Lessons We Can Learn from Professor Christopher Cheng, Singapore’s top doctor for prostate cancer.

Sometime in mid-November 2023, a friend forwarded me this link: https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/doctor-diagnosed-advance-prostate-cancer-lessons-death-dying-compassion-2226691.

After reading this article, I became more curious and wanted to know more about who Professor Cheng is, and more importantly to learn from him what it is like to be a prostate cancer patient when he himself is an expert of prostate cancer.

I surfed the internet and got this link: https://www.cgh.com.sg/news/patient-care/more-medicine-may-not-be-better. This article, More medicine may not be better is indeedmind-boggling when you know that it comes from an outstanding cancer expert himself.

Let me stop at that.

Let me share with you what I have learned from the above two articles. To let you know, I did not stop at that – I ordered the book I Thought I Knew written by Prof Cheng himself. I read the book. Later I shall write again, Part 2!

Prof Cheng, CEO of Sengkang Health and Senior Consultant, Department of Urology, Singapore General Hospital wrote:

  • Some time ago, I bade farewell to a good friend. I have operated on him to cure his cancer barely three months earlier, but his condition still progressed rapidly.

This friend eventually died. Before his death, this friend told Prof. Cheng:

  • Don’t let me suffer pain and I won’t want more chemotherapy.

Prof Cheng quoted what Willet Whitmore – another prostate cancer expert at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center – said:

  • Is cure necessary in those for whom it is possible, and is cure possible in those for whom it is necessary?

 According to Prof Cheng:

  • For a large range of cancers, cure may be necessary but not possible, as in the case of my friend.
  • For the rest, cure is unnecessary, even though it is possible.
  • We should question if more medicine is better. 

So, cancer patients, ponder carefully and seriously what Prof Cheng said.

This is one reality that everyone of us need to know and accept – cure may be unnecessary, or cure may not be possible. I am reminded of a friend, Steve – a British engineer who chose to settle down in Bangkok. He too had prostate cancer. He went to Singapore and was put on Intermittent Triple Androgen Blockage Therapy. He then gave up this medical treatment and opted for alternative therapy. That was when he wrote to me for help. Diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2007 at the age of 63, Steve was till okay until 2023 (16 years without doctor’s medication).

In 2023, Steve had a swelling in his cheek. It was diagnosed as parotid cancer. He wrote me and asked for help again. He took our herbs for about three months, but the tumour did not go away. He was okay but had occasional pain. But every morning when Steve woke up, he looked into the mirror and felt (or imagined)   that the tumour was getting bigger and bigger. Then Steve wrote that he had found “the best doctor in the best hospital with the best equipment” in Bangkok who could remove the tumour and make him live longer! Anyway, according to Steve, our herbal therapy is not a scientifically proven therapy! I fully agreed with Steve. So I told Steve: Go ahead and follow what your heart says. He went for surgery, suffered badly after that, and died 3 months 13 days later.

Little or No Benefit of Surgery.

In 2012, Pamela Owen wrote this news article Prostate cancer surgery ‘has little or no benefit’ in extending life of patients (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2136512/Prostate-cancer-surgery-little-benefit-extending-life-patients.html):

  • The Prostate Intervention Versus Observation Trust (PIVOT), led by Timothy Wilt, started in 1993 and analysed 731 patients over 12 years. The study compared surgically removing the prostate gland with ‘watchful waiting’.
  • The study found that there was little difference between the two.
  • Those who had an operation to treat the cancer had less than three per cent chance of survival compared with those who had no treatment.
  • Surgery has little or no benefit in extending the life of a patient.
  • Experts are believed to be ‘shaken’ by the news because thousands of men could have gone through painful and unnecessary surgery.

From the article Doctor diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer learns lessons on death, dying and compassion, written by Eveline Gan on 5 August 2023, I learned more interesting lessons from Prof Cheng:

  • I was this arrogant, impatient young surgeon, thinking I’m a godsend for mankind — until I became afflicted with prostate cancer, an area I’m supposed specialise in.

We are all human. All of us have our ego. It is only a matter of degree. Most cancer patients told me that if they asked the doctors too many questions, the doctors would become angry at them. Some doctors reacted this way – You are the doctor, or I am the doctor – meaning, if you don’t listen to my advice get out of my office! One patient once told me the oncologist just threw away my file against the wall because I did not agree with him.

Since not many cancer experts themselves get cancer, it appears that it is hard for them to understand what it is like to be a cancer patient. So, in this case Prof Cheng is an exemption.  And he shared his experiences and feelings. Bravo! Thanks.

Over the years, at CA Care, I have adopted an open attitude when dealing with cancer patients – we are here to help those who need our help. We hope to make your life better after all medical treatments have failed. The language of love and compassion is not about trying to prove who is right or who is wrong. It is about recognizing limitations and exploring opportunities. What matters is our patients should get better.

Hidden Agenda.

Prof Cheng’s PSA was at 17.8 when he was first diagnosed with prostate cancer. He said:

  • In some (overseas) centres, if you have prostate cancer with a PSA of 17, the top surgeons will not operate on you because it would tarnish their results.

Prof Cheng explained further that some famous centres do not offer potentially curative treatment to patients with a PSA of more than 10, because poor outcomes may affect their reputations unfavourably.

This is a most shocking, a new knowledge that I have learned! It never occurred to me that in medicine there is such a “hidden agenda” as this – that is, certain medical experts would not offer treatment just to preserve their reputation. They want to pick and choose – only cases that they are sure they can win only! Is that a noble mission?

Over the years, I have been writing about experts giving all sorts of treatment just to “make money” – never mind if the outcome is unattainable. Professor Welch describes such attitude as You eat what you kill!

Over the years, I have seen many prostate patients. It never occurred to me that PSA 17.8 is very alarming, although it may mean the patient has cancer. Many patients who came to us had PSA of 531, and in some cases their PSA was even at 6,963 or 7,292. It never occurred to me that 17.8 is already a disaster! Another new lesson learned.

No to “kitchen-sink” treatment after surgery.

After his prostate cancer surgery, Prof Cheng said the oncologist proposed an “all-in kitchen sink” approach to treatment. In my twenty-seven years dealing with cancer, this is the first time I encountered this word – kitchen sink treatment! In layman language it means going for maximum treatment available.

Indeed, I was surprised and baffled at what Prof Cheng said:

  • I didn’t want an all-out treatment that would most likely give me many side effects.
  • I don’t think that being at the receiving end of the kitchen sink is going to make me any happier.

In other word, Prof Cheng did not want to undergo chemotherapy! Perhaps we need to recall what he had said earlier: In cancer, cure is unnecessary, or cure may not be possible. Unfortunately, not many patients buy this idea. They believe that with money they can go to the best doctor in the best hospital, and they can “buy” their cure! No, the reality is you may end up in a more dire situation – money gone and the patient died a miserable death.

While writing this article, I received an e-mail from the daughter to a prostate cancer patient.

Hi Dr Chris,

My Dad is suffering prostate cancer Stage 4. It had spread to bone, liver and some other area. He is 77.5 years old. He had received:

  • Hormone therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Lutetium LU 177
  • But his cancer is still spreading.

My Dad is a bit weak now, he lost his appetite and is also anaemic. Thank you so much Dr Chris, hope to hear some good news from you soon!

From the medical report, I came to understand that:

  1. In 2016 he had radical radiotherapy and adjuvant ADT (androgen deprivation therapy).
  2. PSA went down to 0.5. 
  3. On ADT throughout except a period in 2020.
  4. In early 2021 his PSA rebounded. Recommenced ADT with brief response.
  5. Later in April 2022 Casodex was added to the treatment.
  6. No PSA response.
  7. In June 2022, he took Daroltamide.
  8. In August 2022: Suboptimal response to Darolutaminde.
  9. In December 2022 his PSA was at 27. Right inguinal node at least 3 cm.
  10. 21 December 2022: Underwent chemo with Docetaxel.
  11. Carboplatin added to Docetaxel in C3, as PSA was not dropping much initially.
  12. PET scan post C6: Mixed response with one new spine metastasis.
  13. By C9, PSA trending upwards from 16.3 to 16.8 to 17.9.
  14. 6 June 2023: Started on lutetium 177. PSA 15.0
  15. 20 July 2023: Legs showed DVT (swollen below the knee due to deep vein thrombosis).
  16. 1 September 2023: C2 luteteum. PSA rose to 43 (this is 8 weeks post C1 letuteum).
  17. 11 September 2023: PSA decreased to 38.
  18. Creatinine rose from 108 to 150.
  19. 13 September 2023: Repeat PET scan metastasis in multiple nodes and other parts of the bones.
  20. The daughter wrote: After that he went to China and received radioactive particle seed, and one cycle of chemo using mitoxantrone.

Question: Did the patient get any better after spending a bomb for these treatments? What was the total cost of the treatment? I did not have a chance to ask this question because the daughter did not turn up for her appointment!.

The blood test results on 30 November 2023 showed the following:

  • PSA = 249.90
  • SGOT/AST = 82 (normal less than 40)
  • Gamma-GT = 436 (normal less than 71)
  • Alkaline phosphatase = 513 (normal 40 – 129)
  • Creatinine = 2.69 (normal 0.67 – 1.17)
  • eGFR = 23.64 (less than 15 means kidney failure).

According to the doctor the patient has progressing mCRPC (failed NHA, chemotherapy and more recently lutetium) complicated by left hydronephrosis … causing new renal impairment. He has new PSMA avid liver lesions. He may also need early radiotherapy to the left pelvic node and posterior iliac bones.

One more important question to ask: If he is your father, who is already 77 plus years old, would you agree to let him go for more treatment? What do you expect to get at the end of the game?

Cancer: Fight it or Live with It, Your Choice!

We recognize that our work at CA Care is at odd with current medical thinking. Modern medicine wants to kill or shrink the tumour. And in the process kill the patients too. In The War on Cancer – an anatomy of failure; Dr.  Guy Faguet, a cancer researcher, and medical doctor, wrote:

  • An objective analysis of cancer chemotherapy outcomes over the last three decades reveals that … the cell-killing paradigm has failed to achieve its objective … a model based on flawed premises with unattainable goal, cytotoxic chemotherapy in its present form will neither eradicate cancer nor alleviate suffering” (pg.89).

At CA Care we teach patients to live with their cancers. Concentrate on what matters. We don’t know how to cure your cancer and we don’t pretend we can cure your cancer either. But we know how to make your life better. If you can eat, sleep, walk, have no pains, and can live a bit longer of meaningful life – what else do you want?

Prof Cheng reminded us:

  • However rich, however powerful (they) are, they’ve all had to face death eventually. They all have to let go,
  • The difference, however, lies in how one faces death.

Death is Not a Failure

At CA Care we tell our patients not to fear death. Everyone has to die. You don’t have to have cancer to die. I have seen many cases where the cancer patient did not die but it was the healthy spouse who died first.

Dr. Bernie Siegel wrote:

  • I experienced being unhappy as a doctor. I was uncomfortable with the mechanical approach that we are taught in medical school. My success is measured by whether or not I saved your life. If I can’t save your life, I’m a failure. But now I don’t feel like a failure. I can help you live. After all you’re not going to live forever, no matter what I do.

There is an Indian saying:

  • When you are born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.

To me, this is the secret of how we can triumph and give meaning and beauty to our own death. We leave this world with a sense of pride and accomplishment knowing that we have done our best to make it a slightly better place for those we leave behind.

Richard Reoch (in Dying Well) wrote:

  • People who have lived fully are not usually afraid to die. We must all die. Death is, after all, the natural end of life. Yet some people fear death.
  • We often make the mistake of trying to keep a dying person alive as long as possible, no matter what the cost.
  • There are many occasions when the kindest thing to do is not to hunt for “better medicine” or a “better doctor” but to be close to and supporting the person who is dying. Let them know that you are glad for all the time, the joy and sorrow you have shared … In the last hours, love and acceptance will do far more good than medicine.

Dr. Bernie Siegel (in Peace, Love & Healing) said:

  • It is important that we realize that we can never cure everything. We will never find … cure for all the diseases. Dying can be a healing, ending a full, rich life for someone who is tired and sore and in need of rest.

Prostate-Bone Cancer– Part 1: PSA Came Tumbling Down: From 6,963 to 200 and Severe Pains Vanished

This article comes in five parts:

Part 1: PSA Came Tumbling Down: From 6,963 to 200 and Severe Pains Vanished

Part 2: Grim Prognosis

Part 3: Miraculous Healing

Part 4: Bonus Effects and Challenges

Part 5: Lessons We Can Learn From This Case

On 8 February 2012, I received the e-mail (below) from a lady in Indonesia.

Dear Prof Dr. Chris K. H. Teo,

I am H from Surabaya, Indonesia. My father, 72 years old, was diagnosed have cancer by two doctors in Indonesia. One doctor said it is prostate cancer that had metastatized to his back bone, based on the PSA test result. It was (more than) >100. The other doctor said it is multiple myeloma. My father feels uncomfortable on his back (not his prostate/urine) so it’s difficult for him to take a long journey. Would you mind if I come to meet you without the patient? Hopefully Prof.  Dr. Chris Teo can help us soon. We are now still in Indonesia. If possible to meet, I shall look for flights today to meet you in Penang. 

Reply: Yes. Bring all the medical reports / scans, etc. No need to bring the patient. Chris.

Two days later, 10 February 2012, H flew to Penang and presented her father’s case. Sometime in January 2012, her father had pains in his backbone. He consulted a neurologist and was told that it could be due to pinched nerve. He was prescribed medication but this did not help him. Subsequently he did an MRI on 30 January 2012.


MRI report dated 30 January 2012:

  • Multiple malignant bone marrow replacement oleh heterogenous enhanced soft tissue mass pada hampir seluruh cervico-thoraco-lumbrosacral vertebrae, yang melibatkan posterior element and relative disc sparing.
  • Malignant intensity di ala sacrum and iliaca kanan kiri, ischium kiri. DD: proses metastase, multiple myeloma.
  • Level Th9, masa extensi ke posterior (kanan>kiri), dengan destruksi pediket and lamina kanan kiri serta adjacent costae kanan, juga ke neural foramina kanan and paraspinal muscle sisi kanan, sedikit masukj ke intra spinal canal sisi kanan and menyebabkan moderate central canal stenosis di level Th9.

Patient was asked to do a biopsy. He refused. He was asked to undergo chemotherapy. He also refused the treatment.  Patient’s daughter came to a private hospital in Penang for consultation. The doctor suggested orchidectomy, i.e. an operation to remove both testicles. This is actually a medical term for castration and the procedure was going to cost RM 8,000.

Not satisfied, his daughters came to seek our help. Patient was prescribed: Capsule A, Prostate A, deTox, Bone and Pain Teas and Gastric Paste and A-Kid-6 tea.

On 1 March 2012, he was started on Zoladex injection – this cost him IDR 1.5 million (approx. RM 500) each month.

A few months later, patient was started on the e-Therapy.

For a year, we communicated with patient’s daughter via e-mails as below:

22 February 2012: Dear Dr. Chris,

We have taken all the medicine you gave to me: Capsule A, Bone tea, Prostate tea, deTox Tea, Pain Tea and we only give him the food that are allowed (vegetables and fruit).

We never do any radiation, chemotherapy or operation.  Since Sunday, my father felt very intense pain. His leg became weak with no strength to walk. And today my father took PSA test again and the result was very high, it was 6962. The result was higher thousand times. What should I do Dr. Chris? Help me please. 

Reply:  You came to see me on 10 February now it is 23 February. Your father has taken herbs for less than two weeks. I don’t expect anything to come out of it.

Since Sunday, my father felt very intense pain. He leg became weak with no strength to walk.

YES. Some patients will suffer healing crisis after taking the herbs for a week or two … Did you take the pain tea? How many times a day? 

My father took PSA test and the result was very high, it was 6,962. PSA test result was higher thousand times.

You don’t understand the test results.  When it is written PSA >100, it does not mean that the PSA was 100. It can mean a million. That symbol > means more than.  Now you went for a second time it was 6,962. Okay, keep that result. In three months we shall see what happens.

What should I do, Dr. Chris?

Taking one or two week of herbs means nothing. The herbs don’t even work yet. You think it is magic bullet? No.  Only after two or three months can I know if the herbs help or not. But if you like you can go and see the doctors and see what they have to say.

23 February 2012: Dear Dr. Chris,

Thank you for your kind attention. Yesterday we’re so depressed. Panic! And felt no hope anymore but your explanation really makes me and my family feel so glad. This is because we really don’t want to undergo radiotherapy and chemotherapy. We have high hope that your herbs can heal my father, Dr. Chris. We will be more patient and of course only eat healthy food that is allowed. One more time, thank you very much.

15 March 2012: Dear Prof. Chris,

He has backache and his hip feel uncomfortable. Both his legs can’t move.  But if we touch his legs, he can feel that. In this case, is it correct to say that my father’s legs are paralyzed (lumpuh)? Is it because of the cancer or because he sleeps too much? It has been almost 2.5 months he rarely walks – just only sleeps or sits down, because of his backache. Because his can’t move his legs, he has difficulty sleeping. He can only sleep in one position (sleeping position) for about an hour, after that we need to change him to another position otherwise his leg will be become numb (mati rasa, kemeng). Help me Dr. Chris, because my father feels depressed, he can’t move his legs, he never need anyone to help in life until this three weeks. What should we do?  Thanks you for your attention.

1 April 2012: Dear Prof. Chris,

On 29 March 2012 my father did PSA test and the result was 3,103. On 22 February it was 6,962. He started taking your herb on 13 Febuary 2012, so it is about 1.5 month and the PSA is down. Thank you Dr. Chris.

But I have problems:

My father can’t walk now. The Indonesian doctors said that his spine marrow / backbone marrow (sumsum tulang belakang) has been damaged by cancer cell, so he can’t move his legs. Help me Dr. Chris. Do you have any herb to repair his backbone marrow / sumsum tulang belakang? Or to help restore the control of his legs?

3 May 2012: Dear Prof. Chris,

Again we did the PSA test on 1 May 2012. And the result was 1,084.

On 2 February 2012, my father ‘s PSA = 6,962

On 29 March 2012, PSA = 3,103

He started taking your herb on 13 February 2012, and after 2.5 month the PSA is down a lot. Thank you Dr. Chris. We all feel really happy, calm, and grateful. My father will continue taking your herbs.

In July or August I plan to meet you. I hope you can tell me what to do to help him walk again. Please one more time. Thank you Dr. Chris.

10 July 2012: Dear Dr. Chris,

I just want to give you my father’s latest information. Both his both legs can move now! But if he is tired, he can’t move his legs but still can’t stand up. His kidney test result is good and the hemoglobin increased. Praise the LORD. OK. I will be patient. Thanks for your attention.

23 October 2012: Dear Prof. Chris,

On 18 October 2012, his PSA = 163.7

Last month, 13 September 2012, PSA = 238.6
So it’s down 31% from last month.

Dr. Chris, I want to ask you. My father thinks that there is no need to take Zoladex injection anymore because he feels really painful on his stomach when the doctor gives him the injection. Can he only take your herb? What do you think Dr ? It is ok to do that? As I know after two years, Zoladex can become useless. What if we stop it now, although it’s only been 10 months?

Reply 23 October 2012: Hello H.,

Please tell me first about his health condition now. The last time you told me he can move his legs a bit. What happen now? What about other conditions, like sleep, pain, appetite? Has he improved on that? Okay, the problem about Zoladex. If he takes the injection he has pains in the stomach? For how long? Apart from pains any more problem? After all the answer above, let us decide what to do. Chris.

24 October 2012: Dear Dr. Chris,

My father’s condition is better and better every day. He feels no pain on his back anymore. He can sit and watch TV on wheel chair for about two hours every morning and night. He sleeps and eats well. He’s still learning to stand up by himself (but still use braces on his back & both legs). Now we still help him to stand up.

About the Zoladex — in fact my father is afraid of injection — afraid of needle (for Zoladex injection, doctor uses big and long needle. Every time we take him for injection he will be in bad mood. The pain is only at the time that needle is injected.So if you think Zoladex can be stopped, .it will be better. Thank you for your attention.

Reply:  Okay. Thank you for your answers. He has improved — not only his PSA goes down but also his health has improved. I understand about his fear of the injection BUT tell him that the Zoladex may also help him. My experience is that this injection and the herbs make the PSA go down faster. So I think it is good to continue taking the injection. Chris.

26 October 2012: Dear Dr. Chris,

About the Zoladex, as your advice, we have decided to continue taking it. Thank you.

About your coming to Surabaya in February 2013, and being willing to meet us, we really appreciate it. Thank you very much Dr. Chris. When will you come to Surabaya, when will you meet us, and what time — can you write me?

My father condition now is better and better:


  1. Every movement he felt pain in his back when going to sleep and wake up. Can’t sit down for more than 20 minutes. 
  2. After a month, the doctor found he has prostate cancer that had metastatized to his back bone. It was difficult to move both his legs. Finally he totally couldn’t move his both legs. That time he had taken the herb for only a month
  3. He found it difficult to sleep because he couldn’t change to other position. Couldn’t move by himself, and felt pain with every movement. 


  1. He feels better. No pain in his back anymore.
  2. He sleeps better because can move by himself on the bed (but still can’t stand up by himself).
  3. About his appetite, urination — no problem. 

I will tell you more about his condition (every development we will write to inform you). Hope he can stand up soon. Thank you very much. 

7 November 2012: Dear Dr. Chris,

My father condition now is better and better. Every day he goes to my brother’s house. Then he comes back to our house at night. Every week he goes to supermarket or mall with us. Sometimes he goes with us to the restaurant to have dinner (although he doesn’t eat but drinks real coconut!). He is happy to meet every one and happy to go any where  than stays at home. My father still can’t walk. He goes out very day and everywhere, but with wheel chair.

29 November 2012: Dear Dr. Chris,

This morning my father took his PSA test and the result was really bad. PSA = 197.9 (last month PSA = 163.7). It increases by 20.89%. Oh my God. All of us were shocked. It was really disappointing. We think my father ate too much peanut – almost every day in last month (steamed/ kacang rebus yang masih ada kulitnya) and also ate fried potato + tempe ( fried with pure coconut oil that we made by ourselves). Some food were made from coconut milk (santan) that we made ourselves too. Do you think all the food above are forbidden? Do you have any suggestion? All the herb are still taken, Zoladex is also given. What should we do?

His condition is the same as before. He goes everywhere (feel no pain in his back) but with wheel chair (we gave him much peanut because peanut contains vitamin B that is good for his legs, it is what we thought). Help me Dr. Chris. My father is down today because of the PSA result. Thank you for your attention. 

Reply: Hello H.,

NO, NO peanuts.  I tell all my patients not to eat peanuts! Yes, take care of the diet. Nothing to worry! If you take care of the diet the PSA will come down! Anyway he is okay — so now you learn well — take care of the diet.

One question: Before this problem, did he eat any peanut like he did now ? Did he eat fried potato + tempe ( fried with pure coconut oil that we made by ourselves) some food were made from coconut milk (santan) that we made ourselves too. Did he eat such things before? Chris.

29 November 2012: Yes he took but not too much. Only last month, almost every day he took steamed peanut.But fried tempe + potato (fried by pure coconut oil that we made ourselves) almost every day he took them (I think since June). So Dr. Chris, how about coconut milk? fried tempe? fried potato? 

Reply:  Okay, but don’t add sugar — green bean, red bean, okay. 

29 November 2012: Dear Dr. Chris,

Okay, I will give a big attention to my father’s food. No peanut, just a little santan, try to avoid fried food. About the itchy skin, you are right. My father has keloid on his body. Later (after too much peanut, santan and fried food) he feel itchy more and more on his keloid. Almost every night he felt itchy on his keloid. But that time we don’t know why (we thought it was because it’s hot summer season). So thank you for your attention. 

11 January 2013: Dear Dr. Chris,

Yesterday my father took PSAa test and the result was PSA = 176.8. This is about 10.66% down from November but still higher than October.

18 October 2012: PSA = 163.7

29 November 2012: PSA = 197.9

Yesterday, 10 January 2013: PSA=176.8

He doesn’t eat peanut anymore. His condition is better than before. No more pain in his back. Both legs can feel itchy when a mosquito bites them. Last year, his both legs felt nothing. But until now still can’t stand up. In this rainy season, sometimes his right leg feels cramp. Then I use your e-machine to reduce that. Sometime only massage the leg will make it alright. Besides being unable to stand up, all things are okay. He can sleep well (mostly after having fun, going to many places.) But if he only stays at home for two days….he can’t sleep well at night. He takes a pee (bab) every 2-3 days depend on his activity and the fruit he eats.

8 February 2012: Dear Dr. Chris,

First of all, I want to apologize to you. This morning my father took PSA test and the result is really bad. PSA = 200.6 (last month =176.8). So it’s going up. Sorry. He doesn’t eat peanut anymore. My family thought that he always eats fried potato (it’s fried by pure coconut oil). He used to eat potato fried with olive oil.

Chris and PSA table


Almost always cancer patients are told by their doctors to eat thing they like! Dr. Russell Blaylock wrote: Oncologists harm their patients by giving them cancer-promoting nutritional advice.”  Dr. Harvey Kellogg was even more direct when he said: An ordinary pig knows more about diet than the most learned college professor. 

Over the years, we, at CA Care have been telling patients to take care of their diet if they wish to win over their cancer.  Those who do benefited but those who don’t pay for the consequences of their follies.

In this case, the patient was doing fine. His PSA was falling down with each passing month – from 6,962 down to 163.7 over a period of about seven months. Then after taking a lot of peanuts, his PSA rose again from 163.7 to 197.9.

At CA Care we advised patients to avoid cashew nuts and peanuts. They are not good for you! Peanut allergy is the most common cause of deaths from food allergy. http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=15618

Read this story: Threat from peanut allergy very real.


This is our clarion call to all cancer patients: Watch out for your diet even if you seem to be recovering well from your cancer!  Being told to eat anything you like is bad /wrong advice!

Cancer patients are often told not to take herbs while on medical treatment. Again Dr. Russell Blaylock has this to say: Oncologists forbid patients to take supplements or herbs while on treatment… This is base on ignorance – not valid scientific facts or studies.

Over the years I have seen that patients who are on our therapy (herbs + diet) fared far better than those who are on medical treatment alone! In this case even the doctor who gave monthly Zoladex injection to the patient was amazed   (or shocked) at the spectacular drop of his PSA.  The doctor asked to see our herbs!

I have learned of this synergistic effect between our herbs and hormonal therapy many years ago. In our book, Prostate Cancer Healed Naturally, I have documented other similar cases.

Prostate CA  Cover

Available in e-book and hard copy formats http://bookoncancer.com/productDetail.php?P_Id=57

  •  A prostate cancer patient in England had his PSA reduced from 107 to 0.5 (yes, zero point five) after three months on our herbs plus hormonal injection. The patient wrote: According to our GP and the consultant urologist that we met with yesterday afternoon this is exceptional and very much against the odds. Our consultant who is 55-years plus stated that during his lifetime in practice he had never before witnessed such an aggressive PSA de-escalation that I experienced. He used words such as fantastic, excellent.
  • Tom is a 58-year old man from New Zealand. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer that has spread to his back bones. His PSA was 140 plus. With the CA Care Therapy and hormonal injection his PSA tumbled down from 140 + to 0.75 within three months.
  • Back in Malaysia, we have a 52-year-old patient who came to us with his PSA at 674.5. He was started on our herbs and Goserelin injection in April 2002. Two months later, 14 June 2002, his PSA tumbled down to 2.6.

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8 Believer-dont-ask

Prostate Cancer: PSA Declined With Herbs, PSA Increased Without Herbs

LES (H608) is a 60-year-old man. He had the following underlying medical problems:

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Depression.
  3. Ischaemic heart disease (reduced blood supply of the heart muscle to coronary artery disease).
  4. Childhood asthma.

In 2004 he was diagnosed with a benign prostatic hyperplasia  —  a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. This makes urination difficult and uncomfortable. He has been taking Hytrin (Terzosin) ever since.

In May 2011, his PSA reading was at 9.2. A biopsy was done and indicated cancer of the prostate, Gleason score 3 + 3. The doctor suggested that LES undergo chemotherapy or TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate). LES declined both procedures. Instead, he came to seek our help on 15 May 2011.

LES was prescribed Capsue A, deTox tea and Prostate A tea. After a week on the herbs, LES reported that he felt “heaty”. Four days on the herbs he did not have any more pain when urinating. But if he stopped taking the herbs, the pain recurred.

We did not get to see LES again until the end of March 2012.



When LES came in March 2012 – i.e. ten months later, he said that:

  • He was not committed enough – As you said, I must be faithful in taking your herbs. When I became well I did not take your herbs!
  • When he first came his PSA was 9.4. After taking the herbs it dropped to 7.5, then to 5.5. He decided to stop taking the herbs – I was too lazy to cook the herbs!  His PSA went up to 9.2.
  • His doctor suggested medical intervention – surgery and radiation –  but he declined. He decided to come back to us and start with the herbs again!
  • He told his doctor that he was taking our herbs.
  • Chris: Okay, that is fine. Don’t worry, you don’t have to die with PSA 9.4!



Prostate Cancer: PSA Dropping and He Preferred CA Care Herbs to Casodex and Zoladex

ML is a 69-year-old male from Indonesia. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer on 6 September 2011. Before this diagnosis ML already had problems with his prostate since April 2008. His PSA on 1 April 2008 was 9.31 and this kept rising over the years.

On 8 December 2011, we received an e-mail from ML.

Dear Dr. Chris,

I’m ML from Jakarta who went to meet you on 21 October 2011. After taking Prostate A tea and Mountain Guava deTox tea and capsule A, my PSA went down to 0.37 from  4.67.

Before that my doctor advised me to change my diet and gave me Casodex + Zoladex. These helped my PSA to go down to 4.67. Then I stop these drugs and took your herbs. My PSA went down to 0. 37. What must I do? Do I still have to take the herbs and for how long?

Thanks for your help.

On 16 December 2011, ML sent another e-mail.

Dr. Chris,

Congratulation, Praise The Lord from ML, Jakarta. I checked my PSA on 14 December. My PSA = 0.19.

Below is his brief medical history:

  1. 1 April 2008, PSA 9.31. Took prostate glands pills (Kai Kit Wan)
  2. 23 Jan 2009, PSA 11.83. Still on prostate glands pills
  3. 19 Jan 2010, PSA 23.7  Still on prostate glands pills
  4. 26 May 2010, PSA 19.83 Still on prostate glands pills
  5. 15 June 2011, PSA 33.23 Conprosta capsule (Qian Lie Kang capsule)
  6. 1 Aug 2011, PSA 32.8
  7. 6 September 2011, Biopsy:  confirmed adenocarcinoma of the prostate .Gleason score 4+3=7. USG:  prostate size twice the normal size. Bone scan was normal, no metastasis.
  8. 17 Sept 2011, Infection of the prostate, pain. Doctor prescribed  Levoproxacine & Ratinidine tablets.
  9. 20 Sept 2011, PSA 47.67 Medical treatment with Casodex & Zoladex. Vegetarian diet.
  10. 15 Oct 2011, PSA 4.67  On Casodex.
  11. Stopped Casodex on 30 October 2011.
  12. 21 Oct 2011, Visited CA Care Penang. Spoke with Chris Teo.
  13. 25 Oct 2011, Singapore General Hospital. Urology Department. MRI : no metastasis, prostate cancer (organ confine ). Advised to undergo surgery / radiation. Surgery, robot – assisted radical prostatectomy. Radiation : IMRT technique ( 37 session ). Declined medical treatment as suggested by SGH doctor.
  14. 1 Nov 2011, Start on CA Care’s herbs: Capsule A ,Prostate A & Mt.Guava Tea for two weeks.
  15. 15 Nov 2011, PSA 0.37 Continue with CA Care’s herbs.
  16. 14 December 2011, PSA 0.19.

This is indeed an interesting case. However, there are many things that need clarification. We requested Pak Teddy in Jakarta to meet up with ML and get some answers from him.

Below is Pak Teddy’s e-mail.

Hello Prof. Chris,

These are the answers from him. He came yesterday. He visited for about 45 minutes and had to go to another place after that.

 Questions 1. When and why did he come and see you?
He came to see me on 27 Sept 2011. He wanted to know about the herbal therapy from CA Care.

2. Who asked him to come?
A friend in the church inform him of my address.

3. When he came — did he believe what you told him? 
At that time I don’t know he believed me or not. But he bought some herbs that I suggested. And he came again the second time. During this second visit, he explained that after he had met me, he opened his Bible while at home. He read the page that he opened and there was this information about the Diet which I have explained to him earlier. So he followed the Diet that I suggested. He also informed me that he checked in the net about the ingredients of Capsule A. He learned that Typhonium flageliforme has the ability to fight the cancer cell. He had more confidence on our herbs.

4. He came to Penang … after he saw you — but he did not take the herbs yet. Why — he was not sure? After he came to Penang he started to take the herbs? 
Yes, he did not take the herbs immediately after see me. This was because he was not sure of it. At that time he was on Casodex. He wanted to know how far the Casodex works. He started Casodex + Zoladex Injection (first injection ) on 23 September 2011. He stopped taking Casodex on 30 October 2011.

On 21 October 2011 he visited you in Penang. After meeting you and after reading the book he bought (Prostate Cancer Healed Natually), he became more confident that he was on the right track.

On 25 Oct 2011 he went to Singapore General Hospital, Urology Department. He was advised to undergo surgery/ radiation. Surgery is robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. Radiation is IMRT technique  (37 session ). He refused the suggested medical treatments.

5.  Besides the PSA going down,  did he feel better after taking the herbs?

Yes he felt that his body  was more comfortable.
6. He was taking Casodex and Zoladex injection, for only one month and the PSA went down from 47.65 to 4.67 — that means the medication is working. Why did he give these up and go for herbs? 
Because he is afraid of the side effects of the drugs.

7. With less than a month on Casodex and Zoladex…what did he expect the PSA to be? — I think PSA dropping to 4.67 is very good indeed.
Yes he knows that. If he continues with the Hormone therapy he can get the PSA to go down but on the other hand he did not want to take the risk of the side effects  …bone destruction , etc.. He doesn’t want to have additional disease or problems. He better take the herbs. He believes herbs do not have side effects.

8. Did he stop the Caxodex and Zoladex totally when he took our herbs?  
Yes he totally stopped  Casodex on 30 October 2011. Then he start with our Herbs on 1 Nov 2011(only herbs).

9. Now his PSA is 0.37  — how sure is he that it is the herbs that make the PSA go down? It can be due to the effect of the Casodex/Zoladex. 
He knows that. May be the Zoladex effect is still at work ( 3 months effectiveness ) but once again he doesn’t want to continue because of the possible side effects. Now he is happy and explained to me that he only wants to continue with the herbs.

His doctor friends were surprised. You have a prostate cancer problem, but you keep smiling and  you seems to be  easy going ( because they know that prostate cancer can kill  him). He explained to me that all his doctor friends were worried about him.

He always replied them: I don’t have to go for surgery. But my PSA is now almost zero. Bye , bye  surgery  ( with a smile on his face ).

10. Is he going to stop taking the herbs — or when is he planning to continue taking the herbs?

No, he wants to continue with the Herbs.


 There are a few lessons we can learn from this case after you have listened to our conversation in this video.

1.  About being a stubborn person

ML’s PSA reading was elevated since April 2008. It was then at 9.31. ML took herbs (not from CA Care). The PSA kept increasing inspite of this herbal treatment. It was not until September 2011 that ML had a biopsy toconfirm what was wrong with him. A biopsy indicated prostate cancer with Gleason score of 7 – take note the maximum score possible is 10. So medically this was a rather serious cancer.

I asked ML this question: You were taking the herbs from April 2008 – the more and longer you took the herbs the higher the PSA went up. Why did you continue taking the herbs – increasing PSA means the herbs were useless – why continue taking the herbs or doing the same thing?  His wife replied that he (husband) was stubborn. Being stubborn can be either bad or good. Stubborn combined with “foolishness or stupidity” can lead of disaster.  If things do not work out the way it should for you, why hang on to it? At CA Care we tell our patients this: “Take the herbs of two or three weeks – a month at most. Ask yourself if the herbs help you or not. If you don’t benefit from the herbs within this time frame, stop taking them. Go and find someone else to help you.”  Hanging on to our herbs for months without any benefit is not only a waste of money but more importantly risking your life.

The good side of being stubborn (or having a mind of your own) is that you are not like a cow to be led by the nose! Just because the expert said something, you must follow. ML went to the experts in Singapore and he was offered robotic surgery or radiotherapy.  How do you like that? Better to be stubborn?

Dr. James Watson is a Nobel Prize winner in Medicine. This honor was in recognition of his discovery of the DNA double helix structure. He also was the first director of the National Institutes of Health’s Human Genome Project from 1988 to 1992. Now 83 and the chancellor emeritus at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Dr. Watson was diagnosed with prostate cancer. After looking into radiation treatments and surgery, he decided on a course of “watchful waiting.” He said, “I was 80 and probably won’t live to be 90. So I will probably die of something other than prostate cancer.”  He takes ibuprofen (pain killer) every morning as well as a diabetes drug.  He also gets “hard exercise” in the form of vigorous tennis matches.  Being famous as he is, he could get the best medical treatment for prostate cancer in the world but he did not want to go for medical treatment. Why? Sometimes it is good to be stubborn!

2.  Side effects of Casodex and Zoladex

ML did not wish to continue with Casodex and Zoladex (even though they seemed to help) because of the risk of side effects.  I came to know that both ML and his wife were “medically trained”. So they know what “scientific medicine” is – they believe herbs are safer. Each of us has our preference – some would say herbs are not scientific or proven and liken them to snake oils, while others like ML thinks otherwise.

Let me remind you this – do not make choices solely on your preference, personal liking or belief. Make your decision based on research data available to you. Read and learn for yourself – research the facts and write these down and then use your head and heart to make sense of what you know.  That is a better  way  to make a wise decision. Before that, read and know the facts first. So here are the facts about the side effects of Casodex and Zoladex.

Common side effects of Casodex: Back, pelvic, stomach, or general body pain; constipation; decreased sexual ability; diarrhea; dizziness; frequent urination, especially at night; gas; headache; hot flashes; nausea; stomach upset; sweating; trouble sleeping; weakness.

SEVERE side effects of Casodex: Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue; difficulty swallowing; unusual hoarseness); black or bloody stools; blurred vision or other vision changes; bone pain; breast growth or pain; changes in the amount of urine produced; chest pain; dark or bloody urine; fainting; fever, chills, or persistent sore throat; flu-like symptoms; increased hunger, thirst, or urination; joint pain, stiffness, or swelling; loss of appetite; mental or mood changes (e.g, anxiety, depression); muscle aches or weakness; numbness or tingling of the skin; pale stools; severe or persistent cough; severe or persistent dizziness, drowsiness, or headache; severe or persistent nausea or stomach pain; shortness of breath; swelling of the ankles, legs, or feet; unusual bruising or bleeding; unusual tiredness or weakness; vomiting; weight change; yellowing of the skin or eyes.

Less serious side effects of Zoladex:  hot flashes, sweating, headache, dizziness; mood changes, increased or decreased interest in sex; vaginal dryness, itching, or discharge; impotence, fewer erections than normal; breast swelling or tenderness; bone pain; diarrhea, constipation; sleep problems (insomnia); or acne, mild skin rash or itching.

Serious side effect of Zoladex:  back pain, severe numbness or tingling in your legs or feet; muscle weakness, problems with balance or coordination; loss of bladder or bowel control; urinating less than usual or not at all; pain or burning when you urinate; blood in your urine or stools; feeling like you might pass out; trouble breathing; pale skin, easy bruising; nausea, loss of appetite, increased thirst, muscle weakness, confusion, and feeling tired or restless; high blood sugar (increased thirst, increased urination, hunger, dry mouth, fruity breath odor, drowsiness, dry skin, blurred vision, weight loss); sudden numbness or weakness, sudden severe headache, confusion, problems with vision or speech; or chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling.

(The list on side effects is obtained from the website, http://www.drugs.com/zoladex.html)

In our question to ML we asked: Besides the PSA going down, did he feel better after taking the herbs?

His answer was:  “Yes he felt that his body was more comfortable”. This is important. Do you learn anything from this  often repeated statement –  “The operation is a success but the patient died of complication.” What is the point of having an operation if this is the outcome? It is most shocking to read what Dr. James Forsythe wrote in his book, The Compassionate Oncologist, According to Big Pharma and the cancer industry, death from chemotherapy is acceptable as long as standard chemo protocol has been adhered to” (page 91).  Can you believe that?

3.   Diet for your cancer

This is the most frustrating point of all. Over the years working with cancer patients, we have this uphill task of telling patients to take care of their diet. Diet is important for your cancer. But it is a hard battle. Dr. James Forsythe (in The Compassionate Oncologist) wrote, “I know from firsthand experience that oncologists and physicians aren’t allowed to talk about supplements or diet as part of cancer treatment.”

  • Patients were being told that they can eat anything they like. Diet has nothing to do with their cancer – eat anything and be happy! Eat well so that you can come back for more chemo or radiation! Unfortunately many cancer patients don’t like the idea of not being able to eat what they like. They say: “I am already dying and now you tell me not to eat what I like. I better eat now before it is too late.” Others would say: “Go and see this Chris Teo and you die because you cannot eat many things you like.”  I remember one classical case of a medical doctor who came to ask for help. He had undergone chemos after chemos but the treatment did not cure him. After I told him to take care of his diet he said, “No, I don’t believe you. I cannot follow what you advised me.” To that I replied, “No, my therapy is not for people like you. If you are not prepared to take care of your diet, go somewhere else for help.”
  • Lately, I learnt that there is a bit of progress. A patient came to us after being told by his doctor that he should go home and just wait, but at the same time to take care of his diet. His liver cancer is too advanced and no medical treatment is indicated. I asked the patient what did his doctor say that he cannot eat – what does “taking care of your diet” mean? To my surprise the answer was, “No he did not tell us what to eat or not to eat. He just said, take care of your diet!” It is indeed amazing such a thing does happen! How do you expect the patient to know how to follow your advice if you don’t provide more information?  At CA Care we have our books, Food & Cancer, to tell you exactly what you need to know. Then, to guide you in your kitchen there is Healthy Cooking. There is no reason now why cancer patients do not know how to take care of their diet. Even more, there is no reason why cancer patients cannot eat healthy, good tasting food.
  • In this case, ML is really lucky to find a medical doctor who encouraged him to take care of his diet.  Cheers to this doctor! Dr. Dean Ornish is a medical doctor and president of Preventive Medicine Research Institute and Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.  Dr. Ornish has directed randomized controlled trials demonstrating that comprehensive lifestyle changes may stop or reverse the progression of early-stage prostate cancer and even reverse severe coronary heart disease, without drugs or surgery. Go to his website, http://www.pmri.org/dean_ornish.html and learn for yourself what diet can do for your cancer.


Dear Dr. Chris Teo,
Lama tidak ada kabar dari saya, tapi masih tetap berhubungan dengan Pak Teddy. I’m doing well,  my PSA  is 0.3 in mid-February, and I’m still taking your Herbs as usually, I want to ask you is there a minimal dose to mantain my psa level, or should I take the usual dose. Thanks beforehand.  Greetings from all of us and Happy Easter.

 Update 2:

I would like to inform you, I’ve check my blood on 24 May 2012, My PSA is 0.52.