Endometrial Cancer: After surgery, she refused chemotherapy. And she is well.

NT is a 61-year-old lady from Indonesia. Her problem started with vaginal bleeding. Otherwise she had no other symptoms.

A CT scan on 4 December 2017 showed cancer of the endometrium

NT underwent an operation in Medan, her hometown. This cost IDR 40 million (RM12K).

The histopathology report confirmed a moderately adenocarcinoma of the endometrium. Unfortunately, the cancer had spread out of the uterine and cervical wall. The peritoneal fluid contained malignant cells.

NT was asked to undergo follow up chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She refused.

Why did she not go for chemo?

NT’s son said the family heard so much about the bad effects of chemo and radiation. So her mother decided not to undergo such treatments.

We prescribed NT herbs and told her to take care of her diet.

Nine months later, NT’s son came back and reported that his mother is doing fine. Listen to our conversation.



The blood test results confirmed that NT was doing well indeed in spite of not undergoing chemo and radiation.

  9 January 2018 before herbs 10 August 2018 after herbs

30 H


CA 125

76.5 H

28.8 (normal)


When NT first came to see us nine months ago, I was rather skeptical if the herbs can help her in anyway. This was because the cancer had already spread. But praise God NT is well for now.

Her CA125 dropped to normal, from 76 to 28. However, I reminded NT’s son that this is not a cure at all. Her CA125 may rise again. So NT should continue to do what she has been doing that made her well. Keep to the good diet, maintain a healthy lifestyle and drink the herbal teas.

While CA125 is a good indicator of well being for NT, what is more important is for her to feel well and getting better and better with each passing day.



My 100-year-old Grandaunt. She had breast cancer.

Happy and blessed 100th birthday Oma !

Madam Anjalai Singaram was born on  8th July 1918, the 5th of 6 children. All her siblings are since deceased. Widowed in 1993 , she had 5 children, of whom 3 have passed away. Born and bred in her beloved Penang, she continued to live alone in her house on Dato Kramat Road following the death of her husband. She managed all household chores herself. For her 4 monthly visits to GH Penang for medical reviews and medication supply , she relied on her grandchildren and family members in Penang. Her razor sharp mind kept track of her scheduled hospital appointments and her daily medication which she diligently sorted out and apportioned as per her scheduled intake. She had her own exercise routine which she did diligently every day . Belying her age , this included squats.

One evening in early 2014, she experienced an accidental fall at home whilst she was alone. Her helplessness during that incident and the need to be hospitalized for observation with a nasty bump on her head triggered an alarm amongst family members. A decision was made to bring her to Kuala Lumpur to live with and be cared for by her daughter, LalithaDoraisingam’s family. Knowing that she would resist a move away from her home in Penang , the move to KL was done almost surreptitiously, with the promise of it being just a short recuperative trip.

When it dawned on her that this was most likely a permanent move as her constant requests to return to Penang were denied, a tumultuous period of frustration and resentment followed.  A few months later, she discovered a lump in her left breast.

In August 2014, at the age of 96, she was diagnosed to have Breast Cancer. She underwent surgery (Left breast mastectomy with left axillary clearance) on 28th August 2014. Histopatholgy confirmed an invasive ductal carcinoma Grade 3 with metastasis to the axillary lymph nodes. A collective decision was taken that no adjuvant or additional modalities of treatment would be considered. Belying her age yet again, her post operative recovery was superb and she was discharged home in 3 days.

Having had previous experience with CA Care on a different occasion, we paid a visit to consult with Ms.Khadijah and Mr.Yeong at their Centre in Subang Jaya. As the intention was on maintaining a good quality of life, the focus was to obtain a more acceptable, holistic, herbal based managementprotocol . This August will mark 4 years since the diagnosis and she continues to  consume the herbal preparations from CA Care.

By the Almighty’s Grace, Madam Anjalai recently celebrated her 100th birthday on 8th July 2018 with family members and relatives at a Restaurant in Kuala Lumpur. A short interview with her was in fact carried live over the Bernama Tamil News Channel that night.

Today, she remains ambulant, maintains some exercise routines and still enjoys a healthy appetite. Age has taken a toll partly on her clarity of vision and hearing, but her mind and memory remain as clear as ever .

May she be blessed with happiness, peace and good health in her remaining years as her journey has been a life lived well indeed.


This story is written by her grandnephew. Thanks for taking time to share this story with us. All of us at CA Care are real happy to know that oma is doing well. May she lives many more years beyond the present hundred! God bless.

Take time to reflect — if you have a loved one who is 90 plus and she/he has cancer, would you take the same healing path and forgo the established medical treatments?




Breast Cancer: Surgery YES, Chemo NO


Fen (not real name) was 44-years old. In July 2015, she found a small lump at 2 o’clock position of her left breast. An USG confirmed the presence of a 1.5 x 10 x 1.3 cm irregular mass in left breast.

FNAC (biopsy) confirmed a ductal carcinoma.

Fen underwent a left mastectomy. Histopathology indicated the tumour was positive for ER, PR and c-ERB-2 receptors.

After surgery, Fen was asked to undergo chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. No radiation was indicated. According to her surgeon, the benefit of these treatments are as follows:

  1. If no treatment was done, the 5-year-survial rate would be 57%.
  2. If Fen was to take Tamoxifen (oral drug) the 5-year-survival rate would be 68%, meaning Tamoxifen would give a 11% benefit.
  3. If Fen was to take Tamoxifen and Chemotherapy, the 5-year-survial rate would be 81%. This means, chemotherapy would provide an additional 13% benefit.
  4. If Fen was to take Tamoxifen + Chemotherapy + Herceptin, the 5-year-surival would be 88%. This means, additional treatment with Herceptin would add another 7% benefit.

Heceptin is expensive. That drug alone would cost more than RM100,000.

But what can happen if Fen opted not to do any more medical treatments? Will she die soon? According to the doctor’s statistics, Fen has a 57% chance of surviving 5 years. Take note, she was to do everything what the doctor said, her chance of survival would be 88%. So medical treatments would provide 31% more chances of survival.

Perhaps, what is not told are:

  • What if the patient dies during or after the chemo?
  • The medical treatments would not give a 100 percent chance of cure. Some patients get worse with chemo. Some died while others suffered severe side effects.
  • How to know if Fen is in the “fortunate” or the “unfortunate” group of patients? Nobody can tell for sure.

Fen and her husband came to seek our help. My caution to the couple.

Chris: I don’t want you to go home and quarrel with your husband. So, go home and discuss with him first.

For whatever you want to do, everyone around you should all support you.

(To the husband) Give her all your support.

Fen: We have already decided. I don’t want to go for chemo. I am afraid my body cannot take it. I have a friend. She also had breast cancer, all three negative. She had chemo and suffered badly. After three cycles of chemo she gave up. Took some Chinese herbs and it is already four and a half years and she is doing fine. So I don’t want to go for chemo.

One and a half years later!

Chris: Your blood test results are all good. There is nothing wrong there!

Fen: I take care of my diet!

C: Good, and you don’t curi makan? Bluff, bluff a bit. There are patients who said, Yes I take care of my diet. But when I dig and dig further — no they did not keep to their diet. Why are they cheating themselves? When I said that, they got angry because they said I am blaming them. I don’t know what to say!

F: I understand your problem.

C: Do you get angry with me because I told you not to eat what you like?

F: Why should I get angry with you? I googled and learned that many other people also say the same thing.

C: Do you exercise?

F: I walk, four times a week. Each time about one hour.

C: You think too much?

F: No.

C: You were on the herbs for one and a half years now. How is your health compared to the time when you were not on the herbs?

F: I feel much better now.

C: Do you want to go back for chemotherapy?

F: NO!


8 cm Liver Tumour Shrunk After 8 Months On Herbs. Still Alive and Well After 2 Years

About a year ago, we documented the story of AS in our posting,  Liver Cancer: 3 cm Tumour OUT, 8 cm Tumour IN After 9 Months and S$28,000-Surgery.

Briefly these were what happened to AS.

  • He underwent a cholecystectomy on 31 December 2011 in Indonesia due to gallstones. During the open surgery the surgeon also did a liver biopsy for suspicious liver lesions.
  • AS went to Singapore for a second opinion. A review of his biopsy tissues showed poorly differentiated liver tumour.
  • PET/CT scan revealed a mass in the left lobe of his liver, measuring 3.2 x 2.6 cm
  • AS subsequently underwent a liver surgery in Singapore.
  • CT scan on 16 August 2012 showed no evidence of recurrent HCC.
  • However, PET/SC scan on 11 March 2013 revealed recurrent HCC with mass measuring           0 x 4.8 cm.
  • Trans-arterial chemoembolization (TACE) of the liver tumour was attempted but failed.
  • With no other option left, the doctor suggested chemotherapy or Nexavar.
  • AS promptly rejected chemo and came to seek our help on 14 April 2013.
  • His alpha feto-protein on 15 April 2013 was at 1,064.

Video 1: Liver tumour: Surgery and TACE failed.



The question we all wish to ask is, What happened to AS after taking the herbs? The answer is, He is well and very much alive. CT in December 2013 (8 months after taking herbs) indicated the tumour had shrunk to 5.2 x 2.2 x 3.9 cm in size.

About 2 years later, 18 January 2015, AS and his wife came to visit us. AS’s wife was very agitated and upset. Since the past few weeks AS had been taking “bad food” – food that we tell patients not to eat. On top of that AS sometimes was not taking the herbs as he used to do.

Listen to this video.

Video 2: To live or to die is your choice!



Briefly my message to AS (and also all cancer patients) that night was very clear, crude and blunt.

  1. When patients are “half dead,” they would follow our advice without protest. But when they get well, most of them will “misbehave.” That is normal.
  2. To live or to die is your choice.
  3. There is no need to be upset about the patient’s choice. If he wants to die, let him die.
  4. My experiences have shown that if a patient eats anything he/she likes, this “good time” would probably last about 2 months. After that the cancer would recur and he/she cannot “enjoy” food anymore.
  5. I also told AS, Perhaps it is time you stop taking the herbs. Go home and eat a lot of what you want to eat and “go” faster.
  6. AS had lived for almost 2 years. He should be grateful that he is still alive – healthy and without pain. What more do you want? Be grateful for what you are now!

I wish to state too that telling AS the above was not done with anger! I have learned a lesson from one of our patients earlier on. His argument for wanting to eat anything he likes is because he does not want to go hungry. After all he is going to die anyway, so why go hungry and die with an empty stomach? He would probably become a hungry ghost! (Click this: Liver Cancer: Better to become a full-stomach ghost than a hungry ghost).

I am equally glad that AS took the message sportingly. He was not upset and only smiled. So let us respect his choice! 


Study the data below critically and then try to reflect on the questions posed.

PET/CT scan
2 February 2012 Post-cholecystectomy. Left hepatic lobe tumour, 3.2 x 2.6 cm.
3 May 2012 – liver surgery – hemihepatectoomy
16 August 2012 THREE MONTHS: CT abdomen/pelvis showed no evidence of recurrent HCC or focal liver lesions.
11 March 2013 TEN MONTHS: Interval development of an intensively hypermetabolic measuring 8.0 x 4.8 cm at the hepatic resection site consistent with recurrent disease.
22 March 2013 – TACE, blockage, procedure aborted
Declined chemotherapy or Nexavar
14 April 2013 – Came to CA Care, Penang. Started on liver herbs
26 December 2013 EIGHT MONTHS ON HERBS:   CT done in Jakarta: Hepar: Tampak lesi dengan enhance minimal ukuran 5.2 x 2.2. 3.9 cm disekitar klip lobektomi. Dibandingkan dengan CT scan Mei 2013 tampak menencil secara signifikan.Liver lesion is 5.2×2.2×3.9 cm. Compared to CT scan of May 2013, significant decrease in tumour size.
18 January 2015 Almost TWO YEARS ON HERBS:  Patient still well and healthy.


  1. Can surgery cure liver cancer? In this case, the answer is plain and simple. Surgery cannot cure liver cancer. For the initial 3 months, there was reason to be happy because CT showed no recurrence. The operation was a great success! But this success lasted only a few more months. The cancer came back. Is this not expected — a norm?
  2. Before surgery the tumour was only 3.2 cm. After surgery it grew to 8.0 cm. TACE was attempted and failed. The doctor suggested chemotherapy or taking of Nexavar. AS rejected further medical treatment. He and his family came to CA Care instead. He was started on herbs. What can you expect if you do nothing (medically) after that? At best within 3 or 6 months AS would be dead. That is what the medical literature would tell you.


11 March 2013. The liver tumour recurred and grew to 8 cm in size (initial size was 3 cm)

  1. AS did not go for any more medical treatment. He said he had lost confidence in the doctors who failed him twice. He only took herbs and changed his diet according to our advice. It has been almost 2 years now. He is still alive and well – leading a normal, pain-free life. Herbs are said to be “unproven and unscientific.” What say you now? Or is this recovery merely due to “pure luck” (another favourite medical argument)? Or is this recovery merely due to luck – yet another favourite medical explanation!


Breast Cancer: Surgery, Chemo, Tamoxifen and Xeloda failed her!

DK (S-542) is a 63-year old lady from Sumatera Selatan. She found a lump in her right breast. She ignored it for about 3 to 4 years since it did not give her any problem. In July 2008, she started to have pain and the lump grew bigger.

Two years later, in November 2010, DK went to a hospital in Melaka (Malaysia). She was asked to undergo an operation. She was afraid and went home instead. Then she sought alternative treatment.  She went to Central Java and sought the help of a herbalist who gave her herbs to apply and also “massaged” her. The treatment expelled pus and blood from her breast. For the first 6 months, the treatment seemed to help DK.

Since she felt well, DK went to China for a holiday. While in China, she suffered severe pain and her condition deteriorated. On her return to Indonesia she was admitted to a hospital in Jambi. CT and biopsy were performed. DK subsequently underwent 7 cycles of chemotherapy, followed by a mastectomy. After surgery, DK was put on Tamoxifen and Xeloda. She was on these two drugs for about 7 to 8 months. After 2 months on the drug, her  right arm became swollen and a big blister developed (Picture A). She had difficulty bending her fingers (Picture B).


DK stopped taking Tamoxifen and Xeloda. She went back to see her doctor again in February 2014. The doctor prescribed painkiller. By this time there was also a swelling in her neck (Picture C). The doctor told her there was nothing he could do to help her. Desperate, DK’s son found us in the internet. On 7 March 2014, DK, her husband and son came to seek our help.


DK was prescribed Capsule A, C and D. In addition she was asked to drink herbal teas: Breast M, Lympho 1, Upper Edema and Pain Tea.

One Month On The Herbs

DK’s son came to report his mother’s progress on 9 April 2014.

1. DK did not seem to have any reaction after taking the herbs for the first 3 days.

2. On day 4 after taking the herbs, DK had severe pain in her right arm. The pain lasted untill 1 or 2 a.m. Her right leg felt sore and numb.

3. She passed out black stools with a lot of mucus. After that she passed out stools with oily discharge.

4. One week on the herbs, the pains in her right arm became less, soreness in her right leg also lessened.

5. Before the herbs, DK was on morphine, 2 tablets per day. After a week on the herbs, she did not need morphine anymore.

6. Two weeks on the Upper Edema tea, the swelling of her right arm improved. It became smaller and soft (previously hard).  But after stopping the Upper Edema tea, the swelling came back.

7. DK was able to sleep well throughout the night. Previously she could sleep for only about 2 hours each night.

8. Her appetite had improved and she could eat rice.

9. She had more energy.



Comments: There are many lessons we can learn from DK’s bitter experience.

1. Ladies, if you have a lump in your breast. it is prudent for you to go and get an ultrasound done and determine if the lump is benign or malignant. If it is malignant, it makes no sense to keep it in your breast. Don’t be fooled by those who want you to believe that their “treatment” can cure you. I have heard of the Kiss Therapy, Leech Therapy, etc. which did not work. There is no reason for you to delay removal of the cancerous breast. The longer you wait the more problems you are going to create for yourself later on. Like in DK’s case, she delayed and delayed but ended up having to remove her breast anyway. By that time it was too late.

2. If you go and see your doctors with a large lump in your breast,  the first thing they would want to do is chemo you! DK had to endure 7 cycles of chemo before a mastectomy was performed. If she was to go and see the doctor earlier she would not need to do the chemo at all – proceed straight to lumpectomy or mastectomy.

3. After the mastectomy, DK was put on Tamoxifen and Xeloda and she was on these drugs for about 7 to 8 months. This is something that blew my mind off. Why Xeloda? Why Tamoxifen? Can someone not learn from simple observation? Learn from DK’s experience (and many others like her) that these drugs  have never been shown to cure cancer! In DK’s case, things got worse, not better.

4. When DK went back to her doctor for more help, she was only given Morphine tablets, nothing else. The doctor told her son, “There is nothing else I can do to help your mother!” At least the doctor was being honest. Perhaps other doctors would suggest, “Do more chemo!” But the question to ask is: Can more chemo cure this metastatic cancer?  Before Amy Cohen Soscia died, she left this remark for the world to learn, “There is no cure for metastatic breast cancer. It never goes away. You just move from treatment to treatment.”

5. As usually, at this “terminal stage” when there is nowhere else to go, patients come to seek our help. In spite of this dire situation, some expect us to cure them — see how absurd or illogical it is! But some patients come hoping that we can help them attain a better quality life with no pain. Yes, this is more realistic and as in DK’s case (and numerous other cases like hers) we are able to help.  So even if your doctors give up on you (like DK), know that there is still another option for you to get well. So don’t give up. That is, if you are prepared to help yourself.

6. Unfortunately, not all patients who come to us  want to help themselves. They expect healing to come easy! Or they want healing on their own terms. Many just want to sit in the comfort of  their home and expect us to “deliver healing via e-mail.”

Let me point out to you what DK and her family had to go through to come to us. They live in a town that takes 7 hours to drive to Jambi. From Jambi they have to take a plane to Jakarta and from Jakarta they have  to fly to Penang. In all, the one way journey from home to Penang takes 2 days!

We often have requests to have phone consultation because patients live “far away and cannot come.” When we ask from where? Ah, the answer is BM, Taiping or Ipoh (just one or two hours ride across the Penang bridge) or even Singapore (one hour and a half by plane). For those who what to find easy healing, our advice is to find someone near your home to help you. It is more convenient for you.

7. Following our healing path is not like going for a honeymoon trip. First, you must take full responsibility for your health. Change your lifestyle. Change your diet. You need to brew the teas and drink the bitter concoctions ( Some people ask, why not have them in capsules?). Probably for a week or two after taking the herbs, you have to go through a “healing crisis.” You may have more pain, more discomforts, etc. After this healing crisis you will probably feel better, as in the case of DK and many others like her. To learn more about healing crisis, click this link: http://www.cacare.com/healing-crisis

8. Most patients who come to us often claim that they are ignorant — “I don’t know.” “We panic, we are confused and don’t know what to do.” “They never tell me all these things.”

In order to educate patients, I have written another book on breast cancer (below):

Cover Front Your Breast  Bk1Bk2 RGB

(Available at http://www.BookOnCancer.com)

This book provides you with all the essential information that you need to know and tell you exactly what to do if you have a lump in your breast, etc. etc. Pleading ignorance is no excuse. You have a choice. And your life is in your hands. Do what is right.

My 6.9 cm Ovarian Cyst Disappeared !

Chris (C):  When did you have the cyst?

Anita (A):  It was in July, 2003.

C: There’s a cyst in the left ovary?

A: Yes, left ovary. It was 6.9 cm. The doctor asked me to go for an operation. But I said no.  I came here and took the herbs and it went down to 3.7 cm. That was three months later.

C: How did you know it went down to 3.7 cm?

A: I went to see the doctor again to have a scan.

C: Do you continue to take the herbs?

A: Yes. I continued taking until ….. I went again in November.

C: That 2003 also?

A: Yes. And the doctor was surprised: Eh, how come there’s no more inside. I better check again. So she did the scan. Scanned, scanned and confirmed it’s gone.

Cervical Cancer Stage 3B: Health Restored After Taking Herbs and Giving Up Chemo-radiation Treatments

The Ai Hoa (TAH) is a 78 year old lady from Indonesia. In May 2008 she had chocolate-coloured vaginal discharge. She consulted a gynaecologist and was told there was nothing wrong. In February 2009, the discharge recurred. She consulted another gynaecologist and was again told the same story – nothing was wrong.

Her daughter brought TAH to Singapore for further consultation. A PAP smear done on 16 March 2009 indicated high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) / CIN 3.

A biopsy of the cervical tissue was performed and indicated microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma.

A PET-CT scan on 23 March 2009 indicated a hypermetabolic FDG avid cervical mass with diffusely increased uterine avidity which was inseparable from the uterus and the upper part of the vagina. There was multiple FDG avid left iliac, aortocaval, recto-caval and bilateral paraaortic lymph nodes consistent with metastasis. There was no evidence of peritoneal or liver metastases.

Blood test results on 24 March 2009 showed normal hemogram with an ESR of 25 mm/hr. The renal and liver function tests were normal but LDH was 210 (normal <190). Her CEA was 6.9 (n<5) and CA 125 was 124 (n<35). HBsAg was reactive.

TAH was referred to another doctor for evaluation of her elevated CEA and HBsAg. She underwent endoscopy of her GI tract on 26 Match 2009. The result showed normal oesophagus but antral gastritis was noted. She was tested positive for Helicobacter pylori. Colonoscopy showed numerous small sessile polyps in the rectum. On biopsy it showed hyperplasic / metplastic polyps.  She was started on Baraclude (entecavir) for her hepatitis B (carrier).

Bone scan on 28 April 2009 showed increased tracer uptake in the midline of the upper sacrum as well as the left sacral ala, most probably due to degenerative changes, unlikely due to bony metastasis.

On 25 March 2009, TAH underwent concurrent chemo-radiation. TAH received 28 times of radiation treatment and 3 times of brachytherapy (internal).  Each chemo treatment was repeated weekly. The drugs used were cisplatin and 5-FU. After four doses of chemo (to receive a total of 8) TAH developed significant myelosuppression (lowering of white and red blood cells).  Chemotherapy was suspended temporarily.

Cost of Treatment

Not counting other costs, TAH had to pay a total of at least S$ 24,700 for her treatments in Singapore. The breakdown is as follows:

Radiation                                              S$17, 000

Brachytherapy (internal radiation)         S$  4,500

Chemotherapy                                      S$  3,200

Health Worsened After Treatments in Singapore

Chris: When did she complete all her treatments in Singapore?

Daughter:  16 May 2009 and we went home to Indonesia.

With the treatment, was she getting better? Better than before?

No. She felt nauseous and tired. She was not able to sit up for long and had pains in her back.

Before the treatment in Singapore how was mom’s condition? Good or bad?

She was healthy.

Before her treatment and after her treatment – was there any difference?

Yes, different. She was worse off after her treatment in Singapore.

You spent all the money and what happened then?

She was more tired.

What’s the whole meaning then?

Mom did not want to continue with the treatment any more. But the doctor said, “No, no, you cannot stop. You need to add more blood.” So we were confused.

Did you think mother would die if she was to continue with the treatment?

Most probably!

What happened during the chemo? Did she suffer?

It was difficult. She felt nauseous, she had difficulty eating. She had no strength to talk.

She was already 75 years old. I would not do that if she was my mother.

The radiologist in Singapore told us, “If she was my mother I would also give her the radiation.”

Oh yes, of course. If you go to a barber he will definitely tell you to cut your hair!

I did tell the radiologist that mom was already old but he kept insisting that if mom was his mother, he would do the same. Because he is a doctor, we believed him. But when I went home, I started to look for alternatives. That was when I found your book. In fact, the radiologist said that when we return to continue with the chemo, most probably mom would need to undergo another 20 times of radiation if the lymph nodes were still swollen. No, mom did not want to return to Singapore for treatment anymore.

Every half-hour Juice Therapy – almost fainted

On her return to Indonesia, TAH went on a 21-day-JuiceTherapy offered by an alternative practitioner. She had to drink all kinds of juices every half an hour. She almost fainted while on the therapy and gave this up.

Found CA Care

Her daughter read our book, Kanker: Mengapa Mereka Hidup (the Indonesian version of Cancer: Why They Live).  This led her to CA Care. She obtained herbs from Pak Teddy in Jakarta. After four weeks on the herbs TAH felt better.  Her facial expression improved, frequency of her urination lessen. She could sit in her daughter’s bread shop for one whole morning. Previously she could not do so even for half an hour and had to go upstairs and lie down.

Her daughter flew to see us in Penang on 19 July 2009. Below is the video recording on that day.


4 April 2010 – TAH and her daughter came to Penang

After taking the herbs for about ten months, TAH came to visit us for the first time, accompanied by her daughter.  She presented with the following problems:

  1. She felt “heaty” inside her abdomen.
  2. Her urination was very frequent – 7 to 8 times per night and this disturbed her sleep.
  3. She had incontinence.
  4. She had cramps in her legs if standing for too long.
  5. The soles of her feet felt “thick”.
  6. She had pains in the joints of her fingers.
  7. Her stomach felt bloated and this caused discomforts.

Mama, how did you feel after taking the herbs?

D: Most people who saw her were saying she looked better.

TAH: I felt my backbone was better after taking the Bone Tea. I took care of my diet – I do not take fish, any meat or chicken. Do I have to keep to this diet until I die?

I am not sick but I also take care of my diet. I don’t want to wait until I get sick before I start to take care of my diet.

D: But she is not putting on weight?

Do you want to put on weight? Many Indonesians who come here are like that – complaining about not being able to grow fatter! But I tell them – You are not a pig or a cow. If you need to sell yourself by the kilos then go ahead and become fat. What is important to you is that you are healthy – with no problem. If you can eat, can sleep, can walk or move around and have no pains – what else do you want? You will put on weight later but it takes time. Be patient. You are already 76 years old now and you look good. Take it easy.

TAH: You have helped so many people!

Now, let me ask. There is this patient in the same place that you come from. Many patients came to see me because of her – she is doing well. She has a bread shop or something like that.

D: Yes, that is us – we have a bread shop. After our treatment in Singapore, mama always felt nauseous and tired. She had to sleep upstairs. Now, she is able to help take care of the shop.


Let me ask you to reflect seriously on the following:

  1. With all the modern technology of medical science – PAP smear, biopsy, CT scan, PET scan, bone scan, endoscopy, colonoscopy, radiotherapy, brachytherapy and chemotherapy – how did TAH ended up?  Indeed these procedures may or may not be necessary, but do you ever wonder if all these are the answers to her problem? Well, she even ended up being prescribed Baraclude for hepatitis! What does that tell you?
  2. TAH was already 75 years old – if she was your mother and if you were an expert in radiotherapy and chemotherapy – would you subject her to such treatments? The Singapore radiologist said yes! Do you buy that?

3.  Before undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy do you want to know what the side effects of these treatments are?  If you want to know – why don’t you ask the doctors? But whatever they say must always be counter checked with the information found in the internet. After having gone through the list of side effects then use your commonsense and ask this question – Do these treatments make sense to you?

What are the side effects of radiation (external) and brachytherapy (internal radiation)?

In the cancer forum, many ladies wrote about their experiences. Here are some examples:

  • My mom had 2 brachytherapy treatments. A couple of weeks after the treatments she was complaining of some discomfort in her back.
  • I had 3 brachytherapy sessions and the side effects I had were – some bleeding for a few days after each session, lack of energy and needing to sleep more than usual.
  • Despite being told of the possible side effects of my radiation treatment, I found I wasn’t truly prepared. I was told I would experience issues with my bowels. I did and still do, one and one-half years later. I first experienced “loose” bowels about four weeks into treatment. For months after radiation I had lower back and leg aches. No one could truly offer an explanation for it, but I sense that much of what I felt was nerve and tissue damage. Bending or squatting down was especially painful.
  • I also had three days of internal radiation and that contributed to what is called ‘stenosis’ or vaginal scarring.
  • I found my tummy was upset in the beginning. About eight months after treatment, I had rectal bleeding and feeling of ‘blockage’ that turned out to be chronic inflammation due to radiation.
  • During the last two weeks of my external radiation treatments, I experienced diarrhea, loss of appetite, and fatigue. I had occasional vaginal itchiness. I have developed a problem with stress incontinence (urinary leakage when sneezing, coughing etc). My radiation oncologist told me the radiation has damaged the sphincter.
  • I feel that the side-effects were definitely minimized, almost to the point of lying. I can understand that they don’t wish to scare you with all sorts of rare complications, but I would rather have been “given the straight goods”, so to speak, on the more likely ones. I was told that the internal radiation treatments would probably cause some temporary and mild bladder and bowel problems. I started experiencing minor bladder irritation immediately after the first radiation treatment, and also had mild diarrhea. Five years after the treatments, I still have “funny” bowels – when I have to go, I usually have to go *NOW*, sometimes several times a day, and “normal” seems to be everything from loose to constipated. I didn’t realize this was after-effects from radiation until I found other women on the internet who’d also had radiation and were having the same symptoms. I felt tired and “draggy” for a couple of months after my treatments. I also underwent menopause, at age thirty-four. Symptoms of menopause, especially hot flashes, inability to concentrate, and moodiness, increased in intensity for several months until I finally realized what was going on. The radiation also caused some scarring in my vagina.

Side Effects of Brachytherapy

  • Nausea
  • Digestive disorders like loose stools, stomach upset.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Dryness in the vaginal canal, vaginal soreness and bleeding etc.
  • There are also many side effects that can cause permanent damage to the reproductive organs such as the vaginal canal becomes very narrow because of the radiation treatment. The length of the vaginal cavity is also shortened due to the procedure, rendering sex very painful and uncomfortable.
  • Menopause too is sometimes accelerated as a result of brachytherapy.
  • Another important side effect of brachytherapy is loss of bone density. 

Side Effects of Cisplatin

  • Increased risk of getting an infection from a drop in white blood cells.
  • Tiredness and breathlessness due to a drop in red blood cells.
  • Bruising more easily due to a drop in platelets.
  • Fatigue during and after treatment and feeling or being sick.
  • Cisplatin can cause kidney damage.
  • Hearing loss, especially with high-pitched sounds.
  • Ringing in the ears.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Loss of taste or a metallic taste.
  • Numbness or tingling in the fingers and toes resulting in difficulty with fiddly things.
  • Allergic reactions such as skin rashes, itching, feeling hot, shivering, redness of the face, feeling dizzy, headache, shortness of breath, anxiety or a sudden need to pass urine.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Fast heartbeat (during or shortly after a dose)
  • Lower back or side pain accompanied by fever or chills
  • Joint pain
  • Blurred vision

Side Effects of 5-FU

•  Sore mouth.
•  Taste changes.
•  Diarrhoea.
•  Eye problems.
•  Skin changes.
•  Risk of infection, bruising and bleeding due to low blood counts.
•  Tiredness or fatigue.
•  Feeling sick or nausea and vomiting.
•  Hair loss.
•  Nail changes.
•  Sun sensitivity.
•  Soreness and redness of palms of hand and soles of feet.
•  Chest pains and tightening across the centre of chest.

Reflect on the quotations below:

We wish to thank TAH and her family for giving us the permission to tell her story and use the videos above. And this is Ai Hoa at age 78! At this time she is doing well indeed – and her health is reflected in these pictures. She has been almost three years on CA Care’s herbs.

Melanoma, the deadly skin cancer. Three of her fellow patients have died – but she is fine and still taking our herbs

SN (H19) is a 50-year-old female. Sometime in 2007, she had a black mole on her right foot removed through surgery.  It was a melanoma, a dangerous and deadly skin disease.  After the surgery she did not do any chemotherapy or radiotherapy. There was no medication either.

About a year plus later, she had swelling in the right inguinal region (see diagram).

Source: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/inguinal+region

A biopsy was performed. The histopathology report dated 20 October 2008 stated, “Right inguinal dissection – right inguinal node malignant melanoma (metastatic)”.  SN underwent another operation to remove the lump which was about 1 inch in size.  Later she received 30 sessions of radiotherapy.

She was asked to undergo chemotherapy. She declined. There was no further medical treatment. She continued to visit her doctors every three or six month for routine check. Two doctors were involved – the surgeon and an oncologist at the government hospital.

On 23 March 2009, SN came to seek our help. She knew about us after reading the Chinese newspaper – Kong Ming.  She did not have any problem, except for a swelling leg. She was prescribed Capsule A, Lymphoma 1 and Lymphoma 2 tea, C-tea and Lower Edema Tea.  Ever since her first visit to us, SN returned to update her progress every three to six months. In December 2010, she complained of hot flashes and pain in the back. These were probably due to her menopause. We prescribed Menopause Pill and since then her problems were resolved.

SN came to see us again on 16 December 2011 – this is almost three years since she first came to see us. She and her husband shared her experience which I believe many readers ought to know.

Gist of our conversation

  1. 20 March 2009: Since she has declined chemotherapy, the doctor did not have any medication for her. She was left on her own. She read about CA Care in the Chinese newspaper – Kong Ming. So  she decided to come and seek our help.
  2. 16 December 2011 – 2 years 9 months later: Patient:  I am dong fine. My tail bone is painful. I had a fall. Otherwise I have no problem.
  3. Chris:  You came in March 2009. Now it is December 2011. That’s about 3 years now. And there is no problem!
  4. P: I go for follow-up with my doctors regularly. I see two doctors – one is the oncologist and the other is my surgeon. My doctor said, “Since there is no swelling, etc. There is nothing wrong with me. Come back every 6 months for check-up.” At one time the oncologist took an X-ray of my chest. He found everything was okay.
  5. Husband: I think the most important thing is the change of diet.
  6. P: I followed your instructions. My friend – fellow patients in the hospital. She just died about two months ago. She had an operation like me and then suffered recurrence. She underwent a second surgery, had radiotherapy and chemotherapy. She did not change her diet and did not take herbs. I told her about you but she did not want to come and see you.
  7. H: The doctor who operated on my wife was very curious. He asked her a lot of questions. He told her that he operated on four melanoma patients – one was my wife. My wife is the only patient surviving today. The three other patients have already died.
  8. P: I told the doctor that I am taking your herbs and also changed my diet.
  9. C: Good. I cannot tell doctors such thing. But patients can tell their doctors!
  10. P: I want the doctor to know the truth so that others who come to him may also have a chance to live like me.
  11. C: I understand. Patients get all kinds of suggestions and advice when they get cancer. All these make them confused. You are our second success case. The other one is also a lady. She had metastatic melanoma that had spread to her lungs. When she came here she was coughing with blood. I did not expect her to survive. Today she is still around – healthy and with no problem.
  12. H:  Now my health is getting better. I am “forced” to eat what my wife is eating – following her diet!


Melanoma is a deadly disease for which chemotherapy or radiotherapy does not seem to be effective. Read the review of the literature below to know. However, we are really lucky that it is a rare disease – at least in Malaysia. Over the 16 years dealing with cancer patients, we encountered less than a dozen cases of melanoma.  Off hand, I could only remember four cases.

Last week, a man came with melanoma that had spread to his brain. He underwent a brain surgery. He told us that the doctor had taken everything out and he has no more cancer. I do not know what he came to see us in the first place because as far as he concerned he has no more cancer and he did not want to take the herbs or change his diet.

About two years ago, a young lady came to us after surgery on her leg. It was a melanoma. While waiting to consider if she would go for chemotherapy or not, she came to try our herbs. After a few weeks we did not get to see her again.

Guat (read her story here: https://cancercaremalaysia.com/2010/12/12/metastatic-melanoma-lung-cancer/) is a 53-year-old female. She was diagnosed with a melanoma which has spread to her lungs. When she came to see us in November 2007, Guat was having bad coughs with blood.

The doctor told Guat that her condition was very serious and suggested chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Guat refused further medical intervention and was started on the herbs. It has been four years now and Guat is till healthy and living a normal life. Once she came and told us that many friends have been asking her why she did not die yet! Perhaps it is hard to live a life according to people’s expectation.

Perhaps SN’s life is even harder to live. During the last visit to us (video) she told us that she had just visited a fellow-patient who had just died. This lady also had a melanoma and underwent surgery at the same hospital at the time as she. However, they chose different paths of healing. While SN came to see our help and was on herbs and good diet, this lady went for chemotherapy and ate anything she liked. Although SN shared her healing experience with her friend, this friend would not listen. Back at the hospital, SN was told by the surgeon who operated on her that he had operated four patients with melanoma at that time when SN was his patient. Now, three patients have already died and only SN remains alive. The surgeon wanted to know what SN has done to be able to survive that long.

One message we wish to impart to patients is this – Your healing and your life is a matter of your choice! You decide the path you wish to take and bear the consequences of that decision.

For us at CA Care, we feel satisfied that in spite of the grim and gloomy prognosis of melanoma, these two committed patients who came to us made it good. While they may not be cured – yet they live a normal, happy and pain-free life. To God be the glory!

What you need to know about melanoma

  1. Is the most dangerous type of skin cancer and is the leading cause of death from skin disease.
    1. Treatment is more difficult when the melanoma has spread to other organs. When it spreads to other organs, it usually cannot be cured.
    2. Melanoma that is very deep or has spread to the lymph nodes is more likely to return after treatment.
    3. Melanoma can spread to other parts of the body very quickly. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001853/)


  • Surgery is needed to treat melanoma. The skin cancer and some surrounding tissue will be removed. How much skin is removed depends on how deep the melanoma has grown.
  • If the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, these lymph nodes have  to be removed too.
  • Surgery may be done to remove cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. This is done to relieve pain or discomfort associated with the growing cancer.


  • Chemotherapy has long been a mainstay for treating metastatic melanoma (that is, melanoma that has spread beyond its site of origin).
  • There is no clear consensus among doctors about the most effective use of these drugs, which most likely reflects their low level of activity. Nevertheless, chemotherapy does help some people.
  • The bottom line is that chemotherapy as an overall strategy is not very effective in treating melanoma. Only 15% to 20% of patients respond to chemotherapy, it typically works only for less than a year.
  • It has little to no effect on survival time — not to mention the side effects. http://skincancer.about.com/od/treatmentoptions/a/melanoma_chemotherapy.htm


  • The role of radiation therapy as primary or adjuvant treatment for melanoma is controversial.

Utero-Ovary-Lung Cancer, Part 2: Hope: After Three Days on Herbs While in the Hospital

It was a great surprise indeed that on the morning of 20 December 2011, the patient, accompanied by her doctor friend and family members, came to CA Care. Patient was discharged from the hospital the day before and this morning they flew to Penang.

Hear this miraculous story yourself.

Acknowledgment: Permission to use videos and pictures without having to mask the patient’s face is granted by the family.


Chris: Oo, you are the one who came to see me last week – you said your mother was in Methodist Hospital in Medan?

Daughter: Yes, yes. Mother was hospitalized for about 12 days. Immediately after being discharged we all flew here.

Wah, there are so many people?

D: All our family members. Mom has many children. And that one is mom’s brother. And this one is our good friend and she is a medical doctor.

You came to see me on 14 December 2011. And I gave you some herbs. Did your mom take them?

D: Yes. I gave her the herbs starting on 15 December until now. She has taken the herbs for five days already.

(Turning to patient) After taking the herbs for 5 days, how did you feel?

Patient:  I feel good – more comfortable. I did not have to use the oxygen anymore.

Brother: Before the herbs, she was breathless and needed oxygen to breathe. After taking the herbs for 3 days she was not breathless anymore.

D: I did not tell the doctor that mom was taking herbs. I did not give mom all those pills that the doctor prescribed. I just gave mom your herbs. But those medication given by injections, they were continued as usual because that was beyond my control.

B: The doctor was surprised. He said it was a miracle (that she could recover).

D: Yes, after taking the herbs, mom did not have to use oxygen anymore. Her lungs had less fluid. Before that she was gasping for breath (showing like a fish gasping for air).  Initially after taking the herbs, mom moved her bowels three to four times.

Yes, very good. That is what we want.

D: We were worried if something had gone wrong. But she still continued to take the herbs.

(Turning to patient) Ibu, do you have any problem taking those herbs?

D: Bitter!

P: But I have no difficulty drinking them.

After taking the herbs for a few days, did you not experience some “difficulties” (healing crisis)?

P: No, I felt better, No difficulty at all

So when you were in the hospital, you only took the herbs?

D: Yes, I cooked the herbs at home and brought them to the hospital.

Ibu, now how do you feel?

P: Blank … empty. I cannot urinate. This is my main problem now. I feel my bladder full.

D: Her legs have no strength.

But after taking the herbs, do you still have breathing difficulties?

P: No problem.

Prostate Cancer: PSA Dropping and He Preferred CA Care Herbs to Casodex and Zoladex

ML is a 69-year-old male from Indonesia. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer on 6 September 2011. Before this diagnosis ML already had problems with his prostate since April 2008. His PSA on 1 April 2008 was 9.31 and this kept rising over the years.

On 8 December 2011, we received an e-mail from ML.

Dear Dr. Chris,

I’m ML from Jakarta who went to meet you on 21 October 2011. After taking Prostate A tea and Mountain Guava deTox tea and capsule A, my PSA went down to 0.37 from  4.67.

Before that my doctor advised me to change my diet and gave me Casodex + Zoladex. These helped my PSA to go down to 4.67. Then I stop these drugs and took your herbs. My PSA went down to 0. 37. What must I do? Do I still have to take the herbs and for how long?

Thanks for your help.

On 16 December 2011, ML sent another e-mail.

Dr. Chris,

Congratulation, Praise The Lord from ML, Jakarta. I checked my PSA on 14 December. My PSA = 0.19.

Below is his brief medical history:

  1. 1 April 2008, PSA 9.31. Took prostate glands pills (Kai Kit Wan)
  2. 23 Jan 2009, PSA 11.83. Still on prostate glands pills
  3. 19 Jan 2010, PSA 23.7  Still on prostate glands pills
  4. 26 May 2010, PSA 19.83 Still on prostate glands pills
  5. 15 June 2011, PSA 33.23 Conprosta capsule (Qian Lie Kang capsule)
  6. 1 Aug 2011, PSA 32.8
  7. 6 September 2011, Biopsy:  confirmed adenocarcinoma of the prostate .Gleason score 4+3=7. USG:  prostate size twice the normal size. Bone scan was normal, no metastasis.
  8. 17 Sept 2011, Infection of the prostate, pain. Doctor prescribed  Levoproxacine & Ratinidine tablets.
  9. 20 Sept 2011, PSA 47.67 Medical treatment with Casodex & Zoladex. Vegetarian diet.
  10. 15 Oct 2011, PSA 4.67  On Casodex.
  11. Stopped Casodex on 30 October 2011.
  12. 21 Oct 2011, Visited CA Care Penang. Spoke with Chris Teo.
  13. 25 Oct 2011, Singapore General Hospital. Urology Department. MRI : no metastasis, prostate cancer (organ confine ). Advised to undergo surgery / radiation. Surgery, robot – assisted radical prostatectomy. Radiation : IMRT technique ( 37 session ). Declined medical treatment as suggested by SGH doctor.
  14. 1 Nov 2011, Start on CA Care’s herbs: Capsule A ,Prostate A & Mt.Guava Tea for two weeks.
  15. 15 Nov 2011, PSA 0.37 Continue with CA Care’s herbs.
  16. 14 December 2011, PSA 0.19.

This is indeed an interesting case. However, there are many things that need clarification. We requested Pak Teddy in Jakarta to meet up with ML and get some answers from him.

Below is Pak Teddy’s e-mail.

Hello Prof. Chris,

These are the answers from him. He came yesterday. He visited for about 45 minutes and had to go to another place after that.

 Questions 1. When and why did he come and see you?
He came to see me on 27 Sept 2011. He wanted to know about the herbal therapy from CA Care.

2. Who asked him to come?
A friend in the church inform him of my address.

3. When he came — did he believe what you told him? 
At that time I don’t know he believed me or not. But he bought some herbs that I suggested. And he came again the second time. During this second visit, he explained that after he had met me, he opened his Bible while at home. He read the page that he opened and there was this information about the Diet which I have explained to him earlier. So he followed the Diet that I suggested. He also informed me that he checked in the net about the ingredients of Capsule A. He learned that Typhonium flageliforme has the ability to fight the cancer cell. He had more confidence on our herbs.

4. He came to Penang … after he saw you — but he did not take the herbs yet. Why — he was not sure? After he came to Penang he started to take the herbs? 
Yes, he did not take the herbs immediately after see me. This was because he was not sure of it. At that time he was on Casodex. He wanted to know how far the Casodex works. He started Casodex + Zoladex Injection (first injection ) on 23 September 2011. He stopped taking Casodex on 30 October 2011.

On 21 October 2011 he visited you in Penang. After meeting you and after reading the book he bought (Prostate Cancer Healed Natually), he became more confident that he was on the right track.

On 25 Oct 2011 he went to Singapore General Hospital, Urology Department. He was advised to undergo surgery/ radiation. Surgery is robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. Radiation is IMRT technique  (37 session ). He refused the suggested medical treatments.

5.  Besides the PSA going down,  did he feel better after taking the herbs?

Yes he felt that his body  was more comfortable.
6. He was taking Casodex and Zoladex injection, for only one month and the PSA went down from 47.65 to 4.67 — that means the medication is working. Why did he give these up and go for herbs? 
Because he is afraid of the side effects of the drugs.

7. With less than a month on Casodex and Zoladex…what did he expect the PSA to be? — I think PSA dropping to 4.67 is very good indeed.
Yes he knows that. If he continues with the Hormone therapy he can get the PSA to go down but on the other hand he did not want to take the risk of the side effects  …bone destruction , etc.. He doesn’t want to have additional disease or problems. He better take the herbs. He believes herbs do not have side effects.

8. Did he stop the Caxodex and Zoladex totally when he took our herbs?  
Yes he totally stopped  Casodex on 30 October 2011. Then he start with our Herbs on 1 Nov 2011(only herbs).

9. Now his PSA is 0.37  — how sure is he that it is the herbs that make the PSA go down? It can be due to the effect of the Casodex/Zoladex. 
He knows that. May be the Zoladex effect is still at work ( 3 months effectiveness ) but once again he doesn’t want to continue because of the possible side effects. Now he is happy and explained to me that he only wants to continue with the herbs.

His doctor friends were surprised. You have a prostate cancer problem, but you keep smiling and  you seems to be  easy going ( because they know that prostate cancer can kill  him). He explained to me that all his doctor friends were worried about him.

He always replied them: I don’t have to go for surgery. But my PSA is now almost zero. Bye , bye  surgery  ( with a smile on his face ).

10. Is he going to stop taking the herbs — or when is he planning to continue taking the herbs?

No, he wants to continue with the Herbs.


 There are a few lessons we can learn from this case after you have listened to our conversation in this video.

1.  About being a stubborn person

ML’s PSA reading was elevated since April 2008. It was then at 9.31. ML took herbs (not from CA Care). The PSA kept increasing inspite of this herbal treatment. It was not until September 2011 that ML had a biopsy toconfirm what was wrong with him. A biopsy indicated prostate cancer with Gleason score of 7 – take note the maximum score possible is 10. So medically this was a rather serious cancer.

I asked ML this question: You were taking the herbs from April 2008 – the more and longer you took the herbs the higher the PSA went up. Why did you continue taking the herbs – increasing PSA means the herbs were useless – why continue taking the herbs or doing the same thing?  His wife replied that he (husband) was stubborn. Being stubborn can be either bad or good. Stubborn combined with “foolishness or stupidity” can lead of disaster.  If things do not work out the way it should for you, why hang on to it? At CA Care we tell our patients this: “Take the herbs of two or three weeks – a month at most. Ask yourself if the herbs help you or not. If you don’t benefit from the herbs within this time frame, stop taking them. Go and find someone else to help you.”  Hanging on to our herbs for months without any benefit is not only a waste of money but more importantly risking your life.

The good side of being stubborn (or having a mind of your own) is that you are not like a cow to be led by the nose! Just because the expert said something, you must follow. ML went to the experts in Singapore and he was offered robotic surgery or radiotherapy.  How do you like that? Better to be stubborn?

Dr. James Watson is a Nobel Prize winner in Medicine. This honor was in recognition of his discovery of the DNA double helix structure. He also was the first director of the National Institutes of Health’s Human Genome Project from 1988 to 1992. Now 83 and the chancellor emeritus at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Dr. Watson was diagnosed with prostate cancer. After looking into radiation treatments and surgery, he decided on a course of “watchful waiting.” He said, “I was 80 and probably won’t live to be 90. So I will probably die of something other than prostate cancer.”  He takes ibuprofen (pain killer) every morning as well as a diabetes drug.  He also gets “hard exercise” in the form of vigorous tennis matches.  Being famous as he is, he could get the best medical treatment for prostate cancer in the world but he did not want to go for medical treatment. Why? Sometimes it is good to be stubborn!

2.  Side effects of Casodex and Zoladex

ML did not wish to continue with Casodex and Zoladex (even though they seemed to help) because of the risk of side effects.  I came to know that both ML and his wife were “medically trained”. So they know what “scientific medicine” is – they believe herbs are safer. Each of us has our preference – some would say herbs are not scientific or proven and liken them to snake oils, while others like ML thinks otherwise.

Let me remind you this – do not make choices solely on your preference, personal liking or belief. Make your decision based on research data available to you. Read and learn for yourself – research the facts and write these down and then use your head and heart to make sense of what you know.  That is a better  way  to make a wise decision. Before that, read and know the facts first. So here are the facts about the side effects of Casodex and Zoladex.

Common side effects of Casodex: Back, pelvic, stomach, or general body pain; constipation; decreased sexual ability; diarrhea; dizziness; frequent urination, especially at night; gas; headache; hot flashes; nausea; stomach upset; sweating; trouble sleeping; weakness.

SEVERE side effects of Casodex: Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue; difficulty swallowing; unusual hoarseness); black or bloody stools; blurred vision or other vision changes; bone pain; breast growth or pain; changes in the amount of urine produced; chest pain; dark or bloody urine; fainting; fever, chills, or persistent sore throat; flu-like symptoms; increased hunger, thirst, or urination; joint pain, stiffness, or swelling; loss of appetite; mental or mood changes (e.g, anxiety, depression); muscle aches or weakness; numbness or tingling of the skin; pale stools; severe or persistent cough; severe or persistent dizziness, drowsiness, or headache; severe or persistent nausea or stomach pain; shortness of breath; swelling of the ankles, legs, or feet; unusual bruising or bleeding; unusual tiredness or weakness; vomiting; weight change; yellowing of the skin or eyes.

Less serious side effects of Zoladex:  hot flashes, sweating, headache, dizziness; mood changes, increased or decreased interest in sex; vaginal dryness, itching, or discharge; impotence, fewer erections than normal; breast swelling or tenderness; bone pain; diarrhea, constipation; sleep problems (insomnia); or acne, mild skin rash or itching.

Serious side effect of Zoladex:  back pain, severe numbness or tingling in your legs or feet; muscle weakness, problems with balance or coordination; loss of bladder or bowel control; urinating less than usual or not at all; pain or burning when you urinate; blood in your urine or stools; feeling like you might pass out; trouble breathing; pale skin, easy bruising; nausea, loss of appetite, increased thirst, muscle weakness, confusion, and feeling tired or restless; high blood sugar (increased thirst, increased urination, hunger, dry mouth, fruity breath odor, drowsiness, dry skin, blurred vision, weight loss); sudden numbness or weakness, sudden severe headache, confusion, problems with vision or speech; or chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling.

(The list on side effects is obtained from the website, http://www.drugs.com/zoladex.html)

In our question to ML we asked: Besides the PSA going down, did he feel better after taking the herbs?

His answer was:  “Yes he felt that his body was more comfortable”. This is important. Do you learn anything from this  often repeated statement –  “The operation is a success but the patient died of complication.” What is the point of having an operation if this is the outcome? It is most shocking to read what Dr. James Forsythe wrote in his book, The Compassionate Oncologist, According to Big Pharma and the cancer industry, death from chemotherapy is acceptable as long as standard chemo protocol has been adhered to” (page 91).  Can you believe that?

3.   Diet for your cancer

This is the most frustrating point of all. Over the years working with cancer patients, we have this uphill task of telling patients to take care of their diet. Diet is important for your cancer. But it is a hard battle. Dr. James Forsythe (in The Compassionate Oncologist) wrote, “I know from firsthand experience that oncologists and physicians aren’t allowed to talk about supplements or diet as part of cancer treatment.”

  • Patients were being told that they can eat anything they like. Diet has nothing to do with their cancer – eat anything and be happy! Eat well so that you can come back for more chemo or radiation! Unfortunately many cancer patients don’t like the idea of not being able to eat what they like. They say: “I am already dying and now you tell me not to eat what I like. I better eat now before it is too late.” Others would say: “Go and see this Chris Teo and you die because you cannot eat many things you like.”  I remember one classical case of a medical doctor who came to ask for help. He had undergone chemos after chemos but the treatment did not cure him. After I told him to take care of his diet he said, “No, I don’t believe you. I cannot follow what you advised me.” To that I replied, “No, my therapy is not for people like you. If you are not prepared to take care of your diet, go somewhere else for help.”
  • Lately, I learnt that there is a bit of progress. A patient came to us after being told by his doctor that he should go home and just wait, but at the same time to take care of his diet. His liver cancer is too advanced and no medical treatment is indicated. I asked the patient what did his doctor say that he cannot eat – what does “taking care of your diet” mean? To my surprise the answer was, “No he did not tell us what to eat or not to eat. He just said, take care of your diet!” It is indeed amazing such a thing does happen! How do you expect the patient to know how to follow your advice if you don’t provide more information?  At CA Care we have our books, Food & Cancer, to tell you exactly what you need to know. Then, to guide you in your kitchen there is Healthy Cooking. There is no reason now why cancer patients do not know how to take care of their diet. Even more, there is no reason why cancer patients cannot eat healthy, good tasting food.
  • In this case, ML is really lucky to find a medical doctor who encouraged him to take care of his diet.  Cheers to this doctor! Dr. Dean Ornish is a medical doctor and president of Preventive Medicine Research Institute and Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.  Dr. Ornish has directed randomized controlled trials demonstrating that comprehensive lifestyle changes may stop or reverse the progression of early-stage prostate cancer and even reverse severe coronary heart disease, without drugs or surgery. Go to his website, http://www.pmri.org/dean_ornish.html and learn for yourself what diet can do for your cancer.


Dear Dr. Chris Teo,
Lama tidak ada kabar dari saya, tapi masih tetap berhubungan dengan Pak Teddy. I’m doing well,  my PSA  is 0.3 in mid-February, and I’m still taking your Herbs as usually, I want to ask you is there a minimal dose to mantain my psa level, or should I take the usual dose. Thanks beforehand.  Greetings from all of us and Happy Easter.

 Update 2:

I would like to inform you, I’ve check my blood on 24 May 2012, My PSA is 0.52.