NPC – After Nine Years – Still Cancer Free!

Yesterday (15 September 2020), Im received this short message from Pastor Danny of Singapore.

Thank you Pastor for keeping us informed of your progress. Thank God the Almighty for this wonderful blessing. We are happy to learn that you are cancer free! Keep it that way.

I can still remember very clearly the day when Danny came to our centre with Senior Pastor Derek and another church member to our centre in early 2012 – eight years ago.

Danny was diagnosed with Stage 3 nose cancer and had undergone radiotherapy in a hospital in Singapore. He had just completed  the second cycle of chemotherapy. Both treatments cause severe side effects.

The side effects of radiation were: mouth sore, difficulty swallowing, burnt skin, etc.

According to Danny the side effects of chemotherapy were worse than radiotherapy. He had to be hospitalized due to fevers and infection. He was unable to sleep, was in pain and became anxious and depressed. He was put on morphine and as a result suffered constipation and hallucination.

The treatment caused much misery.  Danny said: I was just a living thing – existing. The treatment caused much misery. I would rather die – it was miserable and never again!

Even though the medical treatment offered only a 30 percent chance (whatever that means) Danny  had to accept what was “dished” to him because he knew of no other way out of this predicament. Being a pastor he had to show a good example. So he had to put up a “false front” and behave himself . Follow what the doctors said.

But unknown to many of his friends and church members, he remained confined to his room refusing to meet anybody. At the lowest ebb of his life, he felt he could not make it and was ready to die. He even sent out an sms to a friend requesting what was to be done for him if he passed on.

Fortunately all was not lost. A friend managed to convince Danny for another alternative way – try CA Care therapy! Three days on the our herbs, Danny bounced back to life! He had more energy to talk to friends and walk around. He was able to attend church and took morning walk.

After meeting us in Penang, Danny decided to stop chemo on his own accord – without any pressure from anyone. The next day he went to his oncologist and told her he was taking CA Care’s herbs and he would not want to continue with further chemotherapy. To his surprise the oncologist readily agreed! She was not “mad” at him at all.

For more detail and videos of our interview, click here: A U-turn from Death – The Nose Cancer Journey of Pastor Danny


Colon Cancer Part 2: What if no chemo?

In my earlier posting, I shared the story of SE who had colon cancer, underwent surgery but refused follow-up chemotherapy. To many people, SE is taking a great risk by rejecting chemotherapy. But according to her doctor, chemo or no chemo, the final outcome would be about the same — not much difference! So, where is the risk?

If you were SE what would you do? Go for chemo or not? It seems the answer to SE is obvious. NO chemo after discussing with her family about what the oncologist had told her. On top of it, SE has a son (let’s call him YA, story below) who was also diagnosed with colon cancer. He too refused chemotherapy.

Stage 3 colon cancer: No chemo after surgery

YA is a 43-year old salesman. In early 2018, his stomach did not feel good. He went to a GP in a private clinic and was prescribed pain killer. It did not help him even after three visits. Later, he had altered bowel habits.

In mid-July 2018, YA did a colonoscopy in a private hospital. There was a circumferential tumour in his ascending colon – just distal to ileocaecal valve.

This first visit to the hospital and examination cost him about RM6,000.

YA was told to undergo an operation. He hesitated and went on to consult three doctors in three different hospitals of their opinions. All the doctors gave the same advice: Operate! (yes, right. If YA were to come for my advice, I would have urged him to go for the operation too).

YA had no choice but had to undergo surgery as recommended. It was a hemicolectomy. Histopathology report firmed a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of ascending colon. Three of the 15 pericolic lymph nodes are involved with metastatic carcinoma. CT scan showed no metastasis to either the lung or liver.

This is a stage 3 cancer, T3N1Mx. The operation cost him RM23,000.

After the surgery, YA was asked to undergo follow-up chemotherapy. The oncologist suggested  Xelox regimen, i.e. taking oral drug Xeloda plus injection of Oxaliplatin. Each cycle costs about RM5,500 to RM6,500. YA has to undergo a total of  8 cycles.

The oncologist told YA:

  • No chemo, there is a 40 percent chance of recurrence. The chance of cure is only 60 percent.
  • With chemo there is a 90 percent chance of cure. The chance of recurrence is only 10 percent.

This means YA could expect a benefit of 30 percent if he undergoes chemotherapy.

Take a pause, what would you do if you were YA. Go for chemo or not? YES or NO? I am sure different people will have different opinions. Let me share with you what I know based on my twenty plus years of experience helping cancer patients. There is no right and wrong way! Because nobody on earth can predict the real outcome.

Don’t only just take my words, read what these doctors tell us:

Chemo gives only 30 percent benefit? YA decided not to undergo chemotherapy!

I think the reason that made YA come to seek our help is also because he was “influenced” by one of his customers from Melaka. Let’s call him Mr. X.

Mr. X had stomach cancer. He underwent surgery but refused to undergo follow-up chemotherapy. Since he was adamant on NOT going for chemotherapy, his surgeon helped X find CA Care in the internet and suggested that X come and seek our help.  Mr. X was prescribed herbs and was doing very well (note: X’s story is not finished yet! More  to come later).

After studying YA’s case, I prescribed herbs for his colon and lymph nodes. I also cautioned YA that he must take care of his diet and change his lifestyle. Travelling around everywhere (being a salesman) is too stressful and is not good for his healing. He decided to embark on this non-medical journey.

In late February 2020, I got to meet YA and had a chat. This is one year four months after his first visit in  August 2018. YA is doing fine. The following are his blood test results.

  10 Jul 2018 16 Aug 2018 Started

on herbs

18 Sept 2018 22 Feb 2019 27 July 2019 11 Feb 2020
ESR 26 H 11 H   2 4 13 H 11 H
Platelet count 308 224   244 212 203 205
Alkaline phosphatase 77 61   53 59 53 55
SGOT (AST) 13 18   22 22 30 33
SGPT (ALT) 15 11   33 21 46 52
GGT 24 20   12 18 25 27
CA 125 n/a 13.6   3.9 3.2 4.7 3.6
CA 19.9 n/a 4.3   3.1 10.3 7.1 10.1
CEA n/a Less 0.5   Less 0.5 Less 0.5 Less 0.5 Less 0.5

During the follow-up with his surgeon, YA underwent routine check-up.

USG on 22 July 2018: No evidence of liver metastasis. There are a few polyps measuring up to 5.5 mm.

USG 14 March 2019: Gallbladder polyps measuring 3-4 mm. No evidence of metastasis in this examination. Chest X-ray: Normal chest radiograph.

USG 1 August 2019: Gallbladder polyps, the largest measuring 0.3 cm. Chest X-ray: Normal CXR Colonoscopy: Normal ileo-colic anastomosis.

USG 13 February 2020: Small gallbladder polyp, measuring 5 mm (in July 2018 – few polyps). No evidence of metastasis. Chest X-ray: Normal mediastinum and lung fields. No rib lesion seen.


  1. From what I could see, YA is very concerned about this health. He tried hard to take care of his diet. His understanding boss cut down his travelling, etc. I could see he was trying his best to get well. Every six months, YA went to see his surgeon and did USG, X-ray and blood test to monitor his progress. So far so good.

During his latest visit to his surgeon, he even asked if he needs to do more detail examination. The doctor said there is nothing else to do, after all he is doing well already.

  1. As a person, YA said he is doing fine, that is after one over years now. I was upfront with YA – I have done my best to help him. I really don’t know what else I can do. My experience tells me that there is no cure for cancer. So YA is not out of the woods yet. There is still a long way to go. It is my sincere hope that he stays the course. For now, if he is doing okay – can eat, can sleep, no pain and can continue with his work – what more than we ask for?

Only time can tell if the cancer would recur or not. But so far, YA is doing fine.

Read what Dr. Jerome Groopman and his wife wrote:

  1. YA came to seek our help because he saw that Mr. X (his Melaka customer with stomach cancer) was doing so well when taking our herbs. Then when YA came to see us he got to meet Johnny (not real name). Johnny had a similar cancer. He had surgery (two operations in a month) in January 2006. He too refused follow-up chemotherapy. Johnny was on our herbs and is doing very well up to this writing (almost 14 years now).

One lesson we should learn: Whatever happen to others – success or failure, know that it may not happen to you!

When you go and see a doctor (or an alternative healer like me), know that we are just conducting an experiment on you. We try to do the “right” thing for you based on our own experiences. Yes, we can predict what may happen to you after undergoing the treatment but we cannot guarantee the exact outcome. In scientific jargon we are just conducting an experiment where n=1 (only one subject in an experiment). That is what happened all the time.

Read what Dr. Hamilton wrote:

  1. YA knew us through Mr. X. During our latest chit-chat, I asked YA. Okay – how is Mr. X doing now? His answer: He already died. X was doing really well initially for about two years. I am fully aware of that. But what I did not know about his progress after that.

YA told me that after doing so well, like all other patients, X started to “misbehave”. There is nothing to be upset about – this happened all the time! X started to miss out on his herbs. He started to eat what he liked! According to YA, X had to be hospitalised. His legs were swollen and his stomach was bloated. After a month in the hospital, he died. For that the family faced a hospital bill of about RM100,000.

This is my message to YA. I hope you learn from this unfortunate experience. Your life is in your hands. You decide where you want to go.





Kanker pankreas: Tak mau opersai dan kemoterapi. Setelah tujuh tahu sehat-sehat saja. Sesungguhnya mukjizat.

Seorang pria berusia 35 tahun datang ke CA Care pada suatu pagi di bulan November 2018.

Kata-kata pertamanya adalah: Pak Baktia mengirimi Anda salamnya. Saya keponakannya.

Chris: Keponakannya! Bagaimana keadaan Baktiar sekarang?

Keponakan: Menang sangat sehat. Lebih sehat dari saya.

C: Luar biasa. Ketika pertama kali Pak Baktiar datang ke sini, kulitnya gelap, seluruh tubuhnya gatal. Dia benar-benar beruntung dan diberkati. Mungkin suatu hari saya akan pergi ke Aceh dan mengunjunginya.

Apa yang begitu istimewa dari pasien ini?


Baktia, 56 tahun, didiagnosis menderita kanker kepala pankreas dan proses uncinate dengan penyumbatan saluran empedu.

Dia menolak operasi tetapi menjalani ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography). Tiga stent (selang) plastik dipasang untuk membantu aliran empedu.

Setelah ERCP, Bak menolak kemoterapi. Dia datang ke CA Care pada 10 April 2011.

Berikut adalah masalahnya pada hari itu.

  • Gatal di seluruh tubuh
  • Kulitnya gelap
  • Tidak ada nafsu makan
  • Demam
  • Tidak bisa tidur
  • Diare
  • Air kecing kuning

Bak menjalani e-Terapi. Setelah satu sesi e-Terapi, gatal berkurang. Setelah dua sesi, rasa gatalnya berkurang hingga 50 persen. Setelah empat sesi, rasa gatalnya hilang.

Bak demam. Setelah minum segelas teh Appetite & Fever, demamnya lansung hilang!

Dia pulang ke Aceh.

Bak harus kembali ke dokter bedahnya setiap enam bulan untuk mengganti stent plastik itu.

Pada 5 Oktober 2011, Bak mengatakan sejak mengkonsumsi herbal pada April 2011, kesehatannya membaik.

Dia merasa lebih nyaman, tidurnya lebih baik dan dia merasa lebih bertenaga.

Sebelumnya dia harus bangun empat hingga lima kali semalam untuk buang air kecil. Setelah minum teh A-Kid-6, frekuensi buang air kecilnya berkurang menjadi hanya satu kali semalam.

Tes darah yang dilakukan pada 5 Oktober 2011 menunjukkan GGT, AST dan CA 19,9 semakin baik (Tabel, Kolom 3).


Januari 2015: hampir empat tahun kemudian, istri Bak datang ke pusat kami. Pertanyaan pertama kami padanya adalah, Bagaimana kabar Bak? Apakah dia baik-baik saja?

Istri: Bersyukur. Sekarang bisa bawa mobil sendiri.

C: Sebelum jumpa saya, bisa bawa mobil?

I: Tidak, saya yang bawanya.

C: Jadi, dia sehat sekarang?

I: Ya, sehat.

C: Apakah dia kembali jumpa dokternya?

I: Tidak perlu mengganti selang itu lagi. Dulu setiap enam bulan, kita perlu tukar selang baru. Jadi kami melakukan ini dua kali setahun. 

Pada Agustus 2014, dokter mengatakan tidak perlu memasang stent baru lagi. Jika dia sakit kuning, segera kembali ke rumah sakit.

C: Selama bertahun-tahun, dokter pernah sarankan untuk melakukan kemoterapi?

I: Saya telah memberi tahu dokter bahwa suami saya sedang mengkonsumsi herbal. Saya bertanya kepada dokter apakah ini baik-baik saja. Dia menjawab, “Saya tidak tahu” dan dia hanya tersenyum. Dokter tahu bahwa suami saya mengkonsumsi obat herbal Anda.

Untuk lebih lanjut:





Pancreatic cancer: Declined surgery and chemo. Seven years on and doing just great! Indeed a miracle.

A 35-year-old man came into our centre one morning in November 2018. His first words were: Pak Baktia sent you his salam (greetings). I am his nephew.

Chris: His nephew! How is Baktiar doing?

Nephew: He is doing very well. In fact he is much healthier me.

C: Amazing. When he first came here, his skin was dark, his whole body was itchy. He is really lucky and blessed. Perhaps one day I shall go to Aceh and visit him.

What is so special about this patient? 

Seven Years Ago Baktia came to CA Care for Help 

Baktia, 56 years old, was diagnosed with cancer of the pancreatic head and uncinate process with distal CBD (biliary duct) obstruction. 

He declined surgery but underwent ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography). Three plastic stents (tube) were installed to help with the flow of the bile.

After the ERCP, Bak refused chemotherapy. He came to seek our help on 10 April 2011.

He presented with the following:

  • Severe itch throughout the whole body
  • His skin was dark
  • No appetite
  • Fever
  • Unable to sleep
  • Diarrhoea
  • Yellow urine

Bak was put on the e-Therapy. After one session of the e-Therapy, the itch was reduced. After two sessions, his itch was reduced by 50 percent. After four sessions his itch was totally gone.

Bak had fever. After taking a glass of Appetite & Fever tea, his fever was resolved.

He went home to Aceh.

Bak had to return to his surgeon every six months to change the plastic stent (tube).

On 5 October 2011, Bak said since taking the herbs in April 2011, his health had improved. He felt more comfortable, his sleep was better and he felt more energetic.

Previously he had to wake up four to five times a night to urinate. After taking the A-Kid-6 tea his urination frequency has reduced to only once a night.

A blood test done on 5 October 2011 showed improvements in his GGT, AST and CA 19.9 (Table, Column 3).


January 2015: almost four years later, Bak’s wife came to our centre. Our first question to her was, How is Bak doing now? Is he okay?

Wife: Thanks be to God. He can drive around, everywhere.

C: Before he came here, was he able to drive?

W: No, I was the one driving.

C: So, he is healthy now?

W: Yes, healthy.

C: Has he gone back to see his doctor?

W: Yes. The stent had been removed and there was no need to replace it anymore.

C: How many times did he need to change the stent?

W: Every six months, we need to change a new stent. So we did this twice a year. In August 2014, the doctor said no need to put in a new stent anymore. If he is jaundiced, then come back to the hospital immediately.

C: All these years, didn’t  the doctor push him to do chemo?

W: I told the doctor that my husband was on herbs. I asked the doctor if this was okay. He replied, “I don’t know” and he just smiled. The doctor knew that my husband was taking your herbs. I told him.


For more:


Breast Cancer: Is this Cookbook Medicine?

YS is a 50-year-old lady. She had many lumps in both breasts.

Although most of these lumps appear to be benign, there is one lump that does not look good. This one is found at 12-1 o’clock of the right breast and measures 13x9x12 mm in size. A biopsy indicated an invasive ductal carcinoma.

In addition,. CT showed a 7.4 x 5.7 cm nodule in her liver and multiple uterine fibroids. The liver nodule could just be a haemangioma.

I suggested that YS consult a breast specialist. YS must have the malignant lump removed — either by lumpectomy or mastectomy. I told YS: Taking herbs will not make the cancerous lump go away!

YS agreed to my suggestion. A few weeks later she came back with her medical report which stated the following:

  1. Right breast lump, 9 x 10 x 7 mm, shows grade 3 infiltrating ductal carcinoma with a predominant ductal carcinoma in situ component (80%).
  2. There is no evidence of metastatic deposits in the 3 sentinel lymph nodes studied.
  3. Pathological staging: pT1 pNo pMx
  4. Oestrogen receptors: Positive
  5. Progrestrone recptors: Positive
  6. HER2/NEU: +2 -HER2 gene is amplified.

The above shows that this  is an early stage cancer. However, after her lumpectomy, YS was asked to see an oncologist for possible follow up treatments.

YS spent almost an hour with a caring oncologist. The consultation cost RM 180.

The oncologist suggested  that YS undergo the following treatments:

  1. Twelve cycles of chemotherapy.
  2. Four cycles of Herceptin — because the tumour is positive for Her2 gene.
  3. Radiotherapy to be considered after completion of (1) and (2).
  4. Hormonal therapy — taking either Tamoxifen or Fermara for 5 years.

According to the oncologist the chance of obtaining a cure is 90 percent.

YS refused to go for these treatments and opted for our CA Care Therapy instead.

As usual, I asked YS why she did not want to go for chemo. YS explained that her grandmother died of cancer when she was small. Her father also died of lung cancer. He had all the medical treatments at the cancer hospital. So she knows what chemo is like.

Chris: So you have already made up your mind NOT to go for chemo even before you come and see me?

YS: Yes.

C: What does your husband say? Is he not unhappy that you don’t want to go for further medical treatment?

YS: He learned about CA Care from someone, so he was the one who asked me to come and see you.


Cookbook medicine is defined as the practice of medicine by strict adherence to practice guidelines, which may not be an appropriate substitute for clinical judgment.

Try to google, “cookbook medicine” and see what you can find.  The first entry of my search is this: 

Cookbook Medicine Is a Recipe for Disaster … An astonishing new article from JAMA Internal Medicine reveals that at least 150,000 people per year may be needlessly killed, rendered disabled, or otherwise harmed due to misdiagnoses in doctors’ offices.

Is that not scary — 150,000 people per year needlessly killed, rendered disabled or harmed by doctors? I thought you go to the doctor to get well not to be killed or harmed.

The truth is, according to an oncologist, Dr. James Forsythe,  it is okay to be killed or harmed by chemotherapy as long as the standard protocol is adhered to.

I wonder how many patients know the “rule of the game” before they undergo their cancer treatment?

Let us look at the case of YS again.

  1. She had breast cancer — early stage. So after surgery, the standard operation protocol (SOP) is (just to be safe) the patient must undergo follow up treatments.
  1. The tumour is malignant. Therefore she needs chemotherapy. Generally a patient is given 6 cycles of chemo. I don’t know why YS has to go for 12 cycles — is her cancer that serious? The medical report does not say so. Anyway, the oncologist is supposed to be “smarter” than you and me. So be it.

While chemo cost a “bomb”. It also comes with severe side effects. Generally oncologists down play these side effects, brushing it off as “it is like ant bite.”

  1. Since the tumour is HER2 positive, YS needs Herceptin injection — 4 cycles to start with. I have patients who told me that they received up to 20 to 30 injections with no beneficial effect.

Take note, each Herceptin injection is not cheap and comes with severe side effects as well. Not known to most patients,

Herceptin can damage the heart and its ability to pump blood effectively. This risk has ranged between 5% to 30%. The damage can be mild and result in either no symptoms or signs of mild heart failure, like shortness of breath.

  1. Generally, patients are told to undergo radiotherapy while on or after chemotherapy.
  1. Since the tumour is positive for Estrogen and Progesterone receptors, taking Tamoxifen or Fermara for 5 years is a must (in some hospitals, patients are told to take this for 10 years). Over the years, I have come across of ladies who suffered after taking Tamoxifen. Read the long list of side effects here:

Why do you need to take Tamoxifen? The doctor says, it is to prevent recurrence. But I have patients who suffered recurrence even while taking Tamoxifen.

Having outlined all the necessary treatments, has the oncologist forgotten that YS also has multiple fibroids besides a big nodule in her liver? Perhaps doctors think these are harmful, but to me they carry a message that something is not right or normal. Yes, at CA Care we do have herbs to take care of such problems.

Over the years, I have breast cancer patients coming to our centre seeking help after medical treatments have failed them.

Read more here:

·        Breast Cancer: Surgery, Chemo, Radiation and Tamoxifen Did Not Cure Them

·        Surgery and Chemotherapy Did Not Cure Their Breast Cancer: Equally A Big Mistake?

·        Breast Cancer: Herceptin and Brain Metastasis

·        Breast Cancer: Ilani’s Message – Learn from my mistake, do not go for chemo

Let me say loud and clear that you cannot blame this “caring” oncologist for proposing the above protocol. He is just following the SOP. He wants YS to get well. And the only way he knows how to make her well is to do what he had learned in medical school. He even said that by undergoing the full course of the suggested protocol, YS has a 90 percent chance of cure!

Do you ever wonder, why there is only a 90 percent chance of cure? Patients want 100 percent chance, right? So in this case, even if YS were to undergo all the suggested treatments she still has a 10 percent chance of failure or may even be killed along the way. Yes, Dr. Forsythe did warn us: …oncologist’s main hope is that the chemotherapy will kill the cancer before it kills the patient.

Read also what Dr. John Lee wrote in his book,

If the above are depressing to you, there is an article in the New York Times that may make your day a bit brighter —

Good News for Women With Breast Cancer: Many Don’t Need Chemo

  • Many women with early-stage breast cancer who would receive chemotherapy under current standards do not actually need it.
  • “We can spare thousands and thousands of women from getting toxic treatment that really wouldn’t benefit them,” said Dr. Ingrid A. Mayer, from Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
  • Chemotherapy can save lives, but has serious risks that make it important to avoid treatment if it is not needed. In addition to the hair loss and nausea that patients dread, chemo can cause heart and nerve damage, leave patients vulnerable to infection and increase the risk of leukemia later in life.

In NIH Director’s Blog, Dr. Fancis Collins wrote, Most women with early-stage breast cancer don’t need chemo!

  • Each year, as many as 135,000 American women who’ve undergone surgery for the most common form of early-stage breast cancer face a difficult decision: whether or not to undergo chemotherapy.
  • The new findings suggest that at least 70 percent of women with HR-positive, HER2-negative, axillary lymph node-negative breast cancer—those with low scores and most of those with mid-range scores—can safely avoid chemotherapy. (This group of patients) do not benefit from chemotherapy.

Indeed the world of cancer treatment is not straight forward. For sure it is not as easy like sitting in front of an oncologist and within minutes you get his/her recipe for your survival. It is much more complex, puzzling and confusing. Ponder seriously the words of these two outstanding breast specialists. Perhaps you can learn something from what they said. Or do you prefer to follow the advice of your oncologist since he “knows best”?






Patient said her condition had improved after taking herbs but doctor said she had deteriorated!

YN is a 54-year-old Indonesian lady. She had problems with her lungs. The doctor in Surabaya diagnosed it as TB. YN had been taking TB medication for the past seven months. Her condition did not improve.

YN then did a CT in May 2008.

The result showed:

  • 8 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm mass in right lung.
  • Segmental atelectasis, that is collapse of one or several segments of a lung lobe.
  • Multiple subcentimeter nodule in both lungs.
  • Subcentimeter lymphadenopathy (swelling of the lymph node).
  • Fluid in the lung.
  • Gallbladder stone.
  • Thyroid lesion, 1.5 cm.

YN came to the cancer hospital in Penang. The doctor wanted to perform a biopsy and if cancer is confirmed YN will have to undergo chemotherapy.

YN refused further medical treatment and came to seek our help instead.

Chris: Why don’t you want to go for chemo?

YN: My late husband had colon cancer and had surgery in Singapore. Then he had six cycles of chemotherapy at another private hospital in Singapore. He died immediately after receiving the sixth treatment. In all we spent about 1 milyar (one thousand million rupiah) for his treatments. And he died within six months after his diagnosis.

C: Did the doctor say chemo can cure your husband?

YN: Yes ,he said chemo can cure! So, I don’t want any chemo. I shall try your herbs and if they help me, I shall come back to see you again.

Having seen the CT scan (above) I explained to YN that taking our herbs would NOT cure her at all. To help her may be but to cure, no. YN understood this.

I was a bit more curious. Most Indonesian men smoke and ended with lung cancer. YN does not smoke. What about her working environment? She sells things at a store in the market.

YN told me that in 2011, she had a hysterectomy in a hospital in Jakarta. Was it cancerous? YN did not know.

Then in 2013, she had another operation to remove her ovary. Again, was it cancerous. YN did not know either.

Looking at the scan and know her medical background, it appears to me that YN has metastatic lung cancer — I cannot figure out how the doctor ever diagnose her with TB.

Part 1: YN first visit

Two Months on Herbs

YN came back to see us again after taking the herbs. Her condition has improved very much.

  1. All pains throughout the body were gone after taking herbs for a month. Before the herbs, she had pain all day long.
  1. She used to have pain in the left side of her chest. This was also gone.
  1. She was still unable to sleep due to the coughs. Unfortunately the Cough 5 and Cough 6 that we prescribed did not work for her because each time she was taking only one TEAspoonful instead of the recommended 2 or 3 TABLEspoonful.
  1. YN was not able to sleep flat and needed to be propped up when lying down. For this, I suggested that YN add in Lung Phlegm into her lung tea. The problem could be due to fluid in her lung (pleural effusion).
  1. YN does not feel tired anymore after taking the herbs. She can also climb up the stairs. Before this she was always tired and unable to climb up the stairs.
  1. The problem of wind in her stomach disappeared after taking our Gastrovit herb.
  1. Breathing is normal now. Before YN was breathless.
  1. Before seeing us, her right ear oozed out blood. This happened about once in every two weeks. After being on our therapy, this problem resolved.

Before YN came to see us for this second visit, she did a chest X-ray. According to the doctor her condition had deteriorated and she has much “less hope” now compared to before.

Chris: Before you came, did the doctor say medical treatment can cure you? Any hope?

YN: He said I have no hope. Now, he said I have much more “no hope”.

C: Two months ago, before taking the herbs, you had so many problems. And now most of the problems are gone. You are much better now. And the doctor said you have even LESS hope now. Do you believe what he told you?

YN: No, I never believe him.

Part 2: Better after taking the herbs 





Cancer: Why Some Patients Choose Not to Undergo Invasive Medical Treatments

Eveline Gan wrote an interesting article: Treatment for cancer? No thanks, say some patients (28 April 2018, Try to read this article if you have time. For those who don’t want to know more, let me quote some of the salient points that the author said about cancer treatment in Singapore.

  1. Medical advances have made many cancers highly treatable or potentially curable, especially when detected early, but it is not uncommon for doctors to meet patients who refuse standard treatments.
  1. One in five patients might decline treatment when they first see a cancer doctor due to various reasons.
  1. Some patients opt to rely on the power of their faith, while others hold negative views of standard treatments and think they will end up worse off as a result.
  1. While most patients who refuse treatment are in the terminal stages of the disease, this is not always so… some are even in the early stages of cancer.
  1. Although doctors strive to provide the right information to those afflicted with cancer, treatment decisions are highly personal and patients’ wishes should be respected.
  1. Some patients also believe treatment for cancer causes more harm than good, and may prefer to rely on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
  1. Patients who rely solely on CAM “may have heard about the harmful side effects of treatment from friends and loved ones who have suffered after undergoing treatment or might have passed away sooner than expected. But this point of view may not be correct as it is often the cancer, not the treatment, that killed them”.
  1. “Usually, the issues patients deal with while on treatment are the toxicities of the drug …. With the newer range of drugs and less toxic side effects, things have improved.”
  1. Nonetheless, it is “not illogical” for some advanced cancer patients to refuse treatment that may prolong life but will not cure them.
  1. “Death comes to all of us, and early open conversations about death, preference of treatment and end-of-life placement should be as automatic and practical as planning for your will.”

Dr. Wachter wrote this article for The New York Times, The Problem With Miracle Cancer Cures, 19 April 2018. He said:

  1. I frequently care for patients with advanced cancer. A majority have already tried some combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Many have landed back in the hospital because the cancer has returned or spread widely, and left them in intractable pain or struggling to breathe.
  1. Over the past 20 years, evidence has demonstrated that palliative care decreases pain, improves comfort, and in some cases, prolongs life by a few months. In my experience, conversations about turning to it often begin with patients recognizing that curing their cancer is impossible.
  1. A new generation of cancer treatments that have become available in the last few years. Some, called immunotherapy, harness the patient’s own immune system to battle the tumor. Others, known as targeted therapies, block certain molecules that cancers depend on to grow and spread.
  1. Much has been written about the promise of these treatments, as well as their staggering costs — many cost several hundred thousand dollars a year.
  1. A recent analysis estimated that about 15 percent of patients with advanced cancer might benefit from immunotherapy — and it’s all but impossible to determine which patients will be the lucky ones …. researchers noted that most patients will not respond to the new treatments, and it is not yet possible to predict who will benefit.
  1. And in some cases, the side effects are terrible — different from those of chemotherapy but often just as dire.
  2. Sadly, for some patients, a cure will prove elusive. As we continue to chase progress in cancer, let’s be sure that we don’t rob dying patients of a smaller, more subtle miracle: a death with dignity and grace, relatively free from pain and discomfort.


My Comments

There are much truths in what the two authors wrote. Let me add my views to some of the points discussed in their articles.

  1. Meaning of cure.

From a patient’s viewpoint, cure means the cancer is totally removed or killed and it would not recur — i.e., the patient never gets cancer again some years down the road. In other words, after the so called “cure-treatment” you are done with cancer. But is the cancer done with you? Unfortunately, not.

Dr. Wachter wrote, a majority have already tried some combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Many have landed back in the hospital because the cancer has returned or spread widely.

Yes, that is the reality about cancer treatment. Over the years, hundreds of patients came to us because their cancer recurred. Let me give you a few examples.

My aunty had cervical cancer and she received the standard medical treatment. She was “cured” — i.e., if you define cure as being able to live for 5 years! Twelve years later, the cancer recurred and spread to her lungs. She died.

Nancy (not real name) had breast cancer. She underwent a mastectomy, refused chemotherapy and opted for herbs. After 5 years she believed she was already cured (that is what most doctors would tell their patients) and she stopped following our therapy. Fourteen years later, Nancy came at our centre again and this time in severe pain. The cancer had spread extensively to her bones. She died soon after that.

JS had kidney cancer. After his surgery, he opted for our herbal therapy. He was well for almost 22 years. Then through a “misstep” the cancer recurred and attacked his lung. He died.

MT was an Indonesian lady. She found a thumb-sized lump in her breast. It was cancerous. She underwent a mastectomy. Her doctor said it was an early stage cancer. MT had a 90 percent chance of complete cure with follow up medical treatments. MT totally believed her doctor and did exactly as what was told. She received 6 cycles of chemo and 30 radiation treatments. Then she was prescribed Tamoxifen, which she took for 5 years.

Each year she went back to her doctor in Melaka for routine checkup. At every visit she was told that she was fine. After 5 years, MT was told to stop Tamoxifen because she was already cured.

But barely a year later (i.e., in the 6th year), MT started to have pains in her tail bone and shoulder blade. Then her legs started to hurt. She became breathless. MT returned to her doctor and was told the cancer had recurred extensively to her bones and lungs. How could that be?

MT asked her doctor why the recurrence when she was told just a year ago that she had been cured. The doctor replied,  I do not know why. But don’t blame yourself. It is your fate.  Also the recurrence has nothing to do with what you eat. It is just your fate.

 So, take a deep breath and ask, Is modern day cancer treatment any different from going to the casino? Betting on your luck — how scientific is that? That’s right, read this book, The Big Casino: America’s best cancer doctors share their most powerful stories.

  1. Is there a cure for cancer?

If you are in my position, having come across hundreds of cases like above  — do you believe that cancer can be cured? At CA Care I never use the word “cure” because I don’t think there is such thing as a “permanent cure” up to this day, irrespective of what the medical establishment say. I am more comfortable with the term “healing” not cure.

Doctors sell the notion that with present day scientific medical advances, many cancers are highly treatable or potentially curable, especially when detected early. Yes, to treat is always possible, that is if you have the money to pay for the medical bills.

Over the years, I learned that some patients from Indonesia had to sell their house or land to pay for their medical  treatments. In the US many Americans ended up bankrupt after their cancer treatments.

Times Magazine of 20 February 2013, carried a lengthy article by Steven Brill: Bitter Pill – Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us.

Treating cancer is a huge and highly profitable money making industry. Besides the drugs, staying in the hospital is not cheap! So, there is always treatment for your cancer!

To add salt to the wound, what if someone comes out with an idea that finding a cure for cancer is not a good business model. Read this article, Is curing patients a sustainable business model?

  1. Don’t worry we have a lot of expensive “magic” drugs!

Almost all of the patients who came to CA Care for help had underwent medical treatments for their cancers. And these treatments failed to cure them. Let me just give you just one example from the hundreds of emails I received.

Email: 12 March 2018:  Dear Dr Chris Teo,

My name is Alice (not real name) from Singapore. I’m recommended by V, who used to have tongue cancer. 

My mum was diagnosed with advanced stage rectum cancer spread to the liver in May 2017. After going through chemo for 9 months, recently her oncologist has told us that her liver has worsen and even chemo won’t help. 

Alice said on diagnosis the family was told that her mother needed chemo immediately otherwise she would die within a few weeks. With no way else to turn to, she had chemo. After 9 months of failed attempt, the oncologist offered more treatment, now using a “wonder drug” that cost SGD 9,000 per month! Good for the family, but the honest oncologist said, But I would not recommend it because of the severe side effects!

As I was writing this article, a 68-year-old man walked into our centre. He had prostate cancer and had been on hormonal therapy. His PSA was initially at 254. With Lucrin injection the PSA dropped to about 20. Great, wonder drug, right?

Hang on, it is not time to celebrate yet. Soon afterwards the PSA started to increase to 80. Well, this is to be expected and nothing unusual. The doctor changed drug. The patient was put on a “magic” drug called abitraterone or Zytiga. This cost RM 12,000 per month. Can Zytiga cure him? After 6 months on Zytiga, his PSA dropped from 80 to 13. Time to celebrate? Not yet! The PSA level of 13 lasted for only 2 months, then it started to increase to 32 within three months. The doctor suggested intravenous chemotherapy!

All in all, this patient spent a total of about RM132,000 for 11 months of Zytiga. What did he get in return for this expensive adventure?

One oncologist told her patient, Don’t worry, in Singapore we have a lot of drugs for your cancer! Well, if you are willing to fork out something like  RM 5,000 to RM 20,000 per month surely there are many drugs to try out. But can these drugs cure you? Not likely but they may probably make you live longer by a few more weeks. Do you want that?

Michael Gearin-Tosh (in Living Proof – a medical mutiny) asked, why treat when you cannot cure? This professor from Oxford was diagnosed with myeloma and was asked to undergo chemotherapy. The doctors gave him less than a year to live. He rejected chemotherapy and opted for the unconventional self-treatment. He went on to live for another 10 years and died at the age of 65.

  1. Early detection can potentially cure your cancer?

This is the mantra of today’s modern medicine — cancer is potentially curable if detected early! Yes, I tend to agree with this but for most patients their cancers were often discovered too late — the cancer had already spread, at Stage 3 or 4. In such case, potential cure is questionable.

In fact, early detection is a two-edge sword. It may help or it may make things worse. This is a big subject to discuss. If you wish to know more, read this article, Overdiagnosis and Pseudodisease as a starter. Or try this, Is early detection of disease always an advantage?

  1. One of five patients declined standard medical treatment – why?

In Eveline Gan’s article, we learned that one in five patients might decline the standard medical treatment for their cancer. It’s rather surprising for this to happen in Singapore!

So why don’t patients want to go for medical treatments? I am sorry I cannot answer this question. It must be the patient himself/herself who should answer this question.

Some of the reasons laid out in Eveline’s article are:

  1. Some patients opt to rely on the power of their religious belief.
  1. Some others hold negative views of standard treatments and think they will end up worse off as a result — the treatment causes more harm than good. These patients “may have heard about the harmful side effects of treatment from friends and loved ones who have suffered after undergoing treatment or might have passed away sooner than expected.”
  1. Most people know that cancer treatments are toxic! Because of that some patients prefer the non-toxic or non-invasive alternative therapies.

This is where CA Care role fits in here — to provide you  with an alternative, if you so decide not to follow the medical path. My advice to all patients: Learn all you can from the mistakes of others. You don’t have time to make them all yourself.

After coming to us — i.e., taking the unconventional path to your healing — most patients want to know if our therapy can cure their cancers. We tell you clearly, honestly and sincerely — No, we cannot cure you. Because we believe no one on earth can cure any cancer!

  1. Truthful or biased and skewed opinion?

At CA Care we tell patients to be wise and don’t just depend or believe entirely what the “experts” say. Again this is just common sense. We are all humans — we all have our opinions and preferences. We tend to see things only from our own perspectives based of our own experiences and training.

In her article, Eveline wrote, Although doctors strive to provide the right information to those afflicted with cancer, treatment decisions are highly personal and patients’ wishes should be respected. Cheers! This indeed should be a noble principle of all healers.

Unfortunately it is easy said than done! More often than not, patients were “threaten” under the guise of giving truthful professional advice. One surgeon told a lady with breast cancer — if you don’t go for chemo after surgery, I am not going to be responsible for your well being anymore! In the case of Alice above, the doctor warned that her mother needed to do chemo immediately otherwise she would die within a few weeks. May be just advice was given in “good faith” but was it the real truth?

GK had melanoma in 2007. This rare cancer had spread to her lungs — i.e., Stage 4. Without immediate radiation treatment she would die soon. GK refused to follow her doctor’s advice and came to seek our help. It is now 2018, GK is still healthy and very much alive!

In April 2012, Heny coughed out blood. She was later diagnosed with synovial sarcoma. There was a 4.8 x 5.1 cm   cm mass in her right lung, and a 4.2 x 5.6 cm mass in her left lung. She was told to undergo chemotherapy. Without chemo she would die within 6 months. With chemotherapy she would live for another 2 years. Heny refused chemo and came to seek our help. Just two weeks ago, (in April 2018) Heny came to our centre, very much alive!

Elly from Melbourne had endometrial cancer in November 2008. She had an operation and was later told to go for follow up chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The doctor told Ella that without these treatments she would probably die within 3 months, but with chemo and radiation she would probably last another 2 and a half years. Ella told her doctor, I will prove you wrong! It is now 2018 (almost 10 years), Ella is still alive and healthy!

I can go on and on with such stories. But, I think my message is already clear. Patients and those around them need to cast the net wider. There are more to know and learn about cancer treatments way beyond what you find in the hospital.

Is CA Care Therapy scientifically proven? Although I am a scientist, I think the application of simple common sense is far more important than trying to practise science!

In his book, The Laws of Medicine, Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee wrote, The laws of medicine are really the laws of uncertainty, imprecision and incompleteness … They are laws of imperfection.

How many patients know this law of uncertainty and imperfection when they go and see their doctors? More often they are told medicine is scientifically proven! It is sad for me to say this — how many people know or realize that most of the findings published in the medical journals are biased and false?

On the other side of the fence are the alternative healers. Many think of them as just quacks — fly by night, snake oil peddlers!

CA Care has been around for more than two decades and we have helped thousands of cancer patients. Go to our website, and read for yourself all those cases we documented. Common sense will tell you that if we are not effective, we would not last that long and we would not be able to write those case studies.

  1. Death with dignity.

Death is a taboo subject for many patients. But in CA Care, I spoke to patients freely about death. All of us have to die one day. Birth ends with death. Accept that death is a certainty which no one can escape

But you don’t have to die yet after being diagnosed with cancer. I have learned this form my patients — sometimes their spouses, who did not have cancer, die before them!

At CA Care we teach patients to live one day at a time, and learn how to accept things with grace. Even if we cannot cure cancer, it is okay. No use fighting it because we cannot win the war!  But remember this, When we are still alive, it is important that we live a happy, pain-free life. If you can eat, can sleep, can move around freely — what else do you want? Learn to appreciate and be grateful for every blessing that come your way! Unfortunately, some cancer patients cannot see that — they just want to be cured and then quickly go back to their old lifestyle again!

Yes, it is “not illogical” for some advanced cancer patients to refuse treatment that may prolong life but will not cure them. I fully agree. This is just good common sense. Dr. Wachter also come to a similar conclusion, sadly, for some patients, a cure will prove elusive. As we continue to chase progress in cancer, let’s be sure that we don’t rob dying patients of a smaller, more subtle miracle: a death with dignity and grace, relatively free from pain and discomfort.

Let me end this discussion by sharing with you an email which I just received a few hours ago. This email was written by a daughter of our patient who had nose cancer (NPC). He refused the standard medical treatments — radiation and chemo. It has been some years since he came to see us and was on our CA Care Therapy.

Hello Doc Chris,

I wish this email makes your day more fulfilled and accomplished.

My father received the herbs a week ago. Prior to that, his swollen neck was really huge. During my holiday there (in the Philippines), we had beach outing and outside activities most of the time. After that, he complained of severe pain at night especially right after when he went swimming at the pool for more than 2 hours. It must be from the chlorine and the hot weather. 

His hearings are getting worse every day that I had to go to the ENT clinic to get hearing aids for him. Unfortunately, they are very expensive … so we had to wait till we can save up some cash. 

Yesterday, my mom sent me a message that after taking the new herb (SAP) for a week now, his hearings started to come back. He said that he could even hear the running water from far as if he was wearing a hearing aid. His swollen neck is getting smaller as well.

Thank you for introducing this medicine. I guess if this continues, we don’t need hearing aids anymore. I’m always grateful to you and your wife’s hard work and genuine care for all your patients.

Sincerely,  Jazz 

I wish those involved with cancer patients can learn something from this discussion!


One Glorious Morning! Our Stage 4th Melanoma-Lung Cancer is still doing fine!

A gentleman walked into our centre one morning last week (December 2017). I could not recognise him.

Watch this video.

Oh yes, this is Guat’s husband. He told me Guat is doing fine. The last time I met Guat was in August 2013.

After that Guat was out of our radar, not until this morning when her husband suddenly appeared!

What is so special about this case? Yes, very special. Guat is one of three patients who had melanoma or skin cancer that has spread to the lung. This type is rare in our country.

You can read more about Guat below:

Guat was 53 years old then. In 2006, she had been coughing out blood for the whole year. A CT scan on 9 October 2007 showed 2 focal cavitating lesions at the right upper lobe and left lower lobe of her lung, suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB).

But a biopsy performed later showed it was a malignant melanoma (skin cancer).

The doctor told Guat that her condition was very serious. She had a Stage 4 cancer. The doctor also said, In my 15 years of experience, this is the only case that I have seen.  

According to the doctor this cancer originated from a mole. Guat went home and searched her entire body but could not find any mole.

The doctor told Guat that her condition was very serious and suggested chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Guat refused medical treatments and came to seek our help on 2 November 2007. And according to her husband this morning, Guat is still healthy and very much alive after 10 years! 

Melanoma is a deadly disease for which chemotherapy or radiotherapy does not seem to be effective. We are really lucky that it is a rare disease – at least in Malaysia. Over the 20 plus years dealing with cancer patients, we encountered less than a dozen cases of melanoma.

What the medical literature says about metastatic melanoma 

A research reported in J Med Life. 2014 Oct-Dec; 7(4): 572–576. said: 

  • The prognosis of patients with metastatic MM is grim, with a 5-years survival rate between 5-19%, and is dictated by the location and the number of metastases.
  • Between 2008 and 2013, 155 patients with cutaneous MM were diagnosed in our clinic.
  • 5% of the patients developed metastases in different organs, especially the brain.
  • 6% of those with metastases died during the study (5 years).
  • The median overall survival, estimated for the entire group of patients who developed metastases, was of 5.3 months. 

Is there a cure for stage 4 metastatic melanoma?

Stage 4 melanoma means the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the lungs, brain, or other organs and tissue. It may have also spread to lymph nodes. As such, stage 4 melanoma is often hard to cure with current treatments.

The five-year survival rate is only about 15 to 20 percent.

Being such a late stage melanoma, the metastatic stage has a 10-year survival rate of less than 10% (NIH 2009), with a life expectancy of 2-7 months, depending on the number of organs the cancer has spread to (Treatment Trials 2010).



Breast Cancer: Surgery, Chemo and Radiation Failed — Stage 2 turned Stage 4

2 Jun 2017

Dear Dr. Teo,

My name is Carl (name changed) and I come from Singapore. I am requesting for an appointment for my Mother, who has stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.

My Mother is a Chinese national, and she was initially diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer in February 2016. She underwent numerous rounds of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and even a surgery to cut off her breast. However, the metastatic breast cancer eventually spread to both her lungs and liver this year. In fact, her condition is getting worse despite undergoing chemotherapy.

On her end, she exercises (walk, jog, stretching exercises) everyday for at least 45 minutes each day. Moreover, she watches her diet. No sweet sugary food, significantly more green and fruits. No meat and only fish as a animal based protein source. She also juices and drink daily a blend of Green apple, Beetroot and Carrots. Furthermore, she also blends asparagus and eat them very frequently. Recently, she has also began drinking Turmeric tea.

Dr Teo, would you please help my mother in her quest of overcoming cancer? I assure you that she still has a lot of will and determination to live. Please mail to me an appropriate date and time that you would be open for consultation.

Thank you so much for your time reading this mail! I hope to receive a reply soon. Have a great day ahead!

Reply: We are open Monday to Friday at about 11 am …. but let me know first your proposed date before to buy your tickets … to make sure I am in Penang.

Dear Dr. Teo,

Thank you for the information! May I know roughly how much the herbs would cost? Because, we have spent quite a bit on chemo, surgery and other things. Therefore, it would be good to know the approximate cost of the herbs so that we can better plan our finances and budgets. Thank you for your assistance! Really appreciate it a lot.

Reply: Read this …  — everything explained about the herbs, etc. Consultation is free … unlike in Singapore where patients may have to pay thousands of dollars for their herbs.

Dear Dr. Teo,

I have contacted you a few months back regarding my mother, a stage 4 breast cancer patient. Would it be possible if we fly over to consult you next week? Between 4th to 11th December. My mother is a Chinese national suffering from stage 4 cancer with both metastasize in the lungs and liver.

Thank you so much. Warmest regards.

One morning in December 2017

At long last, I got to meet Carl after 6 months! There are 4 in his family, mom and dad, daughter and son and Carl is the elder of the 2 siblings. He is 20 years old. This morning, he came alone without his mother. The medical reports are not complete and there are no CT or PET scan.

This is a the story of his mother… a Stage 2 breast cancer turned Stage 4 after extensive chemo treatments for a year. What has gone wrong?

  • More than a year ago, February 2019, PY was diagnosed with breast cancer. At that time there were already some small dots in her lung. The doctor did nothing about this lung metastasis (?).
  • From March – September 2016, PY underwent chemotherapy.

a) Initially, the drugs used were: Gemcitabine and Herceptin.

b) In June the combination changed to: Pertuzumab (Perjeta), Gemcitabine and Herceptin.

c) In September the oncologist tried Trastuzumab (Kadcyla) and Herceptin.

  • September 2016, PY had a right mastectomy.

CT scan report, 28 July 2017 indicated:

a) No evidence of local recurrence.

b) Extensive bilateral lung metastasis.

c) Ill-defined hypodensity in segment 7, measuring 1.0 cm. Other subcentimetre hypodensities in segment 2 and 8 are too small to characterise.

CT scan report, 2 October 2017 indicated: 

a) There is interval enlargement of multiple lung metastases.

b) Interval enlargement of fluid collection inferior to the right mastectomy site.

c) Interval enlargement of a right lower paratracheal lymph node.

d) Hepatic hypodensities are stable in size.

e) Overall, findings are consistent with disease progression.

CT scan report, 28 November 2017 indicated:

  • Bilateral lung metastases have increased in size and extent compared to 2 Oct. 2017.

Based on the above reports, PY’s treatment was said to be ineffective and she was scheduled to meet her oncologist again next week. It was that this point in time that Carl came to seek our advice on behalf of his mother. Actually he was just on a “shopping” trip — wanting to know what we can do to help his mother.

After spending one and half hours explaining, I sent Carl home without any herbs.

Go back and discuss with your mom first. Go ahead and see your oncologists next week and continue with what he wants you to do. Come back to see me again if you think I can help you. And this time, it is best that you bring your mom along plus her full medical reports and scans.

Conversation with 20-year-old Carl: 1. Change doctor? Change direction?

 Following are some of points we discussed that morning.

  1. I told Carl that if I have my way, I would not want to take up this case. 

Let the doctors take care of the mother till the end. In this way, when his mother dies, Carl or anyone else would not have a scapegoat to put their blame on.

I shared the burden of knowing that his 44-year-old mother is going to suffer a lot more before she dies. I imagine it is hard for anyone to face such a situation. I felt real sorry for this young man. 

  1. The questions Carl posed, admittedly are irritating at times and indeed a waste of time.

On this gloomy morning, God helped me to keep cool and let me see the humane need of this patient. I tried to be as nice as I could in my explanation. At the end, both of us struck a “bond.” And I also hoped his trip to Penang was not a waste of money!

I have learnt some lessons from Carl and I do hope Carl did learn some lessons about how to heal his mother.

  1. The cancer may attack the bone and finally the brain. As it is now, the cancer had already spread to the lungs and liver in spite of all the chemos. Know that this is not the end of the spread yet. The final stop is the brain, if she is unlucky. 

What can we do about it? You go on treating and treating —- chemo and more chemo and radiation. Amy Cohen put it rightly before she died after the cancer spread to her brain.

  1. Our therapy cannot cure her cancer. I make is completely clear that coming to see us would not change the outcome. We may be able to help, but we cannot cure her.

Furthermore, undergoing our therapy is not like going on a honeymoon. It requires a lot of commitment on the part of the patient. We show you the path, but you have to help yourself. Most patients would agree to do their best when they are dying, but the moment they get better, they start to “misbehave” — wanting to eat this and wanting to eat that. Then, they don’t want to take the herbs anymore if they can — giving all kinds of excuses or complaints.

  1. I suggested that Carl may want to change doctors/hospital.

Go to SGH. Or why not go back to China for medical or alternative treatments? Carl wanted to know by undergoing all these changes, what would be the benefits? I don’t know. But According to Einstein, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity.

6.Carl want to know if it is possible for his mom to stop chemotherapy and then take our herbs for two or three months.

Then we will see if the herbs help her. My response: That is just absurd. If months of chemo did not cure and make her worse, don’t expect the herbs to show results within a month or two. Herbs are not magic potion!

  1. How much will our herbs cost?

Many patients spent thousands of dollars on their failed treatments and when they come to us, they are concerned about cost. Our consultation is free — yes, one a half hours talking to me is foc.

In general the Indonesians are much poorer but they never ask such questions

Just read these two emails.

Hi Dr. Chris,


I am from Singapore.

I was referred to you by my relative whose mother in law were treated by you while undergoing cancer treatment. My relative shared that she suffer almost no pain during the last stage of her life.

My dad has just been diagnosed with pancreas cancer and has just had his first Chemo treatment.

… I will appreciate if you can advise me on below:


4)      How much is the consultation fee? (range if there is no fixed rate)

5)      Medicine cost?

Thanks and I look forward to hear more from you.

This is an email from Indonesia.

Hello Dr. Chris, I am T from …. Indonesia. I am female, 19 years old. Last month, I was diagnosed with Acute Myleoid Leukemia-M2 (AML-M2) by my BMP result. Right now, I am feeling good. I have no fatigue, fever, bleeding and bruise.

I don’t want to do chemotherapy treatments because all of the side effects. I wanna use natural way. So, I totally changed my diet and consider your herbs to help me. Can we meet on this Thursday (14 Dec)? Thank you.

(Note: T — a second year engineering student, is in need of help. She came with her mom and Auntie. Her father died when she was 2 years old. Her mother said she has no money to send her for medical treatment which could run to thousands of dollars. I felt real sad. If T comes back to see us again and is really committed to follow our therapy — my wife and I would like to “adopt” her as our daughter!)

Carl countered, You need to understand that there are many Singaporeans who have financial difficulties.

Yes, this is one lesson I learned from Carl this morning. I need to fully understand that!

But I told Carl frankly, unfortunately, the kiasu attitude may also have a part to play in this. I told Carl, Singapore dollar is three times Malaysian ringgit. That makes our herbs cost peanuts!

Conversation with 20-year-old Carl 2: What is the cost of your herbs?

  1. One last point. I told Carl, If you need my help, you should bring you mother here. And also bring all the CT / PET scans.

Carl suggested that it would easier if I just send the herbs by post if his mom would like to follow our therapy. My reply was, No, we cannot do that. 

Early in life, my mother taught me that good things never come easy. Noting is served on a silver plate for ordinary folks like us. We have to work hard to succeed. If you are not prepared to help yourself or want an easy way out, nobody can help you.

Conversation with 20-year-old Carl: 3. More questions


By asking me all these questions, you have revealed your attitude and personality!

I told my patients this: By talking to you for 5 minutes, I know if I can help you or not. Seventy percent of patients fail the test! Certain people just cannot be helped.


Earlier, I posted an article, Metastatic Breast Cancer: My mom wants to live. Her commitment made her well. In this article RR’s son came to seek our help on behalf of his mother who has Stage 4 breast cancer, just like Carl.

My morning talking with RR’s son is far different from talking with Carl. One comes genuinely wanting to find help for his mother, another comes to “window shop” for his mother.



Metastatic Breast Cancer: My mom wants to live! Her commitment made her well.

About 5 years ago, RR – a 70-year-old Indonesian  lady found a lump in her right breast. She did not consult any doctor. She opted for Chinese sinseh who prescribed her herbs. She was on his herbs for about 2 years. The lump grew bigger but there was no laceration.

In 2014, RR went to see a doctor because the lump in her breast became painful. A bone scan showed the cancer had already spread to her bones. RR decided to continue taking herbs and did not want any medical treatment.

In July 2015, RR consulted the doctor again. She was again told to do a biopsy but she refused. She did not want to go for chemotherapy either. The doctor prescribed Femara which she agreed to take. In fact RR has been taking Femara and Aromasin alternately since July 2015 until now.


This hormonal oral drug seemed to help her. Her CA 15.3 dropped from 255 to 28 (in August 2016). Unfortunately this reduction of CA 15.3 did not last long. In September 2017, her CA 15.5 increased to 59.

Along the way, RR suffered a fracture at the base of her neck, involving C3 and C4 vertebrae. She had an operation and the problem was resolved.

In July 2017, a PET scan showed the metastasis in her lungs was getting worse. Earlier on in February 2016, the doctor told her that there were small nodules in her liver. Now with this PET the nodules in her liver were bigger. The tumours in Segment 8 was 28 cm (previously 2 cm) and 1.2 cm in size. The mass in Segment 7 was 1.3 cm.

The lump in RR’s right breast was still there — not removed. Now, the nipple in her left breast was retracted.

RR’s son came to seek our help in September 2017 and she was prescribed 8 herbal teas and 5 herbal capsules — Capsules A, B, C, D and M. Herbal teas: Lympho 1, SAP, Lung 1, Lung Phlegm, Liver 1, Bone and PS pack.


She has to take a lot of herbs! Any problem? The first month she had difficulty getting used to the bitter taste and awful smell. But now there is no problem. She got used to it. So taking the herbs is no more a problem.

Her breathing was difficult. What happen now? Before taking the herbs there was fluid in her lungs. This make her difficult to breath. The fluid was tapped out. Then one month after taking the herbs, another tapping was done. After that she is okay. Now, she can breathe normally. She seems to get better.

Any problem with her breasts? The initial problem was with her right breast. Now, the nipple of left right was retracted. No sign that the herbs help in this aspect.

Any pain? No pain, even before taking the herbs.

Before the appetite was not good. Better now? Yes. Before taking your herbs the food had no taste and she felt nauseous all day. Now, her appetite has improved. She can eat twice the amount of food. No more nausea. This is indeed a good improvement for her.

What about the swelling in her neck? No visible improvement. It is not getting smaller  or bigger. The same.

You said she had cold sweat? Before the herbs, she felt cold and then produced sweat. This happened anytime — day or night. She just felt miserable — not well. Now, this problem is gone after the herbs.

Over all is she getting better after taking the herbs? Yes, better. She is normal.

Have you gone back to see the doctor — may be undergo chemo? No, chemo is never our choice since the very beginning.

Are you satisfied with your mom’s progress? What else do you want? Yes, we are happy. We hope this can be just maintained this way and not getting worse.


I salute RR for her commitment and determination. Before our therapy, she was not following a healthy diet. She felt nauseous and did not eat well. But after her son saw us, she kept to her healthy diet — cooked the way we taught out patients in my wife’s Healthy Cooking book. She did not complain about her food.

The herbal teas are bitter with awful smell. RR took about a month to get used to the taste. After that she has no problem taking our herbal teas.

The kiasu patients are different. They wanted to eat whatever they like. Some would even tell us that they rather die than stick to our diet recommendation. At our centre, the main problem we face is telling patients what to eat. The moment they are well, this “havoc” starts.

We know that our herbal teas are not good tasting — note, these are natural stuff without any pleasant tasting additives. Many patients give up taking our teas after they get well.

Yes, RR wants to live. And in this story, we know she gets to live well. Some patients want to get well on their own terms.

I also salute RR’s son. He came on behalf of his mother who is in Jakarta. He knows in detail what happened to his mother and he came well prepared with all her medical reports and scan. He is a polite well-mannered son. In our conversation, he did not ask unnecessary questions. He presented us with her mother’s problem and accepted our prescriptions and went home with much hope and expectation.

In all, good things happened because neither the mother nor the son are kiasus. RR “earned” her healing through her commitment.




Cancer of Rectum-Liver: Stage 4 – Part 1: Surgery followed by 8 times of chemo can cure you!

Jas is a 54-year-old Indonesian lady. Her daughter came to seek our help. Jas’s problem started in mid-2016 when she had bleeding. She could not tell where it came from — through the vagina or rectum. Anyway, she consulted a gynaecologist who told her that her uterus was “dirty” and needed “cleaning up” (whatever that means!).

One day in October 2016, while a home, Jas was unable to stand up. She still had bleeding then. The doctor said she suffered from vertigo.

Fast forward to March 2017, Jas consulted another gynaecologist in Medan and was told that besides the “dirty” uterus there was a mass in her anus.

Jas came to a private hospital. in Penang. A blood test on 4 April 2017 indicated CEA = 247.03, CA19.9= 72.2, ESR = 57.

Jas underwent an operation. Histopathology confirmed the following:

  • Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of rectum with metastases in pericolic lymph nodes (11/11) and segment 4a of liver.
  • T3N2Mx, Stage 4.
  • Non-neoplastic liver shows features of chronic hepatitis.

The cost of the operation was RM 60,000.

Jas was told to take a rest for 3 weeks after the surgery and then come back for chemotherapy. The drug to be used was Oxaliplatin + Xeloda (oral) or Oxaliplatin + TS-One (oral). Each cycle would cost RM 7,000.

Jas needed to receive 8 cycles of chemo plus radiation after that.

Chris: Before the operation, did you ask the doctor if he can cure you?

Daughter: The doctor said you have to operate and then followed by 8 cycles of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. You will be cured.

Son-in-law: The doctor said it depends on chemotherapy. 

Jas eventually underwent one cycle of chemotherapy. She had the treatment in another hospital. Why?

The chemo treatment in another hospital using the same drugs: Oxaliplatin + TS-One cost only RM 3,500 (half the price of the other hospital where she had her surgery!).

Chris: Did you ask the oncologist if chemotherapy would cure you?

Daughter: The doctor was not sure. 

C: Did you not tell him that the doctor in another hospital said it can be cured after surgery and chemotherapy?

D: I told him. He did not respond and kept quiet. 

C: Did your mother suffer any side effects of the chemo?

D: She had difficulty sleeping, had sores in her mouth, felt nauseous and vomited. She did not vomit if she did not take TS-One. She felt very tired and very uncomfortable. No, my mother is not going for the second chemo. She does not want anymore chemo.



Can we all learn something from this sad story?

  1. Right from the start something did not seem to be right — being told about “dirty uterus”. What was that? After further consultations, Jas was told there was a big tumour near her anus. How could that be?

2.. Jas came to Penang and underwent an operation. She did the right thing! After surgery, she was told to take a rest for about 3 weeks and then proceed with chemotherapy. Chemotherapy — there is no need to rush to do that. Now, let us ask two important basic questions.

  1. Before undergoing any treatment, I always tell patients to ask their doctors — Can the surgery (chemo or radiation) cure me? This is a legitimate question to ask and don’t be afraid to ask!
  1. Yes, Jas asked that question. Can surgery cure me? Jas got this answer. After surgery, you need to go for 8 cycles of chemo (plus radiation) and you will be cured. 
  1. Is that an honest, truthful answer? It sound like undergoing surgery by itself is not enough to cure you. You need chemo and radiation as well to be cured.
  1. Or, by giving such vague answer, was the surgeon trying to pass the buck to the oncologist?
  1. What if chemo / radiation do not cure?

Let me relate what happened to one patient who did surgery in that same hospital A. His surgeon said he needed to cut off a part of his liver immediately, otherwise he would die soon. A few months after the surgery, the cancer came back again. The patient and his wife confronted the surgeon and was given this answer, I have already done my job. I have removed the tumour in your liver. He walked away refusing to see the couple again.

  1. Jas went to Hospital B. She asked the oncologist if chemotherapy would cure her. The oncologist said, NOT SURE ! When told that the doctor in Hospital A said after 8 chemo Jas will be cured, this oncologist kept quiet! Take note, people of the same tribe takes care of each other, right?
  1. Take note also that this is a stage 4 cancer — from the rectum the cancer has spread to her liver. Can surgery and chemo cure such cancer?
  1. Lesson two: Before undergoing any treatment ask how much it cost – that is if money is important to you! Using the same drugs, each cycle of chemotherapy in Hospital A cost RM 7,000 but in Hospital B it was only RM3,500 (half the price!).Treatment for cancer is extremely lucrative!



Bile duct Cancer: To live or to die is your choice!

LY is a 68-year-old lady from Indonesia. In late 2015, she had fevers on and off. This had been going on for some six months. At the end of February 2016, LY went to a private hospital in Johor for check up.

Blood test on 29 February 2016 showed elevated liver function enzymes:

Alk. phosphatase 302
GGT 603

The tumour makers were normal: Alpha-fetoprotein = 1.9, CEA = 1.6 and CA 19.9 less than 2.0.

MRI done on the next day showed dilatation of the CBD (common bile duct). There is a round mass lesion in the lower end of the CBD protruding into the duodenum. Impression: biliary obstruction due to a polypoid mass arising from the lower end of CBD — ampullary tumour ?

LY was asked to do a scope but she refused. She decided to come and seek our help. After going through her medical reports, I advised LY to see a “liver” specialist in one private hospital in Penang. I advised LY that she might need to install a stent and clear off the blockage in the bile duct. After this is done, she can come back to see me again if she wants to take herbs.

Blood test done on 14 March 2016, showed LY’s liver function had deteriorated.

Alk. phosphatase 1,094
ALT / SGPT 121
GGT 1,239
AST / SGOT 134

CT showed a soft tissue mass at the ampulla of vater measuring 2.1 cm x 2.2 cm. The common bile duct is also dilated with greatest diameter measuring 2.3 cm. LY’s problem was diagnosed as cancer of the ampulla with biliary obstruction. There is no evidence of liver metastasis.

LY underwent an Endoscopic Mucosal  Resection (EMR) and pathology report confirmed a Grade 2 adenocarcinoma of the periampullary region.

An expandable metal biliary stent (8 cm x 10 mm) was inserted at the common bile duct.

Blood test two days after the stenting showed improvements of her liver function enzymes.

20 Mar 16
Alk. phosphatase 752
GGT 785

LY was asked to undergo follow-up chemotherapy. She refused to see an oncologist and came back to seek our help again. LY was prescribed Capsule A, C, D and M, in addition to Liver-1 tea.

For the rest of 2016 and until August 2017, LY was doing fine. Her blood test results are as follows:

22 May 16 26 Sept 16 19 Mar 17
Alk. phosphatase 183 125 100
ALT / SGPT 43 41 26
GGT 124 74 29
AST / SGOT 38 41 27

Ultrasound on 19 March 2017 showed a large stone or sludge, 3.8 cm, in the gall bladder. There is a 3.1 x 3.7 cm septated cyst in the spleen.

Ultrasound of the pelvis and X-ray of the chest showed no abnormality.

In July 2017, LY felt discomfort in the liver region. She came to see her surgeon again in Penang. CT scan on 22 August 2017, showed the common bile duct and intrahepatic ducts are dilated with greatest diameter of CBD measuring 2.3 cm. Intraluminal soft tissue tumour thrombus nearly completely filled up the biliary stent in keeping with biliary obstruction and could represent cholangiocarcinoma.

The doctor flushed off the obstruction. LY felt better. This procedure cost RM 2,800.

LY came to our centre and told us what had happened. She looked good.



For the past fifteen months, LY was doing fine and led a normal life. Only the past 2 months did she feel discomfort. Did you take care of your diet? Not exactly! She said at times she took fried food! I told LY, If you want to live longer, take care of your diet. 

LY installed a metal stent in her bile duct and refused chemotherapy. So far she had lived a normal life! So patients, to live or to die is your choice! Know that you have a choice. Know also that what you choose to do will determine how you live and die later. Let me reproduce the emails I received from Canada. 

14 November 2016: Dear Dr. Teo: I am hoping that you will be able to help us.  My mother has cholangiocarcinoma with metastasis to the liver.  Her primary tumour is just outside the liver in the common bile duct.  I have attached her recent MRI and blood work.   

We are heading to the hospital right now because she has had a fever around 100-101 degrees F for several hours.  She has two plastic stents in the bile duct which are situated side by side.  In the last couple of days she is having some sharp pain over the spleen area.  She is on a mainly vegetarian diet since she was diagnosed June 29, 2016.  Her plastic stent is likely infected and her surgeon will change it this Tuesday.  I hope it doesn’t get worse by then. 

As you can see, she is in no shape to travel.  She is dependent on me to take care of her. I know that you do not believe in treating patients at a distance without meeting the patient or a knowledgeable family member in person.  However, we are praying that God will send someone like you who can help us.  We put all of this in God’s hands and are praying you will be able to help us. I would greatly appreciate hearing back from you. My mother has not had any chemo, radiation or surgery.  She is still eating and can walk for 25 minutes without stopping. 

16 May 12017:  She’s still in the hospital in palliative care.  We are trying our best to see if we can get her home.  Has been here 3 weeks … she is on: 

morphine, buscopan, ursadiol, acid reducer ( pantalog), unfortunately salt tablet because sodium and albumin is very low, dexamethasone, blood thinner – ?daltoperrin – a small clot was found in her lung.

She has a paracentesis stent draining her abdomen and she has leg edema. 

She is no longer on meropenum for a possible infection even though blood cultures came back negative.  Could localized in bile duct.

22 May 2017:  If I knew in December 2016 she would have made it this far before the Dec 2016 stent got blocked,  we would have taken a plane to come to see you. 

It may be too far gone, but I know with God anything is possible. She is very weak and cannot walk anymore and hardly eating.  The hospital staff keep trying to  give her morphine around the clock even when she doesn’t want it.   

The morphine and buscopan had her so constipated for 4 days that she could not have a bowel movement even after using the hospital protocols and my coffee enema.

My mother is still hanging on and has not been in hospital since Dec 22, 2016 when she got the two plastic stents in addition to the metal stent she previously had.  We have taken the kid and liv teas and the one for constipation. She has some leg pains at night and I am contemplating giving  the pain tea for it . Bilirubin is 14, but ALT is about 499 and GGT about 440. 

I think she could benefit from the capsules but cannot do so without your guidance and feedback about healing reactions to expect . 

23 May 2017: Dr. Chris, …. everything went downhill when the stent procedure didn’t work and the rest of the family who know nothing about health and who don’t want to learn anything new insisted she stay in the hospital for the past month in palliative care with no fresh air, sunshine or healthful food and supplements/herbs etc and was just fed painkillers etc. 

The doctors say it may happen anytime and she is so weak that it could be days. Her albumin is only 14 or 15 and her sodium was 116. She has been taking 4 g of NaCl capsules each day and the sodium is up temporarily to 121-125. Sometimes she has problems swallowing when she is sedated. However, she had begged me to take her home which I intend to do tomorrow. 

5 August 2017: Sadly my Mom passed away May 29th.  My siblings argued with me and kept her in the hospital and it broke my heart to see them kill her with drugs. So we were never able to use your herbs. 

 My 65 year old brother just got diagnosed with small cell ca of the lung – 7 cm which they told him that surgery is not an option. Chemo or radiation. Could these herbs help him?

Reply: Like your mom too, no, I cannot help patients from faraway places! Let the doctors help him.

 The above story happened in Canada. Here are stories which happened in Malaysia. 

  1. My dad (aged 75) has been diagnosed with bile duct cancer – advanced stage.

Dear Dr. Teo: I hope this finds you well. I got in touch with you earlier about my dad. Sadly he lost the battle with cancer. He went down the chemo route and we lost him pretty soon after.

  1. Bile Duct Cancer: When MORE = WORSE

Here are some stories of hope and success!

Had Three Cancers! Three To 12 Months To Live. Three years on CA Care Therapy still okay!

Liver-Bile Duct Cancer: Herbs Kept Him In Excellent Health

Advanced Bile Duct-Liver Cancer: Doctor’s prognosis three months — Now one and half years, still alive!

Pancreatic Cancer: No chemo, only on herbs. Still fine after 4 years

 Let me end by asking you to reflect on the quotations below:





Breast Cancer: Five years on herbs

TGS was 66 years old. In January 2012, she had an ultrasound and this is the picture showing a lump in her left breast at 2 o’clock position.

TGS was referred to a breast surgeon and had a trucut biopsy. The result confirmed a high grade ductal carcinoma. TGS then had a mastectomy. Histopathology report showed infiltrating ductal carcinoma and 2 out of 8 lumph nodes with metastasis. One out of 3 lymph nodes of the armpit was infected with cancer.

In short, the cancer had spread. TGS was told to see an oncologist for follow up. She was prescribed Femara and did not suffer any side effect. Femara costs RM 683 per month. She was on Femara for 2 months and decided to stop it.

TGS was told to undergo chemotherapy. She refused.

TGS also took Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) — 100 leaves blended with apple. After 3 days drinking this, both her legs swelled. She stopped SSG after 10 days.

TGS came to seek our help and was prescribed Capsule A and Breast M tea. She complained of numbness in her left arm.

In 2012, TGS came to see us 4 times and she was doing fine. In 2013, we saw her once. In 2015, TGS came to see us again. She told us that in August 2014, she had a heart by-pass surgery.

In August 2017, TGS’s daughter brought a friend who also had breast cancer to our centre. She told us that her mother is currently doing fine. And it has been 5 years now. She confirmed that her mother did not receive any chemotherapy and has not gone back to her doctor for her cancer.


According to most people, if you survive 5 years, then you are cured! This is not true. The cancer can come back even after 10 or more years!

Read these stories:

Her Breast Cancer Came Back After 14 Years.

Breast Cancer: When a so-called “cure” was not a cure.

Pain gone, Slept well, Went shopping

Part 3: Four days on CA Care Therapy

22 July 2017: Dear Mr. Chris kh Teo,

Hi there, My name is M and I have pancreatic cancer with metastasis to the liver and lung. I found your web site while I’m searching for alternative medication for my cancer. I’m a Filipino but residing here in Australia. I am interested to try your herbal medicine. I want to know how could I get it.

Do I need to come there in Malaysia or can you ship your herbal medicine here in Australia. Or can I see you personally so that you could discuss to me all the information that I need to know. If I need to come there in Malaysia can you book me an appointment as soon as possible. Is there any fees do we need to pay and how much does it cost to buy your herbal medicine

Hope you can give me more information about your herbal medicine and hope to see you soon.

Reply: There is NO cure for such cancer —- I am not sure if you even travel  with such condition … the best is for you to send someone to come and see me …. that someone must know your health condition ….then I can give the herbs …. Chris

Dear Dr. Chris Teo,

I am able to travel to see you. I’m still in good condition as of now. I will travel with my husband. Is there any specific day and time that I can visit you?  Please I really want to see you.

Reply: Are you from Sydney / Melb / Perth? My concern is the air travel — too taxing. But if you want to come — I am okay. Monday to Friday at about 11 am ….. go to my website and click what to do next . You get all the details.

I need to see all medical reports and scans …. and then please read this.

 Some important points for you to know before you see me


a) Most patient who come here, have already undergone medical treatments – surgery, radiation or chemo. Do these cure you?

b) If you come here expecting me to cure you, know that I too cannot cure your cancer. From my experience, NO one on earth can cure any cancer. After some years cancer comes back again!

c) But if you want me to help you – to give you another option, to have a better quality of life   — may be it is possible. But it all depends on you. Because your health is your responsibility. Are you willing to help yourself? Are you willing to change your lifestyle, your diet, etc.? 


a) Besides the bad taste and smell.

b) You need to boil the herbs a few times a day — that’s a lot of work!

c) You need to take two, three or four types of teas each day.


a) You cannot eat anything that walks – meaning, no meat, no egg, no milk, etc.

b) Don’t take sugar (sugar is food for cancer).

c) Don’t eat oily or fried food, table salt. 


a) May be the first 2 weeks on our therapy, you may suffer more pain, more tired, etc. That’s healing crisis. Don’t stop. Hopefully after 3 to 4 weeks you may feel better.

b) If after a month on our therapy you still don’t feel better — the herbs are not helping you in anyway — then stop following our therapy. Please ask someone else to help you.

c) If you feel better, continue with our therapy.

If you are still on chemo or radiotherapy (or are planning to do chemo or radiotherapy), or are taking other treatments elsewhere, go ahead and continue with these treatments first, do not take our herbs yet.

Good morning Dr. Teo. I am from Perth.  Me and my husband would love to travel to see you. We will try to get flight the soonest as possible maybe this week or early next week. I just have one question do we need to stay there while I’m taking your medication or can we go back to Australia and bring the medication here.

Thank you very much may God Bless You always.

Reply: Just see me for an hour or two … you can take the herbs home and start taking them at home ….. so one or two days in Penang is good enough.

Pain gone, Slept well, Went shopping


Our advice


 Mei’s pain was gone and she became a “normal” person — can eat, can sleep, etc. just after a day in Penang! Is this a placebo effect?

After returning home to Australia, Mei wrote: Thank God… I’ve been drinking the tea for 5 days now so far I don’t have any problem I don’t have any pain. I’m still in good condition. Thank you very for your concern.



Cancer of the pancreas-liver-lung: Surgery and chemo failed. She came to CA Care

Mei (not real name) is 53-year-old lady who flew to Penang with her husband from Australia. They were desperately in need of help. According to her doctors, Mei would not live long — it is a month to month case and Mei would probably not survive to celebrate Christmas 2017 (5 more months!).

Mei’s problem started in March 2016, when she had problem swallowing food or even water. Both her hands and legs itch. Her GP did a blood test and found her liver function enzymes were elevated. This could be due to obstructive jaundice. She was then referred to a specialist.

CT and MRI showed tumour in the head of the pancreas. In early April 2016, Mei underwent a Whipples resection in which part of the pancreas, intestine, bile duct, gallbladder, omentum and 8 lymph nodes were removed.

After the surgery, Mei received 6 cycles of chemotherapy. 

Chris: Did you ask if the chemo was going to cure you? There  is no clear cut answer to this question. According to Mei, she was given the impression that everything would be okay after completing the chemo.

Did you suffer from the chemo? Yes. Listen to our conversation. It was 5 months of hell.



Unfortunately too, after the fifth chemo, Mei was told that the cancer had spread to her liver. There were “innumerable foci throughout all segments of the liver.” Mei was also told that there was a spot in her lung.

Mei had to undergo more chemo. Mei received 4 more cycles of chemo. On two occasions she had to be hospitalized due to breathing difficulties. She decided to give up chemotherapy.

The oncologist and Mei’s husband came to a compromise — Mei would go on a “drug holiday” for 2 months and then resume chemo again. When the 2 months were up, Mei told the oncologist she would not want to continue with her chemotherapy any more. The oncologist said he hoped Mei could make it to December.


Many people have written about chemotherapy and its devastating effects on patients. Reflect on these quotations.


For more go to Part 2.