Pain gone, Slept well, Went shopping

Part 3: Four days on CA Care Therapy

22 July 2017: Dear Mr. Chris kh Teo,

Hi there, My name is M and I have pancreatic cancer with metastasis to the liver and lung. I found your web site while I’m searching for alternative medication for my cancer. I’m a Filipino but residing here in Australia. I am interested to try your herbal medicine. I want to know how could I get it.

Do I need to come there in Malaysia or can you ship your herbal medicine here in Australia. Or can I see you personally so that you could discuss to me all the information that I need to know. If I need to come there in Malaysia can you book me an appointment as soon as possible. Is there any fees do we need to pay and how much does it cost to buy your herbal medicine

Hope you can give me more information about your herbal medicine and hope to see you soon.

Reply: There is NO cure for such cancer —- I am not sure if you even travel  with such condition … the best is for you to send someone to come and see me …. that someone must know your health condition ….then I can give the herbs …. Chris

Dear Dr. Chris Teo,

I am able to travel to see you. I’m still in good condition as of now. I will travel with my husband. Is there any specific day and time that I can visit you?  Please I really want to see you.

Reply: Are you from Sydney / Melb / Perth? My concern is the air travel — too taxing. But if you want to come — I am okay. Monday to Friday at about 11 am ….. go to my website and click what to do next . You get all the details.

I need to see all medical reports and scans …. and then please read this.

 Some important points for you to know before you see me


a) Most patient who come here, have already undergone medical treatments – surgery, radiation or chemo. Do these cure you?

b) If you come here expecting me to cure you, know that I too cannot cure your cancer. From my experience, NO one on earth can cure any cancer. After some years cancer comes back again!

c) But if you want me to help you – to give you another option, to have a better quality of life   — may be it is possible. But it all depends on you. Because your health is your responsibility. Are you willing to help yourself? Are you willing to change your lifestyle, your diet, etc.? 


a) Besides the bad taste and smell.

b) You need to boil the herbs a few times a day — that’s a lot of work!

c) You need to take two, three or four types of teas each day.


a) You cannot eat anything that walks – meaning, no meat, no egg, no milk, etc.

b) Don’t take sugar (sugar is food for cancer).

c) Don’t eat oily or fried food, table salt. 


a) May be the first 2 weeks on our therapy, you may suffer more pain, more tired, etc. That’s healing crisis. Don’t stop. Hopefully after 3 to 4 weeks you may feel better.

b) If after a month on our therapy you still don’t feel better — the herbs are not helping you in anyway — then stop following our therapy. Please ask someone else to help you.

c) If you feel better, continue with our therapy.

If you are still on chemo or radiotherapy (or are planning to do chemo or radiotherapy), or are taking other treatments elsewhere, go ahead and continue with these treatments first, do not take our herbs yet.

Good morning Dr. Teo. I am from Perth.  Me and my husband would love to travel to see you. We will try to get flight the soonest as possible maybe this week or early next week. I just have one question do we need to stay there while I’m taking your medication or can we go back to Australia and bring the medication here.

Thank you very much may God Bless You always.

Reply: Just see me for an hour or two … you can take the herbs home and start taking them at home ….. so one or two days in Penang is good enough.

Pain gone, Slept well, Went shopping


Our advice


 Mei’s pain was gone and she became a “normal” person — can eat, can sleep, etc. just after a day in Penang! Is this a placebo effect?

After returning home to Australia, Mei wrote: Thank God… I’ve been drinking the tea for 5 days now so far I don’t have any problem I don’t have any pain. I’m still in good condition. Thank you very for your concern.



Author: CA Care

In obedience to God's will and counting on His mercies and blessings, and driven by the desire to care for one another, we seek to provide help, direction and relief to those who suffer from cancer.