PSA down to 0.3 – Bye, Bye Radiotherapy

Sam (not real name, H328) is 61 years old. He had been enduring urination problems for the past one year plus. Then in March 2010, there was a blockage, prompting him to seek doctor’s help. A tube was inserted and over a liter of urine was removed from his bladder.

A CT scan on 31 March 2010 indicated an irregular shaped prostate, 4.8 x 3.7 x 3.6 cm in size. Few calcification were noted in the prostate gland. The prostatic urethra appeared dilated. The bladder wall was thickened. A right iliac node was about 1.9 x 1.6 cm – indicating lymhphadenopathy.

A TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate) was performed.  This is a common surgical procedure to treat the enlargement of the prostate gland.  The histopathology report of the prostatic tissues indicated a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, Gleason grade 4, Total Gleason score: 4+4, Stage T2c. The perineural lymphatics were infiltrated.

His PSA on 31 March 2010 was 47.07.

Sam was prescribed hormonal pill which he took for about a week or two and then stopped. He decided to see another doctor in another hospital.  MRI on 3 April 2010 showed no evidence of bony or intracranial metastasis.

Sam was given two options: One, to receive hormonal injection every three months. Or two, to undergo an orchidectomy – i.e. to remove the testes. On the advice of his doctor friend, he opted for the latter, i.e. removal of both his testes.  After the surgery, his doctor asked him to undergo 35 times of  radiation treatment. This would cost RM 23,000 (the same treatment would cost RM 28,000 in Kuala Lumpur).

The PSA on 5 April 2010 was 33.18.

Sam declined radiotherapy. He came to seek our help on 28 May 2010. He was started on herbs and was asked to take care of his diet.  On 5 November 2010, Sam came back to see us again. His PSA on 20 September 2010 returned a reading of 0.3. He went to see his doctor and was told that there is no further need to do radiotherapy. Another PSA test needs to be done in two months time.

Comments: There are two issues involved in this case study.  One, let us look at the PSA readings again.

Date PSA
31 March 2010 47.07
5 April 2010 33.18
28 May 2010 Started on herbs + diet
20 September 2010 0.3

The question to ask: Is the drastic drop of the PSA due to the removal of his testes or due to the herbs? I went into the net to search for answers.

A paper written by doctors in Brazil said the following:

Most prostate cancers are hormone-dependent; this means that they need testosterone for disease progression. Ninety percent of testosterone is produced by Leydig cells of the testis, whereas adrenal glands account for 5% of this production. The simplest way to get a hormonal blockade is bilateral orchidectomy.

Between January 2001 and December 2001, 32 patients with advanced prostate cancer underwent bilateral orchidectomy at our Hospital. They had the following results:

  • 4 patients required anti-androgens after surgery to control rising PSA.
  • 27 patients had decreased PSA level. The lowest nadir obtained was 0.08 ng/mL.
  • 4 patients showed no PSA decrease 30 days after orchidectomy.

A paper written by doctors in India said:

  • Orchidectomy over the decade has been the most effective tool for lowering the circulating testosterone.
  • Prostate tumor may respond in a variety of ways to castration therapy (orchidectomy).
  • There is no definitive way to predict which patient will respond to orchidectomy.
  • PSA has been used as the clinical marker to monitor the disease.
  • In the present study, we recorded changes in PSA level after orchidectomy and it was evident that maximum percentage changes in PSA are seen in the first three months after orchidectomy.

In another research paper was this information.

  • A bilateral orchidectomy was performed.  In all 3 cases PSA and testosterone levels were reduced following castration, although PSA levels again began to increase within two weeks of orchidectomy in 2 of the 3 patients.

Further reading led me to what patients wrote in the chat rooms. The following are some examples.

One reader wrote:

My father has been recently diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. He underwent orchidectomny a month ago (by a local general surgeon). He is on Zometa on a monthly basis. The PSA before surgery was 160. Few days ago, the blood tests were done and his PSA was about the same, 160. I was wondering how quickly PSA will fall after orchidectomy? If it does not fall, what does it mean to the treatment?

A reader asked this question:

I’ve had an orchidectomy, so my testes don’t produce testosterone. My PSA is rising and my doctor has suggested that I get an injection of Lupron (or Zoladex). Why?

What are the after effects of an orchidectomy?

Orchidectomy causes sudden hormone changes in the body. Side effects from hormone changes include: Sterility, Loss of sexual interest, Erection problems, Hot flashes, Larger breasts (gynecomastia), Weight gain, Loss of muscle mass, Thin or brittle bones (osteoporosis).

Another reader wrote:

Besides the list of side effects that JCR gave you there are also upwards of 20 more. Some of these side effects are loss or reduction of short term memory, loss of strength, loss of body hair, possibility of having pain in joints and back, mood swings–some of which can be anger and/or increased sensitivity to situations that can result in crying.

What to think about.

Removing the testicles is one way to cut down on testosterone and other male hormones. Taking medicine is another way to reduce androgen levels in your body. Some men may prefer surgery over taking pills or having injections. But if you choose to take medicine, you can stop taking the hormone drugs. And the side effects from taking medicine may go away. An orchidectomy is permanent. Some men choose to have reconstructive surgery after an orchidectomy, in which the surgeon replaces the testicles with artificial testicles.

From the above information and discussion, it appears that undergoing orchidectomy makes sense to some people, because removal of the testes deprives the prostate of the hormone it requires. That is provided the patient can come to term with the idea that he is being castrated. As the doctor friend of this patient said – you are already old! But think again, is 61 years old a bit too young to do such a thing?

Another point to note is that not all orchidectomy leads to a drastic drop in the PSA. And also, a drop of PSA does not mean the disease is cured.

The second comment I wish to raise about Sam’s case is the idea of opportunity cost. This is something that I learned   in my economics class in the 1960s. The dictionary definition of opportunity cost is: The cost of an alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action. Put another way, the benefits you could have received by taking an alternative action.

Opportunity cost is one of the most important and fundamental concepts in decision making. We have to look at what sacrifices we make when we have to make a choice. Cost here implies something is being sacrificed or involves having to give up something.

So, opportunity cost is the process of choosing one good or service over another.  Even though you might not realize it, you use opportunity cost every single day – to make choices about what you do every day.

In Sam’s case, after surgery he was asked to undergo 35 times of radiation treatment at a  cost of RM 23,000. What could have happened if he were to follow his doctor’s advice? The material effect is, he would have to spend RM 23,000 for the treatment. With the treatment comes the various side effects which could be devastating or otherwise. His quality of life would be adversely affected in one way or another.  Then look at another direction. Sam turned to herbs. His PSA dropped to 0.3 and the doctor said Sam need not do radiotherapy anymore. How much good is the advice of doing radiotherapy then?

There is one danger that I can foresee.  Now that the PSA has gone down to 0.3, patient appears to be out of danger! It is hard to convince him that this is not a cure. The cancer might recur. After some months, most patients go back to their old ways again.

e-Therapy Helped With Her Severe Itchiness and Sleeplessness — Two Years After Stomach Surgery Without Chemotherapy

LK (T905) is a 71-year-old female. Sometime in September 2007 she passed out blood. She consulted a doctor in a private hospital and was prescribed ulcer medication. She was on this medication for about a year. Then on 28 September 2008, LK was again admitted into the same private hospital for gastric bleeding. An OGDS (oesophago-gastric-duodeno-scopy) carried out on her on 30 September 2008 revealed a large ulcer at the pylorus of the stomach. A biopsy of the ulcer showed it to be a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, intestinal-type.

LK was again admitted into the same hospital on 7 October 2008. After necessary investigation and further blood transfusion, a Bilroth II partial gasterectomy was carried out on her the next day. The specimen was sent for histopathological analysis and it was reported as “moderately differentiated-type carcinoma of stomach, at least Stage 2.”

LK was referred to an oncologist for chemotherapy but she declined the treatment. On 24 October 2008, she and her family came to seek our help instead.

LK was prescribed Capsule A, Stomach1 & 2 teas, C-tea.

She was well up to this day. Since she did not come to see us personally, her case did not attract out attention. Nevertheless, her children regularly came to take herbs for her.

More than two years later, 5 December 2010, LK came to our centre again. For the past six months she had been staying with her daughter in Kuala Lumpur (KL). During her stay in KL  she developed severe itch and this deprived her of sleep every night. Her legs were weak and she had no strength to walk. This was further compounded by her long-standing backaches. She has to use a walking stick.

We immediately put LK on the e-Therapy.


LK was asked to undergo chemotherapy after surgery of stomach cancer. She was then 71 years old. She declined the treatment.  What do you think would have happened to this elderly lady if she were to undergo the recommended chemotherapy? Would she have survived the treatment?

I searched the internet to find out about the effectiveness of chemotherapy for gastric (stomach) cancer.

First, ask this question: What is the purpose of chemotherapy after surgery? This is what one website said: This treatment may improve survival time by months and the quality of life. This statement implies that chemotherapy does not cure stomach cancer. It only improves survival time by months.

The statement also claims that it improves quality of life. Do you buy this claim? I really find it hard to swallow. This is because the same website said this: Chemotherapy given to treat stomach cancer may cause the following side effects: sunburn-like skin irritation, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, nerve damage, low blood counts, hair loss and kidney damage. Another website had this list: skin rash, hearing problems, loss of balance, joint pain and swollen legs and feet.

According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre, Pennsylvania: Chemotherapy given with radiation after surgery:

1. Increases the survival rate.

Patients undergoing 3- year survival rate
surgery + chemotherapy + radiotherapy 50%
Surgery only 41%
Benefit of chemotherapy + radiotherapy 9%

2. Increases the amount of time before recurrence.

Patients undergoing: Relapse /recurrence
surgery + chemotherapy + radiotherapy 43%
Surgery only 64%
Benefit of chemotherapy + radiotherapy 21%

Wang Qilu of the Cancer Institute & Hospital CAMS & PUMC, Beijing, China, said:  Chemotherapy has moderate efficacy for gastric cancer. Chemotherapy or combined therapy can reduce recurrence in the gastric cancer and improve patients’ survival.

Take note, no one claims that chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy after surgery can ever cure stomach cancer. In this respect, we are really glad to see LK doing fine even after two years.

For the past six months, LK developed itchiness of her skin. Besides she has difficulty moving around due to weakness of her legs. Even before her cancer she also had lumbar backache. We did not get to see LK often. In fact LK came to see us on 5 December 2010 on our request. We immediately put her on the e-therapy and within days, her conditions improved. As LK said the doctor’s medication could only helpe her temporarily – the problems recurred.

Herbs are Effective for Pain and Side Effects of Chemotherapy

At the Seminar on Integrative Oncology: Cancer Care Beyond Boundaries, organised by the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy & Oncology, School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu, Kelantan from 20- to 21 August 2008; Chris told the seminar participants that:

  • Herbs can mitigate the side effects of chemotherapy.
  • Herbs are also effective to alleviate pain.

Listen to this video.


Most Amazing Healing of Cancer Pain

Bee (H339) was a 71-year-old female. Sometime in mid-February 2010, she had shortness of breath. Detail examination for about a month at a university hospital did not yield any result. Frustrated the family brought her to another university hospital in Kuala Lumpur. She had fluid in her lungs and this was tapped out. A biopsy on 31 March 2010 confirmed primary carcinoma of the lung. The doctor suggested chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The family declined further medical treatment.

Hopeless and helpless, they sought alternative treatments. Her daughter said: We sought the help of 16 medical and traditional practitioners. After all these, we went into the internet and found CA Care.

Bee and her family came to see us on 16 June 2010. She presented with severe pains in the rib area. She was unable to lie down and sleep. For the past five months she was unable to sleep all night due to pains. Just one treatment with the e-Therapy and herbs, Bee was able to sleep and the pains almost disappeared.

Video 1: Severe Pain, Sleepless Night

Video 2: Recovery After A Day of Therapy

Video 3: Most Amazing Healing of Cancer Pain

Email 23 June 2010

My mother is doing generally quite good since coming back from Penang. Her appetite is quite ok.  Not really good but is able to eat.  Bowel movements also ok – about once or twice a day.  No diarrhea.  Stool is black in color. She has less coughing and less phlegm now.  The phlegm is white color and only in the morning.  No phlegm at night.  There is a slight pain in the upper stomach whenever she coughs. Generally has no problem sleeping except the need to wake up if there are coughing.

Sometimes she has a little pain at the back below the shoulder.  No more tightness in the chest.  Breathing is normal. Occasionally she has stomach wind and feels nauseous.  Is this normal?  Does it caused by herbal which is taken before meal? She felt very tired after going through 2 days of e-Therapy.  Is this normal?  She said she felt better without the therapy. Please advice.

Email on 27 June 2010

Overall her condition is getting better.  Less coughing, less phlegm, more energetic, and look more lively. The problem is she still has pain in the rib area early in the morning.  Around 4 a.m. to 5 a.m.  Another thing is she can’t walk far.  Walking just about 50 meters make her exhausted.  Is this normal?

Email on 2 August 2010

Basically she is getting better.  Except occasionally stomach winds and pain in the shoulder and tightness in the rib area.

Email on 9 December 2010

For your information, our mother passed away peacefully without pain on 6th of December 2010.  Since she was confirmed as lung cancer patient till the last day of her life, she was able to manage the pain very well.  Even Dr. F was shocked at how she managed to go on without pain killer.  She did not even have problem with coughing.  We would like to express our deepest gratitude to you for giving her the “quality of life”.  She was able to talk and smile happily till the last day of her life.  From all of us, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.


This is indeed an inspiring story – not only for cancer patients but also for me as a healer. The world wants us to believe that herbs and e-therapy are not proven, not safe, not FDA-approved and therefore are not appropriate for cancer patients. Bee has gone to seek the help of 16 doctors and bomohs (shaman) and none could help her. The last stop was CA Care. It is a privilege for us to help Bee in her sufferings. And we are glad that we have succeeded in this effort. It is success such as this that makes us “tick” and persevere to help others – never mind if certain people want to make you believe that we are “quacks”.

It is unfortunate that our conversation was in Kelantanese-Chinese lingo which many people may not be able to understand fully. We have provided you with the subtitles but these could not convey the meaning in real depth – but enough for anyone to understand what is being said. As a Kelantanese Chinese, I could feel the suffering expressed by Bee. Her pains were throbbing, poking like the needles. They tightened up the chest muscle and numbed her. In addition, when in pain the right half of her chest was like an oven – hot and unbearable. The pain lasted throughout the day and night for the past five months before she came to us. The pains deprived her of sleep. She was unable to lie down, needing to be probed up with 4 or 5 pillows to make her sit curled up. She was breathless and the abdomen felt bloated.

All these sufferings almost disappeared after undergoing the e-CA Care Therapy for a day. Could you believe that? None would believe it. But know that miracles do happen. And with God’s grace and mercy such miracle happens very often at CA Care. This is a miraculous story. And this is also a real story. No one is play-acting here. We are grateful to Bee’s children for allowing us to use these videos without having to cover their late mother’s face. With nothing to hide, you can critically study the videos and see for yourself the facial reactions during our conversation. The story is nothing short of real.

We expected Bee to be with us for a week, undergoing the therapy. But it only took three days and we felt Bee could go home after that. We had succeeded to restore her quality of life.

In the subsequent emails, we were happy that Bee’s life was better. A study of her cancer through the scans, would tell anyone that this was a very serious, terminal case. There would be no cure – let there be no elusion about this. The victory is not how long Bee lived. The important thing is her quality of life – minimal pain and being able to sleep. And at the end, as her son wrote: “She was able to talk and smile happily till the last day of her life.” This is the real victory – we could not ask for more.

Surgery and Radiotherapy Did Not Cure Cervical Cancer: Recurrence After Twelve Years

Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers that affect the female reproductive organs. It occurs at the cervix – the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. About 11,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year and nearly 4,000 (or 36.4%) die from it. Worldwide it is estimated that there are 473,000 cases of cervical cancer each year and 253,500 women (or 53.6%) die from the disease.  This makes cervical cancer the number-one cause of cancer-related deaths among women in the developing countries of the world.

In order to detect this type of cancer early, women are asked to take a Pap test regularly. The rationale is that cervical cancer can often be cured if found and treated at its early stage. How true is this statement?

An Tee (not real name) was fifty-five years old when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. This was in 1996. Fortunately for her, the cancer was at its early stage. Her doctor felt surgery and radiotherapy were adequate to deal with her problem. An Tee underwent to remove the cancer and this was followed by twelve external-radiation treatments. In addition, she received internal-radiation treatment. The latter involved an exposure of radiation-tube implanted in the vagina. An Tee was kept isolated in the hospital for two days while receiving this treatment.

An Tee was asked to visit her doctor every six months for routine check up. Everything was alright. And life went on as usual. Ten years after this “apparent cure” An Tee started to cough since 2005 (i.e., about three years before this relapse). However, her doctor did not consider anything amiss and she was told everything was alright.

In August 2006, i.e., twelve years after her diagnosis, An Tee was told that her kidney was not functioning well. A MAG-3 Lasix Renogram was performed. The results showed that An Tee’s left kidney had normal function but her right kidney was hydronephrotic with reduced size and function and was significantly obstructed. Essentially there was only minimal (ten percent) right renal function.

A CT scan of the chest indicated both lungs were studded with numerous nodular lesions of varying sizes measuring 5 mm to 25 mm. A dominant 3 cm nodule was seen in the right lower lobe. There were also multiple small mediastinal lymphadenopathies in the aorto-pulmonary window and pre-aortic region. In short, the CT scan revealed An Tee had extensive lung nodules in both her lungs that had also spread to the adjacent lymph nodes.

A biopsy was performed resulting in bleeding and An Tee’s stay in the hospital had to be extended. The histology results showed the lung parenchyma was infiltrated by malignant cells. The pathologist concluded that it was a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma – representing perhaps a metastasis or TB.

An Tee was asked to undergo chemotherapy. She and her entire family refused and opted for herbs instead.


  1. From the internet, I learned that lung metastasis due to cervical cancer occur in less than five percent of patients at presentation, 20 to 30 percent at autopsy. This metastatic cancer is staged as 4B – a serious condition indeed.
  2. It is also said that women who survive cervical cancer face a higher risk for developing other cancers in the days ahead. This is even more so in survivors who had been treated with radiotherapy. In this case, besides serious lung metastasis, An Tee’s  right kidney had failed – a side effect of radiotherapy done many years ago.
  3. This case once again demonstrated what we at CA Care have been telling patients: Don’t be complacent. Cancer may recur anytime. Always be on the watch. Listen carefully to what your body is telling you.
  4. In this case, An Tee had been having chronic coughs for the past three years before a CT scan was done.   In spite of consulting her doctors every now and then, none of her doctors ever had the “fore sight” to examine her chest! Perhaps many around her were “blinded”, believing that since she had survived five years, she was “cured” of her cancer. There is no scientific basis for this erred perception. The number “five” is an arbitrary figure. So being able to live past five years does not mean the cancer is gone forever. Patients must not be misled by this untruth.
  5. Dr. David Johnson, deputy director of Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center thinks that: “The five-year benchmark becomes a balm for doctors or patients who find the unpredictability of their situation intolerable. Physicians are reluctant to say cancer might recur, so they would rather us these terms like – OK, in five years you’ll be cure.”
  6. This case highlighted another inadequacy of cancer medical treatment, as articulated by Dr. Barry Boyd, director of Integrative Oncology program, Greenwich Hospital, Yale Cancer Center:“Many doctors don’t bother to counsel their patients after treatment. Once cancer treatment is completed, most patients are left on their own to cope with the rest of their lives. This is what I call falling off the cliff. Patients are left in free fall.” Dr. Boyd went on to say that: “In addition to the best medical care possible, nutrition, exercise and stress reductions are absolutely necessary to make your cancer treatment more effective and prevent cancer’s return.”
  7. An Tee had been on the herbs for the past 9 months. Then at about 7.30 a.m., 15 June 2009, our phone rang. We were told An Tee had just expired. The only daughter in my grandfather’s family was lost to cancer. In spite of this loss, we were glad that at the end, An Tee did not suffer any pains. At the later stage of her illness, An Tee became breathless and she had to use oxygen mask to help her breathe better. That was about the only discomfort she had.
  8. I flew home to be with An Tee’s family during this time of grief. Her face looked sweet and natural. This image remained imprinted in my mind. Above all, everyone in the family remained grateful that she died without any pain or suffering, that is so typical of many cancer deaths.  When her time came, she took two deep intake of air that morning and she passed off.


Metastatic Melanoma-Lung Cancer

Guat (T672) is a 53-year-female. In 2006, she had been coughing out blood for the whole year. In September 2007, Guat underwent an operation to remove her appendix. Her throat was swollen after this operation. MRI of her neck on 7 October 2007 showed normal nasopharynx and thyroid. However, there was an irregular lesion at the right upper lobe of her lung.

A CT scan on 9 October 2007 showed 2 focal cavitating lesions at the right upper lobe and left lower lobe of her lung, suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). There was also a small fluid density collection at right iliac fossa probably due to hematoma from previous appendix operation.

A biopsy of the right pulmonary nodule done indicated malignant melanoma. A second opinion was sought and Guat was subsequently diagnosed with malignant tumour metastatic to lung. Possibility of malignant melanoma is very strong.

The doctor told Guat that her condition was very serious. She had a Stage 4 cancer. The doctor also said, In my 15 years of experience, this is the only case that I have seen. According to the doctor this cancer originated from a mole but Guat searched her entire body and could not find any mole. Surgery is not indicated for this cancer. However, the doctor stressed that it is better to start treatment. Without radiotherapy it may spread to her brain. Currently, medicine is much more advanced and Guat might benefit from this treatment. Guat refused and came to seek our help on 2 November 2007.

She presented with the following:

  1. She had been on high blood pressure pill for the past one year and is now suffering from headaches.
  2. There was burning sensation in her chest.
  3. She was unable to sleep well, worried.
  4. She was very tired.
  5. She had coughs with yellow phlegm and sometimes with blood.
  6. Her breathing was not good.
  7. She had wind in her stomach.

After a year on herbs, Guat reported improvements. Her headaches were gone and she felt better. After she took Insomnia Tea, she was able to sleep well. Her breathing was better.

The following are excerpts of our conversation in December 2008.

Chris: It has been more than a year since you first came.

Husband: Yes.

Guat:  When it was about one year, there was fear. And we kept saying, Haven’t died yet, haven’t died yet. (laughing happily). Do I need to go and have a scan?

C: No, there is no need to. What is the point? If it were smaller, you would continue to take the herbs. If it were bigger, what to do? Also continue with the herbs. The important thing is this. How do you feel now compared to one year ago when you came to see me?

G: Better. Last time, I could not sleep well. I do not know how to explain – like there is so much discomfort around this part. Now, I can sleep better.

C: When you first came to see me, you complained of a fiery feeling at your chest. How is it now?

G: Now, I am much better. This feeling comes only once in a while. Last time, it was an almost daily occurrence. Now, I get it only once or twice a week.

C: Can we say it is better by 50%.

G: Certainly, more than 50%.

C: How is your sleep problem?

G: I no longer need to take the Insomnia tea.

C: You used to feel lethargic and breathless.

G: Much less lethargic now. When I walk, only sometimes do I feel this breathlessness.

C: Looks like there is improvement.

H: Yes, there is a lot of improvement.

G: Sometimes the throat feels a bit dry. A few days ago, while I was sleeping, I got a fright and suddenly woke up (due to a fright) and felt a lump at my throat. On clearing my throat, a lump of sticky phlegm with blood came out. It is very sticky – so sticky that it can stick on to the paper. Last time, the blood was thin and appeared fresh. This time it is phlegm with blood.

H: One month before, she also cleared out some. This happens once a while.

G: But this time, it is the most.

C: We had patients who cough out pieces of flesh.

G: No, not flesh. It is just very sticky. I also have small pimple like vesicles on my arm and face at times. If I break it, a liquid with a spot of blood will come out. The scar took a while to disappear. These appear at different places on my body.

As of this writing, April 2009, it is one and half years since Guat first came and was started on the herbs. She is doing well.


This is the second case of its kind that we, at CA Care, have encountered. However, it is so satisfying to see that Guat is doing well.

The doctor advised Guat to undergo radiotherapy – take note, radiation to her lung. What could such a treatment lead to? As it is now, Guat leads a normal, pain-free life by refusing radiotherapy. She took a right path! The proof that herbs are effective is seen in the face of the patient herself. She is alive and that is all that matters.

As of this writing, April 2009, it is one and half years since Guat first came and was started on the herbs. We could not ask for more.

A search in the internet yielded the following facts about metastatic menaloma.

  • Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer that develops in the melanocytes, the pigment-producing skin cells.
  • It may spread by the lymph system or the bloodstream to the liver, lung, bone and brain. Pulmonary metastasis occurs in 11% of patients.


  • The prognosis of metastatic melanoma is dismal – a five-year survival rates of 2-3%.
  • The median survival time is 7 months in patients with a single site, 4 months with two organ sites and 2 months with more than two organ sites. Patients with lung metastasis have a longer median survival of 11 months.
  • The one-year survival rate is 36% with one metastatic site, 13% with two organ sites and less than 1% with more than two organ sites.
  • Metastatic melanoma is generally incurable.


  • Meaningful therapeutic options are limited in metastatic melanoma.
  • Treatment focuses on shrinking or eliminating the metastatic lesions, preventing further spread of the disease and maximizing patient comfort.
  • The chemotherapy drug often used for melanoma is Dacarbazine (DTIC). Only about 1-2% of patients treated with DTIC sustain long-term complete response. Other chemo-drugs used include nitrosoureas, vinca alkaloids and platinum compounds. They provided similar response rates with few long-term survivors.

Note: As of this day (December 2010), Guat is as healthy as ever – like you and me. She has no complaints. Once day she jokingly told us: My friends were asking me why I did not die yet!

Terminal Lung Cancer: JW Reclaimed His Health Through CA Care Therapy

JW Barham was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer that has spread to the adrenals in June 2008. He was asked to undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy. With the treatment he would have 12 months to live but without treatment it would be 6 months. JW refused further medical treatment and opted for CA Care Therapy.

After six months, JW found himself six feet above ground, climbing a ladder to paint his new home. No, he was not six feet underground yet.

We have requested Seng, the son of one of our patients in Malaysia, to talk with JW in Hawaii and made this video recording. Mahalo … many thanks … to all of you for your efforts and contribution.

In April 2009, when this video was recorded, JW Barham said:

I do not want my face blanked out because I want the whole world to know about Dr. Chris’ treatment.

About 8 or 9 months ago (i.e. July 2008), I found out that I was given a death sentence. I had lung cancer. And it had metastasized to the adrenals. I went to 2 or 3 second opinions and stuff like that. They all confirmed with the films, PET scan and CAT scan that indeed I did have a tumour in my right lung and that it had metastasized to the adrenals. They tried to get a biopsy through my throat to go into the lungs, but I kept coughing out the camera. So they sent me back the next day, they went in through my back with a needle. They got the sample, I guess, and they said, yup it was malignant.

Dr. Gelb: It was the worst. No surgery applicable.

JW: It was terminal. They said I got about 6 months to live. Fast growing, fast spreading, and they tried to talk to me into chemotherapy and radiation.

For … most people, not all – the response to chemotherapy and radiation you’re sick, you lose your energy, your body just tends to shut down. I was just not going to go through that. Because, if they said I might have a 50-50 chance of survival, I may have tried it. But they said: No. If I did chemotherapy and radiation, they could probably extend it from six months to a year.

Medical History & Report

JW Barham, a 79-year-old (in 2008) Caucasian gentleman, was an active smoker (one packet a day for 60 years) and had a history of coronary artery disease (has a stent), hypertension, hyperlipidemia and chronic renal insufficiency. In addition, JW had undergone a craniotomy and resection in February 1996 for meningioma. He also had laryngeal polyp and diverticulosis. He has prediabetes mellitus.

He was on the following medications

  1. Combivent – inhaler, to prevent spasms of the airway or bronchus caused by  chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  2. Prilosec (omeprazole) – to decrease the amount of acid produced in the stomach. JW has long history of acid reflux.
  3. Lipitor – cholesterol lowering medication
  4. Lisinopril – to treat hypertension, congestive heart failure and to improve survival after a heart attack.
  5. Zetia – to treat high cholesterol.
  6. Atenolol – to treat angina (chest pain) and high blood pressure.
  7. Aspirin – used in long-term, low doses to prevent heart attacksstrokes, and blood clotformation in people at high risk for developing blood clots.
  8. Plavix – to help protect against future heart attack or stroke.
  9. Cynocobalamin – a vitamin B12.
  10. Colace – a stool softener, makes bowel movements softer and easier to pass.
  11. Lactulose – for constipation.

CT chest  21 June 2008

  1. There is 2.7 cm right hilar mass suspicious for malignancy.
  2. Probable post-obstructive pneumonitis of the right middle lobe.
  3. There is a new 2.7 cm right adrenal mass consistent with metastasis.
  4. Stable fibrosis at the lung apices.

PET scan 18 July 2008

  1. Hypermetabolic right hilar mass is highly worrisome for malignancy.
  2. Mildly hypermetabolic hilar and subcarinal lymph nodes still worrisome for lymph node metastasis.
  3. Markedly hypermetabolic right renal mass.

The Search for Alternative Led to CA Care in Malaysia

JW: Dr. Suzanne Gelb was kind enough to do some googling. She found Dr. Chris on her computer. We e-mailed him. Sure enough, after reading some testimonials, and we … got some of his books:Food and Cancer and all of that. And it just made a lot of sense. Dr. Gelb asked if I would like to try that. I said why not. I don’t have anything to lose. So we got hold of Dr. Chris. I sent him my diagnosis, I sent him all of my medical records. He designed my treatment based on my condition.

Change of Lifestyle and Diet

Question by Seng: Dr. Teo’s treatment – I heard it has to do with your lifestyle, your diet, exercise and herbs. Can you explain?

JW: I had to change my whole life. I had to change my diet to that of a vegetarian. Raw food vegetarian and lightly steamed vegetables occasionally. And grains. Everything that Dr. Teo recommended.

I had to drink the teas he recommended. In the beginning, there were 5 – 6 teas and right now, I am drinking 4 teas. They are all prepared and designed for my particular treatment. You know, I was born and raised on a farm. I grew up on a farm. I was a carnivore – on meat and potatoes diet. I can understand that 70% of the people just can’t deal with the diet or deal with the tea. I didn’t mind the tea.

Q: Was the tea bitter?

JW: No. It’s not bitter. It just tastes different. It’s no different than coffee. It has its own flavor, its own texture. I strain and get the grounds out of it and I shake it up and drink it. I didn’t mind the tea. What got me was the raw food. Nothing is seasoned, it had no taste. Did you ever eat a steamed potato without any butter and sour cream and gravy?

With Dr. Gelb’s help – she said, “Eventually you will acquire the taste for it, just hang in there.” And with her coaching, I stayed away from all other food. She would get me a raw broccoli. Well I used to take broccoli as an appetizer or something, but you dip it in ranch dressing or something, you know, and raw cauliflower and celery – but you dip them in all this junk, and it camouflages the real flavor and texture. It took about 2 months when I really began to identify the flavors in every fruit and every vegetable. And now, 8 months later, I am enjoying it.

For supper last night, I had an avocado, some lightly steamed broccoli and lightly steamed onions and a raw tomato. Then I had ground sesame seeds and flax seeds. [Before] I couldn’t deal with it – like eating cow food, so bland. But now, it has a nice flavor. Now, I drink 8 oz of orange juice, 8 oz of apple juice and 8 oz of pear juice a day when in season, and when in season, grape. And everything has to be organic.

Anything that we see on television or read about – I don’t take anything unless Dr. Chris says okay. I would hear that this is good, and I hear that this is good. I would e-mail him and say: Should I take this? He said, No. This is what is would do for you. This is what it won’t do for you.

Dr. Gelb: Like he was thinking of getting “retested” to see what’s going on.

JW: Dr. Chris said: Go by how you feel. Why get a test to tell you. Why get yourself exposed to all the radiation.

Healing Crisis

Dr. Gelb: At first Dr. Chris wanted to send only 2 weeks of herbs, as he was not sure if JW likes the teas, because so many people don’t like it.

JW: It was during the first 10 days, I think. Dr. Chris told me: you are experiencing a healing crisis.Ooh! After the 5th day, I got sick as a dog. I thought I was dying. I thought the tea was killing me. I thought to myself: well, I might just as well go ahead and die. I was sick. I couldn’t get out of bed.

Dr. Gelb: You wrote about that on the internet, in one of his newsletters, it’s called Sharing Experiences.

JW: Anyway, it passed and I haven’t had any problem since.

We requested JW to write in a bit more detail about his healing crisis. This law of healing is very little understood by patients. After taking the herbs for a week or two, patients are expected to go through hell (like in the case of JW) or experience some discomforts. This is unavoidable. Let what JW wrote and went through be an good example to others.

This is what JW wrote:

The night of my healing crisis [day 8], I was convinced your herbs had accelerated my cancer and the cancer was eating me alive.  I wanted pain pills to take the pain away.  I have a high tolerance for pain, but this was like nothing I had experienced before in my 79 years.  It was hell.  I paced the floor in agony, feeling like a trapped, caged animal – I couldn’t get away from the excruciating pain.  As far as I was concerned, it was either take pain pills to stop the misery, or die and be put out of my misery.  But, for some reason, I allowed my friend, Dr. Gelb, to talk me out of taking pills – reflecting on that night, I don’t think I had any energy to argue with Dr. Gelb about the pills…and somehow I got through the night.

Then the next morning (day 9), I woke up with much less pain and less bloated, and things seemed to get better during the day.  I was so relieved to be feeling better, that I never thought about stopping the herb program.  I was just glad that the pain had passed.

But that night (day 9), the pain returned – not as bad as the night before, but bad nonetheless – a pulling, rolling pain, like pleurisy.  The pain felt like it was consuming me – all I experienced was pain, and I felt like hell.  Fortunately, that night I was able to sleep for brief periods, which gave me a break from the pain.  But when I woke up the next morning (day 10) at about 6 a.m., the pain was constant, which is why I e-mailed you about 80 minutes later (7:20 am).  About 3½ hours after that, after I had slept for several hours, the pain subsided, and as you predicted in an e-mail to me later that day, the pain went away soon after that.

I do hope that what we have done here with the video and the testimonials will encourage more people to seek your help and stick with the CA Care program.  There are too many of us dying unnecessarily.  I hope that those who read the articles will understand that there is light at the end of the tunnel, especially about the healing crisis – what is a bit of pain, if you can save your life?  I am so thankful that I lived through the healing crisis and didn’t give up.  And I want to say to everyone, Don’t give up – your precious life is worth it.

Family members are also alarmed when patients go through the healing crisis. To understand this, we posed two questions to Dr. Gelb.

Having seen JW suffering going through the healing crisis –  how do you feel as a person who was around seeing JW was getting worse and not better after taking the herbs?

Dr. Gelb: First, let me say that when I saw JW worsening after taking the herbs in early August 2008, I had no idea what was going on.  I had read quite a few of the materials on your website, but hadn’t come across information that described what JW was experiencing.

As far as how I felt when I saw JW getting worse, initially, I felt disappointed and sad. Disappointed because I’d had a lot of hope in the herbs – when we first learned about the program, everything about it felt so right; sad because it seemed like the herbs weren’t working, and the cancer was advancing.  To me, this was a loss – a loss of hope, of healing, and of a chance to conquer this enemy.  After a few moments of feeling disappointed and sad, and even shedding a few tears, those feelings passed.

At one point, I also experienced some self-doubt, thinking, “Oh my goodness, I was the one who introduced JW to these herbs, what have I encouraged my friend to get involved with?” Fortunately, that was a fleeting thought.

I also felt empathy and compassion for JW because he was in so much pain, and I understood why he wanted prescription pain killers.  But one thing I knew for certain – taking pain killers was only going to do harm, not good.  I knew that if JW took pain killers, this would obstruct the herb program.  I’m not sure how I knew this with such conviction, but there was no question in my mind that pain killers were not an option, and that if JW were to take them, it would be as if he were reverting back to the same toxic lifestyle that, in my opinion, played a huge part in him contracting cancer – a lifestyle of poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, toxic medications.

Was there any doubt in your mind that the herbs are dangerous, not effective or did you feel it would work out well somehow?

Dr. Gelb: It never entered my mind that the herbs were dangerous, I just didn’t think they were working, nor did I have any idea whether they would work for JW.  So I just allowed myself to feel the emotions I mentioned above, after which I was able to accept what was happening – this didn’t mean I was giving up, or that I liked what was happening, but the acceptance allowed me to be in the moment and do what I needed to do – help JW stay on track by preparing the herbs and meals for him, since he was in no shape to do so.

Health Before The Herbs

Q: Before taking Dr. Teo’s medicine, how were you feeling compared to now?

JW: I was feeling lousy…I wanted my body back. I was on a lot of heart medications….I had a stent to my heart. I couldn’t even walk across the street. My legs would ache and I had chronic fatigue, vertigo, lethargic. I had a little scooter that I rode around. And I went shopping on my little scooter because I couldn’t walk…I was on 7 or 8 [medications]…Blood thinners, aspirin, blood pressure medication, cholesterol reducing [medication]– I don’t know. It just kept me sick. And when they diagnosed me [with cancer], I quit it all. I hadn’t had even an aspirin for eight months.

Restored Health After The Herbs

I can walk half a mile now. I can run. I can climb ladders and paint [the house]. I got my life back. The only thing that I feel now is I don’t think I have my strength in my body back totally. Because, I don’t know, I feel like my vertigo – I feel my balance sometimes is a little off. But other than that – and we exercise 30 – 35 minutes every day. You’ll see on one of the tapes – we went through the exercise.

On 31 January 2009, JW wrote that on 29 January he met with Dr. X, his physician for 23 years, for a check up.  Dr. X made the following comments:

Ø       Platelets are high (she said that’s due to infection…the cancer).


Ø       Cholesterol is high (it was lower when she put me on cholesterol medication which I stopped in July 08).

Ø       She said I should take B12 vitamin for low B-12 (she believes all vegetarians should take B12 vitamins).

Ø       She said my kidneys are working fine (which was not the case pre-cancer diagnosis in July 08).

Ø       She listened to my chest, said my lungs basically sounded good, but she could hear a rattle.

Ø       Dr. X didn’t make any recommendations, except for B12. She knows that since my cancer diagnosis I have declined conventional treatment, and that I’m under your care.  I told her I’d be e-mailing the blood test result to you, and I would follow your guidance about what to do next.

Ø       Dr. X was impressed with how good I feel and look, that I can walk several city blocks (couldn’t do that before) and that I exercise 30 minutes a day, that my arthritis/leg cramps/vertigo have gone away, that my arm/leg/torso muscles have strengthened, and that I haven’t taken a nitroglycerin pill since I’ve been on your teas/diet.  I told her that I’m doing pretty good for a dead person!! (On June 23, 08, they told me I’d be dead in 6 months if I didn’t do chemo, etc).

Great news about my kidneys! Some time ago, Dr. X said I may need dialysis. I credit your kidney tea, which I’ve been on since Aug 08, for the improvement.

As far as my health, I haven’t felt this good in over 10 years.  Seven months ago, I couldn’t walk across the street without my legs aching and being exhausted.  Since I’ve been on Dr. Chris’s herbal treatment and recommended diet/lifestyle, I have my legs back and can walk ½ mile.  I go to the gym 30 minutes daily and my physical strength has improved greatly.

Weight Loss

29 Aug 08, JW wrote: Since I started eating according to the Food & Cancer book (July 28) I’ve lost weight quite rapidly (weighed 180 lbs. on July 28, now 164 lbs.).  I don’t mind the weight loss because my body feels better, and I’m OK with reducing my weight to 150 lbs.

10 Oct 08: I am still losing weight …I weigh 148 …I can go down to 140.  If I go lower, I think that would be too thin … Should I try to gain weight or maintain my current weight?


Exercise 30 to 35 minutes daily (stationary bike, weight machines, stretch etc) – haven’t been overdoing it, but I am getting stronger.


On 13 Dec 08, JW wrote: I’m feeling great. Recently I walked 4 city blocks and back – first time I’ve walked that far in 5 years!

Even though I have a lot of energy and feel so much better than before taking the herbs, I fatigue easily (that’s nothing new).  I am able to take naps, after which I feel fine.  Also, if I get up too fast from the bed or chair, sometimes I get dizzy for a few seconds (that’s nothing new).

In his 16 March, 09 email, JW wrote: To reiterate, 7.5 months ago I quit all my heart medication (blood thinners, cholesterol)…I still carry my nitroglycerin in my pocket, but except of one incident, I haven’t had any heaviness in my chest or chest pains.  And to me, my stamina is unbelievable – as you know, before I couldn’t walk across the street without my legs hurting and total fatigue setting in.  Now I can walk ½ mile, and I’ve been painting and climbing up and down ladders all day long as we remodel our house.  And my colleague, [Dr. Gelb], whom I wrote about in my healing crisis story, can’t believe the stamina I now have.

Acid Reflux

Since a young age, I have had heartburn/acid reflux.  My mother gave me baking soda for this when I was a child.  After that, I took antacids for this problem for many years (in the U.S., the antacid called Tums is popular). In recent years, my physician prescribed Prolisec for the problem – that’s an antacid which can now be bought “over the counter” (prescription not needed).

I started taking baking soda regularly since I started your Food & Cancer book diet on July 28, 2008.  At that time, I stopped taking Prolisec because I didn’t want to put toxic medications into my body, and I remembered that my mother gave me the baking soda when I was young.  I then did some internet research on baking soda and learned that it is used for heartburn.

We felt we could do something for JW about his acid reflux. Pharmaceutical drug is only about relieving symptoms. He can go on taking Prolisec for years but the problem does not go away. One way to solve this problem is to strengthen his stomach. So I took time to research the problem and formulate some herbs for JW. This is what happened after JW took the herbs for his acid reflux.

16 January 09:  Acid Reflux: It’s about 90% gone. Some days I don’t take any baking soda; other days I put some on the tip of my tongue 1 x/day, sometimes  2 x/day. Since the problem isn’t completely gone … would it be good to try Stomach 2 which helped your other patient with reflux?

17 March 09:  Acid Reflux: Other than having one bad day on March 14th (nauseous, no energy, not hungry – didn’t eat much all day – not sure what caused the bad day), my stomach has felt much calmer – I have gone two days without any heartburn (i.e., didn’t take any soda).  Prior to that, I was taking some soda on the tip of my tongue with a sip of water 1 – 2 x/day.  Today, it’s 8.26 pm, I haven’t had any soda, my stomach feels very settled/quiet, no indigestion, no diarrhea, much less gas (e.g., passing wind, belching).

7 April 09:  Acid Reflux: If I can make it another 3 hours today (till midnight), this will be 8 consecutive days without soda! I am certainly pleased with that.  Thank you.


After 6 months have passed, I did not wish to remind JW about his problem. But JW telling me that to go by his doctor’s definition, he is supposed to be a living dead. So, I posed some questions for JW to answer.

1) How did you feel after being told that you have only 6 months?

I was not surprised, given the diagnosis.  Having worked with the terminally ill for years in my capacity as a minister, I was familiar with the diagnosis-prognosis of terminal cancer.  I don’t even think that my blood pressure increased when the doctor told me the bad news.  The first thing that went through my mind was – No chemo, no radiation. Other thoughts that crossed my mind: I am almost 80 years old, I’ve had a good life, I have no fear of death.  I know where I’m going after I lose my body. [Of course we have a natural fear of dying because the survival drive in the body wants to fight for life.  But death itself doesn’t concern me].  Another thought that went through my mind was, I’m not going to suffer with this.  So, whatever it takes to keep me pain-free as long as my body lives, is the direction I want to take.

2) Then you decided to embark on something that you don’t know about or were not sure of — unproven remedy so to say —- what make you jump over the cliff and decided to ignore modern medicine?

As I said above, I didn’t want chemo or radiation.  In my work with terminally ill people I‘d seen the pain and suffering that those treatment approaches caused.  So when my colleague, Dr. Suzanne Gelb, found your website and brought it to my attention, after I heard your name and saw your picture on the web, I had a deep feeling that you would keep me pain-free as long as God wanted my body to live.

3) Now that you have passed the 6 month mark — how do you feel?

I can truly say that I haven’t felt this good in over 10 years.  I think that’s around the time that I was put on all the heart medication, cholesterol lowering medication, and whatever else they tried to put in a bottle for me.  I felt sick, lethargic, low energy, vertigo. I just didn’t feel well.  I was gaining weight (overeating), smoking more than usual. I just didn’t feel good.

But now, I feel so much better.  I’ve lost about 60 pounds since I started the diet recommended in your Food & Cancer book, I’m able to exercise 30 minutes daily, and walk several city blocks a day (something I haven’t been able to do for years because I had no energy, no strength).

However, I still don’t feel well – I don’t know how to describe it. I don’t feel sick, but I don’t feel healthy, if that makes any sense.  Perhaps I’m trying to recapture the quality of life I had when I was in my 30s and 40s when I was a ball of energy.  Sometimes I forget that next month I turn 80, or, should that even matter if one truly lives a healthy lifestyle?  One thing’s for sure, I enjoy life, and emotionally, psychologically and spiritually, I’m in a good place — I don’t feel stressed or anxious about my daily life; I don’t feel anxious or worried about my health – in fact, I feel excited when I think about the improvement I’m experiencing since I’ve been in your hands, and I mean that literally – in your hands (ha, ha – not to hold you responsible if I should die tomorrow!!).


Friday, 3 July 2009

When I walked in Dr. W’s office today, her eyes were as big as saucers.  She was so surprised to see me, let alone how healthy I looked.  My temperature was 98.3, I weighed in at 136.5 lbs, my blood pressure was 126/64, my pulse was 73.  I said to her, “You thought I would be dead by now.”  She said, “Yes, I’m surprised that you’ve lived this long.  Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.”  (It’s about a year since they diagnosed me with terminal cancer, and gave me 6 months to live if I did no treatment, and 1 yr if I did chemo).  She said my lungs sounded clear and clean.

29 July 2009

Aloha Dr Chris,

Today we’re celebrating my one year anniversary since starting the CA Care program July 28,2009. I appreciate all your help and will continue to stay on the program strictly.

Note:  On 1 November 2009, we received this email.

Aloha Dr Chris,

I wanted to let you know that JW made his transition a few hours ago.  He slept restfully for most of the day… then earlier this evening, to minimize the congestion he was having while lying down, a friend and I helped him sit up on the edge of the bed, and held him while he sat, since he was too weak to stay upright on his own.  Shortly after that, it appeared that he was no longer breathing … we then checked for a pulse, and there was none.  He died peacefully, while being held by friends who love him.

On behalf of JW I’d like to thank you for all of your help during these challenging months since July 2008.  Your dedication, conscientiousness and expertise is an example to us all.

Mahalo from  the bottom of my heart.  I will continue to follow your recommendations in the “Food and Cancer” book, as I have since July 2008.  I have never felt better, and for this I thank you ~ Suzanne

Dear Suzanne,

I am very sad to hear of his news. For this whole day, I was sorting out in my mind as what to write you … though in my heart I felt that JW would pass on.

The positive side of this is that JW expired so peacefully. This I am very happy to know that. I know many patients suffer severely … but this is not the case for JW. It is God blessing and mercy.

I feel sad but at the same time I feel it is good for JW and many others around him. Our lives do no end just here. My readings about life after death make me see death as just a process for new growth.

It has been my privilege to be of help in some ways. And it is also a blessing to be able to know you and JW. Take care and we shall keep in touch ~ Chris

Thank you for your e-mail Dr Chris.  Yes, while I grieve the loss of JW’s physical presence (he was my dear friend and colleague for 20 years), I celebrate his transition because he and I both believe that where he is now, is a wonderful place.  JW had a healthy fear of dying but he did not fear death, because he was very comfortable about where he was going to.  In that sense yes, we too see death as a process for new growth.  I just wanted to share that with you.



RM 300,000 of Medical Adventures Did Not Cure Him

Henry, a 54-year old male, came to see us on 24 April 2009. He told us that he had spent about RM 300,000 to cure his lung cancer but failed. He could not see how medical science could help him any more. Also, he had spent enough money and probably is not able to spend anymore chasing after his cancer. Below is a brief outline of what had happened.

  1. Henry was then 50 years old. Sometime in September 2003, he started to have persistent coughs. Antibiotics did not help him. An X-ray, done in November 2003, showed presence of a 1.5 cm lump in his left lung.
  2. Henry went to Singapore and did a PET scan on 23 December 2003. The findings wereconsistent with a primary tumour of the left lower lobe without evidence of hilar or mediastinal nodal spread or distant metastatic spread. PET staging is T1NoMo.
  3. The next day, a FNAC biopsy was done and indicated Non-small cell carcinoma.
  4. Henry returned to Penang and underwent a surgery – a left upper lobectomy on 7 January 2004.  Pathologic diagnosis confirmed a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of the bronchus with foci of squamoid differentiation. There was no evidence of nodal involvement, i.e. Stage 1 disease.
  5. No additional therapy was advised and Henry remained well until late September 2004, i.e. barely nine months after the operation.
  6. His blood test on 27 September 2004 showed elevated CEA, at  21.1.
  7. A PET scan done on 29 September 2004, showed evidence of recurrent disease. Moderately FDG avid small soft tissue density adjacent to surgical bed, with one FDG avid precarinal node. This was suspicious of local recurrence. There were 2 nodules measuring 1.1 x 1.9 x 1.7 cm and 1.1 x 1.5 x 1.7 cm. There was no evidence of distant involvement.
  8. Henry subsequently underwent chemotherapy. He received a combination of Carboplatin and Gemcintabine and achieved a complete remission, after three courses of treatment.
  9. Henry went back to his oncologist in Singapore for consolidative treatment – consisting of radiation with concurrent weekly combination of Taxol and Cisplatinum over the entire six weeks of radiation.  This means he received a total of 30 radiation treatments and 6 cycles of chemotherapy.
  10. All treatments were completed by 26 January 2005. Henry appeared to be well except for a dry cough, which according to his doctor, was due to radiation pneumonitis.
  11. A repeat PET scan done on 21 Febraury 2005 showed no evidence of disease.
  12. Henry continued to go to Singapore for review every two months.
  13. From June 2005 to June 2006, Henry was prescribed Iressa. He took this oral drug as apreventive measure.
  14. From September 2007 to end of November 2008, Henry switched from Iressa to Tarceva, another related oral drug. This time, he also took Celebrex, 200 mg for pains. Henry took Tarceva also for the same reason – as a preventive.
  15. On 25 August 2007, a CT scan showed a new 1 cm nodule in the anterior segment of the right upper lobe, highly suspicious for metastatic recurrence. The means that the cancer had spread to Henry’s right lung.
  16. PET scan done on the same day, 25 August 2007, confirmed the development of a new nodule.
  17. A CT scan done on 11 October 2008 showed the nodule had grown to 1.9 x 1.4 cm. In view of the recurrence, the consumption of Tarceva was increased from 100 mg to 150 mg.
  18. Another repeat PET scan was done three months later, on 1 December 2008. The nodule in the right upper lobe showed marked increase in FGD activity and is in keeping with active metastatic disease. The nodule increased in size to 2.0 x 1.7 cm.
  19. In view of the deterioration condition, Tarceva was abandoned and Henry was started on a new oral drug called Alimta. Each cycle of Alimta cost $10,000. Henry received 6 cycles, costing $60,000.
  20. A CT scan done on 23 January 2009, showed the right upper lobe nodule remained unchanged.
  21. On 8 April 2009, Henry underwent a radiofrequency ablation (RFA) – a   procedure that cost RM 7,000. The lung nodule at this stage had already grown to 3 x 2.4 x 2.5 cm. The medical report said: Successful percutaneuos CT guided RFA is performed. A good ablation zone is achieved. A repeat CT scan after 6 weeks is scheduled.

Henry came to see us on 24 April 2009 and expressed his dissatisfaction and desperation. He was started on Capsule A, Lung 1 & 2 teas and C-tea.


This is indeed a classical story which most lung cancer patients need to read before undergoing any invasive procedures – may it be surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or taking of the oral drugs – Iressa, Tarceva or Alimta. Don’t be caught unaware and don’t be ignorant. There are some questions which patients should ask.

  1. Is this case an exceptional or rare case of failure? No, it is not rare at all. This story is often repeated far too often. Therefore this is something that can be expected. Read the various case reports on lung cancer in this website and make you own conclusion.
  2. Can surgery cure lung cancer? In this case, the answer is NO. To start with Henry had a 1.5 cm nodule in his left lung. In January 2004 a part of his left lung was removed. Nine months later, the cancer recurred on the same side of his lung.  This time there were two nodules. Surgery did not cure anything! But did it not make things worse? What could have happened if the original lump was just left untouched?
  3. Can surgery spread cancer? In August 2007, barely three and a half years after the so calledsuccessful surgery, a new lump was detected on his right lung, meaning the cancer had spread from the left to the right lung. Was it because of the surgery that made the cancer moved to the right lung?  The study of cancer biology tells us that surgery could spread cancer or can make dormant tumours grow and proliferate.
  4. Can chemotherapy cure lung cancer? In this case, obviously it cannot. It can give rise to false hope. After 3 cycles of Carboplatin and Gemcitabine, the original 1.5 cm nodule in the left lung disappeared. The doctor felt good and patient celebrated the success. But it is all a hoax, if I may use this word. I have seen such false hope happening all too often.
  5. Does the shrinking of tumour means a cure? Never and don’t be misled. Make no mistake, chemotherapy or oral drugs can or may shrink tumours. But shrinkage is not a cure. Soon the tumour will grow back – sometimes becoming bigger than the original size. Stephane Bonoist et al (J Clin.Oncology 24: 3939, August 2006: Complete response of colorectal liver metastases after chemotherapy: does it mean cure?) reported that 66 liver metastases disappeared after chemotherapy as seen in the CT scan. However, after 1 year of follow-up, 55 or 83% of these 66 liver metastases proved to be residual disease or recurrence. The authors concluded that in most patients receiving chemotherapy for colorectal liver metastases, a complete response on CT scan does not mean cure. What is said about liver metastases may apply equally well to lung cancer tumours. I have seen enough cases to come to this conclusion. This is what Dr. Ralph Moss said about tumour shrinkage: This is a great lie about chemotherapy. Shrinkage of tumour is meaningless.
  6. Is consolidation therapy after an apparent “successful” result beneficial or meaningful?Henry received more chemotherapy and radiation treatments to consolidate what had been achieved. Theoretically, the procedure makes sense but in practice it is a disaster. Patient spent more money for the extra doses of chemo and radiation but this very same treatment might have prepared the ground for future recurrence. To the holistic practitioners, adding poisons strips the body off its immune system – how then can one expect the body cures itself?
  7. Is Iressa effective for lung cancer? It is well documented that Iressa caused more harm than good. In the Western countries Iressa was withdrawn because it was just a dangerous placebo! In Asian countries it is said that Iressa can make patients live longer by 4 months. Take note, no where in the literature is it written that Iressa cures lung cancer – it merely prolongs life by 4 months.
  8. Is Tarceva effective for lung cancer? Patients taking Tarveca prolong survival by 2.8 months. It costs about RM 8,000 per month to be on this drug that has not shown to cure anything.
  9. What about Alimta – a $10,000 per month drug? According to the website the median survival time was 8.3 months in the Alimta treatment arm and 7.9 months in the docetaxel arm. The study did NOT show an overall survival superiority of Alimta. In simple language, Alimata is NO better than docetaxel (and this was what Henry received for 6 weeks in December 2004). Sure enough Henry did not benefit from Alimta.

After all said and done, Henry had already spent about RM 300,000 for the above treatments. What did he get in return? Nothing, no cure. An initial lump of 1.5 cm had turned to become a metastatic lump of 3 x 2.4 x 2.5 cm in size, growing in the other side of his lung. This is more than what Henry has ever bargained for with his RM 300,000.

Needless to say, Henry was greatly disappointed. And disappointed patients are driven to herbalists and other alternative practitioners. What choice have these patients got now? Most of them, after an adventure like this, have almost exhausted their life time savings as well.

Let others who come after Henry learn from his experience.


Iressa Does Not Cure Lung Cancer Expensive drug with side effects

AstraZeneca informed the FDA of a study involving 1,700 lung cancer patients:

1. Patients who took Iressa lived for 5.6 months.

2. Those given a placebo (inactive, dummy pill) lived for 5.1 months.

The study shows by taking Iressa, patients live longer by TWO weeks.

As a result, Iressa was withdrawn in Western countries.

However, patients of Asian origin responded slightly better. They lived FOUR months longer.

1. With Iressa lung cancer patients lived 9.5 months.

2. Without Iressa patients lived only 5.5 months.

As a result, Iressa is still being prescribed to patients in Asian countries.

Lethal Lung Cancer Drug … 444 deaths

In July 2002, Japan was the first country in the world to approve Iressa for lung cancer. In less than 2 years later, 1,151 cases of side effects were reported and 444 were thought to have died of Iressa in Japan.

The most common side effects of Iressa are:

diarrhoea, rash, acne, dry skin, nausea, vomiting, interstitial lung disease (ILD), which involves scarring and inflammation of the lungs that can cause breathing problems, and pneumonia (causing difficulty breathing, coughs, fevers).

Sut is a 73-year-old female from Indonesia. She had lung cancer and was on Iressa for nine months. She suffered severe itchiness of the whole body.

The cost of Iressa was RM 8,500 for one month when she brought it from the hospital pharmacy. However, this same drug cost only RM 6,500 when she bought it from a pharmacy outside the hospital.

This is not lesson we can learn: When doctors prescribe you the drugs, the hospital make an enormous mark-up and make great profit. Try to find the same drug from the pharmacy outside the hospital – you may find a bargain there! This does not only apply to Iressa, it applies to all drugs.

Sat is a 68-year-old from Indonesia. She had lung cancer and was also prescribed Iressa. Before taking Iressa she led a normal life. After taking Iressa for a month, problems started to crop up. She suffered the following side effects:

  1. Could not sleep well
  2. Difficult to shallow
  3. Loss of appetite
  4. Nausea
  5. Could not talk for too long
  6. Diarrhea
  7. Shortness of breathe
  8. Dry skin
  9. Weight loss

She took Iressa for 3 months and then stopped.

Cost of Iressa: 20 Million Rupiah per month.

Again, you need to know that Iressa does not cure lung cancer!

Documented side effects of Iressa: Diarrhea, rash, acne, dry skin, nausea, vomiting, pruritis (itchiness), anorexia (poor appetite), asthenia (lack or loss of strength), weight loss, peripheral edema, amblyopia (poor vision), dyspnea (difficult breathing), conjunctivitis, and mouth ulceration.

Interstitial Lung Disease: could be fatal such as interstitial pneumonia, pneumonitis and alveolitis. Acute onset of difficult breathing sometimes associated with cough or low-grade fever, becoming severe within a short time.



Written Off Case Survived Three And A Half Years With Herbs

Kok, 64-year-old retired accountant, was a heavy smoker. He started smoking since young. His father was a cigarette manufacturer. Sometime in June 2004, he started to cough, had chest pains and shortness of breath. His weight decreased from 53.5 kg to 48.9 kg. The doctor in the government hospital suspected he had tuberculosis (TB) and Kok was referred to the Respiratory Institute. Upon further investigation it was not a TB case.

A CT scan indicated a mass in the right upper lobe of the lung. There were also several smaller satellite lesions adjuvant to the mass. No calcification or cavitation was noted within the mass. There was no mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Two rounded hypodense lesions were noted in Segment 4 and 7 of his liver. The larger was in Segment 4 which was 1 cm in diameter. A cortical cyst was noted in the left kidney. Impression: cancer of the lung. The hypodense lesions in the liver could represent either cysts or metastases.

A radiologic-guided FNA of the lung mass, performed on 18 August 2004, confirmed diagnosis of non-small cell carcinoma of the lung. Accordingly to his medical record, Kok was subsequently treated as a lung patient with liver metastasis. The doctor told him and his son that it was a serious disease. He could go home, eat and do whatever he liked.

Kok was asked to undergo chemotherapy but he declined. He immediately sought our help on 16 October 2004, and was prescribed Capsule A + B, Liver-P, Lung Tea and LL-tea.

The following are comments noted in our record regarding his progress.

30 October 2004: Until this point in time patient is still puzzled about his diagnosis. He feels good and does not believe that he has lung cancer. So, why must he go for chemotherapy? He is not going for chemotherapy and prefers to take herbs.

1 November 2004: Patient and daughter came to replenish his herbal supply. He goes for qi gongevery morning. Friends advised him to undergo chemotherapy saying that he was lucky that the doctor gave him this chance to undergo this treatment. They argued: Why turn it down?

18 November 2004: Patient made his final decision not to undergo chemotherapy. This decision was made after a discussion with his children.

12 January 2005: Patient feels normal. He can eat and sleep well. He has less cough.

28 October 2005: Patient feels alright. Doing qi gong daily. He drops off to sleep very easily.

19 November 2005: Good appetite but not putting on weight.

4 August 2007: Patient has been coughing for the past one week. He started to have productive coughs with thick, dark yellowish phlegm, after eating oranges. Patient feels a bit breathless after slight exercise.

22 August 2007: Less coughs after taking Cough No: 3. Occasionally, patient still has cough with blood stained phlegm. Patient complained of difficulty in passing urine. The doctor had prescribed drugs for BHP (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or enlarged prostate) . We suggested that he takes Prostate A and B teas instead of the drugs. Patient and his daughter decided to take doctor’s medication because he felt he is taking enough herbs for his lung and liver.

28 November 2007: Patient occasionally had breathing difficulties. Doctor said his problem is serious and prescribed more medication: (1) Liquid morphine (2) Tramal  (3) Ventolin  (4) Benadyl syrup (5) Voltran.

11 December 2007: Patient was coughing out blood for the past one month but he was alright after the doctor’s medication. However, patient still has shortness of breath when he exerts himself. For example when climbing the stairs. We suggest that he use oxygen to help in his breathing.

15 January 2008: We visited Kok in his home. The main reason for this visit was to find out what had actually gone wrong. We wanted to find out what had triggered the downturn of his health. The following are excerpts of our hour-long conversation.


Question:  How old are you now?

Answer:  Sixty-seven.

Q:  How long have you been smoking?

A:  Forty or fifty years.  I smoked a lot, nearly two packets a day.  My father was a cigarette manufacturer.

Q:  Did your father smoke?

A:  He smoked a pipe, the bamboo type – with water inside.  He did not have any lung problems.  He died of heart problems.

Q:  When were you diagnosed with lung cancer?

A:  In 2004.

Q:  What were the symptoms?

A:  I had chest pain, coughs but no blood. I was referred to the TB centre.  After checking, it was confirmed that it was not TB.  Then we went to the GH.  The X-ray showed lung cancer.  They asked me to go for chemo.

Declined Chemotherapy

Q:  Did you go for the chemo?

A:  No.

Q:  Why not?

A:  I came home and discussed with my children.  Considering my age, I may not be able to withstand the chemo.  My daughter’s friend had some problems with her arm.  After taking your herbs, she got better.  So, my children (five of them) decided that I should take your herbs.  I myself also do not want to go for chemo.

Q:  Why?  Why don’t you want to go for chemo?  Do you know anything about chemo?

A:  I know.  I was afraid I cannot withstand it.  I had friends who went for chemo.  After that . . . . pfoooh! (waving hand to show flying away!). When I was first diagnosed with lung cancer, it was a very bad case.  The doctor told my son to let me eat whatever I like and go where ever I want to go.  Let me enjoy life.  I was not going to last.  When he told my son, I was also there.  I heard what he said.  My son was very angry.

Q:  How did you feel after such a comment?

A:  I told my son, Forget about it! My son was very angry with the doctor.  How can the doctor say things like that?  I was also angry.

Q:  Did the anger last very long?  Could you sleep when you come home?

A:  Caaannnnn.  I know this –  there is no cure for cancer.  Everybody knows that.

Q:  When the doctor asked you to do chemo, did he say you will be cured?

A:  I asked him that.  He said no guarantee.  So, what for I go for chemo?

Herbal Therapy

Q:  When did you start taking the herbs?

A:  October 2004, immediately after the diagnosis. I believe in your herbs.  That is why I take them for so many years now.

Q:  When you first came, you had pain and were coughing. Did these problems go away after taking the herbs?

A:  Slowly, slowly, I got better and better – after about a few months.  My qi gong friends were also surprised. The doctors at the general hospital (GH) were also surprised. I went back to GH for check up every three or four months. The doctors asked me to continue taking your herbs.

Q: What happened to the chest pain?

A:  No more.  Everything went back to normal.  My appetite was good. I could sleep well too.  I also put on weight.  I felt good.

Q:  During the three years when you were okay, did you take care of your food?

A:  Yes.  I did not take banana, nor drink milk. I only took vegetables and fish.  I followed the good diet.  I also did qi gong – about two hours every morning.  I think qi gong helped me a lot.

Current Health Condition

Q:  Please tell us how you are feeling now.

A:  I am not feeling good. Breathing is a problem.  I’m short of breath.  I cannot walk, even slowly.  I cannot go upstairs. The problem is becoming worse.

Q:  What about pain?

A:  No, no pain.

Q:  Did they say they want to do anything for you?

A:  They asked me to go for chemotherapy again.

Q:  Did they give you any medication?

A:  Yes, medication for asthma. (Note: The patient is currently taking these medications – prescribed by the doctor –  Cardura (Doxazosin mesylate), Ranitidine, Chondrotin sulphate, Glucosamine sulphate and Celebrex)

Q:  When you take these medicines, do you feel better?

A:  Not really better.  A little bit okay.  Before and after taking these, my breathing is almost the same.  I have breathing difficulty throughout the day – unless I am sleeping.  Actually my condition is bad now.

I started having this problem only around October, 2007. I cannot do qi gong now because I have difficulty breathing.  Even walking is very difficult. I became breathless when I climb the stairs or walk a bit more. When I don’t move, I feel better. I am getting worse!

Drug Side Effects?

Q:  For how long have you been having these breathing problems?

A: Already two months.

Q:  Before that?

A:  I was okay.

Q:  (Baffled) Why?  A few months before October, 2007, did you do anything different or not?

A:  I had an operation in April, 2007 for my hernia problem.  It was growing bigger.

Q:  What did the doctor do?

A:  The doctor did an operation, and put some kind of a net (?).  The net is still there.

Q:  On discharge, were you given any medication?

A:  No.

Q:  Did you have breathing problems after your operation?

A:  No.  There were no problems.

Q:  After the operation, were you okay?

A:  Okay.  But not too long after that, I could not urinate.  Then they started to give me some medications.

Q:  When you had difficulty urinating, they gave you these medicines?

A:  Yes. (Cardura, Ranitidine, Chondrotin sulphate, Glucosamine sulphate and Celebrex).

Q:  How long did you take these medications before you started having breathing difficulty?

A:  Over a period of about three months, my breathing became worse.

Discontinuation of the Doctor’s Medication

Suspecting that Kok’s problems were due to the side effects of the drugs prescribed by the doctor the family decided to stop taking them. The following happened:

  • e-mail 24 January 2008: My mother said ever since he stop taking the Cardura, his breathing is better.
  • e-mail 14 February 2008: During Chinese New Year, I monitored him for two days.  His breathlessness is better, but it seems once a while it will strike. And he cannot stand for too long, get tired easily. Cough is better. Yesterday I saw my Dad for about four hours, he did not cough. He has no complaints about the urination. Still having leg pain, especially at night.

Kok died in the early morning of 24 March 2008, three and a half years after being diagnosed with metastatic lung-liver cancer.


In spite of being told – Go home, do and eat what you like – because he had terminal lung-liver disease, Kok managed to live a good life without any chemotherapy or radiotherapy. He only relied on herbs. Did he die because the tumour in his lung grew bigger and kill him? The answer is No. Did he die because of his liver metastases? The answer is also No. He died because of breathlessness.

You do not have to be a doctor to know what has gone wrong. Just use your common sense and ask these questions:

1. Before Kok took the prescribed drugs, did he have any breathing problems?

2. After Kok was off the drugs, did the breathing problems improve?

Of course you cannot expect the side effects to go away immediately.

One lesson to learn from this episode. Check first with those who know or surf the internet, about the side effects of the drugs before swallowing them. For example in this case, I obtained the following information from the internet. With the information below, let me leave you to speculate the real cause of Kok’s breathlessness.

Documented Side Effects of Cardura

Cardura is a drug used to treat benign prostate enlargement or high blood pressure.

The more common side effects of Cardura may include: Dizziness or light-headedness, drowsiness or sleepiness, fatigue, headache, low blood pressure, lower blood counts.

Seek emergency medical attention or notify your doctor immediately if you suffer the an allergic reaction such as difficulty breathing; shortness of breath or chest pain; weakness, fatigue, or feeling of not being well; an increased heartbeat; joint or muscle aches; etc.–d00726a1.html

Caution should be used when administering CARDURA XL to patients with preexisting … mild or moderate hepatic dysfunction. Use in patients with severe hepatic impairment is not recommended.

Documented Side Effects of Ranitidine

Ranitidine is a histamine receptor antagonists. It is used to treat and prevent ulcers in the stomach and intestines and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).–d00021a1.html

Among the side effects of Ranitidine are: chest pain, fever, feeling short of breath, coughing up green or yellow mucus; unusual weaknessjoint and/or muscle pains, bronchospasm and  pneumonia,etc.;

Important information about ranitidine: Using ranitidine may increase your risk of developing pneumonia. Symptoms of pneumonia include chest pain, fever, feeling short of breath, and coughing up green or yellow mucus. Stop using ranitidine if you have any of these signs like difficulty breathing.


Herbs For Stage 3 Lung Cancer

Tan /b979, was a 72 year-old male who had been smoking for the last fifty-plus years. Sometime in December 2003, he expelled out sticky, blood-stained phlegm. A bronchoscopy indicated lung cancer, stage 3B. There was a 15 x 24 mm nodule in the right hilum. It was situated less than 2 cm from the carina.

The doctor told him that it would be good enough if he could live for six months. Another doctor told him that he could last for only a few months. This being so, he declined chemotherapy.

He and his children came to see us on 2 January 2004 and at that time he was suffering from tobacco-withdrawal syndrome. As a result he was on Nicorette, nicotine-containing inhaler instead of cigarette.

He presented with no pain, poor appetite and was unable to sleep well. He had diarrhea. He was breathless due to the presence of stubborn phlegm embedded in the bottom of his throat. This made him very tired.

Since Tan had no other avenue left, he and his children held onto us for all possible help. I must admit I too experienced much stress because of this. Every week, Tan or one of his sons, would come and report the progress of his illness. Fortunately for us, Tan was a very pleasant, lovable person and was ever ready to follow instructions.

A week on the herbs, Tan had pulling sensation in the chest. There was no more diarrhoea. In the second week, the pulling sensation in the chest disappeared. He became more energetic. There was less blood in the phlegm. However, there was one serious problem – the sticky, stubborn phlegm in the base of the throat just refused to come out. This made Tan become breathless and he wheezed.

I prescribed him various phlegm and cough-with-phlegm herbs but none seemed to work. Then we tried the three types of Lung-coughs teas. Fortunately Lung-cough 2 made him better but it did not solve the problem of the stubborn phlegm. I felt helpless. I suggested that he see a doctor and ask for Ventolin inhaler. He did as suggested. The inhaling of Ventolin eased the problem but he was back to same to the same problem again after a few days.

Then, I suggested that perhaps chemotherapy was the only answer. Tan smiled! But he was not prepared to do that just yet.

I felt real sorry for Tan but what else could I do to help? Then, I told Tan – I shall now go home and read the books and see what the Wise Men of China had to say. I read whatever I could get hold of about phlegm. I concocted two special formulations based on my reading. The first formulation helped but only gave a transient effect. The problem came back after a few hours.

On 22 March 2004, I gave Tan Phlegm-Cold to try. I was extremely happy to see him walked into the centre a few days later. He looked better and was more radiant. His breathing was better. The herbs worked for him. I could see the improvement.

On 2 April 2004, Tan came in again. The stubborn phlegm was gone.

In July 2004, Tan had to be hospitalized because of severe breathlessness. He had to be given oxygen for his lungs had collapsed. After a few days, he bounced back to life again. He was able to came and see us again. But later his condition continued to deteriorate again.

On 5 December 2004, it was a great surprise that a young boy came to our centre to collect herbs for Tan. He is Tan’s grandson. He told us that Tan was doing very well. He would wake up in the early morning and walked to the market to buy vegetables. He liked to cook for the family. He could drive and even had the energy to scold his grandchildren!

Tan died in his sleep in March 2005 without any suffering.


Tan lived a year and four months after being diagnosed with lung cancer. His doctor gave him six months, at most.


Chemo, Cryoablation and Radioactive Seeds Did Not Cure Her Herbs Made Her Better

Sometime in early August 2007, Swee (not real name, 71 years old female from Indonesia) had coughs with blood stained phlegm. She consulted a general medical practitioner who ordered an X-ray to be done, suspecting that she might have tuberculosis.  The X-ray showed a tumour in her lung. She was subsequently referred to a specialist who did a CT scan and found a 4.8 x 3.9 cm soft tissue mass with lymphadenopathy of the right lung. It was a 3A cancer. A biopsy was recommended but Swee declined and decided to come to Penang for a second opinion.

In Penang, a bronchial biopsy was done and the result confirmed the earlier diagnosis. It was a infiltrating, poorly differentiated carcinoma. Swee was referred to an oncologist for chemotherapy.

A day before Swee was scheduled for chemotherapy she received a phone call from a relative telling her to go for treatment in China instead. This she did without hesitation.

Swee was treated in a private hospital in China for twenty-eight days. She underwent the following treatments:

1.      Chemotherapy with Navelbine.

2.      Cyroablation using Argon-helium. Three cryoprobes were inserted into the lesion and the whole freezing process was monitored with the CT scan until “iceball” completely covered the target mass. After two freezing-thaw cycles the cryoprobes were pulled out.

3.      Radioacative iodine seeds implantation. Under guided CT scan, 15 radioactive iodine-125 seeds were implanted into the tumour mass.

The doctors concluded that these treatments were successful. Swee was allowed to return home toIndonesia.

In November 2007, Swee returned to China for her second round of treatment. This visit lasted fifteen days. She underwent the same treatments: chemotherapy with Navelbine, cryoablation and iodine seed implantation. According to the doctors, the second procedure was successfully carried out and the patient’s condition was better.

According to her son who accompanied her to China, the Chinese doctors suggested that Swee undergo a total of six treatments. Her son said: The doctors assured us that the tumour will go away but at the same time warned that the cancer can spread to other parts of the body. There is no guarantee that it will not spread. He did say which part of the body it will spread to.

After Swee returned to her home, the members of her family were in a dilemma. They did not have the funds to proceed with further treatments in China. The cost of her first treatment was 87,000 Yuan. The second treatment cost 57,000 Yuan. Swee wanted to sell the house the family is staying in to finance her treatment. Her five children (two sons and three daughters) were unsure if this was the correct thing to do. This is because there is no certainty that Swee will be completely cured.

Swee’s son came to see us in December 2007 and wanted to know the following:

  1. What should they do?
  2. Whether it is possible to take our herbs and at the same time undergo the Chinese treatment, should they decide to go to China again. This is with the hope that herbs can help Swee in some ways where medical treatment cannot.

I told the son that the main point to take in serious consideration is the possibility of the cancer spreading to the brain. Nobody can stop that and the possibility of this metastasis is very high. To this the son said: Yes. While I was in the hospital in China I have seen some patients who suffered like my mother and who underwent similar treatments. About six months after the treatment the cancer spread to the brain. The doctor also told me that the type of cancer my mother has is very aggressive and there is a 90% chance that it will spread to other parts of the body. There is no guarantee that it will not spread.

Swee and her two daughters visited CA Care (Penang) for the first time after taking herbs for about one year.

Chris (C): You’ve been on the herbs for 1 year. How are you as a person?

Swee (S): Good. No problems.

C: After your treatment in China, were you well?

S: Yes. But I cannot afford to go anymore. Our finance is limited.

C: How many times did you go to China?

S: Two times.

C: You decided not to do chemo anymore and decided to take our herbs?

S: When I came back from China I cough at night.

C: After taking my herbs, do you still cough?

S: No. No more coughs.

C: Do you continually take the herbs?

S: Yes. I have not stopped taking the herbs since.

In August 2009, nearly two years on herbs, Swee’s son came to our centre.

C: You said your mother went twice to China. Because of financial constraints, she stopped going toChina?

Son: She did not go back there anymore.

C: Besides taking our herbs, did she take any other medicine from elsewhere?

Son: No. She only took your herbs.

C: How is your mother as a person? Is she alright?

Son: She is well and alert. But if she works too hard and do not have enough rest she gets tired. Then she would cough at night.

C: Any complaints?

Son: So far, everything is okay. No complaints.

C: It’s been two years since you first came to see me.

Son: Yes, about two years.

C: I heard about her friends who went to China . . . . .

Son: They had all passed away.

C: How do you know?

Son: They all stayed nearby our place in Medan. There were three of them who went together toChina for treatment. Out of the three, my mother is the only one who survived until now.

C: Oh, the other two friends had passed away?

Son: The doctors in China told them not to come anymore.

C: How long were they undergoing treatment in China?

Son: They went to China a total of five (5) times for treatment.

C: Your mother went two (2) times for treatment.

Son: Yes.

Chris: Honestly, how is your mother now? How often do you see her?

Son: I go back to Medan every month. She is alert and normal.

C: How was your mother before she went to China?

Son: Before she had her treatment in China, she looks tired and lethargic. After the treatment inChina, she was slightly better. But after taking CA Care herbs, she gets better and better and is very alert and normal now.

C: So, what is she doing now?

Son: She takes care of the shop. We have a motor workshop. She works as a cashier there. She starts work at about 9 – 10 a.m. She takes a nap between 2 – 4 p.m. After that, she continues to work again.

C: You take care that she does not overwork or overstress herself. Does she continue taking the herbs?

Son: She continues taking the herbs. She also takes care of her diet. She continues to abstain from unhealthy foods.

C: When she came back from China, was she able to work like now?

Son: No. She was still weak. She could not cook or do any work. After taking the herbs, she can cook and boil her own herbs.

C: Actually, the herbs are not bad?

Son: If not good, I wouldn’t come back anymore!

C: How much did the two trips to China cost you?

Son: 250 million Rupiah.

C: Is it worth it?

Son: Huh. Smiled. (Did not comment)

C: There is no cure for cancer. We can only control it. Do you all understand that?

Son: All of us children understand this. We only hope nothing untoward happens.

C: If a person gets better and better to the road of recovery, there is no reason that it will suddenly reverse and starts to get worse. If that happens, it means the person must have done something wrong, like not taking the herbs properly or eating food she is not supposed to eat.


It is very hard for me to advise in this case, except to say that from my reading of medical literature, lung cancer is fatal and the chance of a cure is nil. But how can I put forward this message in a manner that is not traumatic to patients and/or their family members?

Alexander Spira and David Ettinger (Multidisciplinary management of lung cancer. New England J. of Med. 350:379-392) wrote:  Despite years of research, the prognosis for patients with lung cancer remains dismal.

According to Stephen Spiro and Joanna Porter (Lung cancer – where are we today? Amer. J. Respiratory and Critical Care Med. 166:1166-1196): Although chemotherapy may be a logical approach, there is virtually no evidence that it can cure NSCLC. The monetary cost … is high. The other cost of chemotherapy is its toxicity and its potential detriment to quality of life.  Disappointing as it may sound, this sums up the reality of the situation.

Even if what I say (lung cancer has no cure) may be true, generally patients would not take it kindly or would not believe me. They want a cure and they expect a cure with the treatment offered to them.  If we offer herbs and teach them to change their lifestyle in the hope of prolonging their lives or promoting the quality of their lives, they still insist that we tell them of the chances of cure.

This e-mail to me is one good example to illustrate my point.  The patients put total confidence in doctors to prescribe the best treatment methods i.e., put their lives in the hands of the medical doctors.  Those big pharmaceutical companies … prove to be quite convincing in their scientific explanation until today. That is why a lot of patients still prefer their drugs.  On the contrary, herbal treatment offers no explanation as to how the herbs work and to what extent it can help the patients. In other words, there is no guarantee that taking herbs will make you feel better either. Similarly, if I am to ask you personally, how and to what extent your herbs can help the patient, I do not think I can expect a concrete answer.   Again, you might say it is up to the person to decide and put his/her faith in whatever decision being made.   It is like telling the patient to choose whatever he/she thinks is the right medicine. I don’t think this is very right.  If I know outright that something works – whether they be herbs or drugs, I would not be scared to commit myself and advocate the fact that it will work.

There are questions patients might ask when considering your herbs as an alternative treatment such as: can you confidently say that your herbs work much effectively than modern treatments?

I fully understand that patients want a guarantee or a promise of cure. But our experience tells us that there is no cure for cancer, be it be an early stage or a terminal stage. To tell patients otherwise, amounts to cheating by misleading or misinforming them. To us, healing (note the use of the word healing not cure) of cancer is not about taking herbs alone. Most patients missed the point that they must first learn how to help themselves by changing their lifestyle, diet and mindset if they want to find healing. Unfortunately, this change is something very hard for patients to do. In this case, her son told us that Swee is not a person who is willing to change. She is not prepared to change her diet and believes in eating anything she likes. The argument is: why must I not be able to eat anything I like – I am going to die anyway. It did not occur to Swee that it could be the unhealthy lifestyle and diet that led to the death of her husband (complications of hypertension, diabetes, etc.) In addition her sister died of colon cancer, brother of stomach cancer and auntie of nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC).

Secondly, the herbs are not going to taste good and the son is not hopeful that Swee would even want to drink it. In short, most patients like Swee is only interested to find healing on their own terms. They seek that elusive magic bullet to make them well.

Drs. Richard Deyo and Donald Patrick, professors at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, in their book, Hope or Hype: the obsession with medial advances and the high cost of false promises,wrote:

We are born with our own blind trust in a medical establishment that preys on our deepest fears, all the while purporting to ride to our rescue with “miracles cures.”

  1. The combination of industry greed, media hype, political expediency and our own “techno-consumption” mindset is leading more and more often to a reliance on costly treatments that are marginally effective at best – and sometimes downright dangerous.
  2. When choices involve new treatments, the assumption is almost always that more and newer can only be better. Conveniently, this stance almost always coincides with financial self-interest.
  3. It is said that doctors are ever too willing to prescribe the latest drug without even looking into the evidence whatsoever it makes them happy, it makes the patients happy and it makes the drug rep happy.

We do not believe that there is such a thing as a magic bullet for cancer. We are not true to our cause and betray our mission if we say or act as if we have one. It is hard for many to understand that we are here trying to help. We have not desire to push our herbs. We set no sales target and do not aim to conquer new markets. Our work is driven by love and compassion, not profit. If ever there is any assurance or guarantee patients get from us, it is this: Try the herbs for one or two weeks. If the patient doesn’t getter any better, stop taking our herbs and find someone else for help.

Let me conclude with this story. Lung cancer was previously treated with Iressa. When Iressa was first launched it was hailed in the media as: The Drug of Tomorrow; The Miracle Drug; The Smart Drug; Miracle Cure –  the drug that Rises from the Ashes and various other superlatives.

The message to the world was clear: A breakthrough is at hand – there is great hope and great anticipation. Lung cancer patients need not die any more. A miracle drug is at long last here. The US-Food and Drug Administration approved its use. This makes it even more convincing. This is the kind of guarantee cancer patients the world over want before they swallow their first pill – the writer of the above e-mail included.

In an article: Iressa should have never been approved ( ISDB-Feb-2.html) Rokuro Hama wrote:

  • An estimated 23,500 people has so far been administered with Iressa in Japan, 644 of them suffered adverse reactions. Of these 183 have died. The drug was approved in July 2002 inJapan and by end of January 2003 – barely six months later, the death related to the adverse reaction to Iressa had reached 183.

In the Western countries, Iressa was withdrawn and was shown to be not effective anymore in spite of the earlier great media hype.  But in the countries of the East, Iressa is still being prescribed to many cancer patients, even today. Patient needs to spend about RM 7,000 to RM 8,000 for a month’s supply of Iressa. With Iressa being phased out, some oncologists turn to another drug called Tarceva, a sister drug to Iressa. One Tarceva pill cost RM 270 which calculates to RM 8,100 for a month’s supply. Is Tarceva effective? The company’s website said it is proven to have increased overall survival by 37% and had shown a demonstrated significant symptom benefits by prolonging the time to progression of symptoms. Doctors and patients love such assurance. The scientifically generated statistic quoted is very impressive indeed. But what does 37% mean? The truth is: if you take Tarceva, you can live 9.5 months and if you don’t take Tarceva you only live 6.7 months.  In real terms Tarceva only increased survival by 2.8 months.

How does this assurance sound to patients? Do patients know or informed about this? Remember, this promise of being able to live 2.8 months longer comes with a price tag of RM 8,000 per month.

Note: Her son came back to see us in mid-2010 and informed us that Swee is still alive but is a bit breathless. We prescribed Lung Phlegm for her problem. The son also told us that the family is already satisfied and happy for having lived that long. We were also told that one of Swee’s daughter is actually a medical doctor. She did not consider it necessary to bring her mother to the hospital.

Doctor’s Prognosis of Doom, Herbs Made Him Live

Eddy from Indonesia came to our centre on 18 June 2007. He brought his father-in-law who suffered from lymphoma to see us. This was Eddy’s second visit here. His first visit was on 22 April 2005 when he came with a colleague to seek our help regarding his colleague’s father, Sugi, who had lung cancer.

During this June 2007 visit, I enquired from Eddy about Sugi’s health – is he still alive? The answer was: Sure, he is doing well. I was indeed surprised and was really happy with this wonderful news. I searched out Sugi’s file to write this almost forgotten story.

Sugi (not real name) is a non-smoker. He was 67 years old in August 2003, when he suffered from sores in his mouth and had jaundice. He went to see a doctor who did a CT scan and found cancer in his lungs. The doctor told Sugi that he only had six months to live, in spite of the fact that Sugi appeared healthy. Someone told Sugi about CA Care and he decided to take our herbs: Capsule A, Lung 1 and Lung 2 teas. Sugi took the herbs for eight months but his jaundice still persisted. He lost faith in our therapy and decided to take herbs from other sources. But Sugi did not receive any medical treatment.

On 22 April 2005, Sugi’s son came to Penang and seek our help. He told us that Sugi went to see a doctor again two weeks before this visit and the doctor again told Sugi that he only had four months to live. Sugi’s son said: “In the first visit to the doctor, my father was told that he only had six months to live and now it has been two years and he is still alive. Last two weeks, the doctor told my father he only had four months to live. The doctor suggested that my father do an operation to remove the tumours but my father refused.”

After updating Sugi’s condition, we suggested that Sugi take Capsule A, Lung 1 and Lung 2, C-tea, T & E, and S & M teas.

On 1 July 2005, we received an e-mail from Sugi’s son with the following message:

“After visiting you last April 2005, I would like to share with you about my dad’s lung cancer. My dad has been recovering significantly in terms of increased weight (from 54 kg to 61 kg). Visually he looked better and he felt better too. I sincerely thank you and appreciate all your kind advices and herbs.”

I e-mailed Sugi’s son requesting for an update of his father’s health. On 2 July 2007, I received his reply (original text in Bahasa Indonesia).

Hello, Dr. Chris,

It has been a long time since I last wrote you about my father’s condition. We are indeed grateful to the Almighty God for through Dr. Chris’s hands, that my father is able to remain alive up to this day. Currently, my father is able to do what he wanted to do as a normal person.

Let me answer your questions: a) How is your father’s health currently? Can eat? Can sleep? Can move without any problems?

My father’s health, based on visual appearance is very good. His appetite is very good and he is still observing the diet restriction as written by Dr. Chris in his book: Food & Cancer. Every morning, my father walks for three km to keep fit. He sleeps very well. He is mobile without any problem.

b) After you and Eddy came to see me in Penang until now, has your father ever gone to see any doctor?

My father went to see his doctor only once. He received an injection to increase his immunity. After that, my father has been receiving this injection every month. This therapy seems to be good but I don’t know about its effect on his cancer.

c) Was your father on any other herbs besides our CA Care herbs?

He was on your herbs only. But since the past three months, my father stopped taking your herbs. I guessed he was bored with the herbs.


This is one case which almost slipped out of our records. Sugi come from Central Java and when he started taking herbs he did not come to see us personally. So there was not much communication between us. It was unfortunate that in the first instance his jaundice did not go away after taking the herbs. The reason is obvious – he was not given any Jaundice Tea to take. Our experience shows that Jaundice Heat or Jaundice Cold tea, is effective for such condition. Though Sugi suffered from jaundice, it was surprising that the doctor indicated that his liver was in good health.

This story highlighted one sad aspect about scientific medicine. When patients are diagnosed with lung cancer (or for that matter any cancer), some doctors invariable try to play God and give their prognosis. “You have three months to live” or “You have six months to live.” Such comment is indeed very destructive. I wonder what purpose such negative comment serves. Is this a way of putting “fear and terror” into patients? When patients are reduced to a state of “helplessness and hopelessness” they become more compliant with whatever treatments suggested. To the doctors, surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the only ways to deal with cancer – other ways are “hocus pocus” and unproven.

Unfortunately this story proves otherwise. Without these evasive treatments, Sugi was and is better off. He maintained his good health and well-being – physically, emotionally and financially. It has been almost four years since Sugi was diagnosed with lung cancer. Let us pray that Sugi will continue to live many more years to come. Sugi’s success defies medical logic, if you believe that there is such a thing as logic!


No Medical Treatment Indicated Went On Herbs

K118, was a 75-year-old lady. She suffered from chronic asthma besides high blood pressure. On 28 January 2003, A CT scan indicated a well-defined enhancing lesion in the anterior mediastinum to the left of the ascending aorta. It measures 2.5 cm in diameter. Moderate right-sided pleural effusion with passive collapse of the left lower lobe.

A tru-cut biopsy indicated adenocarcinoma of the lung. At her age, chemotherapy or radiotherapy was not indicated. Her son came to us for help. She was immediately started on the herbs.

We received two e-mails from her son who would like to share his joy with all of us.

E-mail dated 25 Mar 2003

Dear CA Care,

Just want to express my joy for the encouraging progress of my Mom’s case. My mom was diagnosed for lung cancer on 14 Feb 03. She is 74 years old. Her left lung was flooded with fluid and her legs swelled.

Doctor advised that she would not be fit for any form of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It was by chance that we were introduced to CA Care.

My mom started taking the Capsule A, C-tea, Lung Tea (and later Lung 2 was added) and Lung-Phlegm from 17 Feb 03 onwards. On 22 Feb 03, our doctor examined her and found her left lung was clear of fluid and the swelling on her legs was gone.

We continued to take the CA care herbs. On 22 Mar 03 an X-ray was taken and doctor was surprised that the lump in the left lung had shrunk to about one-third of the original size.

My mom’s conditions are very well. Her appetite is good and she resumes most of her normal activities. I’m just too delighted on this and hope to share this information with everyone. The next consultation will be on the 24 May 03. I will update status of her conditions by then.

I must express my thankfulness to…

Gracefully, ST of KL.

E-mail dated 25 May 2003

Dear Prof. Chris Teo,

I would like to update my mom’s case. It had been three months since she’s been taking your herbs. As mentioned in my e-mail dated 25 Mar 03, she recovered very positively after taking your herbs.

On 24 May 03, we took her to the same lung specialist to examine her. The doctor told us that her lungs are normal, heartbeat is normal except that her blood pressure is a bit high at 160/80. She needs to carry on taking the high blood medication …

Another good news is that she gained four pounds this time. We decided not to take any X-ray for the whole 2003 to minimise her exposure to radiation since she had gone through many X-rays and CT three months ago.

I spent a few hours with my mom yesterday and found that she can do her normal household chores and talk as loud as before. I truly believe your herbs have brought her back from the dark. Well, on top of herbs, I found also that cancer patients really need a lot of emotional console and morale support everyday. We all must be strong at heart to carry out this battle of cancer.

Thank you to your contribution to mankind in this difficult battle against this disease.

God bless you.

Yours gracefully,  ST.


The patient died in December 2004 – about two years after being diagnosed with lung cancer. She was able to lead a normal life, free from pains and debilitating problems. Was her death due to cancer or old age?


Chemo Failed and He Moved On To Tarceva — Meaningless Shrinkage of Tumor While on Tarceva Treatment

Mark (not real name) is a 34-year old male. Sometime in September 2006 he had coughs which led to the diagnosis of lung cancer. A CT scan on 18 December 2006 showed a 5 x 5 cm mass at the right upper lobe of this lung. The right lung also had fluid (pleural effusion). In addition, there were several metastatic lesions in the partially collapsed right mid and lower lobes of the lung. The left lung was clear. Unfortunately the cancer had already spread to the fourth and sixth ribs. A core biopsy of the lung mass indicated a moderately differentiated papillary adenocarcinoma.

From December 2006 to February 2007, Mark underwent chemotherapy with Gemzar and cisplatin. Two cycles were given each month and he received a total of six cycles. The cost of each cycle was around RM 4,000. The oncologist told him that there would be no cure but the size of the tumor could be reduced by the treatment.

After the chemotherapy was completed, a CT scan on 7 March 2007 showed  right lung severely collapsed with a mass lesion measuring 6 cm over the hilum. Mark had to undergo a procedure tore-inflate his lung.

Mark was told that chemotherapy was not effective. He was asked to take the oral drug, Tarceva which cost RM 270 / pill. The progress of the treatment responses are as follows:

1.  CT scan on 9 March 2007 showed a 7.5 cm x 6 cm mass and a daughter nodule measuring 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm.

2.  CT scan on 31 May 2007 showed a mass measuring 4 cm x 2 cm, a significant reduction in size of the right lung mass.

3.  CT scan on 13 September 2007 showed no significant change compared to the previous CXR.

4.  CT scan on 13 November 2007 showed a larger mass measuring 8 x 6 x 4 cm. There was fibrosis in the right apex and the right lung base. There was destruction of one of the lower left rib suggestive of bony metastasis.

While on Tarceva, Mark was told that initially the tumour had shrunk to about eighty percent of its initial size. Unfortunately this shrinkage did not last. After eight months of Tarceva (costing him approximately RM 64,000) it was clear that the treatment had failed.

Mark was told the disappointing news that the tumour had grown bigger again. Tarceva was not effective. In addition, the bony metastasis got worse. Mark was on Bonefos since his diagnosis and this medication cost about RM 400 per month.

Mark and his wife came to see us on December 2007. They wanted to know if by taking the herbs the tumour would shrink and how long would it take for the herbs to be able to do this. Honestly and frankly my respond was: I am sorry I don’t know.


Mark and his wife came to us to seek an assurance that herbs can help him. We have lung cancer patients who were told by their doctors that they only had six months to live, but after taking the herbs they went on to lead a normal life for another two to three years before they eventually succumb to the cancer. A man with bone cancer was told: Go home and prepare your will. You only have six months to live. He declined Bonefos medication, took herbs and is still alive to this day – almost seven years now. However, it is absolutely wrong on our part to claim that herbs can cure cancer. Unfortunately when Mark came to see us, I was unable to provide him the guarantee that herbs can cure anything if that was what he and his wife came to see me for. I told them, we could only do our best to help.

I am reminded by what Randall Fitzgerald said (in The Hundred Years Lie):

  • For many people who grew by and dependent on technology and the laboratory drugs of Western medicine, breaking free of that paradigm or even considering the use of strange-sounding treatments from other cultures, requires a leap of faith.
  • For many of us, before we can discover natural healing alternatives, we must first experience the desperation of having exhausted the entire range of synthetic chemical remedies offered by modern medicine.

However, for some people even the experience of failure does not bring any message. The sad truth about advanced stage lung cancer is that there is no cure for it – not even with chemotherapy or Tarceva.

Stephen Spiro and Joanna Porter in an article: Lung cancer– where are we today? (American J. Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 166:1166-1196, 2000), wrote that although chemotherapy may be a logical approach, there is virtually no evidence that it can cure NSCLC (non-small cell lung cancer).

Ronald Feld et al. (in Lung. Clinical Oncology. 2nd ed. Harcourt Asia) summed up the present scenario: Despite this large patient base for clinical trials, the role of systemic chemotherapy in the management of NSCLC remains one of the most controversial issues in medical oncology today.

Dr. Jeffrey Tobias and Kay Eaton (in Living with Cancer) were more explicit when they wrote

  • For patients with NSCLC …(treatment) in truth is likely to be more valuable for palliation of symptoms rather than a treatment with a real prospect of cure… a cure couldn’t realistically be attempted.
  • the early dramatic  response to chemotherapy is rarely beyond a year or two … perhaps six months later (there is) clear evidence of the return of the cancer.

What is Bonefos?

Bonefos is used in some cancers to reduce bone destruction that could result in bone pain and fractures. Its chemical name is Clodronate disodium belonging to a class of drugs called bisphosphonates. It stops the calcium from coming out of the bone which makes it weaker and hence increasing the risk of fractures and pain besides increasing calcium blood levels.  Nowhere is it stated that it cures bone cancer. And in this case, Bonefos was not effective.

What is Tarceva?

Go into the website and find some hard truth about this oral drug. According to the company’s website,, Tarceva is the first and only oral HER1/EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor proven to significantly prolong survival. It significantly increased overall survival by 37% and demonstrated significant symptom benefits by prolonging the time to progression of symptoms.

This write-up is very impressive. But as always, let me caution patients to read information using some common sense. Ask what does increased survival by 37%  means in real term? The data presented by the company are as below:

  1. Median survival was 9.5 months with Tarceva versus 6.7 months with placebo.  In real terms Tarceva only increased survival by 2.8 months. Mathematically it is very correct to say that the increased survival due to Tarceva is 41.8%. Definitely 41.8% increased survival sounds very attractive indeed.
  2. Tarceva significantly prolonged progression-free survival (PFS) by 82%. The actual figures are: PFS 3.6 months with Tarceva versus 1.8 months with placebo.

Nowhere in the medical literature is there a claim that Tarceva cures lung cancer! Patients need to decide if it is worth spending RM 8,000 each month on medication that was shown to only prolong life by 2.8 months. In this case, Mark had already spent RM 64,000, and found out that Tarceva had failed him.