A Desperate Grandson Searching for Help for Grandpa’s Pancreatic Cancer

Let me reproduce our email exchanges with one grandson who is desperately in need of help. His emails are reproduced as it is, with no editing done.

8 July 2012:  i have problem my grrand father  diagnosis got  pancreas cancer stadium 4 and have spread at liver we have pat ct mri and all and the result my grand father proven got that cancer. now my grandfather at china but  here is still the same  china doctor talk  pancreas  cancer there is no medicine. i have read http://cacare.com/indonesia/component/option,com_easyfaq/task,view/id,212/Itemid,108/  there was a way about  pancreas cancer. so doctor  can help my  grand father?  you have phone or  messenger so we can talk easly.  thx

Reply: No … I cannot help people so far away …there is no cure for pancreatic cancer. Chris

no problem about far  we willl go to your  hospital if  there was a way about pancreatic cancer.no cure? so  why  http://cacare.com/indonesia/component/option,com_easyfaq/task,view/id,212/Itemid,108/  can be heal? sorry doctor im really need the medicine about  pancreas  cancer there was a away? you have phone number or  messenger so we can talk?

Reply: No body can cure pancreatic cancer, that is my experience. Chris

9 July 2012:  what do you mean no cure ?  at your blog cacare.com the testimonial about pancreas cancer can be heal ? http://cacare.com/indonesia/component/option,com_easyfaq/task,view/id,212/Itemid,108/  that is ? LIE ?

Reply: Read this story, Computer Genius, Steve Jobs Died of Pancreatic Cancer – cancer patients can learn from is experience.  Click this link and learn for yourself: https://cancercaremalaysia.com/category/pancreatic-cancer/  Anyway, I don’t treat people via internet or just by writing emails. Come and see me if you think I can help you.

yes i know steve jobs died of pancrearit cancer. yes i know  you cant treatmen  by internet or mailing but i need your suggestion about my grand father heal i read your blog there filiphine  person can be heal by you  on this link http://cacare.com/indonesia/component/option,com_easyfaq/task,view/id,212/Itemid,108/   so, can you  help my grandfather too just that i want to ask doctor 

Reply:  You can learn from these stories: Miraculous Healing of Pancreatic Cancer turned Rotten

yes i have learn its about herbal, about  medicine you give so you can help my grandpa?
 if yes  i will go Penang  from guang zhou tommorow or day after really i neeed medicine to heal my grandpa

Reply: I only see patients on Friday at 3 pm to 5 pm or Sunday at 7 pm to 9 pm. The whole of July I am not free on other days. I cannot cure your grandfather so don’t say that I am cheating you if he dies or do not benefit from my herbs. Or that you are wasting your time or money. There is no cure for pancreatic cancer. That is why Steve Jobs died — he has all the money in the world. He can go to any doctors in the world…but he still died. I must see all the medical reports and scan. No use coming without such data. Chris

10 July 2012:  but i dont know about the testimonial ,  the patient can  heal   by your herbs? but now you say no  medicine about the  pancreatic cancer. please doctor give me the true answer i very need that 

Reply:  I have herbs for pancreatic but they cannot cure —- healing and cure are not the same. Cure means the disease goes away and disappears. That is what you want, I cannot do that. Chris


Let me relate a case I encountered many years ago.

Peter was a very rich, 59-year-old man from Hong Kong. On 28 June 1999, he was diagnosed with cancer at the head of his pancreas. Subsequently he underwent a pancreatico-duodenectomy. This procedure is also known as Whipple procedure. The surgeon would remove the distal half of the stomach, the gall bladder, cystic duct, the common bile duct, the head of the pancreas, duodenum, proximal jejunum, and regional lymph nodes. You would probably end up with a Mercedes Benz scar in your abdomen after the surgery.

After the surgery, he underwent the following treatments:

August 1999 to September 1999: Peter underwent concurrent chemotherapy with 5-FU and radiotherapy.

14 October 1999: The doctor said there was no solid evidence that the treatment would help.

19 October 1999 to 14 March 2000: Peter had finished a total of 13 cycles of chemotherapy. The drug used was Gemzar. He suffered neutropenia, i.e., low white blood count. The initial Gemzar dosage used was 1400 mg. This was then reduced to 1260 mg, 1000 mg and subsequently settled at 800 mg.

28 June 2000: His CA 19.9 started to rise from 4.67 to 41.3, indicating occult recurrence.

8 September 2000 to 12 February 2001: Chemotherapy using Gemzar was again started. A total of 13 cycles were given until 12 February 2001. The dosages used ranged from 1000 mg, 1400 mg to 1760 mg.

19 February 2001: The result was disappointing. His CA 19.9 shot up to 473.

26 February 2001: Peter underwent chemotherapy again. This time with Gemzar at 1780 mg plus Xeloda, an oral chemo-drug often used for breast and bone cancers. He was on Xeloda for 10 days.

26 March 2001: It was Gemzar plus Xeloda for 14 days.

25 May 2001: Peter had completed 20 cycles of chemotherapy with Gemzar.

28 June 2001: His CA 19.9 was at 586. Peter developed SVCO (superior vena cava obstruction). A CT scan showed the obstruction was due to the mediastinal nodes.

3 July 2001 to 15 August 2001: Peter underwent radiotherapy to take care of the SVCO.

9 October 2001: His CA 19.9 was at 558. Peter decided to take a break and came to find treatment in Malaysia. He again underwent chemotherapy in a private hospital in Kuala Lumpur.

4 March 2002: It was at this point that I met Peter in Kuala Lumpur. He was indeed a jovial man. During our conversation Peter joked that he had told his doctors that with the amount of chemo-drugs being pumped into him, he would die of the drugs rather than the cancer. Indeed, Peter could qualify for a listing in the Guinness Book of Record for having the capacity to endure more than 50 cycles of chemotherapy and numerous radiation treatments and still remained alive.

25 March 2002: Peter underwent chemotherapy again. This time the drugs used were CPT-11 plus oxaliplatin. He suffered intense abdominal pains, nausea and vomiting.

18 May 2002: The doctor confirmed that Peter had suffered metastasis to the bones. Peter underwent 10 times of radiation treatment to the spine and 10 times to the two lumps found on the left neck.

23 May 2002: Peter was admitted to the hospital because of fluid in his lungs. Tapping of lung fluid was done.

20 June 2002: Peter was hospitalized again due to fluid in the lungs. His wife said he was giving up.

1 July 2002: Peter died in a hospital in Kuala Lumpur. He was then still on chemotherapy. I was told that Peter’s brother, who is a medical doctor , flew in from London to be at his bedside when he died.


This is indeed a classical example of how a war against cancer is being carried out. I am reminded of what John Robbins (in Reclaiming Our Health) wrote:

  • Very often, the effort to “destroy the enemy” at all costs ends up counterproductive.
  • Chemotherapy practitioners do not want to think that the weapons they employ to kill cancer cells are of little or no use to their patients. They want to believe they are helping people.

When we take a closer look at what were used as weapons for this war, I cannot help coming to a conclusion that Peter was made a subject of experimentation. The initial drug used was 5-FU. Since it was not effective, Gemzar was used instead. The dosage of Gemzar used was initially high and was subsequently lowered. This showed that the oncologist was not really sure of what was best for Peter. Since Gemzar by itself did not do any good, the oncologist added Xeloda to the recipe. Even that, it did not work. Then back in Kuala Lumpur, Gemzar and Xeloda were abandoned – why not try something more powerful? So, Peter was given CPT-11 and oxaliplatin.

 Dr. Andrew Weil, a Harvard-trained medical doctor (in Health and Healing) wrote:

  • There is a never ending struggle … Patients are sucked into the same way of thinking … Finding themselves more and more dependent on the system giving one treatment after another.

In the course of the treatment, Peter suffered SVCO (superior vena cava obstruction) and he had to have radiotherapy to alleviate this problem. The superior vena cava is the main vein which drains blood from the head, neck and arms into the heart. It lies in the upper part of the chest. Unfortunately, this vein was blocked in Peter’s case. Why was this so?

When the war was about to be over, Peter had bone cancer and his lungs were filled with fluid. Could this represent the ultimate and fatal side-effects of the aggressive treatments he was subjected to earlier?

After three years, the battlefield was quiet. Death prevailed. Peter found peace in death. It was a medical failure – perhaps from the very start failure was apparent, if we care to objectively evaluate it.

Dr. Jerome Groopman, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School (in Second Opinions) related his experience with what he thought as medicine being omniscience – doctors having all the answers. This is what he wrote:

  • I wanted an immediate remedy and stubbornly believed I knew what was best. After all, my medical training had been as a student at Columbia, an intern and resident at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and a fellow at UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles). Waiting patiently for nature to heal me seemed passive and paltry. 
  • I finally realised that my desperate belief in a perfect solution was a fantasy. 
  • I also realised that it was up to me, in part, to try to rebuild myself … 
  • But what is the “best” hospital or the “best” doctor? … specialist touted as at the top in his field, based at a prestigious medical center … this distinguished doctor proved far from the best …

Let me conclude this article by quoting what Dr. Martin Scurr wrote in an article: Why MOST doctors like me would rather DIE than endure the pain of treatment we inflict on others for terminal diseases: Insider smashes medicine’s big taboo, in the Daily Mail, UK, 14 February 2012.

  • Should I discover tomorrow that I have advanced, life-threatening cancer, I won’t go rushing to the doctors for a heavily invasive course of medical treatment. No, I will shut up my London surgery, head to my home in Norfolk, stock up on gin and tonic and have a jolly good time until I meet my end. 
  • Like most doctors, I understand that much of the care we offer patients who have serious, life-threatening illnesses is ultimately futile. 
  • Worse, it can involve many months of gruelling treatments that might possibly extend the length of one’s life, but do nothing for its quality.


Author: CA Care

In obedience to God's will and counting on His mercies and blessings, and driven by the desire to care for one another, we seek to provide help, direction and relief to those who suffer from cancer.