Nose (NPC) Cancer: Eleven Plus Years on Herbs Part 1: My Radio-chemotherapy Experience

The story of Dr. Peter Ooi (currently Professor) was kept untold for a decade.  But as 2012 set in, I thought it would be wonderful to share his cancer experience with you all. So I wrote Peter telling him about this and below is his e-mail reply on 26 January 2012.

Dear Chris, 

The Lord be with you and indeed thanks to you. Dr. Chen, the ENT specialist that I consult annually from Glenagles, Singapore confirmed that I am indeed healthy.  He suggested that I continue with my diet and the herbs I take from you … Dr. Chen also shared with me his views that 11+ years is a good sign for remission.  You may know that I am now tasked with setting up the Department of Agriculture and Food Sciences … I took up the professorial chair as I wanted to share my belief in the God given richness of our agro-biodiversity and the need to help students understand that we can have profitability without sacrificing the environment and play God … I have no objection to you using my name in your video clip.  Yes, I am proud to say that I believe in a more holistic approach to healing as it is in the good hands of the Lord. You may refer to me as Peter Ooi to confirm that I am a Christian and a Hokkien as NPC is more common among the Hokkiens and Cantonese. Once again, thank God for people like you. God bless.

Dr. Peter Ooi was 51 years old when he was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC – nose cancer) Stage 2/3 in 2000. At that time he was with the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations) in Bangkok. Later Peter became the Director of the Asian Regional Centre of the World Vegetable Center, also based in Bangkok.  Peter “immediately took up the aggressive procedure of both radiation and chemotherapy.” He completed 35 sessions of radiation treatments and at the same time received chemotherapy. He gave up chemotherapy after four cycles – the treatment made him too sick!

Let him tell you what it was like to be at the receiving end of radio-chemo treatments.


Part 1: Radiotherapy Experience

  • The treatment burnt my whole throat – like it was on fire.
  • My wife cried, because I couldn’t drink even a drop of water.
  • I could not walk by myself.
  • I was not told about the side effects of radiotherapy.
  • I have no more salivary glands (that is why in the video you see Peter having to taking sips of water very often when talking to us).

Part 2: Chemo Experience

  • I was not told about the side effects of chemotherapy – the only thing mentioned was hair loss.
  • I stopped chemo after the fourth cycle – I was too weak.
  • I developed a phobia for “needle”. The veins in my hands just “disappeared” when I see a needle!

Part 3: Treatment Satisfaction

  • Doctors should have told patients more about the expected side effects of the treatments
  • The oncologist could not answer the questions I asked, such as why use this or that drugs? It is always the standard answer that they give – “standard regimen or protocol”.

My Comments

It is indeed our privilege to be able to help Peter at the time when he needed us and also to be able to share with you his cancer experience. This video recording was made in Bangkok, in 2007 – about seven years after Peter started to take the herbs. I hope those reading this story will benefit from Peter’s experience as much as I benefited and enjoyed our conversation that day.

  • There is this common perception that only the “uneducated, kampong folks” who opted for alternative medicine – and they go to the “quacks”. Is that right? Far from it – here is Dr. Peter Ooi – a fellow scientist – realising that the standard fare dished out to cancer patients is not good enough and is not the answer to our present-day cancer problem.  In fact the reverse seems to be true – those who know or are knowledgeable enough turn to holistic, alternative treatments when they get cancer. Why?
  • People with “thinking” mind will see the deficiencies of modern medicine when it comes to cancer. Chemo drugs injected into patients are toxic drugs.  Dr. Glenn Warner, a medical doctor put it this way rather aptly:
  • One lesson we can learn from Peter’s experience is that cancer doctors do not tell their patients the whole truth – only half truth. It is left to patients themselves to learn (and often through the hard way) the other untold half of the whole truth. Why are they so evasive about the “bad” effects of their treatments? Do they ever admit that most of the time their treatments do not work or may even kill patients? Read the story of LCC – he died within six months while undergoing chemotherapy for his nose cancer. Click this link:   Peter’s experience is not much different – he was drained of his energy and unable to walk by himself during his treatment.  But he was wiser – he abandoned his chemo after the fourth cycle. Of course to the chagrin of his brother-in-law, a medical doctor.
  • Take note of what  Dr James Forsythe, an oncologist, wrote:
  • Peter went into chemo and radiation with full confidence – gung-ho spirit but he came out of it almost half dead. And his confidence in his doctor shattered. I often wonder why oncologists (some or most?) don’t come clean with their patients. Why withhold information that is important to patients?  Is it because they fear that patients will run away from them? Let’s not deny that many patients may do so if they know the whole truth.  In the book, Severed Trust, Dr. George Lundberg, M.D. wrote:

Read the full story of Peter’s experience

Part 1: My Radio-chemotherapy Experience 

Part 2: An Angel Led Me to CA Care 

Part 3: I Want Healing Not Cure 

Part 4: Lessons From My Cancer Experience 

Part 5: My Advice to Cancer Patients

Nose (NPC) Cancer: Chemo and He was Dead Six Months Later – Why?

LCC (H412) was a 54-year-old male. He was a welder when young. Later he had his own business –   involved in steaming “kuih” (local dessert). Sometime in early 2010 he had mild bleeding from his nose. But by March 2010, the bleeding became serious. Later a lump appeared at his neck.

A CT scan on 2 April 2010 showed multiple lesions in the right and left lobe of his liver. The largest was in Segment 6 measuring 3.1 x 4 cm in diameter. Conclusion:  Features suggestive of liver metastases. His cancer was diagnosed as NPC (nasopharyngeal carcinoma) Stage 4.

LCC subsequently underwent 6 cycles of chemotherapy using Gemcitabine + Cisplatin. This treatment cost him RM 6,000 per cycle (total cost RM 36,000).

After the chemo, LCC felt better and his nose block resolved. But this “feel good” did not last and the treatment did not cure him at all. A bone scan on 6 September 2010 – i.e. barely 5 months after treatment – showed extensive bony metastases involving both the clavicles, multiple bilateral ribs, multiple thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, both humeri, both sacro-iliac joints, both ischii, both femurs and both pubic bones.

LCC was asked to undergo more chemotherapy. The oncologist offered three options as below:

LCC agreed to undergo the second round of chemotherapy. Unfortunately this second round proved to be a disaster. His white blood counts dropped, so were his platelet count, red blood count and haemoglobin.

Blood test results on 28 September 2010

Haemoglobin 11.6   Low Normal  13-18
Red blood cell count  4.1    L 4.5 – 5.9
Platelet count 139    L 150 – 450
White blood cell count  1.9    L 4.3 – 10.5

The doctor told the patient and his family that chemotherapy had to be abandoned because the drugs were not suitable for him. LCC was asked to take oral chemo-drug instead. The total cost of this treatment was going to be RM 83,000.

On 14 September 2010, K the patient’s cousin wrote us an e-mail.

Hi Prof Chris,

My cousin … has just finished his second round of chemo. He is quite weak and needed blood transfusion before they could complete the second course of chemo. He has decided to discontinue the chemotherapy and would like to come up to Penang to meet you at any time convenient to you. They plan to fly up in the morning and back to KL on the same day.

The patient, his sisters and K flew to see us in Penang on 26 September 2010. Below is our conversation that day.

Gist of our conversation

  • Did you ever ask your doctor if chemo was going to cure you? Never ask.  But my brother believed in what the doctor was going to do for him.
  • Did he believe that the doctor was going to be able to cure him? Yes.
  • Your Aunty had lung cancer. She did not go for chemo and was doing well.
  • Patient lost confidence in his oncologist after the chemo did not cure him.
  • He looked forward to meeting us – CA Care was his last one stop.
  • Soon after he died. He received his first chemo on 6 April and by  15 October he was dead – within 6 months after chemo.

Acugraph Study

The Agugraph above showed low qi energy –  total 23%. His Lung qi was low, while the Heart, Small Intestine, Triple Energizer, Spleen, Liver Bladder qi were split. Those who have undergone invasive medical treatments suffer from such problems. His yin-yang balance was slanted towards yang – 43%.

e-mail  2 October 2010

Thank you once again for receiving us last Sunday out of the normal operating hours. Just to give you an update on cousin’s progress. The herbs are doing wonders for my cousin. He finds much relief from the herbs, especially the Pain Tea. Since taking the teas on Monday, the pain has lessened tremendously. However, this morning, he developed a slight fever. The fever is gone now but in the afternoon, he started to purge – at least seven times thus far. There was no tummy upset though and he was eating his usual meals. He also has a bit of phlegm – there were some traces of “black threads.” Is there any course of concern?  Kind regards, K.

e-mail 5 October 2010

On behalf of my family we would like to thank you again for receiving us on that day and we really appreciate your  advice. My brother is doing much better after taking those herbs. Best regards, F (sister).

e-mail 9 October 2010

Want to update you on my cousin’s condition. The swelling on his legs has reduced a lot. Brother said he is a little breathless at times and I noticed that too. Prof., is there anything that we could give him to help? Other than this, he said he is doing fine. Thanks and regards, K.

e-mail 15 October 2010

Sorry to bring you this bad news. My cousin passed away early this morning. Although he was eating, he was getting very weak. At least his suffering was short. Thank you both for all assistance. Regards, K.

e-mail: Hi Im and Prof. Chris,

I have just got back from my cousin’s place. My cousin sisters and cousin’s family would like to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for all your help, support and advice given. The herbs really helped to ease his discomforts. He did not suffer much pain towards the end. In fact, he was really high in spirit wanting to fight on and continue with the teas, but the body failed him. Thank you once again for all the help. Kind regards, K.


  1. Did chemo cure him? Helped him? Or killed him? You make your own conclusion!
  2. He did not believe in herbal therapy, in spite of the fact that his Aunty was doing alright with our herbs and had refused chemotherapy. (Note:  His aunty had Stage 4 lung cancer – an open-close case) and was given a few months to live. It has been many years now and she is still alive.) Nevertheless, we respect the patient’s belief and he paid dearly for this belief, in terms of money as well as his life. Most of us have to learn the hard way.
  3. Let us try to look at reality. Is there any “medical or scientific” evidence that chemo can cure a Stage 4 cancer? The patient had spent RM 36,000 for his first round of chemo. What did he get in return? More cancer in his bones! Why was the cancer spreading so widely in his body?
  4. Then the oncologist suggested more chemo after the extensive metastasis. Is there any evidence to show that chemo can give meaningful result? There was another RM 83,000 to spend for the treatment. What could anyone expect that?
  5. How much is life worth? When we first started CA Care in 1995, this is what I wrote in my book, Cancer Yet They Live, pg. 14. Many people would say that “Ah, another quack. This is giving us false hope. Another attempt to extort the last dime from a dying person. If doctors cannot help, do not tell me some insignificant herbs can do any good!  … I know we are not medical doctors but we are not money hunters either.” Be careful, some people are just after your money not your cancer! Reflect seriously on what I say!
  6. In the patient’s consent form (which is required to be signed before undergoing chemotherapy) is written: “Cancer drugs such as chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and other biological or genetic treatments, destroy cancer cells. They interfere with the activity of cancer cells such as cell division, metabolism, enzyme pathways, etc and in the process damage or “kill” the cancer cells. Sometimes the goal of cancer drugs is to cure, and when cure is not possible, cancer drugs can often prolong life or improve quality of life …” 

Do you see anything “wrong” or half-truths in the above statement? Lenin said, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” You get that message?

Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s Propaganda Minister also said, “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

To know the other untold half of the whole truth of the above consent treatment, what you need to do is simply search for “side effects of chemotherapy” in the internet. You will get some interesting inputs. Just for  curiosity I searched this – “death due to chemotherapy”. Interesting enough there was no explicit answer to this all important question from the medical establishment or drug companies. No one talked about that!  But ask the family members of cancer patients and many of them can tell you that chemo kills! Click this link and hear for yourself what patients and their family say about chemotherapy: 

Let me end with the following quotations:

Hospital was Hell – My first cycle of chemo failed and my friend died after thirty cycles of chemos

Lan (not real name) came to see us on 14 November 2011. She had leukemia and had undergone one cycle of chemotherapy without success. Her doctors wanted her to undergo more chemos with more potent drugs. She declined. Listen to her conversation that day.

After having heard her story, I could not help but remember what Dr. Remen wrote in her book, Kitchen Table Wisdom.

“I have always assumed that a hospital was a healing environment. The first twenty years of my work with sick people was in hospitals, and by the time my training was completed I had worked in hospitals all over the United States.

All hospitals look, feel, and even smell the same. Once you are inside a hospital you cannot tell whether you are in Maine or in Mississippi.

I had always thought that this was an example of high standards and quality control. I now know that it is the reflection of the lack of connection between most hospital environments and the natural world around them.

This sort of disconnection from the natural world weakens everyone.

In 1988, during my last surgery, every plant that anyone brought to me in the hospital died. Day by day I would watch these plants dying all around me and worry: If plants could not seem to make it here, was this a good place for me to be?

One of the most common things people with cancer tell me is that experiences of hospitalization and treatment are profoundly isolating. I suspect that this sense of aloneness may even undermine the will to live.”

Dr Rachel Naomi Remen is one of the earliest pioneers of the mind/body medicine and was one of the first to develop a psychological approach to people with life-threatening illnesses and educate their physicians about their needs. She is cofounder and medical director of the Commonweal Cancer Help Program and is a Clinical Professor of the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine.

The title of her book does not sound “scientific” at all but for sure its content is not intended for house wives who mind the kitchen! Her book is for medical doctors and alternative healers – they should read it. Listen to her wisdom and her perceptions of what a holistic, honest and compassionate medicine is all about.

As a closing remark, let me quote what some doctors say about hospitals.

  • Hospitals can be dangerous places – protect yourself at all times ~ Edward Creagan, Mayo Clinic cancer specialist (in: How NOT to be my patient).
  • (Our) perception of a hospital is that it’s a safe place … we are surrendering ourselves to the loving care of substitute mommies in an all-protective environment where we will be treated for a disease and make well again. The reality is that, hospital-related errors in treatment kill an estimated 180,000 Americans each year and injure hundreds of thousands more ~ Sheldon Blau, professor of medicine, SUNY Stony Brook (in: How to get out of the hospital alive). 
  • Robert Medelsohn, chairman of Medical Licensure Committee, State of Illinois, USA; associate professor at University of Illinois Medical School and director, Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago. This was what he said:


Lung-Liver Cancer: Why Patient Refused to Undergo Chemotherapy, Part 4

This is an interesting e-mail we received on 16 December 2011.

Hi Mr. Chris,

Good Day, I’m H from Tanjung Pinang – Indonesia. I’ve visited you in 2007 when my late father suffered from Liver Cancer. However we did not revisit you since our first visit. Frankly I thank you for your help to heal my father. My father passed away in October 2008. I have faith and believe in you to help cancer patients.

Now my friend’s father suffers from lung cancer. His condition is very weak. According to the doctor, maybe he will only live for six months. Now his family decided to seek your help. And will visit you as soon as possible.

Since his condition is too weak, is there any possibility of not to bring him (patient) to visit you in Penang?

His son will bring his medical report and visit you in Penang. If the patient must come along, we will have to wait until his condition is better and pay you a visit. Now he has no appetite. So the condition is not good.

Hope you can understand our situation and give us your advice.

Thank You & Warmest Regards,

The writer of the e-mail and his friend came to our centre in Penang three days later, on 19 December 2011.



Guan (S-82) is a 58-year-old man from Indonesia. After having coughs for about two months, he went to see a doctor in his hometown. An X-ray was taken. The doctor suspected pneumonia with mass in his lung. Guan then went to a private hospital in Johor for further consultation. A CT scan done on 6 December 2011 indicated cancer in his right lung that had spread to his liver. There were also right pleural effusion and pericardial effusion.


Guan then went to Singapore where a biopsy was performed. This cost him about S$1,500 but the results were not definitive and rather puzzling.  This is what the doctor’s report looks like.


After the biopsy, the doctor suggested chemotherapy. He was told that with chemotherapy he would be able to live for another two years. Without chemotherapy, he would only have six months. His family refused to undergo any chemo. And the son said he would not even bother to ask how much the treatment would cost.

Why did the family refuse chemotherapy?

The friend who accompanied the patient’s son said, “My friend’s father also had lung cancer. He was around 50 years old. He underwent chemotherapy in Singapore. He died after receiving one cycle of chemotherapy.”

Chris:  What you have done was not right at all. If you have already decided not to go for chemo, why did you go for the biopsy in the first place? The procedure cost you money. It was just a waste of money doing the procedure if you did not intend to proceed to the next step. Also some patients told me that after a biopsy they suffer pains. Besides that some people say a biopsy can spread the cancer further. But for the CT scan, it is okay to do it once to know what is inside.

Friend: “Another friend of mine – he was about 30 years old. He had bone cancer. He went for surgery in China. He received one cycle of chemo. The doctor asked him to quickly go home. One week later he was dead.


I have only one comment to make in this case.  According to the good doctor the patient need to do chemo so that he would live longer – for another two years. Without chemo the patient would probably be dead by six months. But to the family members they have seen what happened to their two friends. Both of them died after just a shot of chemo. Perhaps to live six months without chemo is better than trying his luck on the deadly chemo. How trustworthy is the doctor’s prognosis?

Let me close by quoting what I have read in this book, “Doctors in general should be treated with the same degree of trust as used-car salesman.”


THE COMPASSIONATE ONCOLOGIST … What Cancer Specialist Don’t Want Your to Know

Book reviewed by Yeong Sek Yee & Khadijah Shaari

For more details go to:

1) The Author:  This book is written by Dr James Forsythe. He earned his MD from the University of California at San Francisco. He is a board-certified oncologist and also a board-certified homeopath which makes for an interesting mix of Western and alternative medicines. The combination of the two allows Dr. Forsythe to be extremely creative in his approach to cancer. He is an integrative oncologist providing “the best of what both worlds have to offer.” Today, Dr. Forsythe enjoys a successful career as a medical oncologist who utilizes alternative treatments ~ Extracted from Knockout by Suzanne Somers, pg. 121).

2) What he does:  For more than 20 years, he has been interested in integrating alternative complementary and conventional medicine. Among medical professionals nationwide, Dr Forsythe has served as a highly respected leader in pioneering the combination of conventional, alternative and complementary medicine. His clinical and laboratory results show that, cancer patients who do integrative therapies have a greater likelihood of surviving with less toxic outcomes than those who choose conventional treatment alone.

3) What the Book is about: Dr Forsythe gives mind-blowing recommendations that many cancer specialists hope that you will never know about. In the book, he shocks the medical industry again by blowing the lid off the techniques used most often by standard cancer specialists to combat cancer. Do you realise that many standard oncologists know that certain cancer treatments including some chemotherapy regimens are likely to fail, but they never tell you beforehand?

Below is a summary of the main points in the book:

1) In the introduction chapter, Dr Forsythe explained “Why I Abandoned Conventional Oncology.” Why was he so disillusioned?

a)      We knew that the chemo was killing good cells, but we just hoped that it was killing enough bad cells too. All of the patients become horribly sick from the chemo and they were all miserable. Most of them also relapsed with cancer within a few years (page 16).

b)      During training, Dr Forsythe discovered how arbitrary the cancer protocols was…there was never a consensus about treatment (page 17). There are more than 100 “approved” cancer drugs…and there is no consensus on which drugs to use, what doses to use, how long to give them, or which types of cancer respond best to those drugs. All of these decisions are made arbitrarily and that turns patients into virtual guinea pigs. What conventional oncologists do agree on, however, is to attack the cancer with toxic drugs using the “slash and burn” approach, never deviating from the standard protocols (page 18).

c)      The biggest epiphany for Dr Forsythe come from the cancer survival rate numbers….”we were seeing only 2% of stage 4 cancer patients surviving after repeated rounds of slash and burn treatment.” His observation were confirmed in “The Journal of Oncology” in 2004 which reported that “in a large retrospective study, the overall survival rate for patients with stage 4 cancer receiving chemotherapy was only 2.1% in the US and in a similar study done in Australia showed only a 2.3% survival rate” (page 19).

d)      The above finding showed me (Dr Forsythe) that the over treatment approach and the treatment protocols using so many toxins constituted a failing strategy. Even if you were lucky enough to be one of those two out of a hundred who survived, you will have chemo brain symptoms, you might have heart and liver problems, and you would probably experience constant pain and the loss of feeling in your feet and toes (page 19).

e)      Those individuals who were lucky enough to survive Stage 4 cancers often suffered from many of the symptoms of toxic chemotherapy. These included chemo brain syndrome to peripheral neuropathies (nerve damage), cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease), liver failure, kidney failure, hearing problems, and severe bone marrow depressions requiring repeated transfusion of red cells and platelets (page 20).

f)       The quality of their lives, even though they may have survived cancer, was often times very dismal and Dr Forsythe wondered if it was “worth the price” for survival. There was an old saying at Oncology meetings, “We cured the cancer, but the patients died”(page 20).

g)      Under this prevailing dogma (Big Pharma’s indoctrination and drug-obsessed dogma), if you receive a heavy dose of chemo and you die after this first treatment, that would be considered okay because the oncologist did everything by the book. The oncologist has no liability as a result (page 21).  (Comment: In other words, you can get murdered and yet you have to pay for it as well)

h)      I, (Dr Forsythe) know from first-hand experience that oncologists and physicians aren’t allowed to talk about supplements or diet as part of cancer treatment. Their protocol is chemotherapy, using exact doses by the book, and when you have nausea or other side effects, they give you another drug for that and expect you to be content with the consequences (Comment:…and you pay for it as well)  (page 22)

i)        Another factor that disturbed me (Dr Forsythe) was the escalation in patient treatment costs especially when they are directed to use toxic or ineffective cancer drugs following cancer…this amounted to a royal fleecing of people who have been rendered vulnerable and fearful by the prospect of a painful death (page19).

j)        If I (Dr Forsythe) am giving you chemo that isn’t working, then I am just giving you a poison. It’s a waste of your time, your money, and your immune system’s precious resources. Meanwhile, your cancer is left to continue its deadly growth (page 22). (Comment: Where to find such a compassionate oncologist in Malaysia??)

2) In Chapter 3, Dr Forsythe described the “Treatments They Will Offer you” and the prospects is very frightening. Some comments on the effectiveness of chemo drugs are: 

a)      Unbeknownst to the patient…the conventional oncologist cannot and does not know for sure whether any of the treatments being proposed will in fact work for that specific patient’s cancer. The reason for this is that he is basing all of his recommendations upon the latest clinical studies, none of which ever reveal a 100% response rate, so he does not inform the patient that there is a possibility that none of these therapies could work for the patient’s specific cancer (page 42).

b)      While most independent and well-meaning oncologists base their therapeutic decisions for first, second, or third line chemo drug protocols on the results of the latest published studies, or on the yearly presentation given at the prestigious American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting, often it is akin to entering a dark room with a handful of darts and hoping to hit the centre of the dart-board blindly (page 127).

c)      …Conventional oncologists routinely administer powerful toxic chemotherapy drugs to cancer patients based on statistical probabilities that these drugs will have a positive effect on shrinking the cancer and moving the patient into a complete, partial or stable disease state. If they are wrong, as often happens, the patient is essentially taking a poison without any beneficial effects. What this means is that when ineffective chemotherapy is given, the patient must endure all of the toxicities without receiving any benefits whatsoever (page 109).

d)      It is important for cancer patients to know that there are no chemotherapy protocols which demonstrates 100% efficacy and therefore, basing drug  selection on clinical studies which show anywhere from 40% to 50%, 60% to 70%, or even 80% response rates is still only, at best, guess work. That turns cancer patients into virtual guinea pigs! (page 108).

3)  In Chapter 5, Dr Forsythe answers….What Do Chemo Drugs Contribute?

a)      …targeted therapies (such as Iressa, Tarceva, Erbitux, Avastin, Nexavar, Sutent, etc) … are they super drugs? Despite all the publicised successes, there is still a dark side to the evolution of these “super drugs”… the truth is that in many cases an increased survival duration of only 3 to 6 month be the actual benefit using them (page 63/64),

b)      Iressa ... touted as an orally targeted treatment for non-small cell lung cancer, has been found in follow-up studies to be no better than a placebo in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (page 64),

c)      The devastating side-effects of multi-drug chemotherapy on the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and nervous system continues to  throw a dark shadow of doubt on quality of life issues for those few patients who survive 5 years of chemotherapy for Stage 4 disease (page 65),

d)      Is it worth the expense and all of the toxic side affects you will experience from reliance on these drugs in order to survive and become only 2 out of 100 patients alive after 5 years? (page 65),

e)      American Cancer Society statistics reveal that the big 4 cancer survival rate in the past 20 years increased by only 2% whereas the survival rate for liver, lung, pancreas and kidney cancers has not improved significantly for the past 4 decades (40years). This is truly a grim reality (page 68),

f)       There has never been a panacea or “magic bullet” yet developed to treat cancer, nor is there any cancer yet that responds 100% to any single drug or group of drugs. The onslaught of “slash and burn” tactics used in the war leave the body’s intrinsic defense mechanisms-immune function, white blood cells, natural killer cells, —all totally depleted (page 68).

Other Notable Main Points Highlighted by the Author

4) How scientific is evidence-based medicine?

a)      …Only 20 to 30% of what doctors do on a daily basis has been subjected to evidence-based medicine (page 47),

b)      Any time a patient is on more than 2 prescription drugs daily, there is NO evidence-based study proving anything (page 47),

c)      Big Pharma rarely runs studies on patients taking more than 2 drugs at a time, and drug interactions for poly-pharmacy are virtually unknown and untested (page 47).

5) What Conventional Oncologist seldom discuss with patients

a)      Some important consideration that are never addressed by any conventional oncologists….the patient should know the cancer’s specific nutritional requirements, it’s need for simple sugars, it’s need for an acid environment, it’s need for a low oxygen environment , and the fact that cancer cells are low energy systems (page 40).

b)      …Oncologists and physicians aren’t allowed to talk about supplements or diet as part of cancer treatment (page 21).

(Comment: Is that why oncologists advise cancer patients that they can eat anything they like?)

6) How dangerous are CAT Scans and PET scans?

a)      … do not allow your doctor to over-test your body with excessive amounts of radiation including excessive CAT scans or PET Scans, which can often make your condition worse by weakening your immune system (page 31),

b)      … a single CAT Scan of the chest may be equivalent to 100 plain chest X-ray films and a PET scan performed with a radio-tagged sugar molecule may deliver 5 times the radiation dosage and exposure of a single CAT Scan(page 100),

c)      The” gold standard” and most invasive testing is that of the PET Scan, which by radiological standards delivers as much radiation to the recipient as the entire combination of a head, chest, abdomen, pelvis and home scan combined (page 34),

d)      The PET scan is based upon the fact that cancer cells, out of necessity rely upon simple sugars for this main source of nutrition. The scan itself uses a radio-tagged sugar molecule to essentially “light up” cancer anywhere in the body, except in the brain tissue which also rely upon sugar as its main source of energy. (page 34),

e)      Incidentally, the PET scan is not definitive by any means. A cancer deposit or metastasis must reach a diameter between 5.0 and 10.0 mm before it can even be detected on a PET scan. Therefore, a sizeable amount of cancer could be present in the body and not be detected at all on PET scanning (page 35).

7) Some concluding messages

a)      According to Big Pharma and the cancer industry, death from chemotherapy is acceptable as long as standard chemo protocol has been adhered to (page 91),

b)      Without specific knowledge of the genetic markers for specific tumours to guide them in composing chemo drug protocol, each oncologist is truly” shooting in the dark” (page108),

c)      The conventional oncologist’s main hope is that the chemotherapy will kill the cancer before it kills the patient (page 117). 

d)    “It was during my training at UC San Francisco that I discovered how arbitrary the cancer treatment protocols we were learning had already become. Someone would get an idea that we should prescribe a particular drug twice a week for this or that cancer and it should be a standardized dose. Many times there was no scientific evidence behind what they were saying…”

An interesting point to share with you. –  When I (YSK) came across this book, I wanted to buy it from prominent book seller like the Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Borders. None of them carried this book nor is it listed at all. Why?

From Hepatitis to Liver Cancer: Nexavar for Free – No Thanks

Sonny (not real name) is a 59-year-old male. He was diagnosed with Hepatitis B about five years. He opted for herbal treatment from Taiwan. After six months, his alpha-fetoprotein increased further indicating it was not effective. Nevertheless he continued to take the Taiwanese herbs up to this day.  About three years ago he went to see a doctor and was prescribed Lamivudine and ever since he has been taking both Lamivudine and the Taiwanese herbs.

In September 2011 Sonny had bloated stomach and lost his strength. An ultrasound of his abdomen indicated liver cancer. On 30 July 2011, his alkaline phosphatase was at 224, AST = 79 and GGT = 354 (all these values are beyond normal range). He was told by the doctor that he had an incurable, terminal stage liver cancer. He probably has two months to live or at most six to eight months. Before he dies he would vomit blood.

Sonny went to Singapore for a second opinion. A CT scan on 4 October 2011 showed a 14 x 12 x 12 cm tumour  in the caudate lobe. There was also a 3.8 x 3.4 x 2.4 cm nodule in Segment 2 of his liver. There was tumour thromhus demonstated in the right portal branch and the main portal view. Thrombus was also seen in the proximal left portal branch. In addition he had liver cirrhosis with mild splenomegaly and moderate ascites.

Blood test on 4 October 2011 showed elevated alkaline phosphate = 315, AST = 164, ALT = 73 and GGT  = 614.

His tumour markers, however, were within normal range – AFP 14.7, CEA 0.8 and CA 19.9 27.2.

There was nothing the doctor in Singapore could do for him. He was offered oral chemo drug, Nexavar which cost S$10,000 per month. He was told this would not cure him but could prolong his life for two months. However, the Malaysian doctor who first saw him did not recommend Nexavar because of its severe side effects.

Sonny then went to the University hospital in Singapore for another opinion. There was nothing more that could be done. Since the University is currently carrying out a clinical trial on Nexavar, Sonny was offered to take this drug for free. He said no thanks to this offer of free Nevaxar – listen to what he has got to say in the video below.


Lung Cancer: Surgery, No Chemo But On Herbs – CEA Elevated After Bad Diet


Jan (M471) is a 55-year-old male from Indonesia.  He is an ex-smoker of 40 plus years. Sometime in mid-2008 he had coughs. There was no blood in his sputum. He went to Melaka for a checkup. A CT scan indicated cancer of the lung. Not satisfied he came to Penang for a second opinion.

A colonoscopy, done on 20 September 2008, indicated haemorrhoids and presence of polyps in the colon and rectum. Biopsy of the colonic polyp indicated tubular adenoma associated with moderate dysplasia, while the polyp from rectum was hyperplastic.

CT scan of the thorax indicated a small irregular 1.7 x 1.7 x 1.6 cm nodule. The paratracheal, carinal and right hilar lymph nodes were enlarged ranging from 1 to 3 cm.  Impression: Features are suspicious of underlying early carcinoma of lung.

Jan underwent an operation to remove the tumour in his lung. He was told he had a 85 to 90 percent of cure if he had surgery. Histopathology report confirmed a moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, pT1N1Mx, Stage 2A. Surgical margins were free of malignancy. The total cost of his medical treatment came to about RM 35,000.

Jan was asked to undergo chemotherapy. He refused and came to seek our help on 8 October 2008. He was prescribed Capsule A, C-tea, Lung 1 and Lung 2 tea and GI 1 tea.

About a month later, 14 November 2008, Jan came back to see us again. He said he felt healthier and his sleep was better. He was asked to undergo chemotherapy. The doctor said chemotherapy can cure him. He declined.

Jan is from a small town in Sumatera. It is a long travel to come to Penang from his home. From home he has to take a 3-hour-bus-ride to a town where he would have to take another 24-hour-bus-ride to Medan. From Medan he has to fly to Penang. In spite of this long journey, Jan come to see us regularly.  On most visits to us, Jan said he was well and healthy with no complaints. His CEA decreased from the initial 133.66 (before surgery) to 27.6 (after two years on herbs). However, on 21 October 2010, Jan was jolted by the sudden rise of his CEA from 27.6 to 83.12 (See table). We were disappointed too. What had gone wrong? From experience we could roughly guess the answer. We asked him, “What did you eat wrong these past month?”



19 Sept 2008


15 July 2009


22 Oct 2009


14 May 2010


21 Oct 2010


Bad diet – ate meat, fried food and tau sar paw
4 Dec 2010


31 Mar 2011


25 Aug 2011



Jan admitted that since he was doing fine, he did not keep to his diet very well. He ate the food that we asked him to avoid such as meat, fried food and “tau sar pow” (bun made form sweet beans boiled in pork lard). He used corn oil for his cooking instead of coconut oil. We explained to Jan we did not know the cause of the rise in his CEA – it could be due to the problem of his colon since he had polyps or it could be due to his lungs. Anyway, the only option is to go back to his good diet again. Jan promised to do just that. About a month later, the CEA dropped to 75.58 only to increase again to 93.97 in March 2011. However, in August 2011 his CEA was down to 57.9. With this decrease Jan seemed to believe that diet is important for his wellbeing.

Overall, Jan’s health was alright. It has been three years since his lung surgery. And he declined chemotherapy and opted for herbs instead. Up to this day, he is able to eat, sleep and do his routine activities without any problem. It did not matter if the CEA was at 93.97 or 57.9 – these numbers did not make any difference in terms of his wellbeing. In short, his quality of life has been maintained through his cancer journey, minus the chemo of course.

Acugraph Study

The AcuGraph taken on 26 August 2011 showed improvements – a more balanced meridian reading compared to the one take on 22 October 2010 (below).


Some questions for you to reflect on:

  1. After surgery Jan refused to undergo chemotherapy in spite of being asked to do so by his doctor. What happened to him now? What could have happened if he was to undergo chemotherapy? Will he be as well as he is today?
  2. After the surgery, his CEA dropped from 133 to 51 and then to 27 – and he was only on herbs and “good” diet. Do you believe that herbs and diet are effective in keeping his cancer at bay? Or do you prefer toxic drugs to do the job?
  3. Jan started to take “bad” food after two years of being in good health. His CEA shot up to 83. He realized his mistake and started to go on his “good” diet again. After six months his CEA went down to 58. Do you still insist that cancer patients can eat anything they like and that food has nothing to do with cancer progression and/or recurrence?
  4. From October 2010 to March 2011, Jan’s CEA hovered around 76 to 94. In spite of that he felt well. His wellbeing was not affected by either a high or low CEA.  What does this tell you? Learn to live with your cancer! Don’t let the lab test numbers make you sick!

Dissecting Chemotherapy 11: No Chemo for Dad’s Liver Cancer – Wisdom of a Daughter

Daughter: My father was diagnosed with liver cancer in August 2011.

The doctor wanted him to do chemotherapy. We did not allow him to do so. I argued with the doctor.

The doctor did not get angry with you? Yes, he was but I did not bother. Since we did not want to go for chemo (injection) he was asked to take an oral drug for his liver. This cost RM 20,000 per month.

Wait, wait. Let’s start from the very beginning. Actually what happened and when? D: My father had winds in his stomach. This was in August 2011. He consulted a doctor who told him that he had a gallstone. His liver had some shadows. The doctor then suggested that my father do a CT scan. He went to do a CT scan and the result showed a Stage 2 liver cancer. The doctor suggested chemotherapy. We told the doctor we wanted to go home first and consult with all the members of the family. After that we went to seek a second opinion from a liver specialist.

The Second Opinion – the Liver Specialist

D: The liver specialist studied the CT scan. He also suggested chemotherapy. This time I accompanied my father to consult with this specialist because I did not want him to undergo the chemotherapy. I told the doctor, “We do not want chemotherapy.” When the doctor saw my father, he encouraged him to get admitted into the hospital. He said, “Uncle get admitted immediately and tomorrow we shall start with the chemo.”

I was not happy. The first doctor we consulted with told us that my father had to stop all his heart medications before undergoing chemotherapy. My father had a heart by-pass before. But this liver specialist did not even consider this. He was pushing my father to do chemo quickly. But I refused.

Okay, you refused chemo. What did the doctor say? D: I argued with him. Then I requested that he do another CT scan for my father. So, a second scan was done.

Did you ask the live specialist if chemo can cure your father of his liver cancer? D: Cannot. I asked him, “Doctor, you want to give chemo to my father – can you cure him?” The doctor could not give me an answer. He just kept quiet – no answer. Then he said. “It all depends on the patient himself.”

What ? It now depends on the patient? D: I asked the doctor further – “ You give my father the chemo, what can  happen to him after that?” He answered, “The liver may become hard, the patient becomes yellow (jaundice). And his eyes may become yellow.” I countered the doctor, “Okay doctor, my father currently has no pains, can eat, can sleep, can walk and move his bowels – after the chemo, his health is jeopardised  and he may not be able to do all these – what’s the whole idea?

What did he say to that? D: The liver specialist said, “I have found the best oncologist to do the chemo for your father, do you know that? I have already made the necessary arrangements for your father to do the chemo tomorrow. Now you tell me you don’t want to do it.” But I said, “In the first place, we never ever agreed to undergo chemo.”

But he told you, There is no cure and the patient becomes yellow – why do the chemo then?  D: I eventually told the doctor very bluntly, “My father doesn’t want to do chemo.” My mother also said, “The patient refused chemotherapy.”

How did he respond to that? D: Okay, if the patient did not want chemo, there is nothing we can do.

Did you ask him how much the chemo is going to cost you? D: No, we never get into that. He did not tell us about the cost and also how many cycles of chemo he was going to give.

Assistant to the Liver Specialist:  Patients come in healthy, they go out yellow! Why not try the RM 20,000-per-month oral drug for liver cancer?

D: The second CT scan report was ready after two weeks.  I requested to have a copy of the report so that I can bring it to you (CA Care). I went to the hospital and met the assistant of the liver specialist. He is also a medical doctor – a nice person. I asked him, “From your experience giving chemo to so many patients, how many really do well? This nice and friendly doctor answered, “To tell you the truth, patients come in looking healthy, but they go out looking yellow after the chemo.” This is what the assistant told me. Then the assistant said, “If you don’t want to do chemo, why don’t you take the oral drug instead. “ This drug cost RM 20,000 per month. But I told the doctor, “But doc., this drug has so many severe side effects” (Read this post: Benefit and side effects of Nexavar).

My Friend’s Husband Took the Oral Drug for Liver Cancer, He Vomited Blood and Died Within Two Weeks

D: The doctor replied, “ No, no serious side effects – you only feel itchy and have reddish palms.” I told the doctor, “My friend ‘s husband had liver cancer. He took the oral drug that cost RM 200,000 per month.  He vomited blood and within two weeks was dead.” The doctor went silent. He kept his cool and smiled. The he asked, “If you don’t want to do chemo for your father, what do you want to do then?” I replied, “I am going to bring my father to take herbs.”

What was his response? D: He said, “Go ahead and try it.”

He did not get angry with you?  D: No, he was not angry.

Did you know what is the name of that oral drug? Nexavar? D: I did not take note of that. I only know that it can damage the liver and kidney. I read this on the packaging of the medication.

They Just Want You To Do Chemo – That is the way it is

D: Unfortunately, that is the way it is with doctors today. They just want patients to do chemo. After injecting the chemo into you, the poison is already in the body – if you die, you die. That is your business.

Wife: The doctor told us, my husband is still strong. He will be able to withstand the chemo – he can withstand the chemo. D: No, no, I think he will die.

This is the way our world is now. You need to take care of yourself. You have to be responsible for your own health and wellbeing. If not, it may be like “just jumping into the sea.”

Read related story: My friend – business partner – died after chemo for his liver.

Dissecting Chemotherapy 10: No Chemo for Mom’s Breast Cancer – Wisdom of a Son

Patient is a 55-year-old female. She had a lump in her right breast and underwent a lumpectomy in June 2011. Unfortunately the job was not done well. The resected margins were not clean. Patient had to undergo another surgery and this time the whole breast had to be removed. The histopathology report confirmed an infiltrating ductal carcinoma, grade 2 with high grade DCIS (more than 25%) with 1/9 lymph nodes shows metastasis. The tumour is ER +, PR + and C-erb-B2: 2+.

After the surgery, the patient was asked to undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The son persuaded the mother not to go for further medical treatments. Patient came to us and was prescribed Capsule A, Breast M and C-Tea.

On 18 October 2011, I had the opportunity to talk with the patient and her son.

You were asked to do chemo? Patient: Yes, but I didn’t want to do it.

Why? P: (Looking towards her son) He did not want me to do it.

Ha, ha, he did not want to do it, not you didn’t want to do it.

How old are you now? P: Fifty-five years old.

Son: I did not have much confidence (in what they did on her). She went for an operation and after that the doctor asked her to do chemo. Before the surgery, I asked the doctor, “What is the reason my mother has breast cancer?” The doctor replied, “No reason. If it happens, it happens.” I don’t think this was a logical enough answer because any illness must have a cause. This doctor is an expert – so famous yet that was the answer he gave me – if the cancer is going to strike you, it strikes you.

Anyway, after my mother had the mastectomy, we were referred to an oncologist. She was told to undergo six cycles of chemo and fifteen sessions of radiotherapy. The doctor said, “You go ahead and do these treatments first. Later I shall inform you what else to do.” I asked the doctor, “She had just undergone an operation, can you confirm if there are still cancer cells in her?” The reply was, “No need to ask. You must go ahead and do these treatments.”  I asked him back, “If there are no more cancer cells in her, why must my mother do chemo?” The doctor replied, “Patients overseas do the treatments. We must follow what they do. So your mother has to do the same treatments.” (Son shaking his head) I don’t  think we have to follow what others do. It is illogical. As doctors I don’t think they should say such thing – other people do, so we must also follow. After all, all of us are different.

I again asked the doctor, “ If she were to do three cycles only and she is cured – do we still have to continue to do another three?” The answer was, “No, no, you must complete the entire six cycles. We must follow the protocol.”

According to my mind, this is not the right thing to do. I again asked the doctor, “After the chemo and radiation, do we still have to do other treatments.” The doctor answered, “Yes, yes, but let us not discuss that step yet.” I countered the doctor, “Does she need  to go on receiving the treatment, one after another until  she nearly reach the point when she is about to get into the coffin before the treatment ends?”

With such answers, I told my mother the way she is going does not  seem right.

My Friend Died After Chemo for His Liver Cancer

I had a friend – my business partner. He had abdominal pains. A checkup showed liver tumour.  The doctor asked him to go for an operation to remove it. He went for a second opinion. Another doctor told him surgery would be very risky. He might not survive. He should not operate.  My friend went to seek the opinion of a third doctor.  This one said he should undergo chemotherapy. My friend asked the doctor, “But doctor you only see the scan. You did not do a biopsy.” The doctor replied, ”If I do the biopsy, I might break the liver capsule.”

The family finally decided to undergo chemotherapy but they did not have any clue as to what chemo is. After the chemo, my friend’s abdomen bloated up. He could not eat or drink. He died within a few months. I saw with my own eyes what had happened to my friend. So I told my mother, “You don’t know what chemo is and you don’t know about the side effects that the doctor told us. Let us find another path. “

Chemotherapy and Radiation May Not Cure

They asked you to go for chemo and radiation – did you ask if these will cure your mother? Son: No cure. They said the cancer can come back again. They cannot guarantee anything.

Yes, right – no one can give you any guarantee. But I am a bit baffled. Just because others (Westerners) do these, we also must follow – we must do the same thing.

Parents Value Doctor’s Opinion More Than Their Son’s

My father and mother are not well educated. They only depend on the doctors to tell them what to do. As their son, they would not listen to my opinion. They believe the doctors more. There are things I can understand,  but old folks do not understand even if you tell them. Sometimes relatives come – they give their opinions too. That complicates things even more. Uncle, auntie, neighbours come and put pressure on us. Until now, some people still come to me and asked me to send my mother for chemo. They said that so and so had chemo and was cured. But everyone of us is not the same.

I have read – there were people who died after chemo and there were people who were cure with chemo. I have read all these and told my parents about these. They responded, “Why go and read all these.” They do not  have confidence in themselves.

Oh, they don’t want to learn for themselves? They only want to hear “good things” and only think that they can win? Son: Because they only believe in what the doctors tell them. Actually most old folks behave like this.

It is All About Money First

I checked all the information I got to see if they are true or false. It all boils down to money first. Like in my friend’s case, it is all about money when they discussed his case.

CA Care Website

You visited our website and watched the videos of patients telling their stories in Youtube. Can I ask you one question  –  do you believe what they said?  Son: At least there is something in there – the information in there are better than what the doctor provided. These are real stories of people. I also want to find out if the information is true or false.

I put it to you – how sure are you that the videos are not fakes – made up stories with actors posed as patients? Someone wrote me an e-mail asking how much I paid each patient to talk or act like that? Son: That had never crossed my mind at all. No, no, I don’t have that kind of feeling at all. After all, doctors are also telling the same thing – there is no guarantee about anything. You want to do chemo or anything – there is no guarantee but money must come first. But for the side effects – that not their responsibility.

Advice to Patient

(Turning to the patient) What does your heart say Auntie? P: I never think about this at all.

Your friends or relatives may ask you to go for chemo – are you confused? P: No (shaking her head).

No one can help you except you yourself. So please take care of yourself. This is your illness. We can only guide you as what to do but you must be responsible for yourself. What I tell you may be different from what your doctors tell you. It is up to you to believe me or not. I advise you to take care of your diet. They tell you, you can eat anything you like. In addition I advise you to exercise, take the herbs and be happy – don’t think so much. 

Breast Cancer: Herbs and e-Therapy Restored Her Wellbeing After 106 Times of Radiation Treatments Part 3: Why I Declined Chemotherapy / Medical Treatments

Acknowledgment: Permission to use this video without having to hide her identity is granted by the patient.

This is a bitter-sweet story of Le, a 37-year-old female from Indonesia. She came to us on 14 October 2011 after having been diagnosed with breast cancer that had probably spread to her lungs. She presented with aches and pains throughout her body, especially the joints. She could not bend her fingers.  She could not sleep well and she had coughs.

1.  My 42-year-old friend with breast cancer died after chemotherapy

Le:  My friend also had breast cancer like me. She died after two years. She went to Singapore to find the best medicine for her breast cancer. It started with just a tiny tumour. She had it removed and then underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She was okay. Then the cancer spread to her bones. They installed a chemo-port in her and she continued to receive more chemo. She took the best “bird nests”  to help her cope with the side effects of chemo. After this chemo, there were spots all over her skin.

Are you sure? Was she you friend?  Le: Yes. Even with such effects she continued to receive more chemos. In total she had 38 cycles of chemotherapy. After that she looked okay, okay but her nails were all dark. Then the cancer went to her backbone and spread to her brain. Then she continued with radiotherapy and more chemo in Surabaya. She died. 

How old was she? Le: Forty-two.

I fully understand, I understand.

2.  Four of my friends already died after medical treatments

Le: Four of my friends already died of cancer. Two of them had breast cancer, one had colon cancer and the other one had cancer of the uterus.

They were all your friends? Le: Yes, they died. They were all below their 50s. And they all had operation and chemotherapy.

They all died, and because of this you decided not to go for an operation and chemo? When did this happen – while you had your cancer? Le: When I had my breast cancer and they also had their cancers.

Oh, at the same time. They took a different road and you took a different path? Le: Yes, exactly.

I understand. I fully understand you. That is the reason why I did not want to push anybody who come here to go for chemo or radiation. The stories you have told me are being repeated over and over.

3. Uncle died after spending 6 Billion Rupiahs

Le:  My uncle had lung cancer. He went to Singapore for treatment. In all, he spent 6 miliar (billion) rupiahs. He also died. After so many chemos, even the veins in his arm seemed to disappear. He did not take care of his diet. He ate anything he liked. At the same time, I also had my cancer. He told me to eat what I liked but I refused to listen to his advice.

And your uncle died? Le: Yes, died after three years.

And at the same time, you also had your cancer. And is it because of this that you did not want to go for medical treatment? Le: No, no. There is a feeling inside me wanting to reject chemo.  These people did not die because of their cancers. They died because of their chemos. Their haemoglobin, platelets and white blood cells were all down and gone!

I understand you, I truly understand. But what I want to say is we should not totally reject medical treatments. At times we need the doctors to help us. We can use certain things that doctors do to help us. And we can reject those that are harmful to us. This is what I would tell patients.

 4.  See what happened to me now when I believed the doctor!

Le: I would agree to go to the doctors to check where my tumour is. But if they prescribe medication, I would not take it. See this is what happened to me  – this is the evidence! This is the first time I believed the doctor and this is what I get (figures unable to bend and later unable to walk after taking Tamoxifen for a month).


Read her full story:

Part 1: Well Being Restored After Two Days on Herbs and e-Therapy

Part 2: Alternative Therapies  –  My Twenty-One-Million-Rupiah Per Month Treatment

Part 3: Why I Declined Chemotherapy / Medical Treatments 

Part 4: Radiation Helped but Did Not Cure, Tamoxifen Disastrous

Part 5: My Dreams and Near Death Experience 

Part 6: My  Four Days of Healing at CA Care  

Dissecting Chemotherapy Part 9: Nose Cancer – Do Chemo You Go Blind, No Chemo You Also Go Blind

HG is a 53-year-old male from Singapore. In November 2010, he had a slight headache. His blood pressure was elevated. The doctor prescribed him medication for a month but this was not effective. His problem developed into double vision. An eye specialist could not found anything wrong with his eyes. HG was referred to an ENT. A brain MRI was performed. There was no indication of anything wrong. A nasal endoscopy done also did not reveal anything wrong. Nevertheless the ENT performed a biopsy.

A biopsy report dated 9 November 2010 indicated a non-keratinising, undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma of the left post-nasal space.

The doctor suggested radiation or chemotherapy. HG declined the treatment, believing that this is too invasive.

In February 2011, GH consulted another ENT in private practice. A nasal endoscopy was again performed. Again, nothing was found. A biopsy was again done. The result confirmed previous finding of an undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

HG was told by the oncologist that the nerves affected his eyes, hence the double vision. The treatment would take about one year and during this period he would not be able to work.  HG was also told, “The chemo would be able to cure, but you may go blind. And if you don’t do chemo you also go blind.”  HG asked himself, “What kind of a quality of life is that?”

HG was in a real dilemma when he came to see us on 22 July 2011. He wanted to try the herbs.  HG was prescribed Capsule A, deTox tea, NPC 1 and NPC 2 teas, Brain Tea and Pain Tea. For his frequent urination he was given A-Kid-6 tea.

We reminded HG that we would not promise any cure at all. If after taking the teas for a few weeks and there was no positive indication, then HG should consider finding someone else or something else to help him.

We suggested that GH consult another doctor. He shook his head violently and said, NO!

The Cold Hard Facts About the US Cancer Program: Misguided and Ineffective

Townsend Letter, the Examiner of Alternative Medicine, is a magazine published in Washington, USA. It is written by researchers, health practitioners and patients. Its editorial staff is headed by Jonathan Collin, a medical doctor. The aim of this magazine is to provide a forum for discussion on the pros and cons of alternative medicine.

In October 2010 and August /September 2011 issues of The Townsend Letter are two interesting articles, The US Cancer Program and Specific Types of Cancer, 1975–2007: A Failure (Part 1 and 2) by Anthony D. Apostolides, PhD, and Ipatia K. Apostolides, BA.

Dr. Anthony D. Apostolides is a researcher and teacher of health-care economics. He received a doctoral degree in economics from the University of Oxford, UK, and a master’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh.

Ipatia K. Apostolides has more than 15 years of experience in the cancer field (Cleveland Clinic Foundation, and Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati). She has a bachelor’s degree in biology from Case Western Reserve University.

You can read their papers by clicking this link:  Part 2:

and Part 1:

  1. The authors examined cancer statistics over a span of 32 years, from 1975 to 2007. Studying data over a long-term period like this provides a more accurate and reliable evaluation. The authors wrote:  “Public announcements are typically made by government agencies and presented in the news media, by using cancer statistics that cover only a short period – for example, 2 to 3 years. In such cases, the public can easily be misled, since a short time period conceals the more comprehensive, long-term picture of the disease.”
  2. The data they used for their studies are from SEER-9 (Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results). Cancer statistics review 1975–2007 [online document]. Available at:
  3. With regard to assessing the treatment … the criteria used were the mortality rate and the numbers of Americans who died from a cancer.
  • A constant or increasing mortality rate of a cancer over time, along with increased number of deaths, indicates a failure … in the treatment of that cancer.
  • If the mortality rate declines over time but the number of deaths increases, then the program for the treatment side is shown to be a failure.
  • If the mortality rate declines over time and the number of deaths decline, this indicates success in the treatment of a cancer.

Here are some of the cold, hard facts about cancer today.

  1. Lifetime Probability of Americans Getting Cancer
  • During 1975 to 1977 – probably of male was 33%, i.e., 1 in 3 males would get cancer.
  • During 1990 to 1992, the probably for male climbed to a shocking 46% to 50%, almost 1 out of 2.
  • During 1975 to 1977 – probably of a woman was 34%.
  • During 1990 to 1992, the probably for a woman climbed to 42%, very close to 1 out of 2.

          2. Mortality or Death due to Cancer

  • From 1975 to 2000 – more Americans per 100,000 died from cancer than in 1975.
  • More died from cancer in 2006 than in 1975.
  • The number of Americans who died of cancer in the 1990s and 2000s translates into 63 deaths every hour of the day, or 1 every minute of each hour.

           3.       The US Cancer Program: Misguided and Ineffective

Cancer death or mortality relates to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of treatments. An increasing mortality rate shows lack of effectiveness of the cancer treatment.

  • Death rate increased from 1975to 2000. It did not decrease nor did it even stay the same as in 1975.
  • From 2000 to 2006 death rate was virtually zero decrease.
  • For every year following 1975, the number of Americans dying from cancer rose annually until 2000. If the cancer treatment program of the US had been successful, there would have been declines in the cancer mortality rate after 1975 instead of increases. This indicates an inefficiency in the treatment of cancer patients.
  • From 2000 to 2006 death rate may well have been affected by the increasing use of alternative or integrative treatments for cancer. People have increasingly become discouraged with and weary of traditional cancer treatments (chemotherapy, etc.), and more would have chosen to use either an integrative approach (combining an alternative approach with conventional treatment) or solely alternative treatments.

The authors wrote:

  • The American people have been paying too high a price – with their lives – for a misguided and ineffective cancer program.
  • In a proper framework of providing treatment, cancer patients would be given the choice of approach to pursue – based on currently available information. They could then choose and accept their preferred method of treatment. There could be at least three choices: (1) conventional approaches (surgery, etc.); (2) integrative approaches; and (3) alternative approaches.
  • It is a sad and incredible fact that presently Americans do not have such a freedom of choice in cancer treatment.
  • The NCI (National Cancer Institute) should be radically revamped, to include much more work on alternative treatments for cancer. This is unlikely to happen with the current structure of the NCI. There are many vested interests there in maintaining the status quo, and a substantial change in its program would indicate acceptance of the fact that its treatment programs did not work.
  •  It seems unthinkable that the US, which professes to champion freedom around the world, does not offer that same freedom to its people in their choice of cancer treatment. That is the mark of a totalitarian regime.
  • Consequently, the last hope of a change in cancer prevention and treatment remains on the shoulders of the American people. They need to be informed and convinced of the need for change. Then, they need to organize and act, at the political level, to transform the cancer program.

The authors, Dr Anthony  and Ipatia Apostolides are not alone in calling for a radical change in the way we handle cancer today. Over the past years, many other brave souls have spoken up but unfortunately nothing had changed or are going to change!

Other Experts Echoed A Similar Message

  1. In the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (8 May 1986; 314:1226-1232) Harvard professors, John Bailar III and Elaine Smith, wrote an article, Progress against cancer? The authors assessed the overall progress against cancer during the years 1950 to 1982 and concluded that there is “no evidence that some 35 years of intense and growing efforts to improve the treatment of cancer have had much overall effect on the most fundamental measure of clinical outcome—death… We are losing the war against cancer”.
  2. In Fortune Magazine, 22 March 2004, Clifton Leaf, the Executive Editor of the magazine and also a survivor of Hodgkin’s disease, wrote an article, Why We’re Losing The War On Cancer [And How To Win It] [Avastin, Erbitux, Gleevec … The new wonder drugs might make you think we’re finally beating this dreaded scourge. We’re not. Here’s how to turn the fight around.] The author asked, “Why have we made so little progress in the War on Cancer? The question may come as a shock to anyone … we are far from winning the war. So far away, in fact, that it looks like losing… Just count the bodies on the battlefield. In 2004, cancer will claim some 563,700 of your family, friends, co-workers, and countrymen. More Americans will die of cancer in the next 14 months than have perished in every war the nation has ever fought … combined. Even as research and treatment efforts have intensified over the past three decades and funding has soared dramatically, the annual death toll has risen 73%”.
  3. Dr. Guy Faguet received his M.D. degree in Bogota, Colombia. He pursued postgraduate studies in Internal Medicine at the University of Texas, and in Hematology/Oncology at Ohio State University, leading to an academic career at the Medical College of Georgia. He has published more than 140 peer-reviewed articles. In his book, The War on Cancer – an anatomy of failure and a blueprint for the future, Dr. Faquet wrote, “The message of this book is that, contrary to recurrent announcements of breakthroughs in the War on Cancer designated to influence policy makers and impress the public, little progress has been made in the treatment of cancer since the enactment of the National Cancer Act of 1971.  An objective analysis of cancer chemotherapy outcomes over the last three decades reveals that, despite vast human and financial expenditures, the cell-killing paradigm has failed to achieve its objective … and the conquest of cancer remains a distant and elusive goal … the three crucial measures of progress in the War on Cancer, cure rates, prolongation of survival, and quality of life, remain stagnant despite enactment of the National Cancer Act of 1971″.

Kidney-Lung-Brain Cancer: Sutent = Heart Damage

MF (H614) is a 49-year old male.  He and his family came to seek our help on 27 May 2011. Watch this video and listen to his story.



Gist of our conversation.

  • MF was diagnosed with kidney cancer in June 2004. As a result his left kidney was removed. This operation cost him RM 8,000. After the operation MF was told that everything would be alright since the cancer had been removed. He was told not to worry and could go back to his normal life again. After all, the cancer has been cured.
  • It was not to be.  Three years later, June 2007, the cancer had spread to his lungs. MF received 10 times of radiation treatments. Then he was told that there was no further treatment.
  • MF turned to herbs. He received fresh herbs from a farm in Johor. He took the herbs for almost one a half years. According to MF, his lung cancer did not improve, but he did not get worse either.
  • But a CT scan done on 1 April 2009 showed the mass had increased in size from 5 x 5 x 7cm to 4 x 11.5 x 6 cm. The lymph node increased (?) from 2.5 x 4.5 x 6 cm to 3 x 3 x 4 cm. Impression: Features are suggestive of progressive enlargement of the right hilaar mass with lymph nod metastasis. Suspicious right main pulmonary artery thrombosis.
  • MF turned to medical treatment again. In May 2009, he was accepted into a Patent Assistance Program on Sutent offered by a local university hospital. For the first three months on Sutent, MF had to pay a total cost of RM 51,000 for the drug. After that, Sutent was supplied free of charge.
  • A CT scan on 4 September 2009, i.e.,  after about four months on Sutent – showed the right lower lobe is much smaller now …  measures approximately 5 x 4.4 cm.  Impression: Left renal cell carcinoma with lung metastases post nephrectomy and chemotherapy showing good response to chemotherapy as evidenced by significant reduction in size of the lung metastases.
  • MF was on Sutent from May 2009 until March 2011. He took 4 pills a day for 4 weeks followed by 2 weeks of rest. Then the cycle was repeated. He suffered numerous side effects after taking Sutent. Among them are:
  1. swollen and bleeding gum
  2. fingers of skin became thin and peeled off
  3. legs with blisters with fluid. It was painful when he stepped on the floor.
  4. rashes on the body
  5. breathing was slow
  6. coughs with blood clot
  7. skin became yellow like jaundice
  8. his black hairs and eye brow turned white
  9. urine with bubbles
  10. the worse side effect was heart failure – currently on heart medications.

He wrote, “This problem (heart failure) was detected in February 2011. And the doctor advised me to stop Sutent indefinitely. Now, I am looking for an alternative treatment. Hopefully you can help me.”



3 June 2011

Dear Dr. Chris,

My father, from Malacca who visited you last Friday (27 May 2011) at Penang was admitted to Melaka General Hospital today. He doesn’t have energy to walk, lost the power to speak and see everything in blur ways. May I know what causes all these? My mother gave him the herbal tea to drink as you told. And he lost his appetite. Thus when the doctor checked his sensitivity, his left side of body is less sensitive than his right side of body. Are these the symptoms of having mild stroke? Hope you can reply me as soon as possible. Thank you.

Reply: I cannot tell you exactly what happen — because I am not there to know what actually was going on … even more so when after all the drugs that he was taking …. he is the one who took Sutent and got the heart attack right?

7 June

Dear Dr.Chris,

My father’s cancer cells from the kidney which spread to the lungs a few years ago, now has spread to his brain. I found this from the doctor after doing the CT scan yesterday. The doctor says that there are many white spots on his brain and he has a high level of calcium. Doctor says that maybe it has spread to the bone too, but unfortunately, they don’t have the machine for the bone scan in Melaka General Hospital. And, my father keeps on complaining about his headache. What should my mother and I do right now?

Reply: I think I have already told you this … from the Kidney it goes to the lungs and from the lungs it goes to the brain. That is the way it goes and Suntent makes things worse. I am in the US now and shall only come home in July. I really don’t know what else to say.

Lessons we can learn from this case

1. Surgery does not cure any cancer. It is a big mistake to think that after a surgery, the cancer is gone. It is most unfortunate that patients are not forewarned of this possibility of recurrence.  Even if you are told that the cancer has all been taken out, please take this with a pinch of salt! The cancer can come back again. And if you are told to go home and eat anything you like, remember that may not be a good advice at all as in this case. Read another story, Kidney Cancer Part 1: Get it removed! …….

2. MF was on herbs for more than a year. He was not getting worse. He said he was not getting better either. For sure, he did not suffer during those months while on herbs. Also he did not have to spend RM 51,000 on the herbs. MF turned to Sutent and he took the drug for over a year. He had to endure all the side effects. Sutent consumption had to be stopped after his heart was damaged. Which is more beneficial – the so called unproven herbs or the so called scientifically proven Sutent? In addition to those side effects, he had to fork out RM 51,000 –  worth it?

3.  After about four months on Sutent, the CT scan showed the lung mass became smaller. The CT scan report reads, “good response to chemotherapy as evidenced by significant reduction in size of the lung metastases”. Unfortunately, reduction in tumour size (although accepted by the US-FDA and medical community as an indicator of effectiveness) is meaningless. After a prolonged consumption of Sutent, in February 2011, MF suffered a heart failure and the doctor advised MF to stop taking Sutent indefinitely. So ended this sad story about Sutent.

4.  Before taking any chemo drugs – this is our advice to all patients. Ask some basic questions first  — such as, Can the drug cure your cancer? What are the side effects of the drugs?  Check with the internet to verify the information provided to you by the doctors.  Be reminded by what Professor Jane Plant said (in Prostate Cancer, page 231), “Much of the advice given to us, even from some government sources, cannot be regarded as reliable, because of the overwhelming influence of vested-interest groups. We must, therefore, rely very much on ourselves and our own efforts to safeguarding our health.”

Below are information obtained from the official website of the Sutent company

The possible side effects of Sutent are

  1. SUTENT can cause serious liver problems, including death.
  2. SUTENT may cause heart problems, including: heart failure, heart muscle problems (cardiomyopathy) and abnormal heart rhythm changes.
  3. SUTENT may cause high blood pressure
  4. SUTENT may cause bleeding sometimes leading to death. Serious bleeding problem such as painful swollen stomach (abdomen), vomiting blood, black sticky stools and bloody urine
  5. SUTENT may cause hormone problems, including thyroid and adrenal gland problem.
  6. Tiredness that worsens and does not go away
  7. Loss of appetite
  8. Heat intolerance
  9. Feeling nervous or agitated, tremors
  10. Sweating
  11. Nausea or vomiting
  12. Diarrhea
  13. Fast heart rate
  14. Weight gain or weight loss
  15. Feeling depressed
  16. Irregular menstrual periods or no menstrual periods
  17. Headache or change in your mental status.
  18. Hair loss
  19. The medicine in SUTENT is yellow, and it may make your skin look yellow. Your skin and hair may get lighter in color
  20. Weakness
  21. Fever
  22. Gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, upset stomach, abdominal pain, and constipation.
  23. Rash or other skin changes, including drier, thicker, or cracking skin
  24. Blisters or a rash on the palms of your hands and soles of your feet
  25. Taste changes
  26. Pain or swelling in your arms or legs
  27. Cough
  28. Shortness of breath
  29. Bleeding, such as nosebleeds or bleeding from cuts.

Alert … Beware

I accessed this link on 18 September 2011:

Sutent (Sunitinib) – Adverse Event Reports – Death

Cases resulting in death (704). You shall see the entry like this …

Suspect drug(s): Sutent

Possible Sutent side effects / adverse reactions in 52 year old male

Reported by a physician from United States on 2010-03-31

Patient: 52 year old male, weighing 70.0 kg (154.0 pounds)

Reactions: Renal Cancer, White Blood Cell Count Increased, Disease Progression

Adverse event resulted in: death

Suspect drug(s): Sutent

Read more: Sutent for Advance Kidney Cancer

Kidney Cancer Part 2: Two Oncologists Two Different Opinions – Is Sutent indicated in this case?

Read more about Kidney Cancer:

Colon Cancer: Oncologist Said Chemotherapy Would Not Cure Her or Make Any Difference –But CEA Declined After Herbs

This is an e-mail we received on 16 October 2010.

Dear Dr. Chris K.H. Teo,

My mom’s oncologist told us her cancer had recurred and if she does chemo it will extend her life by another six months, and if lucky another twelve months.  But the oncologist does not recommend chemo and thought the treatment would make her worse. He suggested waiting until her condition becomes painful or other symptoms appear. He told us chemotherapy does not cure her cancer and it does not make much difference.

I found out about you from the internet. I would like to bring my mom to see you to help treat her.

We are living in Singapore and planning to go to Penang next week to see you. I think we may need to stay in Penang but not sure how many days to stay. Are you able to advise how many days we should stay? I saw the video on healing crisis after taking your herbs. I’m afraid if we just take your herbs and go back, my mom may experience pain, vomiting or has diarrhoea, Then my mom may think the herb is not working and would not like to continue taking the herbs. I think your presence and guidance will give us confidence to face the battle against her cancer.

Here is what I know of my mom’s condition and cancer.

Histology report identified the cancer to be mucinous adenocarcinoma of the iluem which has invaded the muscular wall and peritoneal surface. Conclusion: Pseudmyxoma peritonei, stage 2B.

Surgery was done to remove 10cm of iluem and 7.5 cm of caecum. This was March 2010.

She refused to undergo chemotherapy immediately after surgery.

Subsequently doctor ordered blood tests and PET/CT scan. Her CEA marker has been rising from 5.4 to 6.3, 9.6 and yesterday the oncologist said her CEA was12.9. But the PET/CT did not show any tumour.

My mom easily gets stomach and intestine bloating and discomforts, after she takes cooling food or if it is cold/rainy weather. Even some vegetables make her have loose stools and diarrhoea. Ginger tea helps remove the wind.

Other than that she is losing weight, about 0.5 to 1 kg every 3 to 4 weeks.

She can eat, sleep and has no pain. She has been taking some Chinese medicine to help her but her condition is like above with CEA rising. We do not know what the Chinese medicine contains. Please reply as soon as you can. We pray for God’s help and yours too.

Patient (H-434) and her son came to see us in Penang on 22 October 2010.

e-mail 28 October  2010

Hi Chris,

My mom … is happy and confident about the herbs you prescribed her. She fell asleep Tuesday morning and I didn’t want to disturb her. So we did not come to see you on Tuesday. Please accept my apologies for not turning up Tuesday morning. I’ll keep you updated about her progress via email. Many Thanks and God bless you and Ms Teo.

e-mail 29 October 2010

Thanks for the update —- when she goes home, how is she? Does she feel any better now?


e-mail 1 November 2010

She feels better after taking the herbs you have prescribed. Thanks for your concern and please take care too.

e-mail 18 May 2011

Hello Dr Chris,

After taking your herbs, her cancer marker came down from 12.9 to 8.8 and the doctor advised her to come back in six months for checkup. My mom feels okay now. I made vegetables and apple juice for her once a week. But she finds them ‘cooling’ and gets diarrhea / indigestion or lots of gas after that. Taking ginger soup helps though.

The patient came to see us for the second time on 21 May 2011. Listen to our conversation that day


The doctor conveyed this gloomy prognosis:

  • Since cancer has recurred, patient had only about six months more to live – or at best with luck, a year!

Since human beings are not God, we always tell patients, Believe the diagnosis but don’t believe the prognosis. It is sad that the practitioner of noble profession has come to a point of not realizing what he says is insensitive or   damaging to the patient whom he is supposed to help. Telling patients that they are going to die soon is inflicting a nocebo effect.

The oncologist did not recommend chemo and thought the treatment would make her worse. How many oncologists would admit to the fact that there is no cure for metastatic cancers and that chemotherapy will do more harm than good? In most cases and most of the time, chemotherapy seems to be the standard fare “dished” out to all patients – irrespective of age or stage.

Given that this patient has come to the end of the road, there is no option left other than alternative medicine.  In spite of that, we often have to remind patients that they have to relax and take it easy. Face the fact squarely and fairly. Do not come expecting us to “dish” out an instant or magic cure. One patient wrote that after taking herbs and the change to vegetarian diet and juices for a month, the tumour is still growing in her colon! What do you expect? Cure cancer with herbs and juice within a month?

Another mistake that caregivers often commit is to over-react. After reading about the purported benefits of juices, raw diet, supplements, etc. they would go over-board feeding their loved ones with all these stuff, sometimes resulting in more problems. In this case, the enthusiastic  son thought that juices might perhaps cure his mother. His mother has a yin (cool) body and cannot tolerate raw food and juices. So she ended end up having diarrhea.

Listen carefully to what this patient said if you want to live well with your cancer. She had clearly accepted her lot and has a positive attitude. Relax, be happy and take life easy. Enjoy your days while there is still time to enjoy. You don’t have to give up but at the same time you don’t have to live each day with fear of dying. Go out and smell the flowers.

Update:  27 February 2012

Hello Dr Chris,

My mom is getting better. Just 2 weeks ago she went for medical test and the doctor said he cancer CEA marker has dropped to 5.9. Thank you Dr Chris. And wishing you good health.

Reply:  Wah, your mom is doing well and her CEA  is 5.9 ? What did her doctor say? Did the doctor ask her why? Did he know that she is taking herbs? And is your mom taking the herbs without stopping?

Yes my mom CEA was as high as 12. She continues to take your herbs. We now add ginger into the C-Tea so that she does not get stomach bloatedness.

Doctor did not even ask why the marker reading is low or ask whether she is taking herbs. All they do is blood tests for cancer marker. Also because her doctor got promoted he now passed my mom to one of the doctor in his team. We only found out on the day of the medical appointment. Also I learned from the nurse that the promoted doctor attends to private patients only. What a surprise to us the way they handled patient.

When Modern and Alternative Medicines Co-exist Miracles Can Happen – Chemo Followed by Herbs + e-Therapy + Spirituality = Exceptional Healing

Miracles have no place in modern medicine. But Dr. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. wrote in his book, Miracles Do Happen, “Although the conventional approach promises miraculous cures, it often provides only temporary treatment of symptoms and side effects. Fortunately, many alternatives still hold the potential for producing personal miracles. I first became aware of miracles a quarter century ago. Prior to that time, even though miracles occurred regularly, I never noticed them.”

Dr. Norman Shealy went on to say, “allopathic medicine has ignored the most important aspect of healing – the untapped miracle of the individual’s personal will, intuition and heart. When will, intuition and heart are united, even for a few moments, miracles occur.”

For those who care to see, shall see miracles. But for those who wish to turn a blind eye to what is happening around them, would see nothing. I am presenting you this case study. I believe this is a miracle at work on a personal level. I have written two articles about this case earlier but only from the perspective of reporting a case obsessed with results and CT scans, etc. I missed “seeing” the miracle then.

This patient, Anne, came back to CA Care again from 19 – 29 August 2011. This time I had the opportunity to learn more about her case. This led to my realization that I have missed out something very important. We cannot learn from patients if we spend only 5 to 10 minutes talking to them. Since the details of Anne’s medical history had been presented earlier, I shall not delve into that anymore. To read our earlier articles on Anne, click on these links:

  1. Lymphoma: Herbs and e-Therapy Brought Her Back to Good Life Again After Eight Chemos
  2. Cancer: What It Takes To Be A Winner



CA Care as a source of information 

  • Before I came to CA Care in April 2011, I read through your website and saw the videos. The information helped me a lot. I was hopeful that I too would be as like those featured in your video clips – lymphoma cases like Devi and Siew.
  • Did you really believe in those videos? Or, were these so-called patients merely “paid actors” trying to mislead others? I have no doubtful feeling in my heart.
  • Besides, I also read your book. So I came rather prepared with a trusting heart hoping for the best to happen.

Comment: This is our advice to cancer patients:  If you don’t believe in what we do, please go elsewhere for help. We put out those videos and case studies, blogs, etc., as a source of information for those who need them. Over the years we have been collecting data, learning and documenting from the experiences of our patients. This is part of our research, not a tool for propaganda to make business. In science, documentation is important for future evaluation. Meaningful successes in our work are the only motivating factor that sustain and kept us moving   forward.  It is most satisfying to know that Anne benefited from our therapies.

Chemotherapy was necessary – no choice 

  • I was in pain and for 3 days was unable to sleep or lie down. My abdomen and both my legs were swollen. I lost my appetite. I was hospitalized for a month. Husband: During that time 8 bottles of fluid had to be tapped out each day – a bottle was 500 ml.
  • In the second week in the hospital, my condition deteriorated and the surgeon suggested chemotherapy – there was no other choice. I underwent chemotherapy and my condition improved. The swelling subsided. After a month, I was discharged from the hospital. During that time I still had a bit of swelling in my legs and pains in my abdomen.

Comment: In this situation chemotherapy is life-saving. Go for it. When there was no other choice, the choice of chemotherapy proved to be beneficial.

My health during chemotherapy 

  • I received a total of 8 cycles of chemotherapy. My appetite improved but I was not able to sleep well. I had no strength. I was not able to stand up by myself and I needed help to get up. I was not able to bathe by myself because my abdomen was painful and I was not able to bend over. For about a month, my husband had to bathe me.
  • I had fevers very often and later the biopsy wound in my abdomen burst open and pus was released. After this episode, there were no more fevers. After this, my eye developed an infection and swelled. There was also a time when my whole body became itchy. With medication, the itch disappeared after a month.
  • My movements were restricted due to lack of strength and feeling of instability or imbalance when walking.  I was house-bound. The only time I went out was to see my doctor. I have to use the wheel chair. During that time I not able to attend church at all. My friends would visit me at home.

 My health after completion of chemotherapy 

  • There was no more swelling of my stomach but my doctor said only 50 percent of the tumour in my abdomen was gone. I was asked to eat eggs and meat to increase my protein level.
  • From August 2010 until April 201i, I took all kinds of supplements that friends introduced to me. I took ………….
  • I gained more strength and could walk. I cooked my own food in the morning. I cook only once in the morning and ate the same food for the whole day. I only cook and was not able to do any other house chores.
  • Two or 3 months after chemotherapy, I was able to bathe myself without help.
  • I did not have any pain but there were sores or ulcers in my mouth. My stomach was very congested and uncomfortable.
  • During this time, I was able to go to church and once a while did some shopping. Because I still did not have much strength my shopping trip was very brief. I felt imbalance and dizzy when I walked.
  • I still needed a wheelchair 2 or 3 months after chemotherapy.
  • During the 8 months period after chemotherapy, my health was not fully restored, though I felt better than while I was having chemotherapy.

Recurrence – No More Chemotherapy for Me 

  • In January 2011, the cancer came back. There were swellings in my left cheek and neck. A biopsy of the lump in the neck showed recurrence. My doctor suggested more chemo. I refused. I told my doctor I could not stand the side effects of chemotherapy anymore.
  • Besides the side effects, the new chemo is going to be more expensive. Just the drug alone would cost 10 million rupiah and I need to do 8 cycles of chemos. This cost does not include charges by the doctor, hospital, scanning, etc.
  • On top of it all, the outcome is not guaranteed. The doctor was not able to predict the outcome.
  • After all, I have just completed 8 cycles of chemo in August 2011, and within 4 months the cancer came back.
  • Were you upset or disappointed by this turn of event? Did you get angry with God? I asked God why? Why  this thing happened? No, I was not angry with God but I did ask Him why.
  • After I declined chemotherapy, the doctor suggested that I undergo radiotherapy. I declined that too.
  • Did the doctor get angry when you declined his recommendation for chemo or radiotherapy? No, he did not. I told my doctor, I am ready to “go home.” I am not prepared to go through the side effects of the chemo again. There is no need for me to suffer again. And it is not necessary to spent more money. Let me just “go home”.
  • If I could remember correctly, this was how my doctor responded, “Go back and think this over.”

Comment: Indeed the oncologist response was very honest and fair. Patients must be allowed to make their own decisions without any duress or fear.

I decided to go for CA Care herbs

  • Before I underwent chemotherapy, a friend gave me your book but I was afraid to read it and kept it aside somewhere. In April 2011, after the recurrence, somehow I came across  your book again. After reading the book, I decided to try your herbs. I did not want to go for more chemo. I made that decision on my own. I was prepared to take whatever risks that comes with it.
  • I discussed this with my family – 11 siblings in all, and also my children. They supported my decision. My friends said they would uphold me through their prayers.

My health improved after taking the herbs

  • When you came to CA Care in April 2011, were you in good health? My health was not good. My legs were weak and when I walk I had no strength and felt very unstable. My stomach was bad. My heart palpitation started to show up.
  • When you first came here, what was your expectation? At first I thought CA Care was a hospital! But when I came here, it turned out to be something else! When I was in Jakarta , I had a phobia for hospital. When I went to see my doctor I felt afraid and depressed seeing all those patients. But at CA Care I did not feel that way at all. 
  • Did you come to find a “magic bullet” here? Something that can instantly cure your cancer? No. When I read your book and the articles in the website, I understand that healing is a process that takes time. I don’t expect to find an instant cure. Although at first, I found the herbs did not taste good, I persisted and take them. The diet you advocated is most difficult to follow at first. But gradually I adapt to this change that you asked me to do. Now, I am fully compliant with your advice.
  • If I were to ask you to go back to your old diet, would you do it? No. Because after I completely changed to this healthy diet my body felt much better.
  • The path that I asked you to take is difficult – did you harbor any resentment in your heart for having to go through this? No. As I continued to take the herbs, I felt better. Before the herbs, I was not able to pass out wind and my stomach was uncomfortable. With the herbs, I passed out a lot of wind and my stomach felt better. I felt movements in my intestines. Before that I felt everything was “cramped” up. As my health improved I was able to sleep better. I had more strength to walk and when I walked I felt more stable. Every morning, I used to go out to enjoy the morning sun.  Before the herbs, I could not feel the sunlight on my skin. And I did not sweat. But after the herbs, I could feel the sunlight and I also sweat. I knew that my health had gradually improved. All these happened within the first two months after I started taking your herbs.

 e-Therapy in Penang

  • You came back to CA Care after 2 months on the herbs. We started the e-Therapy – did you benefit from this? Yes. The swelling in my cheek became smaller and I felt better.
  • After a week on the e-Therapy you went back to Jakarta. Did your health deteriorate? No, everything was good until one day when I  ate “tempeh”. It was hard and I chewed it. It caused laceration on the inside of my mouth. The lump in the cheek became bigger and I felt “warm.” I did not feel good again.
  • On 19 August 2011 you came back again and stayed on until 29 August 20ll. You did the second round of e-Therapy. Did that help you? Yes. I felt better again. On the first day on the therapy, I had backache. On the second day my leg was numb for the whole night. My throat was sore and I was not able to sleep. Though it seemed to be another “down” for me, I was not afraid. The next morning, the problems resolved by themselves. A few days ago, my stomach was not feeling good – I felt full and bloated. As I have explained earlier this problem came on after the chemotherapy. Today, after a week on the e-Therapy, I feel  much, much better. Perhaps this was also because I drank the A-Live 2 and A-Live-8 teas. These herbs and the e-Therapy really helped me.



 1.     The Oncologist 

  • I refused to go for the second round of chemotherapy. I told my oncologist that I am taking herbs. He was not angry that I was taking the herbs. My oncologist requested that I show him the herbs I was taking. On the next visit to him I brought all the herbs – Capsule A, teas for Lymphoma, etc. I explained to him what I was doing and why. He looked at all these herbs and took a long time studying the label of Capsule A. Then he said, “If all these made you well, go ahead and take them.”  My oncologist was not angry or object to my taking the herbs.
  • What would you do if your oncologist objected to you taking the herbs? I would still continue taking them. I am much better now, taking the herbs. I will not stop. Then if he is against me taking the herbs, the next time I would not tell him what I am doing.

Comment:  This is not about who is right or who is wrong. Nor is it about who is smarter. The important thing is that patients get better!

 2.     The Heart Specialist

  • My heart palpitation came about in March 2011, a month before we came to see you for the first time. Initially, I   went to consult a heart specialist. He said there was a minor disturbance. I did not undergo further test because by the next day my problem seemed to have resolved.
  • In July 2011, the palpitation came back again. Then I came to Penang to see you. After I underwent the e-Therapy, the situation improved but when I went home to Jakarta, the palpitation recurred. It was then that we called you and you suggested that I consult a heart specialist.
  • This time I consulted another heart specialist. He said my heart was normal. He could not find anything wrong. So, he did not prescribe any medication. I told him that I am currently on herbs and showed him what I have been taking.  I asked the heart specialist if this palpitation was due to the herbs I am taking. He repled, “No. Herbs are good. Go ahead and take them.” I told him I am now a vegetarian. I do not take fine table salt, sugar, oil, etc. He said, “That is good. Continue doing it.” He assured me that my heart palpitation has nothing to do with me taking the herbs.

 3.     The Internist

  • Before my consultation with the heart specialist, I also went to see an internist for my stomach problem. This problem came on after I had the chemotherapy.
  • I told the internist that I am currently taking herbs. I asked him if this stomach problem is due to the side effects of the herbs. He replied, “No, herbs are good. There are no side effects.”
  • Husband: “On the contrary, the internist told us not to do chemotherapy anymore. We should take herbs instead.”



 God spoke to me 

  • You told the oncologist that you would rather “go home” than undergo the second round of chemo. After 2 months of the herbs, did you still want to “go home”? My feelings were up and down. After I had the laceration in my mouth, I was not feeling good at all. That was my down period. I prayed to God to cure me. Let the cancer go and not come back any more. I kept repeating this request to God. One evening I went to church. Out of the blue, a friend who sat next to me started to say this, “You must be patient. Healing is a process and it comes one step at a time and it takes time. There are times when you feel down and there are times when you feel good. But trust in God and go on doing what you are doing. You will get well.” I did not know why this person said that to me. I did not share my concern with her at all. That night, I felt God gave me the answer. I said to God, “Okay God, forgive me. I was too impatient and did not realize this.” The same message came to me again the next morning.  Now, I know that this is not yet the time for me to “go home.”

Comment:  As a Christian I don’t believe that God is going to drop the “cure, joy and comforts” down from the Heaven as in the days of Moses. But God does hear our prayers and whisper His responses in ways that we may not understand or at a time when we least expected. It is up to us to “listen”! Unfortunately, many of us are deaf.  I find the words of this song most inspiring indeed:

God will make a way, Where there seems to be no way; He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me. He will be my Guide, Hold me closely to His side, With love and strength, For each new day, He will make a way.

 Emotional Blockage

  • I went to see the heart specialist because my heart was beating rather rapidly. It came about in March 2011, a few months after chemotherapy. The heart specialist could not find anything wrong with my heart.  That night I went to church. We all sang songs and hymns. The next morning, my heart palpitation was gone and up to this day the problem did not bother me anymore.
  • In your heart, do you keep any emotion that you cannot let go and this makes you very unhappy? Yes. But I cannot share this with anyone here. Even my husband did not know about this. I also do not talk about it with my close friends. (She broke down and cried!)

Comment:  Good, you have to let go and cry it out! Never keep emotional problem in your heart. It blocks the healing process in you. Let it go before it kills you.


From March 2010 to 21 July, Anne had undergone 7 cycles of chemo. Her blood profiles after the 6 cycles of chemo were not alarming. However, after the 7th chemo, the blood profile begun to show deterioration, as below. The haemoglobin, white blood count, platelets decreased. She was given two injections of Leukokin to boost the blood parameters in preparation for the next chemo (Table below). Anne received the 8th chemo on 6 August 2010. After this last chemo, her WBC remained low for many months. Her platelets were also low until May 2011. After Anne started to take our herbs from 29 April 2011 onwards, her blood profiles started to show improvements. By August 2011, her WBC was normal – before that it was still low. Her platelets had also normalized. In September 2010, Anne’s LDH was at 447 (high). In August 2011 it was 272. LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) is frequently used as monitoring test for those who already have lymphoma. Any elevation from the normal range may indicate a relapse or renewed growth.

Below are the results of our AcuGraph study.

Reading taken on 29 April 2011 when Anne first came to CA Care, showed many imbalances of the meridian energy.

Anne returned to Jakarta and started to take the herbs. Her health improved. She came back to Penang again on 1 July 2011. The AcuGraph reading on that day showed many imbalances of her meridian energy. Anne underwent the e-Therapy.  Her AcuGraph reading on 8 July 2011 showed a far better picture. Anne returned to Jakarta to continue taking the herbs.

Anne returned to Penang again on 19 August 2011. Her AcuGraph reading is a below. Anne underwent a second round of the e-Therapy and her reading on 26 August 2011 showed a better picture. Anne returned to Jakarta and will continue to take the herbs and undergo the e-Therapy in her home.

Comment:  Studying the 5 charts, one cannot help but notice that the pattern of disharmonies was almost the same from April to August 2011. The pattern of disharmony of the hand meridians is like a hill – with a central peak and two sides sloping down. The foot meridians also showed similar pattern.  I have yet to understand the significance of this. After Anne had done her reading we tried to prescribe herbs to correct some of these imbalances. She benefited from these herbs. But unfortunately, we were unable to follow up with her progress after she went home to Jakarta. When she came back again after sometime, we were faced with a similar problem again.

As a conclusion, let me present you’re the transcript of my interview with Anne and her husband.

Chris: Can you tell me – are you sure that our therapy helped you?

Anne: Yes, your therapy helped me a lot Dr. Chris. It helped me. From the very beginning, every morning when I wake I am very concerned about my instability when walking. I fear I might fall.

C: The reason I ask you this question is because, in medicine there is such a thing called “placebo effect.” If you believe me very much and you do what I want you to do, you may experience the beneficial effects due to your strong belief. The medicine I gave you may be just a “fake” but you still get the good effect. Because of that I would like to determine if indeed what you are telling me is really true – not a fake or placebo.

Husband: The therapy is good doctor. Put it this way, if the therapy is not good, she will not come back to see you ever again!

A: Like this doctor. I took the herbs for about a month. I know my body. I know the herbs made me better.  For me the result is good. Of course, I have to believe Dr. Chris too. It is illogical (not balanced) if I don’t believe in Dr. Chris.  That will not bring me any good. I took the herbs, I benefited from it – I believe the herbs because I benefited from it. And I must also believe in Dr. Chris. Otherwise it is meaningless.

C: What about those around you – your friends – when they looked at you, what did they say?

Husband: They said she looked better. Good. It is not only me to can say that. Those friends commented that she look much better now than before.

A: In fact, I feel I am far better off now than I was before. I am much healthier now.

C:  I really don’t know what else to say. I learn from my patients. They know better about their bodies than others. There is no reason why other people can know better than the patients themselves. If they say they feel good and they looked good – that is enough, what else can I say?

C: Do you have full confidence in what you are doing? 

A: Yes, I have confidence.

C:  You don’t want to ask to “go home” anymore?

A: No, no. I am afraid that God will get angry with me.

C: Let me ask again – compare your condition now and before – is there any difference?

A: Oh, a vast difference. Before taking your herbs (shaking her head) – oh, don’t let me say again, it was difficult. My legs were weak. When I walked I felt not balanced. These are the major concern I faced. All these happened after I underwent chemotherapy. Now, my legs have improved. The instability comes once a while only.

C: The most important point of all is – is your health better today compared than before?

A: Of course, I am better off now. I can go anywhere now. I can cook at home. I can climb the stairs in the house.

C: Before the herbs, you couldn’t climb the stairs?

A: No, not at all for a long, long time. If I walk, I was like an old lady. My pace was very slow and I virtually place one foot a time. I could not bend my knees like others normally do when walking.

C: Now you can walk up the staircase?

A; Yes, I can walk up like a normal person. Once I was in the garden in one early morning – this happened about 2 months after the chemotherapy. I was bending tending some plants. I fell down and was unable to stand up. Even if I held onto the fence, I could not raise myself up. So I just sat there on the ground. There was no one in the house to help me. I waited until my husband came back to help me up. Even that he had difficulty pulling me up.

C; Now, can you stand up by yourself?

A:  Yes.

C:  Looking back at your days before the herbs …

A: Before the herbs, I felt I was useless – absolutely useless, because I couldn’t do anything. I felt sorry for my husband. Now I am okay.