NPC – After Nine Years – Still Cancer Free!

Yesterday (15 September 2020), Im received this short message from Pastor Danny of Singapore.

Thank you Pastor for keeping us informed of your progress. Thank God the Almighty for this wonderful blessing. We are happy to learn that you are cancer free! Keep it that way.

I can still remember very clearly the day when Danny came to our centre with Senior Pastor Derek and another church member to our centre in early 2012 – eight years ago.

Danny was diagnosed with Stage 3 nose cancer and had undergone radiotherapy in a hospital in Singapore. He had just completed  the second cycle of chemotherapy. Both treatments cause severe side effects.

The side effects of radiation were: mouth sore, difficulty swallowing, burnt skin, etc.

According to Danny the side effects of chemotherapy were worse than radiotherapy. He had to be hospitalized due to fevers and infection. He was unable to sleep, was in pain and became anxious and depressed. He was put on morphine and as a result suffered constipation and hallucination.

The treatment caused much misery.  Danny said: I was just a living thing – existing. The treatment caused much misery. I would rather die – it was miserable and never again!

Even though the medical treatment offered only a 30 percent chance (whatever that means) Danny  had to accept what was “dished” to him because he knew of no other way out of this predicament. Being a pastor he had to show a good example. So he had to put up a “false front” and behave himself . Follow what the doctors said.

But unknown to many of his friends and church members, he remained confined to his room refusing to meet anybody. At the lowest ebb of his life, he felt he could not make it and was ready to die. He even sent out an sms to a friend requesting what was to be done for him if he passed on.

Fortunately all was not lost. A friend managed to convince Danny for another alternative way – try CA Care therapy! Three days on the our herbs, Danny bounced back to life! He had more energy to talk to friends and walk around. He was able to attend church and took morning walk.

After meeting us in Penang, Danny decided to stop chemo on his own accord – without any pressure from anyone. The next day he went to his oncologist and told her he was taking CA Care’s herbs and he would not want to continue with further chemotherapy. To his surprise the oncologist readily agreed! She was not “mad” at him at all.

For more detail and videos of our interview, click here: A U-turn from Death – The Nose Cancer Journey of Pastor Danny


Herbs Helped Him After A Failed Liver Surgery

Chai, 64-year-old, had a 15 x 18 cm cancerous tumour in his liver. Her underwent an operation to remove 70 percent of his liver. Nine months after the surgery, a new 8 cm tumour recurred in his liver. The cancer had also spread to his lung. Chai was asked to undergo TACE (transarterial chemoembolization). He refused the treatment and came to seek our help instead.

Chai was prescribed herbs: Capsule A,B, C, D and M. In addition he was asked to drink herbal teas – Live-P + PLM, Live 2 and Lung.

About one month on the herbs, Chai and his daughter came back and told us that the herbs helped him!

Watch this video:

Healing Crisis

The first two weeks taking herbs was difficult! Why?

  1. The herbal teas are bitter and have awful smell (to some people). Some patients may just give up after a few days because of this.
  2. Chai had to change his diet – he could not eat anything he wanted! No meat, no sugar, no oil etc. Some patients would tell us life has no meaning if they cannot eat their favourite food!!
  3. Chai felt tired after drinking the teas.
  4. He had loose stools or diarrhoea. He had to go to the toilet 6 to 7 times a day. We told Chai that some peoples had to go the toilet more frequently than that! So no big deal.

To be fair, during Chai’s first visit, we have already warned him that the above could happen after taking the herbs. We call this “healing crisis.” It can last from one to three weeks. Every patient has to go through this crisis before he/she gets better!

I asked Chai: Did you feel you want to give up having to suffer all these?

Chai replied: No!

Chai persisted and he was well rewarded – just after one month on our therapy. His health improved and he felt better by a least 50 percent.

1.Night sweat gone. Before the herbs, Chai  said he woke up sweating heavily every morning at about 5 or 6 a.m. He was wet and could not go back to sleep again. After two weeks on the herbs, this problem was totally gone. He could sleep longer and better.

  1. Cough gone. Before the herbs, Chai had cough with while phlegm. His cough went away after taking the herbs. There was no need for him to taking any of our cough herbs.
  2. Pain of teeth of lower jaw gone. For the past two months before starting on the herbs, Chai said his teeth in the lower jaw were painful when chewing. Two weeks after taking the herbs, there was no more pain.
  3. Taste and smell of food restored. Before the herbs, any food that Chai ate had no taste or smell. After two weeks on the herbs he could enjoy the taste and smell of his food.
  4. More energy. While initially he felt tired, after two weeks on the herbs he felt he has more energy. He was no more tired.
  5. Felt better. After a month on the herbs, I asked Chai if he felt better and healthier? The answer was Yes! On the scale of 0 to 10, Chai said his health is now at 5.

It is indeed a big surprise (and a great blessing) to see Chai and daughter so happy during this visit. When asked if he wanted to continue taking the herbs. The daughter said: Yes, must continue, cannot stop.

I reminded Chai that most patients will start bargaining wanting to eat this and that – which there not supposed to eat – after they started to feel well. Some patients would ask that they take less herbs now that they are already getting better.

FORTUNATELY, Chai is not this type of character. I have made it very clear to Chai and his daughter. From now on, there is nothing more that I can do for them. I have given all the herbs that I know could help Chai. Now it is up to the patient himself to continue doing what he is doing to heal himself.

I told Chai: I am happy to have a patient with such attitude. Patient – heal yourself!





Liver Surgery Failed To Cure Him

Chai is a 64 year-old-Malaysian. He was diagnosed with Hepatitis B since the past twenty over years. He had no symptoms. The doctor prescribed him Tenorfovir (viral load well suppressed).

A check up in June 2015 showed elevated liver function enzymes – AST = 111,                ALT = 169.

A CT scan showed:

  • The liver is normal in size but coarse echotexture and irregular border.
  • A hyperechoic lesion but no obvious intralesional. Vascularity note at left lobe of the liver measures 0.8 x 0.9 x 1 cm.

Impression: Features suggestive of liver parenchyma disease with hyperechoic lesion left lobe of liver likely menangioma.

A triphasic CT scan of liver done in July 2015 confirmed:

  • Irregular liver surface. Hypodense lesions are seen at both liver lobes, the largest is at segment 7 measures 1.2 cm. These lesions not enhanced in all CT phases.
  • Prostate enlarged measuring 4.7 x 5.1 x 4.1 cm.


  1. Liver cirrhosis with no CT evidence of hepatoma.
  2. Multiple liver cysts.
  3. Cholelithlasis.
  4. Prostatomegaly.

Fast forward to April 2018 – a repeat Triphasic CT scan showed:

  • A solitary non-enchancing homogenous isodense liver nodule 3.3 x 3.6 cm. In view of underlying chronic hepatitis carrier, need to exclude atypical hepatocellular carcinoma.
  • Associated underlying liver cysts and haemangioma.

On 8 August 2019, Chai was admitted to a government hospital  and underwent surgery to removed about 70 percent of his liver. After being discharged from hospital, he was not offered further treatment (like chemotherapy) nor given any medication to take. He was sent home to recover and was told he can go back to his old lifestyle and can eat whatever he likes  – no pantang!

A follow up CT in July 2020 showed:

  • Increasing size and number of liver lesions in segment 2 and 3.
  • Lung nodules with pleural-based lesions suggestive of lung and pleural metastases.
  • Prostatomegaly with chronic bladder obstruction.

Chai was asked to undergo transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) for his recurrent liver cancer. He refused to undergo this treatment and came to seek our help instead.

Chai told us that:

1. The size of the tumour in his liver was about 15 x 18 cm before it was removed by surgery.

2. About 9 months later, the cancer recurred.  The tumour in his liver is now about 8 cm in size. The cancer had also spread to his lungs.

3. The liver operation done in  the government cost only RM250 (two hundred and fifty ringgit). If he were to go to a private hospital it would have cost him about RM60,000.

Watch this video:

Comments: If there is one lesson we can learn from this case is that if we are diagnosed with Hepatitis, we need to take care of our problem. Just because there  is no symptom , it does not mean we can live like there is no tomorrow. One day this hepatitis may develop into liver cirrhosis or/and liver cancer as in the case of Chai.

When Chai first came to see us, he looked alright (from the outside) and we highlighted the following points:

1. Surgery cannot cure liver cancer. Unlike in cases of breast or colon cancer, would not “push” or recommend patients to undergo surgery for liver cancer. We have seen many cases of failures. In the case of Chai the tumour recurred about nine months after surgery. He was back to square one. The doctor suggested TACE. But Chai’s cancer had already spread to his lungs. What can TACE do for his lungs?

His tumour in his liver is about 15 x 18 cm in size. That is huge and because of that 70 percent of the liver had to be removed. In such a situation, the chances of recurrence is very high – almost a certainty. If the tumour is small  – below 3 cm, maybe surgery is a good bet.

Cancer Recurred After Liver Surgery: The same story again and again!

Cancer Recurred After Liver Surgery: The same story again and again!

Liver Cancer: 3 cm Tumour OUT, 8 cm Tumour IN After 9 Months and S$28,000-Surgery

Liver Cancer: 3 cm Tumour OUT, 8 cm Tumour IN After 9 Months and S$28,000-Surgery

2. Chai has to take care of his diet – no meat, no sugar and no oil / oily, fried food.  No one has ever told him to “pantang” or take care of diet. So after the surgery, he was back to his old life style and ate whatever he wanterd.

3. Chai has to face reality. There is no cure for cancer. So don’t be  misled or “fooled” by people who claim that their “therapy” can cure cancer. There is no magic – and CA Care has no magic potion either. So why take our herbs then? Our experience showed that herbs do help – perhaps to make life a little better or to even prolong life.

Liver Cancer: Two months to live yet still fine after one and a half years!

8 cm Liver Tumour Shrunk After 8 Months On Herbs. Still Alive and Well After 2 Years

8 cm Liver Tumour Shrunk After 8 Months On Herbs. Still Alive and Well After 2 Years

Liver Cancer: You are still around? It’s a miracle

Liver Cancer: You are still around? It’s a miracle

4. Be grateful.  We would like to remind all patients – if you can eat, can sleep, have no pain and can move around – learn to be grateful for what you are. Nobody can do anything to make you better than that.

Liver Cancer: Cultivate Gratitude Not Greed — Two years on herbs, okay; 6 months on medical treatments, dead

Liver Cancer: Cultivate Gratitude Not Greed — Two years on herbs, okay; 6 months on medical treatments, dead

5. Learn to take care of yourself. To win or to lose depends on you – the patient. Others around you can only help but they cannot cure you!  Learn to eat healthy. We have written two books on this subject – Food & Cancer and Healthy Cooking. It is up to you to read and learn to make yourself healthy.

Besides healthy food, learn to lead a stress-free and contented life.

6. Going for TACE? The doctor suggested Chai undergo TACE – that’s the only option there is. We have made it clear to Chai that he has to make his own decision with regards to TACE. We cannot tell him to go or not to go for the treatment. Chai understood the situation he is in and understood our message.

7. Herbs are bitter and the smell is awful (to most people). You need to boil them as tea – so it is a chore that you have to deal with.

8. Chai may have to suffer “healing crisis” initially before he can get well. In the first two herbs after taking the herbs, he may have diarrhoea, feel tired, etc. That is okay – continue taking the herbs. After a month – ask this question: Am I getting better? Our advice – if you feel better, then continue taking the herbs. But if after a month on the herbs, your condition does not improve or gets worse, then stop taking the herbs.

9. Finally, we ask Chai and his son: What do you want to do now?  Are you prepared to go through the “challenge” outline above? Without hesitation Chai replied: I want to take your herbs. Chai did not want to go for TACE.