Jesus Appeared to Comfort Me

Judy (not real name) came with her husband , PY, to seek our help. Her 57-year-old husband was diagnosed with cancer of the rectum and had undergone surgery. It was a Stage 2B cancer and he was asked to undergo chemotherapy. Judy did not want her husband to go for chemo. PY also hesitated and needed help.

Our conversation that night, however, took an interesting turn when Judy told us that she and her husband had just embraced a new religion – Christianity. I asked Judy why this sudden change?

Listen to what Judy and her husband said.

The gists of our conversation:

  1. Judy was going “nuts” after being told of her husband’s cancer. She was alone in the waiting room while her husband was in the CT scan room.
  2. In this moment of hopelessness and despair, Judy started to pray to “anything” – to any gods she knew. Since she did not get any answer, in desperation she prayed to Jesus.
  3. Jesus appeared before Judy and gently touched her head. Jesus told Judy that her husband would be alright. After Jesus’ assurance, Judy regained her sanity and was calm and happy. Her fear vanished.
  4. Judy and her husband were non-Christians. The only exposure they had about Jesus was during their school days.

Some questions:

a. How does Jesus look like?

b. Is he white or black?

c. Did he speak to you in English?

5. Judy did not tell anybody about her encounter with Jesus – – not even her husband, but she merely encouraged him husband to look for a church to go to. But they did not know where and what church to go to.

6. Some days later, Judy and her husband went to buys things at a night market. One young man invited them to a healing service. It was at this stage that Judy told her husband about her experience with Jesus. They found a church. The pastor was kind and warm! The couple became Christians.


In my experience dealing with cancer patients, I sometimes hear of Divine interventions. I take these stories at face value and with faith. Of course, some skeptics may say it is just hallucination or a figment of imagination. All made up!

Of course, some may even want to suggest that since I am a Christian, this story is written with a view of trying to convert others into my religion! Far from it, I have written about a patient who told me that her father appeared in the form of Buddha to tell her about the rodent tuber and CA Care! I have patients who said they came to CA Care because Kuan Yin had asked them to come. I have patients who told me that they came to us because the medium in the temple directed them to us. Take comfort, even if I am a Christian, I respect the sacredness of all religion. I believe God loves all of us and I want to believe that in Heaven there is no such thing as religion!

Judy shared with me an amazing experience. I envied her! She just needed to pray once and Jesus appeared in front of her and comforted her. I have been praying for years and years, yet I do not have a chance to meet Jesus! No, I am not complaining. I know why I do not have that privilege! Jesus had always been in my heart all these years — guiding me through this worldly path.

I was curious about Jesus. I wondered if Judy was truly telling me the truth. That was why I asked Judy: How does Jesus look like? Does Jesus appear with a long beard? Is he white or black? Did he speak to her in English?

In the Bible is a story of a man called Saul. He was a great enemy of Christians. One day while on the journey to go around “catching and killing” more Christians, Jesus appeared before Saul and asked, “Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?” Saul was transformed by this encounter and became Paul, the greatest apostle of Jesus Christ.

Likewise, Judy was changed by her experience. She was not afraid anymore. She was blessed.

To my Christian friends: We wish you all a meaningful and blessed Christmas!

Author: CA Care

In obedience to God's will and counting on His mercies and blessings, and driven by the desire to care for one another, we seek to provide help, direction and relief to those who suffer from cancer.