switch to Tagrisso — a much more expensive drug. About 2 months ago, a distant relative of mine came to see me. He had lung cancer and was on Tagrisso. It cost him RM15,000 per month. He had been on this new drug for about 9 months. No, the cancer did not go away. And he was told that if he takes Tagrisso for a total of one year, he would be given the drug free for life.
  3. Daniel took Tagrisso for about a year, and he suffered another recurrence.
  4. Since the smart bombs are not that smart after all, the doctor had to turn to the conventional method of chemotherapy. Daniel received 6 cycles of chemo using Keytruda and Alimta.

Read these stories: https://cancercaremalaysia.com/2011/08/06/dissecting-chemotherapy-part-7-avastin-alimta-nearly-killed-me/

Alimta was also on offer: Buy two, free two. If you make it to 12 cycles, free for life!


  1. Unfortunately, the chemo treatment only lasted for a few months. A new growth appeared in Daniel’s right lung. Daniel was back on Tagrisso again pending further decision.

Such sad story happens most of the time, everywhere in the world. So let’s face reality. In my years of helping people with cancer, I have come to a sad conclusion that there is no cure of cancer. In this case, you can argue that Tarceva, Tagrisso, Alimta, Keytruda had helped Daniel. Without these drugs he would not have lived that long. Maybe that is true. These may have prolonged Daniel’s life. But at what cost? For sure, these drugs are expensive! Yes, these drugs come with various side effects.

So why complain? What if you take herbs and can just live just as long? It is definitely cheaper and has no destructive side effects! No, the world does not want to know or encourage this!


Multiple Myeloma: Amazing healing after 4 weeks on herbs

Hary (not his real name) is a 51-year-old Indonesian. His problem started about 3 years ago when a blood test showed his hemoglobin level was low. He did nothing about it. And he seemed to be okay.

  • In April 2018, he had fevers. The doctor prescribed Panadol and he recovered.
  • In August 2018, he had fevers again. He took Panadol and he was okay again.
  • In November 2018, he again had fevers. His blood test results were as follows:

                Laju Endapan Darah                  H  145

The doctor suspected Hary had Multiple Myeloma and suggested a biopsy.  He refused any further medical treatment.

  • In April 2019, He had fevers again. He went to Rumah Sakit Medistra and did a blood test. The result showed low hemoglobin level.

  • In May 2019, we received an e-mail from his wife.

Dear Pak Chris,

My name is Daine (not her real name). We are from Jakarta, Indonesia. I saw some videos in the YouTube and CA Care website pertaining to CA Care treatment. I learned from the website that Pak Chris has an experience to help Multiple Myeloma patients. I could not say more other than Alhamdulillah (Praise be to GOD). Hence I am writing this email to Pak Chris concerning my husband who is diagnosed Multiple Myeloma.

My husband, Hary was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma since November 2018 after the doctor found that he was anemic.

In 2018 he had three times fever with decreasing of hemoglobin from 10 to 8.3 since April to Nov 2018 whereas leucocyte and erythrocyte went down as well. He was hospitalized for 5 days at Mayapada Hospital Jakarta (Private Hospital) and conducted series of lab check and bone survey.

During his hospitalization, the doctor only gave paracetamol and anti-nausea medication via infusion. Referring to the lab test result, it was diagnosed a Multiple Myeloma. Doctor suggested to do a Bone Marrow Puncture but we refused to do so as we wanted to seek a second opinion.

On 18 February 2019, he had fever again and hemoglobin went down to 7.6. He took paracetamol and fever was gone. Since then, he felt weak and in April we visited a hematologist/oncologist at Medistra Hospital Jakarta (Private Hospital). He recommend to do a blood transfusion immediately.

After the blood transfusion, the hemoglobin increased to 9.7. The hematologist/oncologist was rather open as I showed him that other patients with a similar diagnose can heal by natural remedies. Thus, this oncologist gave us a chance within 6 months to consider a best treatment for him as the oncologist said that Multiple Myeloma is incurable at the moment.

My husband feels a back pain (suffered enough) since April 2019 until now. He felt pain every time (and every day) when he gets up from bed and when he gets up from chair. He feels stun at spinal cord which make his body dropped down and weak, thus need some times to get up to stand up straight. standing position. According to lab test, his CKD (chronic kidney disease) went down below normal standard.  His creatinine level was high.

We plan to do another blood transfusion this month due to the decreasing hemoglobin. He feels weak.

We are really seeking Pak Chris’s kind help. Please help us. Looking forward to have your kind response and an opportunity to meet you soonest. Thank you very much in advanced.

8 June 2019

Dear Prof Chris Teo,

Apologize for disturbing your weekend, kindly find enclosed a latest blood check of my husband. I’m worried  about his current CKD (chronic kidney disease). It went down far from a previous blood test.

Now his CKD is 4 while on 11 May 2019 it was 49. I’m worried about this Prof..

He had a blood transfusion last week (30 May – 1 June) at Private Hospital, infused 960 cc blood with dexamethasone (2 times). He had fever again on Monday, felt nausea and vomited on Tuesday, and he felt dizzy up to now. He is taking Lanzaprazole & Propepsa sucralfate to cope with his nausea and paracetamol for his fever.

We really need your kind help. Having those condition, would it be possible if just myself see Prof Chris Teo at Penang? Please help us Prof Chris Teo. Your kind advise would be highly appreciated.

Thank you very much in advanced.

Reply: MM is a very, very difficult problem —- saya tidak banyak jumpa kasus MM. Don’t bring him to Penang — air travel is bad for him. Only you come and we discuss what to do.

22 May 2019

Thank you very much for your email and fully understood. Saya sudah melihat video yang di share oleh Prof Chris. Kami akan mengunjungi Prof Chris di Penang segera setelah pasport kami selesai.

Saya akan stop memberikan suami saya kurma dan royal jelly. However, since my husband’s creatinine is above normal:1.68 (normal range 0.70 – 1.20), is there anything we can do to reduce that prior visiting Prof Chris at Penang? My husband plan to do a blood transfusion 500 cc next week at Medistra Hospital Jakarta.

Looking forward to have your kind advise

Reply: Don’t worry too much about that creatinine level la!!!!

Diane came in mid-June and we discussed what to do. I told Diane to try our herbs and at the same time follow our diet. If Hary’s condition improve after the herbs, we shall continue with the therapy. But if there is NO improvement, then there is nothing much we can do to help him because Multiple Myeloma is just a rare and difficult case to handle.

Four weeks on our therapy.

11 July 2019

Dear Dr. Chris,

How are you ? We hope you and your family are well. I would like to share the progress of my husband’s condition since last month after visiting you and drinking the herbs.

  • He can smile again and feels grateful.
  • It has been a week, he can now walk slowly without stick and still learning how to walk in upright posture just like before.
  • Eats only 2-3 tablespoon of rice every meal but eat lots of vegetables and fruits.
  • Drink 2.5 to 3 litres per day and urination is good.
  • Bowel movement is ok – every 2 days.
  • Often farting during first 2-3 weeks.
  • Still have a spinal pain especially when he get up from bed in the morning.
  • Lately he can manage his sleep well.

Note:  In addition, he can now walk around the house, visit his neighbours and go to the mosque. He can pray — bending down, squatting, etc.

Thank you very much in advanced for your kind support and see you tomorrow. Please send my warm regards to your wife.

Reply: Can you take video to show how he moves around now. Do you also have the video of him before he took the herbs? It would be great to compare.

I am glad that he is getting better. Yes, I shall see you and make sure that you get to the airport well in time.

Watch this video:


In the next posting, I shall write about the Challenges of Healing. Most patients who come to us all want miracles to happen to them. But unfortunately they do not want to do their part to allow the miracle to happen. In other words, they want healing on their own terms. They want to get well, but at the same time they want it their way!





Lymphoma: Health improved after 4 weeks on herbs

Yen is a 23-year-old Indonesian. He had just completed his study in law. His problem started with a small swelling in his right collar bone. The lump grew bigger and developed more lumps. He did the following:

  1. He went to the hospital in Pekan Baru. The doctor diagnosed his problem as TB and Yen was on TB medication for about 6 to 7 months. The problem did not go away.
  2. Yen consulted a doctor in another hospital. He was told he had lymphoma and was asked to undergo chemotherapy.
  3. No satisfied Yen went to the general hospital in his home town. Again he was told he had lymphoma and was asked to undergo chemotherapy, which he refused to do.
  4. Yen went to Pekan Baru Medical Centre for further consultation. He was told the same thing — it’s a lymphoma and he need to undergo chemotherapy.
  5. Yen started to take herbal products which cost him IDR 15 million for three months. The herbs seemed to help.
  6. Yen started other “jamu” or herbal concoction for about 1 year. It cost him about IDR 1 million per month. His health got worse.
  7. At last Yen landed in Santa Maria Hospital. Again he was told he had Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and has to undergo chemotherapy, which he flatly refused.

Yen came to seek our help in March 2019. He presented with the following:

  • severe fatigue
  • profuse sweating of both hands
  • he has fever everyday
  • he feels “heaty” in the chest
  • swelling in the right collar bone
  • breathlessness
  • itching throughout the whole body.

Yen took our herbs for about a month and then stopped. This was what happened:

Week 1: He did not feel good (tak enak). The lump in his right neck grew bigger and had pulling pain.

Week 2: The lump in his neck started to shrink and the pain was less. He started to feel good again.

Week 3: He had less fever. Before he had fever every day. His hands did not feel “cold” anymore. His head felt “hot” only once in a while.

Week 4: His breathlessness improved. Pains in the hands came on and off only.

Week 5: Swelling in the collar was smaller but new swellings developed in the left neck, right upper jaw and right arm pit. The lumps were painful.

Did the herbs helped him? The answer is yes.

Before the herbs: When he woke up from sleep, he had pains throughout the body. He felt tired easily. He sweated profusely .. his whole body was wet. His whole body itched.

After taking the herbs: The body itch was totally gone. The pain in the body had improved. He said the pain was okay now. He did not feel tired anymore. The sweating of the whole body is totally gone.

Watch this video:


About 9 months later (early December 2019), Yen came back to see again and reported the following:

  1. His health is back to normal.
  2. He can now play football with his friends. This is something he was not able to do before, due to lack of energy.
  3. The swelling in his collar bone is gone! He showed us these two pictures below:






She refused surgery. Took herbs. Ended up with a rotten breast!

Daisy is a 28-year-old lady from Indonesia. In May 2018, Daisy found a lump in her right breast. In June 2018, she went to a hospital in Melaka and had a biopsy. The doctor told her it was a ductal carcinoma. Daisy was told to undergo a surgery to be followed by chemotherapy. The prospect of having to undergo chemotherapy frightened her. She went home without undergoing any medical treatment.

Following a friend’s recommendation, she went to seek the help of a sinseh in Jakarta. Daisy was prescribed herbal powders which she had to take every day. The cost of these herbal mixtures ranged from IDR 15 to 20 million per month (that is equivalent to RM4,500 to RM6,000 per month).

Daisy was on this herbal treatment for about eleven months and the picture below shows the pathetic result.

According to Daisy, from July to August 2018, she had difficulty breathing. This problem resolved after taking the herbs. But the herbs make her situation worse. By December 2018 the breast started to harden, it turned reddish and the tumour burst. She had pains.

Someone  told Daisy about CA Care. She went into our website. She and her mother came to seek our help. Before she came, she went for a blood test. On 7 June 2019, her CEA was at 4.6 but her CA123 was at 192.9

Listen to our conversation that morning:




Here are some of the important points we discussed. I hope you too can take time to reflect on them and hopefully learn something.

Chris: When you went to see the sinseh in Jakarta, did he read the medical reports? Did he know that the lump in your breast is cancerous? What did he say? Take nis herbs and you would be cured?

Daisy: His advice was: don’t operate and don’t do any chemo. Take the herbs and don’t worry.

C: Did he know that your breast had turned from “good” to “bad” – rotten?  Did he see what had happened to your breast?

D: Sometimes, I didn’t get to see him at all during my visit to his clinic in Jakarta.

C: Why did you continue to take the herbs even after seeing your breast had gone  “rotten”? Why did you not stop and ask what had gone wrong? Why do you continue to believe him?

D: The sinseh said it has to be like that. Nothing to worry.

C: Did you go back to him again and show him your breast (picture above)?

D: No.

C: You were being misled — cheated! My experiences tell me that if the lump is cancerous, it has to be removed. There are many “dumb” ladies like you, who came to see me with their rotten breasts. Here are some pictures (below) …these are not your breasts … why do these ladies ever allow such a thing to happen to them? I don’t know.

First, let me ask you one frank question. Do you want to live or do you want to die?

D: I want to live. That is why I am here.

C: Want can I do now to help you? Nothing much. My advice is for you to go and see a good doctor and see if he can help remove your rotten breast. You can go to any of these two doctors in Penang and see what they have got to offer you. I guess the doctor will ask you to go for chemo first. This is to shrink the tumour and then he will remove the whole breast after that.

You may need to undergo 3 cycles of chemo first and see what happen. You may need 6 cycles in all. So let’s see what happen. So, again I say. Go and see the doctor first and listen to what he says. After that you can come back to me again if you need help.

If you are afraid of the side effects of the chemo, you can take our Chemo-Tea. This tea may be able to help you with the side effects while undergoing chemo.

As it is now, I can only say this is the only “logical and perhaps the right path” for you to take. I also suggest that you go home and think about this. Or go and see the doctors I mentioned right away.

Since you pray to Buddha, I suggest that you ask Buddha what to do. Pray!

Then it is up to you to decide what you want to do. Always remember that if you need help, you can always come back to us. My consultation is free of charge.




Endometrial Cancer: Clean after surgery but one oncologist said go for chemo, another said radiation!

Wati is a 73-year-old Indonesian lady. In April 2019 she suffered vaginal bleeding. This lasted for about a week and then the bleeding stopped. But two weeks later the bleeding recurred.

In  May 2019, Wati underwent an operation – TAH-BSO,  in a Surabaya hospital. The histopathology report indicated endometriod adenocarcinoma.

Wati was asked to undergo 6 cycles of chemotherapy. She was not sure of what to do.

Wati and her family came to a private hospital in Penang for a second opinion. Before meeting the oncologist, she and her family came to consult us first. My advice to her: Since you have already made an appointment to see the oncologist, why don’t you go ahead and listen to what he has got to offer you! After the consultation, if you need my help then come back and see me again. Wati did exactly that. I did not ask her to take any herbs.

MRI of the pelvis was done on 23 May 2019. The report said, Past total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for uterine carcinoma, with post surgical changes noted around the vaginal stump extending into the right adnexal region. No evidence of local recurrence or regional lymphadenopathy noted.

I received an e-mail from Wati’s daughter asking for an urgent appointment to see me again. Yes, I agreed to meet the family immediately that Friday evening.

The gist of our conversation.

  1. The oncologist told Wati that everything is “clean”. There is no need for her to undergo chemotherapy. However, the oncologist recommended that Wati undergoes 20 sessions of radiation treatment.
  2. I asked Wati if the oncologist ever tell why she has to undergo radiotherapy when everything is clean. After all it is just a Stage 1 cancer. Wati was told that undergoing radiotherapy is to prevent the cancer from recurring in the near future.
  3. I explained to Wati and her family that radiation can cause cancer. This is a fact. Click this link: https://www.webmd.com/cancer/qa/can-radiation-therapy-cause-cancer.
  4. We also know that radiation can cause the cancer to spread. It can also make the cancer more aggressive Click these links: https://twgbreastcancer.com/2017/02/20/radiation-therapy-can-cause-cancer-spread/ https://www.webmd.com/cancer/news/20080610/treatment-can-make-cancer-stronger#1
  5. Undergoing radiotherapy would be “fine” if it is not cancer-causing or if it has no long-term side effects.
  • There was a man who had radiation-induced sarcoma after receiving radiation for his nose cancer.
  • There was a lady who underwent radiotherapy after her hysterectomy. Soon after she ended up going in and out of the hospital because her abdomen was full of smelly pus. Then the cancer spread to her liver. Some four years later, her urinary bladder was affected and she discharged “rotten tissues”. The doctor had to install “urinary tubes” to help pass her urine. Her problem, according to her doctor, was due to previous radiation treatment.
  1. Even though MRI showed she is “clean” it does not mean that the surgery had removed all the cancer inside her. It may just mean that MRI cannot detect the cancer cells inside her.
  2. I made it clear that taking our herbs and following our therapy will not guarantee that she will be cured. The cancer can come back if she is not careful. Besides taking the herbs, she has to change her lifestyle and diet. Go for exercise and learn to cultivate peace of mind.
  3. I suggested to Wati and her family to discuss among themselves and make their own decision. I can only help but I cannot promise a cure.
  4. Wati decided not to undergo any chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
  5. It is a big surprise that the person who did most of the talking this evening was her daughter. And she lives in Beijing, China! Perhaps this daughter knows what herbs can do!


After the surgery, MRI indicates everything is “clean”. It is just a Stage 1 cancer. The oncologist in Surabaya suggested that Wati undergoes 6 cycles of chemotherapy. The oncologist in Penang suggested 20 sessions of radiotherapy and it is not necessary to undergo chemotherapy.

Let me ask: Who do you think gave the “right” advice? Or did both of them gave a bad advice? Do you ever wonder where is the “proven science” in treating this case? Does it ever strike you that someone is gambling with your life?

Wati is already 73 years old. As it is now, she is leading a normal healthy life after the surgery. Is there any necessity for her to go to war with her cancer? In any war, there will always be casualty and suffering. Is it not better that she learns how to live with her cancer?

I was glad that Wati and her family members decided “not to do anything”! She wanted to take herbs instead.

When Wati’s daughter sent me a message that Friday afternoon, I readily told her to see me at 5 pm at the centre. I am glad that I did that. After our consultation, I came to understand that Wati’s daughter had to take a flight back to Beijing the next morning. Sometimes, a small favour extended to others, can lead to good things! The whole family was satisfied and  happy.